Recent content by baluu2001

  1. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    Console died fully,after trying it to get to work with hdd's.It was turning on,spinning hdd,trying to start, after one of restarts,it died fully, did not even get to ps2 boot logo,it was like black screen and nothing more.I bought a new one,SCPH-39004 and it works flawlessly with a network...
  2. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    I bought a new sata board,it says connected yes formatted no,after i format it i go to fhdb installation and it says hdd is not formatted,i go back to WLaunchElf,it says connected yes,formatted no.So much money thrown out for nothing,nothing works,i am tired of it,i love old consoles so much and...
  3. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    I bought a noname board too this time,first one was a bitfunx,but i think it was damaged from beginning,so thanks, appreciate your help,i will write back here when i get it and install it.
  4. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    Checked out everything yesterday on the PS2 MotherBoard side, everything works great there is not a single problem,checked out hdd on a pc also,every partition that should be,i have it on my hdd.So it's like sata modification kit is having a trouble,because i can hear hard drive spinning...
  5. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    Yes,yesterday i got new adapter from Amazon,original Sony,then i made a modification with bitfunx sata,after that I attached hard drive to it and put in the console,and now it seemed different.So now hdd modules are loading much more time in WLaunchElf,and I see yellow light-console is trying to...
  6. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    80GB,I have tried many types of sizes,but when I format it with PFS Shell,Or PFS Batchkit Manager,I go to soft called IsoBuster and see all the partitions,including _mbr.When I insert it in console,it says Connected Yes,Formatted No.No folders and partitions in hdd0 folder.So not able to install...
  7. B

    Hacking Hardware Homebrew Problem With PS2 Network Adapter and SATA HDD

    Hello Guys.I have a strange problem with my PS2 SCPH-50001 and official Sony Network Adapter with Bitfunx Sata Modification.I tried many things,including checking the fuses and everything that found in internet.Here is a problem.I Put my Sata HDD in PS2 to format it in WLaunchElf or...
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