Work, pt. 2: Boobies.

Monday: Regular work, and I start realizing the only female co-worker we have here (8 guys except her) is taking a liking towards me. Probably because I'm not a stale, unsocial and imcompetent drone like the other guys.

Tuesday: Get to work at 7, walking over bridge to our hut, and walk past two girls taking pictures together with an iPhone. Then I realize one of them is literally topless, and with the godliest pair of boobs I have witnessed. Then I see that all guys from the hut are looking at their general direction. Great morning... After work, I headed to a vinyl store to find some good ol' rarities. Picked up some Pink Floyd.

Wednesday: Normal stuff, find like 20 dollars total just on the ground. Stupid drunk people, losing their money....

Thursday: One of my co-workers found a decent fully functional pair of expensive-ass headphones. By expensive, I mean that it hits the 100 dollar mark. They have Star Wars logos on the sides. It's fantastic. After work I had to help my friend from Macedonia find someplace to stay, since his blood brother left him behind to go to his summer place, and he had been stranded in town for about 5 hours with just his baggage and a little money. We made some calls and arranged to make him stay at some sort of mansion outside of Stockholm :S

Friday: No work, because of midsummer.... Dammit Friday, y u no workday so I can get moar pay?! Recorded a theme song to one of my favorite YouTubers. Still working on it. Family reunion, the most boring one I've probably gone to so far, and I also realized one of my uncle's likes trashtalking me behind my back to my own parents. Saying stuff like "My son has a girlfriend, and he's only 14. Why doesn't your son have one?". His son is a very dear friend of mine, so I may just stop visiting him if his father's gonna be that way. Also, his son is sadly a fashioncore poser, who missed almost 90% of his classes last term. His girlfriend is a 17 y/o equally fashioncore poser, but who's mental age would appear to be around 12. Whaddaya got to be so proud of, uncle?

1 more week of work to go, and I seriously can't wait for it to be over....

Thought of the week: Why do I always find condom wrappers in the park, but no condoms?



[quote name='Scott-105' post='3738167' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:02 PM']Pics or it didn't happen :P[/quote]
I think one of my coworkers took pics. Gotta ask :P
[quote name='Ace Faith' post='3738170' date='Jun 25 2011, 04:03 PM'][quote name='Scott-105' post='3738167' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:02 PM']Pics or it didn't happen :P[/quote]
I think one of my coworkers took pics. Gotta ask :P
Ha, that's pretty awesome.

So, were this girl, like randomly topless on the street?
[quote name='Scott-105' post='3738172' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:04 PM'][quote name='Ace Faith' post='3738170' date='Jun 25 2011, 04:03 PM'][quote name='Scott-105' post='3738167' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:02 PM']Pics or it didn't happen :P[/quote]
I think one of my coworkers took pics. Gotta ask :P
Ha, that's pretty awesome.

So, were this girl, like randomly topless on the street?
It's exactly what it sounds like. She seriously had huge, amazing boobs. It was hard to keep my eyes on the road to work. There's no police at the park until mid-day, nor anyone else there, so she could easily do it again next week (hopefully) ;)
That's pretty awesome. :P

I think you should go for your coworker. Maybe she'll have nice boobs too :P
can you draw in ms paint what the boobs might have looked like
there are lots of types of boobs
[quote name='Zerosuit connor' post='3738179' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:08 PM']I saw Boobies in the title and had to look.

( o Y o )[/quote]
Yeah, if I don't use dramatic blog titles, they won't get any attention.... :sad:

Co-worker seems a bit nutty, imo. She's a 6, but she seems like a pretty crazy girl, too. Not sure if worth it...
Before I become involved with the lovely Heather, I enjoyed the fact that the tennis club down the road from me is used almost exclusively by cute 19 year old girls. And they ALL wear those tight white outfits with the ludicrously short skirts. Sometimes being me just totally kicks ass for little reasons like having that on my doorstep.
[quote name='AlanJohn' post='3738188' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:12 PM']can you draw in ms paint what the boobs might have looked like
there are lots of types of boobs[/quote]
Hope that doesn't get me warned....
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3738190' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:13 PM']Before I become involved with the lovely Heather, I enjoyed the fact that the tennis club down the road from me is used almost exclusively by cute 19 year old girls. And they ALL wear those tight white outfits with the ludicrously short skirts. Sometimes being me just totally kicks ass for little reasons like having that on my doorstep.[/quote]

Sometimes, being just a guy kicks ass, really. xD

[quote name='Scott-105' post='3738203' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:22 PM']Well, get to know her. If she's nutty, then break it off early.[/quote]
If I'm already finding her nutty as a coworker, I think my "stay-the-hell-away-from-her" instinct is reading correct. Also, she talks about her ex an awful lot, too. I'm not the only person at work who thinks she has feelings left for him.
[quote name='Ace Faith' post='3738208' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:25 PM'][quote name='Scott-105' post='3738203' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:22 PM']Well, get to know her. If she's nutty, then break it off early.[/quote]
If I'm already finding her nutty as a coworker, I think my "stay-the-hell-away-from-her" instinct is reading correct. Also, she talks about her ex an awful lot, too. I'm not the only person at work who thinks she has feelings left for him.

Having dated a girl that later turned out to be a psycho hose beast myself, I hereby offer my two cents on the matter.

- Don't get involved with anyone your instincts say is nuttier than squirrel shit. Your instincts are there for a reason, listen to them.

- Never date anyone clearly still hung up on an ex. Too much trouble. Relationships are complicated enough without the past constantly being in the way.

- Avoid wherever possible dating co-workers unless you're certain it will work out. If you break up, you're stuck with an awkward situation every day which is way too much trouble.

Might sound a bit cold of me but please don't misunderstand. I'm by no means against romance and if your heart says different, it should override any advice anyone ever gives you. But it sounds like way too much hassle to be enduring if you ask me.
For one, our contract says we only have one more week, then they're letting us go and letting other people in (summer jobs...)
Oh, and you're absolutely not being cold :P I can't really say I get that melty-heart feeling if I think of her. I kind of think of her as a bit of high-maintenance to be with, actually...
Why do I never find topless women in public? Life is just not fair :( I like boobs too.
I just don't think romance should be a hassle. Christ, my ex is so desperate to get me back she'll break into secure servers to get my phone number, claim to have changed gender, claim to be getting married or pregnant (she's used that one four times now, once even claiming it was mine despite it being 3 years after we broke up...clearly someone skipped sex education class...), she'll resort to any mental bullshit she can think up to try to get my attention. It's really quite sad. She used to be a nice girl but now she makes this chick look utterly adorable...


I love the way he's drinking the jelly out of his donut with a straw :)
Even reading that summary made said YT girl adorable, imo. I think I see what you're getting at. Yeah, it'd be a poor decision to make a move on her. That video's a good reality check, at least.

Alright, back to recording

Other thoughts: Does anyone know of thecynchannel on YT? Just curious.

[quote name='emigre' post='3738242' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:47 PM']Why do I never find topless women in public? Life is just not fair :( I like boobs too.[/quote]
Come to Sweden, where tapping 16 y/o girls is not only legal: it's the national sport. Also, our 4th biggest political party are Nazi's racists :P
Note to self: The best way to get people interested in a blog post is involving womanly bits in the post somewhere... Hmmm...

Sweden, here I come...

Nah... Not really...

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    @K3Nv2, I still didnt have sex
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    [closes my curtains to a peeping tom ken]
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    You keep knocking on my door already naked
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    :shy: oops. yea. :blush::evil:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    "Room service.. Me come fluff your pillows?"
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    Well 🛑 calling me over in the middle of the night then :blush:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You call yourself offer the law already told you about this
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    awwwhman my meds. BBL guys
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    "Ok I fluff pillows anyways." (Family guy reference)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Fluff my junk
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Didn't your dentist do that to you today. Prob even told you to spit, not swallow, afterwards.
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    God stop being so jealous
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Lol insurance our supervisor will tell you the same thing then I hear oh we can do that
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Lol insurance our supervisor will tell you the same thing then I hear oh we can do that