IMO #1 Racism

I will be doing these things called IMO(In my opinion) randomly to express my opinion here is the first one

IMO the only way to get rid of racism is to stop making a big deal out of one race over another such as black history month or saying in the news like oh here is the first black person or Mexican person to do this or that. As long as we continue to glorfy one one race over another the whole racism thing just wont end.
Now discuss.


I agree, putting emphases on race in any way will only prolong the thought that race matters.
Cool story, bro.

It's not like Black History Month is some big official thing that everyone must celebrate. It's really just a name. It started as kinda like...a memorial thing, like memorial day.

It's important to recognize achievements and differences -- if we decide to ignore what divides us, then there'll be nothing left to bound us together.
Yes, but recognizing achievements that come from all races is part of culture. The United States is made of many cultures to create the American Culture. The unique thing about the US is the fact that it lets everyone keep their cultures. Also omitting stuff from schools is a good way of letting history repeat itself. I agree that racism is a little outdated like Political correctness. It will never go away however.
So the way to bring about racial equality is to ignore instances where it is achieved?
I don't think that allowing people to remember important people from their cultures or acknowledge members of their community constitutes racism. It's when people of a certain group or ethnicity begin to feel too superior and begin to assert their self-importance on other people who don't belong to their group or ethnicity.
[quote name='Depravo' post='3432387' date='Feb 1 2011, 07:53 PM']So the way to bring about racial equality is to ignore instances where it is achieved?[/quote]

or just ignore everything to do with race and make it out as though no differences exist.
I am not talking about ignoring a culture i agree with wanting to know about ur culture and stuff what i am saying is do we still really need a whole month of black history when you can look it up any day of the year. You dont need a whole month just to be recognized.
[quote name='Depravo' post='3432387' date='Feb 1 2011, 07:53 PM']So the way to bring about racial equality is to ignore instances where it is achieved?[/quote]Where people still take offence if ignored.
I just read about this in school.
Anyway, agreed, Racism is not something youre born with, you create it, influenced by others of course, father, mother. not to even mention Hitler, his father was jewish and so was one of his friends. If Darwin hadnt released a book about humans racism might never have grown this big in the first place.
[quote name='MeritsAlone' post='3432420' date='Feb 1 2011, 08:11 PM']I just read about this in school.
Anyway, agreed, Racism is not something youre born with, you create it, influenced by others of course, father, mother. not to even mention Hitler, his father was jewish and so was one of his friends. If Darwin hadnt released a book about humans racism might never have grown this big in the first place.[/quote]

Are you seriously trying to blame Darwin for racism? Really?

Darwin caused The Crusades, people. Not the Christians. IT WAS DARWIN ALL ALONG.

(and yes, the Crusades were all about white christians wanting to kill them browns)
[quote name='Gamer4life' post='3432373' date='Feb 1 2011, 01:46 PM']I will be doing these things called IMO(In my opinion) randomly to express my opinion here is the first one

IMO the only way to get rid of racism is to stop making a big deal out of one race over another such as black history month or saying in the news like oh here is the first black person or Mexican person to do this or that. As long as we continue to glorfy one one race over another the whole racism thing just wont end.
Now discuss.[/quote]
I agree, but it's easier said that done. It's human nature to feel pride in what makes your particular group unique. This phenomenon only increases the more a group feels/is marginalized. I suppose this is an instinctual defense mechanism to protect against the oppression of the alpha class. However, the alpha class sees this as a threat to their safety/superiority and segregates themselves. It's a viscous cycle.

My dream is that eventually people will "cross-pollinate" (both physically and culturally) to the point that race, culture, and gender are irrelevant. That seems to be the trend, but it will only be successful if we don't kill each other through misunderstandings and distrust first.
You're right. Let's throw out and ignore the racial atrocities of the United States of America. Segregation, slavery, LALALALALA let's just all cover our ears and yell till all the old black folks die and we no longer have to pay attention to their scars. OH and OF COURSE now that we elected a BLACK prez, racism no longer exists any more. OH WAIT [yt]wv1AtWPT2ec[/yt]

Let's not forget last years midterm, our good friend Carl Paladino! [yt]KqfAaA6-h8o[/yt]

But apparently nobody on gbatemp follows politics. Or you guys would be WELL aware of the utterly rampant racism that exists today.
[quote name='yuyuyup' post='3432492' date='Feb 1 2011, 02:47 PM']You're right. Let's throw out and ignore the racial atrocities of the United States of America. Segregation, slavery, LALALALALA let's just all cover our ears and yell till all the old black folks die and we no longer have to pay attention to their scars. OH and OF COURSE now that we elected a BLACK prez, racism no longer exists any more. OH WAIT

Let's not forget last years midterm, our good friend Carl Paladino! [yt]KqfAaA6-h8o[/yt]

But apparently nobody on gbatemp follows politics. Or you guys would be WELL aware of the utterly rampant racism that exists today.[/quote]
Well, this is a good start to a civil discussion on race.
I'm outta here. :unsure:
This is actually a really difficult topic. When we don't celebrate the ethnic differences, we become less and less unique, which is a bad thing in MANY ways. For example, the loss of culture, diversity. Humans are creatures that seek diversity psychologically, even if they hate each other and look down on each other, they would be rather lonely if they were just by themselves. Brazil tried to make it so that there is no such thing as ethnicity, and that every Brazilian is a Brazilian and that is it, however, economists pointed out that data such as income with respect to race will be lost, and then the government will not be able to identify and help those races and ethnicity in need of help.
The first thing to do would be to understand racists. Superiority complex, fear or uncomprehension or basic reaction (just like animals become aggressive when a stranger comes to them [we should not forget that we're also animals]) ? I think the first thing to do is to stop using the 'race' term. Because it's imprecise and incorrect (we're all homo sapiens and it's a species). Then the most difficult part is to change people's mentalities. Fortunately, the globalization helps to understand each other. Now all we can wish is that people are smart enough to accept and understand other's differences, because that's what make us different from most other animals IMO ; we have logic opposed to instinct (I'm not saying that instinct is bad, just saying that logic+instinct is better that instinct alone)
America is supposed to be a melting pot I look at all people the same You have assholes of every race and creed here and good people. I resent black history month because those aren't black accomplishments they are American accomplishments. It's wrong to divide people into groups and sub groups and say these people deserve special treatment because some wrong that happened in the past. The things that turn people into racists are when you're working your ass off to be the best at you job and take care of your family and some black person who's lazy gets the job promotion because of the color of his skin and your employer need a black body to fill that spot because of a quota. That's racist and that kind of racism just breeds more racism.
[quote name='Fireballo' post='3432558' date='Feb 1 2011, 10:25 PM']America is supposed to be a melting pot I look at all people the same You have assholes of every race and creed here and good people. I resent black history month because those aren't black accomplishments they are American accomplishments. It's wrong to divide people into groups and sub groups and say these people deserve special treatment because some wrong that happened in the past. The things that turn people into racists are when you're working your ass off to be the best at you job and take care of your family and some black person who's lazy gets the job promotion because of the color of his skin and your employer need a black body to fill that spot because of a quota. That's racist and that kind of racism just breeds more racism.[/quote]

I totally agree. Positive discrimination is the dummiest measure against racism ever. I think I prefer people that are openly racist those who do positive discrimination.

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