Found 40 Bucks on Ground!

Found two 20 dollar bills on the ground :D
Im spending it on food LOL

Have you found anything interesting on the ground?

*eats food*


It's so weird, everyone seems to be finding things recently.. Just yesterday I found a Samsung MP3 player on the ground on my way home from school.. :unsure:
us penny from 1900
a $50 bill found in the trash picking through stuff, was in a book
a cell phone (old nextel)
music cd's (trash artists)
flash drive (2GB)
[quote name='Nin10doFan' post='2830281' date='May 14 2010, 05:51 PM']It's so weird, everyone seems to be finding things recently.. Just yesterday I found a Samsung MP3 player on the ground on my way home from school.. :unsure:[/quote]


[quote name='#5661' post='2830285' date='May 14 2010, 05:51 PM']I found a used condom of the ground.[/quote]

I knew somebody would say this!
On earth day where you're supposed to pick up litter I keep on finding condom wrappers...
That is pretty odd everyone is finding stuff. I haven't found anything myself, but my mom did find $1 while walking to her car the other day.
[quote name='Ryukouki' post='2830278' date='May 14 2010, 05:49 PM']Nintendo DSLite with R4 stuck in it. Game over consult your dealer![/quote]

LUCKY! Was it broken?
A couple of weeks ago, my 13 year old cousin found a Htc Desire on the bus.
He seriously wanted to keep it, since it was the newest one out and all, but I got in touch with the owner through Facebook and we returned it the day after.
lol I found lot of stuff. I tom tom xl gps o.o it was on the side of my house in a bush

.. a 2gb flash drive with a movie in it. It was in front of my school

.. A wallet purse from a lady.. twice.. First found one at the swat meet.

Second after eating from carls jr it was on the floor.

Umm I've also found dollars penny's dollars. Not big money...unless you count a half ripped 50 dollar bill.

So yeah I've found alot.. A dog to I found a persons dog off the ground :P.
LUCKY! Was it broken?

Funny you mention it, absolutely NOT. :) Looked almost brand new, VERY few dings on the screen. Waited five minutes, and no one came to claim it. In my pocket it went.
Found 2gb ipod on the ground at a track meet, we were one of the first teams there and I went on my warm up run and found it on the other side of the track, I picked it up and started looking around headphones were broke, into my pocket it went.
I once found a turtle in my parking lot covered in oil (from a leaking vehicle would be my guess). But then the owner realized it dropped from his balcony and I had to give it back. :(
[quote name='teusjuh' post='2830398' date='May 15 2010, 08:32 AM']everyday i find tar on the ground :creep:[/quote]
I am sure you also find cement, dirt, grass and ribbish as well. :creep:
[quote name='#5661' post='2830285' date='May 14 2010, 11:51 PM']I found a used condom of the ground.[/quote]

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