Twitter suspended me again.

This time it was because I said I hate chris pratt. Hopefully they'll listen to my appeal because I can't recover from this very well if they don't. anyway look at this fuggin thing i got from the nintendo dev portal


oh and uhh more art soonish i guess i gotta compile it all but that might be difficult to provide the context for each one because my FREAKING ACCOUNT IS SUSPENDED AGAIN
Oh, great. My fucking bookmarks are gone, AGAIN!!! FUCK!
I'm gonna kill jack when I get the chance. I fucking hate him, especially since he's a cryptonerd.
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istg from now on im just gonna make a google keepnote with every url of every tweet i bookmark along with some context. maybe separate notes too
I keep all my important information in Samsung Notes app, and lock each note with my biometrics. 2FA is also turned on with a 26 character password of random numbers and letters, for maximum security.
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I keep all my important information in Samsung Notes app, and lock each note with my biometrics. 2FA is also turned on with a 26 character password of random numbers and letters, for maximum security.
I usually don't keep anything important other than minecraft cordinates and other stuff like that in Keep notes. however as dumb as this sounds i do have some semi-important things remembered by my Google Assistant, though its just like one cryptic password hint for my steam. (their memory is separate from keep notes, though they can manage those notes)
if there's something important i need to have saved, i either make a mental note of it real hard, or just print that shit out and lock it in a box
Oh, great. My fucking bookmarks are gone, AGAIN!!! FUCK!
I'm gonna kill jack when I get the chance. I fucking hate him, especially since he's a cryptonerd.
Sorry, I understand you're angry but... Isn't this the kind of behaviour that got you suspended from twitter? I don't know what you may have said but saying you'll kill someone or wishing harm for someone is never cool no matter the circumstance and is exactly the kind of content that twitter takes action on.
Better to calm down and take the high road, or at least vent your frustration in a less violent manner. Shit sucks sometimes and its valid to be upset about it, but don't let your emotions take control of you to this point, even if its just words on a screen.
Sorry, I understand you're angry but... Isn't this the kind of behaviour that got you suspended from twitter? I don't know what you may have said but saying you'll kill someone or wishing harm for someone is never cool no matter the circumstance and is exactly the kind of content that twitter takes action on.
Better to calm down and take the high road, or at least vent your frustration in a less violent manner. Shit sucks sometimes and its valid to be upset about it, but don't let your emotions take control of you to this point, even if its just words on a screen.
All I said was that I hated Chris Pratt. I've sent an appeal, so maybe they'll realize that I wasn't trying to be threatening. And you're right I should try to be less violent about this but this is the 2nd time it's happened and to be honest the fuse is shorter than it used to be
Take pride in getting banned from twitter!
that means your using it right.

Twitter literally lets people run gore pornography accounts and nobody bats an eye, yet when you dare criticize a celebrity you'll be mass reported by militant fans or political activists and then booted by an algorithm.

If you ever return to that website for lord-knows-what reason then I say make a new account and be 20x as toxic as you ever would've been.
Only thing worse than rage mayhem is a bunch of smug people in a room patting each other on the back.

And if you're really that desperate to talk to strangers then you should try spending 1 hour on Omegle.
This way you'll be able to see who the people behind the screen REALLY are. Think of it as a maturing experience.
Twitter literally lets people run gore pornography accounts and nobody bats an eye, yet when you dare criticize a celebrity you'll be mass reported by militant fans or political activists and then booted by an algorithm.
Both of these are things not allowed on Twitter, so they don't "let" people run those mentioned accounts. And to my knowledge bans based on reports are not based on an algorithm but are done manually. Also criticism and hate are not the same thing, hating someone probably shouldn't have action taken but Twitter thinks it should. Not a good platform by any means.

The issue, the issue causing this discrepency, is that Twitters moderation is based on report quantity, not quality. If you are reported for a minor offense a lot of times, you will face severe action for it. You do still have to minorly break a rule though, people reported for nothing have nothing happen.
The reason those mentioned gore accounts don't have action taken is because not enough people care enough to report them or even notice they exist. Peoples priorities when encoutering this kind of content is to stay far away rather than click through more to make a report.

This is done because well, there is an enormous amount of content on Twitter and they can't monitor it all. So they act from reports and use report quantity to filter out the random ones made for no reason. Which is like, really not the best way to do it. Albeit I don't know many other ways, short of their moderators intentionally searching for bad content (not a bad idea actually). But yeah, reactionary moderatoring has a lot of flaws.

Twitter is not a good platform. I dislike it for many reasons and voluntarily deleted my account to avoid having to use it. But the notion that they "let" people do really bad things isn't true. that's all I wanted to say.

If you ever return to that website for lord-knows-what reason then I say make a new account and be 20x as toxic as you ever would've been.
Only thing worse than rage mayhem is a bunch of smug people in a room patting each other on the back.
This, just seems like petty vengeance for the sake of it. You shouldn't let anger control you like that and you certainly shouldn't intentionally be toxic for the sake of annoying others.

I really don't like "a bunch of smug people in a room patting each other on the back", its the whole reason I left Twitter. The random trolls I can handle but the literal cults are horrific.
But instead of raging against them, I just don't ever interact. I can't, because I have no account.
They can have their stupid echo chamber if they want, why should I waste my breathe trying to ruin it even if I'll never understand it.

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