Does having kid affect you playing game?

I'm not a parent yet but some days it will be eventually. So when I am visiting my gaming forum I notice a guy who want to sell all of his gaming stuff because he have kids now and don't have time for it anymore. It strike me as a shitty excuse for quit gaming but somehow it does make sense, you need to pay a lots attention for kids and god know what they can do to those delicate machine. I do babysitting for my brother before and my nephew so annoying, they are stubborn and lousy and they think they know everything when I try to teach them playing game because they won't let me play it alone. If I have to quit gaming because kids then I rather quit being parent.


I don't know why but i got bored playing videogames, it's the opposite of you. I'd rather take care of my kids than playing videogames, of course like someone said above if they sleep you can have some play time except i wouldn't and i'm never serious on winning or losing.
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I have some friends that don't have kids, because they value their freedom. Not everyone likes kids or is willing to take care of one. It's all good. Have kids, don't have kids, it's a choice, not an obligation.
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Maybe this was a "I HATE RESPONSIBILITY" thread or something. I guess, well is not news some people really don't like having responsibility, that why submissive people exist. :creep:
Nah, it not the responsible that turn me down, it just they stubborn and childish nature of them that bother me. My nephew are bunch of spoiled brat who doesn't listen to anyone and they dare to make fun of my Nintendo collection. The thing is I never know what would kid turn into and I don't think I want to find out either.
I always planned on retiring from my video gaming if I ever do have kids of my own. It's part of growing up and taking responsibility.
Have you ever considered that you may have been like that in earlier stage in your life? I understand the complaints and reasons for not liking children, but before that happens, we was all children once. Though is not easy for everyone to remember, is true and we could have been just as bad as you think others are. :P
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There's nothing saying you have to give up gaming just because you get kids, but decreasing the amount of time you spend playing games seems like a reasonable compromise if you decide to cause little ones to sprout.
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i don't have kids and don't want any. that said no one had to sell their stuff because of a kid. that's stupid. the moron could have just left it there. It was probably is wife that made him do that. I have a friend and his wife made him get rid of a snes,n64 and xbox 360 because she said so. Fuck that shit. I was given those consoles btw lol
I'm in my late 30's with a 5yo at home. I started gaming in the mid-80's - and Atari2600, then a Colecovision, then NES (where I started the Final Fantasy series with *gasp* Final Fantasy!), a Genesis/Mega Drive in my teens, an N64 in uni (college), then a PS2, and now a Wii.

So I'm a gamer. I'm also a full-time IT project manager in my day job, and a part-time professional musician on the side.

Yes, a child means less time for video games. If you're parenting right (or even if you're not), you'll have less time for everything - only 24 hours in a day and raising a child takes time, so something has to give.

Life changes. Even if you don't have a child, other things are going to change in your life, which will probably become a greater priority than video games. But when it happens, you won't even notice.
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Life doesn't depends on gaming. Someday you'll die (maybe today or tomorrow) you don't know. Either I don't know I will live that much or not. Death doesn't give you time. If death is certain then collecting games is nonsense. Collecting games is just a thing people often do to show off.
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Don't try to assume why people like collecting games. I like collecting games, systems, a lot of things, because I like to. I enjoy looking at what looks like a complete set of something. I like that. Doesn't mean I've ever tried to show it off. I don't give half a fuck to what others think of my collection.
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Seriously, life isn't about having kids. There are literally over 7 billion people on the planet, you don't have to contribute to that problem. You can choose to spend your life the the way you want to and if you don't want to give up gaming to have kids, you are free to do that. If you can't decide between kids and gaming, don't have kids. This isn't being mean, kids are a 24/7 mess, that you need to dedicate your life to. That's the unfortunate reality to kids.
This is why I don't have kids...that I am a mess that can't even take care of myself, let along take care of another living person.
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so stop playing games for 6-7 years then play video games with your kids great bonding time teach them how to train Pokemon for competitive play (if the games are still around) never know you could be the proud parent of a Pokemon VGC world champion
Make them watch you play.
My 2 year old lil bro always does and he just stays quiet with a smile on his face.
dude i've heard of divorces happening over video game addiction even women are culpurts I remember a friends mom got divorced cause she was an MMO addict

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