oh yay! suspension!

fuck. my principal is a fucking douchebag.

So i got into a fight, mhmm, with this euro-wangster-poser, I won, and now we're both suspended for two days from school.

apparently, too my principal, fighting is wrong in every way, shape or form.
fuck, really? is it REALLY a problem if two guys AGREE to fight and entertain the people?

ugh. your thoughts?


[quote name='Banger' post='1543319' date='Nov 13 2008, 10:03 PM']It is more commonly used for college level eduction, but is not always the case, and someone who says to their teacher "Fuck up u bold head". I doubt they are currently enrolled in any college.[/quote]

Whoh i thought saysing " fuck up bold head want much as if you look at the people at our school!, they go tooo far..

Even though i am supposed to be in one of the top 10 schools in the country (not private school included)
Eh, I'd say you got of lightly compared to our school's system too.
They gave me four days because I supposedly 'hacked' a nearby school,
(All I did was bring up the freakin' administration login, never got in)
as well as putting a cracked copy of HaloCE on two computers... Although it did quickly spread to pretty much every drive that had the space. :P

Their latest thing is anyone who shows cruelty to any 'living' thing earns themselves a nice suspension, that includes things like bugs or pests. Now everyone gets to pile out of the room if a fly/wasp comes through the window! :D
i got Suspended for a week for setting someone on fire and it burnt half there hair away(no joke)
[quote name='Veristical Blaze' post='1541721' date='Nov 12 2008, 09:43 PM']Suspended becuz i like Rock and metal music :S[/quote]
My principal loved me (and the fact that I look different), I even went with him to the minister of education of our state on some important meeting..
All professors in my school really liked me, but I was never troublesome!
I just managed to find my picture in the archive of the schools news..this is from the visit to the minister..
(I0m guessing you know who I am..the one with the mohawk, lower row, second from the right)
i Got Once suspended after beating the heck out of a student and attacking a teacher (His fault)
apparently i got a agile body
oh yeah and today i was standing up for my friend who was being attacked at a simple rate
(Attempt to hit somebody with a table "No Joke i got that much strength")
eventually i made a attempt hitting him with a chair and he even wanted it
then i had enough i just let it go, but afterwards i heard that foul-mouted pig was freaking off on a teacher which i do like (if i was there i would likely to hit him with a table)
luckily he got off easily (but he needs to wait 3 weeks before i apologize "Waiting for the right timed Full Moon")
so thats how my whole day ended up in a giant disaster
and also luckily i aint got suspended O.O
meh suspension aint reli a big deal i just like a weekend i go suspended for the same kinda thing when i was 16 not reli a big deal funny thing was my mum did kinda get angry but that about it
Anyone else here notice that the people who fight have pretty much all demonstrated about 3rd grade english skills?
[quote name='EmperorOfCanada' post='1543862' date='Nov 13 2008, 03:54 PM']Anyone else here notice that the people who fight have pretty much all demonstrated about 3rd grade english skills?[/quote]
yeah i have, like. Wats yous lookins ats brap (chav)
but i must admit when i saw the topic i thought he was talking about a new bike :S
[quote name='jaz' post='1542623' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:00 PM']Were you in school uniform? Teachers from my school would (and have) punish someone if they saw them doing something wrong outside school while wearing their uniform, even for something like using a cellphone.[/quote]
we don't have uniforms. it's a public school.

[quote name='delta123' post='1543259' date='Nov 13 2008, 12:19 AM']dont blame the principal, blame you and your friends for gloating about it and posting the rubbish on youtube.[/quote]
no one was filming.

[quote name='VISHI SO FISHI' post='1543272' date='Nov 13 2008, 12:31 AM']Good work mate keep it up i hope u fucked that guy up!, anyway which year are you?..

I once got suspended because i swore at the teacher, i was looking for my calulator in the maths exam and someone had stolen it , so my teacher asks me to go to the dean and didnt even let me explain the problem .. i said "Fuck up u bold head" and then walked out of class.. :rolleyes:[/quote]
I'm in year/grade 9
in my province, high school is grade 8-12
[quote name='EmperorOfCanada' post='1541733' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:45 PM']Im not sure they have any right to punish you for things that happened off school property (unless you set up the fight beforehand on school property or something maybe). The problem even if they legally cant, who's going to stop them? I doubt you can call the police and tell them your school suspended you :P[/quote]

They do.

If it's in the USA, many townships or counties have truancy laws that allow police and other authorities to deny you access to public schools.

You guys act as if public schools are a given right. Somebody has to pay for them, and I'm certain that the taxpayers don't want their children wailing on eachother because of some uncontrollable hormones and teenage angst.
[quote name='Jax' post='1544330' date='Nov 13 2008, 01:53 PM']*image removed*[/quote]


Most people have a bad freshman year, but a fight?
Fighting's pointless. Utterly pointless.
Besides, it's against the law to fight, it's assault. Your teacher's basically encouraging you to not break the law without sending you to jail.
Whether he punishes you or not, you should see it's wrong and pointless to fight though.

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