Take windows for example. How the hell an unstable system like that became so famous?
1- It was user friendly (1 click and you got the job done-apart from the blue screens of death
2- All the home users had the choice to just get a copy of the OS and just install it without paying it
Now Microsoft is the biggest company ever. They used piracy to get where they are now. That was one of the smartest moves EVER.
That thought applies also in the console world. Many people don't give a f*ck to buy games. They just want a user-friendly-hackable console/1 time pay and all games free. Those users, apart that they are illegal, they also represent a VERY big piece of buyers. Sony understood that and playstation 1 and 2 was a big success. Nintendo didn't, and Gamecube wasn't so successfull (even if N didn't lose money, they could make more, that's what a company wants after all--->profit).
The "play backup games" thing is very important to sell consoles. At least that's what recent years told us.
I have the feeling that I'm repeating myself so I'll stop.
p.s. I'm not supporting the "not paying for games" thing. I'm just presenting some facts (let's hear the objections now
(sorry for crappy english)
Maybe you are right, but CERTAINLY NOT with your Windows story. You are talking about Windows XP, but Windows/M$ is so big as they are now is purely the cause of very good marketing. Their Windows(/dos) system wasn't nearly as userfriendly as Mac's system. Besides that...in 1985 no one had Internet...and NO ONE had cd-burners.
Windows XP just sells good because it is a more stable version of all previous Windows versions AND it is compatible with them. Also the amount of software that is available for Windows is 1000 times bigger than for Apple's for example.