Shooting takes place at Florida gaming tournament


Today, a Madden NFL 19 gaming tournament took place in Jacksonville Florda. Sadly, it appears a shooting occurred at the event, leading to four currently confirmed deaths. One of the competitors, Drini Gjoka claimed that they fled the area, and was grazed by a bullet while the shooter was active. Jacksonville's Police Department have stated that a shooting did happen, but have not explained any further details at this time, while also telling citizens to stay away from The Landing, where the tragedy took place. The tournament was a qualifier event, which was officially backed by EA Sports. At the time of writing, there are a total of 11 victims. A potential suspect was found dead at the scene.

:arrow: Source: Twitter

:arrow: Source 2: Twitter

:arrow: Source 3: Local News Outlet


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
It's no different from anywhere else in the world you got the good places and the bad places.
The problem is televised news never shows anything good.
It's like a highlight reel for violence in the us
To be fair, televised news always has fluff pieces and current events too, it just so happens that so many current events tend to be gun murders in the US. For 2016, The US is actually top of the list among all countries when it comes to what are classified as gun suicides. We're sixteenth in gun murders per 100,000 citizens. Which sounds pretty good until you realize that countries like Nicaragua, Barbados, Ukraine, and Turkey all have lower gun murder rates. Source:

So overall I'd say we're simply a nation obsessed by guns and violence, unfortunately. See: Tool's Vicarious.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2017
United States
I heard this live that is one of the worst things I have ever heard people screaming scared for there lives

Deleted User

This is what, the 3rd recent Jacksonville shooting? I recall one of them being a guy that people outwardly hated on their local news and were happy he went on a spree to justify his death. Social pressure out there must be hellishly intense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
Happily. I know it's a rough break, but America is the fruit of conquest, one party clearly won. Nobody who lives today has anything to do with that.
Wait but didn't you say that the real natives americans didn't have a notion of "this is mine not yours"? and that the settlers went there peaceful and made a country out of land that the natives didn't want??
Now all the sudden is a conquest? maybe it was always a conquest. Stop drinking the Kool aid for a second, it was a genocide, most of the natives were murdered because they wanted their land.
I'd love to, but I like the climate here, plus this is where my love lives, so I wouldn't move anywhere else, even for all the guns in the world. Maybe in the future - retirement in the states sounds good.
Now i see, it's about guns, for what you said, in your country you need to be friend a police officer and bribe him. That's a shame...
But let me tell you something, that may be the case in Poland.. In other parts of the world you can own guns if you want. Hell you don't even need to leave Europe to enjoy that freedom.
I been using guns since i was 11, i was able to buy my own weapons since i was 18... Never i had to give a reasson why i want one, neither i need a excuse like "but but but if a tyrant rise". I was able to get them, because i'm a free citizen and not a subject. I think here in the Netherlands you need to be part of gun club, so people here can get them too if they want.
But yes i guess if you are from a country with less freedom than the US and drink too much "American Dream" Kool Aid, then yes the US will be the Land of Free(of course you have to pay first the IRS, then you get some freedom xD).
Also, the well regulated milita and other crap from the 2A worked in 1776... What do you think bubba and billy bob with their Ar15 and smalls arms can do against a company of Tanks?
Tyrants today don't use the force at once, they slowly take you away rights till you are a subject.
In the end, if people wants to own guns, they should be able to, after they pass a basic safety and a check out that they are not insane.

But like you said, this is going off topic and nothing of this has to do with the shooting.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Wait but didn't you say that the real natives americans didn't have a notion of "this is mine not yours"? and that the settlers went there peaceful and made a country out of land that the natives didn't want??
Now all the sudden is a conquest? maybe it was always a conquest. Stop drinking the Kool aid for a second, it was a genocide, most of the natives were murdered because they wanted their land.
You realise that it can be both, right? Native Americans had no concept of land ownership - they still don't. I also never said it was always peaceful, I said that land was either purchased or fought over and the colonisers clearly won - that's conquest. There was no independent state in place before the colonisers established one, there were tribes with territories, which is not quite the same thing.
Now i see, it's about guns, for what you said, in your country you need to be friend a police officer and bribe him. That's a shame...
But let me tell you something, that may be the case in Poland.. In other parts of the world you can own guns if you want. Hell you don't even need to leave Europe to enjoy that freedom.
I been using guns since i was 11, i was able to buy my own weapons since i was 18... Never i had to give a reasson why i want one, neither i need a excuse like "but but but if a tyrant rise". I was able to get them, because i'm a free citizen and not a subject. I think here in the Netherlands you need to be part of gun club, so people here can get them too if they want.
But yes i guess if you are from a country with less freedom than the US and drink too much "American Dream" Kool Aid, then yes the US will be the Land of Free(of course you have to pay first the IRS, then you get some freedom xD).
Also, the well regulated milita and other crap from the 2A worked in 1776... What do you think bubba and billy bob with their Ar15 and smalls arms can do against a company of Tanks?
Tyrants today don't use the force at once, they slowly take you away rights till you are a subject.
In the end, if people wants to own guns, they should be able to, after they pass a basic safety and a check out that they are not insane.

But like you said, this is going off topic and nothing of this has to do with the shooting.
I don't live in Poland. This entire rant was based on an imaginary premise. It's quite funny that you criticise the IRS when you live in the Netherlands, a country with a 36.55%-51.95% income tax, a VAT of up to 21% to boot, a literal *wealth tax* at 30% and more. You pay so much for just existing that you're basically a slave, but I'm the one drinking Kool-aid. I can't imagine anything more fair than taxing people for making money with income tax, taxing them *again* if they choose to spend the money post-tax *or* taxing them anyways if they choose to save instead. You're literally getting taxed twice on the same income regardless of what you do with your money.
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GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
It's quite funny that you criticise the IRS when you live in the Netherlands, a country with a 36.55%-51.95% income tax, a VAT of up to 21% to boot, a literal *wealth tax* at 30% and more. You pay so much for just existing that you're basically a slave, but I'm the one drinking Kool-aid. I can't imagine anything more fair than taxing people for making money with income tax, taxing them *again* if they choose to spend the money post-tax *or* taxing them anyways if they choose to save instead. You're literally getting taxed twice on the same income regardless of what you do with your money.
Except that in the Netherlands, it's people who can afford to be taxed while still being able to make money that are being taxed heaviest, rather than placing a disproportionate burden on the lower class while the upper classes get tax breaks. Plus, in the situation of Netherlands' taxing vs the IRS, don't they straight up just hand you a receipt and say "here, check this, if it's wrong please correct it so our records are in order" as opposed to our convoluted system of "you do your own taxes even though we already have a Federal-Level department that calculates them if something looks fishy anyway, and if we audit you and you've messed ANYTHING up then you've committed tax fraud and we'll fine you and/or send you to prison"?

Either way, though, this discussion is SO FAR removed from the original source topic at this point, and I don't know about you but I'd say that it's rather irreverent to argue about income tax over the metaphorical bodies of three innocent victims
Last edited by TotalInsanity4,


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
You realise that it can be both, right? Native Americans had no concept of land ownership - they still don't. I also never said it was always peaceful, I said that land was either purchased or fought over and the colonisers clearly won - that's conquest. There was no independent state in place before the colonisers established one, there were tribes with territories, which is not quite the same thing..
So they had not concept of land ownership but they had divition among tribes...So each piece of land did belong to a tribe... Yet they did not know what land ownership was.... Ok.

You live in the Netherlands, a country with a 36.55%-51.95% income tax, a VAT of up to 21% to boot, a literal *wealth tax* at 30% and more. You pay so much for just existing that you're basically a slave.
Yes, i'm such a slave with the easy system that was set up by the government. Trust me i pay my taxes with a smile. I can see what they do with it, plusi gey paid plenty thar i can afford whatever i want, best part i don't have to worry about a wacko going in a killing spree because he lost... Such a slave

Saiyan Lusitano

More info about the shooter available here:

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Wait but didn't you say that the real natives americans didn't have a notion of "this is mine not yours"? and that the settlers went there peaceful and made a country out of land that the natives didn't want??

If you think European-Americans were the ones who murdered Native Americans then you really don't know history, do you. Native Americans back in those days were murdering each other to have more land for themselves instead of the mentality of; it's our land and we gotta stick together against any foreigners who want to take it away from us.

Yeah, European-Americans did murder them but so did Native Americans themselves too.

Stop drinking the Kool aid for a second

That's rich considering you wrote a lot of nonsensical stuff.

Hell you don't even need to leave Europe to enjoy that freedom.

Well, that depends on which country you're referring to. European countries non-EU are more like that, European countries part of the EU have shackles they need to abide by. And thus, it's no surprise a lot are anti-EU nowadays and want their countries to exit the EU.

US will be the Land of Free

It used to be at one point.

real natives americans

There's only one kind of Native Americans and that are the Native Indians which were and are the genuine population of US. Saying "real native" is rather oxymoron.

I been using guns since i was 11

Oh, wow. So impressive.

So each piece of land did belong to a tribe... Yet they did not know what land ownership was
You basically answered your own question and still can't figure it out.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

It begins.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Except that in the Netherlands, it's people who can afford to be taxed while still being able to make money that are being taxed heaviest, rather than placing a disproportionate burden on the lower class while the upper classes get tax breaks. Plus, in the situation of Netherlands' taxing vs the IRS, don't they straight up just hand you a receipt and say "here, check this, if it's wrong please correct it so our records are in order" as opposed to our convoluted system of "you do your own taxes even though we already have a Federal-Level department that calculates them if something looks fishy anyway, and if we audit you and you've messed ANYTHING up then you've committed tax fraud and we'll fine you and/or send you to prison"?

Either way, though, this discussion is SO FAR removed from the original source topic at this point, and I don't know about you but I'd say that it's rather irreverent to argue about income tax over the metaphorical bodies of three innocent victims
So they had not concept of land ownership but they had divition among tribes...So each piece of land did belong to a tribe... Yet they did not know what land ownership was.... Ok.

Yes, i'm such a slave with the easy system that was set up by the government. Trust me i pay my taxes with a smile. I can see what they do with it, plusi gey paid plenty thar i can afford whatever i want, best part i don't have to worry about a wacko going in a killing spree because he lost... Such a slave
Depending on the level of income and expenses you might be working for free for the majority of the year. I don't know how you call that other than slavery. I'm happy that your slave masters feed and clothe you, but you're still a slave. You're comfortable in your captivity, but ultimately you're a serf working for your lords *for free* for a significant portion of the year, often more than half of it. That's sad.

As for Native Americans, they believed that they're one with the land and belong to the land, but had no concept of private property, property rights or land ownership. This is a well-documented fact, I'm not sure what's controversial about it. Residing on a territory and claiming ownership of land are not the same thing. No culture on American soil, North or South, has established an independent and recognisable nation state - besides a few notable exceptions like the Aztecs or Mayans etc., but that's neither here nor there as all of them died out.

With all that said, @TotalInsanity4 is right - we should return to the discussion at hand. We can discuss freedom, or lack of thereof, over private messages if you'd like.


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
So they had not concept of land ownership but they had divition among tribes...So each piece of land did belong to a tribe... Yet they did not know what land ownership was.... Ok.
So to Foxi's credit he's kind of right but is severely misinformed as to how the Native Americans viewed land overall. It's true that they have no concept of land ownership, but that's due to the fact that they believed NO ONE should have "ownership" of land, due to the fact that it's a natural resource (in that sense I guess you could say that they, as a collective, were one of the only true functional communist society in history). The early settlers knew this and also knew that they would never be able to fairly take land from them due to that, and they didn't want to share, because of religious conquest reasons. So because of that, they wrote up contracts that either the Crown or the US government would recognize as legally binding (depending on when in the timeline we're looking) and passed them off as peace treaties, while in the "fine print" they were in fact bills of sale. This worked due to the fact that the Natives spoke very little English and read virtually none. So after that, as we all learned in history class, tribes kept getting pushed to the west, yadda yadda yadda, until the government set up reservations that are jokes compared to the amount of land that Natives were allowed to freely occupy before. Nowadays, those reservations are basically recognized as separate localized governments with their own laws, and various tribes are super possessive of those reservations because they don't want to lose any more land

Source: I have a friend with Native heritage that's a member of the Cherokee Nation
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Neato Burrito!
Aug 24, 2018
his house!
United States
You know life is just great when you wake up to complain that August is almost over and there's no CFW in sight and you see this on the front page.

A meteor needs to take us and soon
Complain that august is almost over? I'm glad that it's almost over! it's been too hot all month!

Jack Daniels

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2016
don't forget of political convictions (because trump is in power some people think it's ok to mass murder muslims or mexicans)
you're right, there's an endless list to expand...
but still the point is: shootouts will be there, you can minimize chances by making it harder to get the supplies needed or by better (mental) health control...
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