Gaming Rayman 3D impressions


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
Well i broke down and bought a 3DS today. First time i've ever purchased a system at launch. Foolish? Maybe, but whatever. Having a blast with the new device with the AR games. Plus i bit the bullet and decided to buy Rayman 3D, a port of the original Dreamcast version of Rayman 2. I'll give my half-complete impressions below. Half because i've only beaten part of the game (just completed Whale Bay). Before i tell you my impressions, i will ask all of you to keep any "Rayman sucks" comments out of here. I'm just giving my impressions on how decent the port is and whether i think it's worth it. Lets also try to keep the "ports suck" mentality out of here. It's a port, not an original game, we know. Call this a sort of unofficial review, i may submit a full review after i complete the entire game.

Short impression- Very fun game and a mostly solid port with a few technical issues that SHOULD have been ironed out before release. Didn't bother me enough to impede my enjoyment of the game. Also, the 3D effect enhances the experience for me. It's one of the best uses of the effect IMO.

Long impression-

Ok, first of all Rayman 2 was released almost 12 years ago. And this 3DS version is a very close port to the Dreamcast version, considered the best of them all by many fans.

Graphics. For the most part, the 3DS version does quite an admirable job replicating the Dreamcast's graphics within the confines of its own resolution. The graphics are rather crisp and the models look pretty much identical to the original. Comparing the two games side-by-side (yes i did it), Rayman 3D pretty much nails the graphics, textures are actually a little better looking and seem less muddy (maybe due to the smaller screen size). There are also some added details to levels. Particularly some more plants scattered around to add variety and make levels look less empty. Some things that were previously flat are now modeled in 3D (like some wooden boardwalks). One of the prettiest versions of the game. Shame they couldn't port the PS2 version, but some people hate that one anyways so i'm not upset. The only real problem is that while the game looks quite nice and still holds up well today thanks to the lovely art, it doesn't push the 3DS' capabilities far at all. It certainly does the original game justice at least, but it's still a Dreamcast game through-and-through.

There are a few technical issues and bugs that prevent this being a flawless port of the original. The framerate isn't locked at 60 frames per second like DC. Reviews have bashed the game for this fact. To get it out of the way, there is no excuse for it and i'm not going to defend Ubisoft's lack of effort in that respect. The 3DS is much more powerful than the Dreamcast and could have handled the game magnificently. With that out of the way, the framerate certainly isn't BAD. It jumps around a bit, but lands anywhere between 30 and 60 frames per second. I never really noticed it dropping much below 30, so it's perfectly manageable at the very least. Compared to the DS port, it's godly. Rayman DS frequently dropped well below the 20's and even into the single digits occasionally. You may also spot a couple of very minor graphical bugs in the sky or transparent water effects. They don't plague the game though and are rather rare. There are a few aliasing issues, but just as many as on the original system (and a bit less noticeable being on a smaller screen in my opinion). All of these issues could have easily been fixed with just a few more weeks of development time. It's a shame, but they don't really impact the game all that much. I do expect more from Ubisoft though.

I do want to mention that the 3D effect does not seem to impact the graphics at all. It doesn't clear out jaggies or make the framerate better when you disable it.

Sound- Music wise, replicates the original Dreamcast music. Very high quality with no issues so far. The sound effects are decent, but a little bit compressed. The real issue with the sound is that some sound effects sound very low in volume compared to others. And there are some audio bugs with sound effects not playing back at the right time, whether it be too soon or not at all. Another technical issue that doesn't impact the game but could and should have been ironed out before release.

Controls- Here is where the game shines. Unlike Rayman DS, Rayman 3D controls like a dream. Unlike the DS version, there's no input lag that causes button presses to not respond properly. And thanks to the analog slider, my thumb remains blister-free. The analog controls are perfect. They function just like they should. I have absolutely no complaints here.

Gameplay- Another thing the port nails that Rayman DS couldn't. I've yet to run into any glitches that catapulted me through floors or off surfaces, or hit any snags at all. It plays just as well as the original. This is both a blessing and a curse for some people however. The camera is just as good as it always was. Meaning it functions well in large environments and gives a gorgeous view, but also messes up as it did in the original, particularly in smaller enclosed corridors.

One thing i MUST mention here is the 3D effect. It is handled very well. Shigeru Miyamoto mentioned in an interview that one of the ways he wished to use the 3D effect was to instill a greater sense of depth to make platforming easier and more natural. I now see what he meant. The 3D effect makes the platforming more intuitive and easier to judge the distance between jumps. There's a real sense of depth here and it serves the game remarkably well. It's quite striking too, making the game look vast and even some instances of minor pop out (which don't feel cheap, but immerse you into the experience).

It has been mentioned that the game is "easier" now. I feel this to be somewhat true. You're given infinite tries to do a level now. So if your health depletes, it doesn't seem to end the game and make you start the entire level over anymore. Some levels like the water skiing feel easier due to having fewer places where you can die instantly (bombs hurting you instead of killing you). It's not a huge difference in difficulty. Noticeable, but not dumbing it down as much as you'd think.

So far, this game is about an 8/10 for me. What we're looking at is a pretty solid port with some minor but noticeable technical issues. I would recommend it to fans of the original. Your experience with the game is dependent on whether you can get over some minor gripes. The game still shines where it always has- great gameplay and well designed art. It's an old game and has been ported to many systems. Though i will mention that very few of the ports were ideal (DS and iphone were a real mess, and the PS1/PSN version is heavily gimped). One of the reasons i'm liking this game so much is the 3D effect. I didn't expect it to be that good, but it really is.

If you have any questions, i'll do my best to answer them. As long as you remain civil and don't incite any trouble. I've just beaten Whale Bay. I may or may not find more issues in future levels. So far, it's very fun though, despite some minor issues.


See ya suckers
Oct 15, 2008
Soviet Slyakin
United States
Hm... I have been seeing some startlingly different opinions when it comes to Rayman 3D... It must really be for those who grew up with the Dreamcast, huh?


GBATemp's grumpy panda.
Jun 1, 2010
Very good review!

I really like this game in general. But I find the first levels boring and that kicks me out. I know, my bad.
I tried to get my mom to play this but she is definetly not a gamer. Maybe I'll get her to work on her dexterity with the 3DS.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Slyakin said:
Hm... I have been seeing some startlingly different opinions when it comes to Rayman 3D... It must really be for those who grew up with the Dreamcast, huh?
Yeah. A lot of people were hating on it just because of Ubisoft's eight launch titles that pretty much all sucked.

I was hating on it, but always wanted to play the game, so thought it would be a good time, and I was wrong. They could have did a much better job, but there really isn't anything wrong with it. Controls great, looks great. They just didn't add anything besides changing the world map thing.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
The world map has always been that way in the Dreamcast version, which version did you play previously?

BTW, i forgot to mention that i think they removed the Globox village minigame stuff for this version.


I think many people are attacking it for two reasons. One being they've never played the original. And second being they think it's over ported. It is over ported, but this is actually a decent port that is fun to play. Many versions of Rayman 2 aren't very good. I doubt the few technical issues this port has will destroy the game for anyone like the DS version did.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
awssk8er said:
They just didn't add anything besides changing the world map thing.
The word map wasn't changed. The Dreamcast version it was ported from had this different map.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2008
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I have to admit Rayman 3d is a good game and the 3d effects are amazing. One problem i found with the game is the sound. It seems like my 3ds speakers are going to break, especially during the intro.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
knoxvillz said:
I have to admit Rayman 3d is a good game and the 3d effects are amazing. One problem i found with the game is the sound. It seems like my 3ds speakers are going to break, especially during the intro.
It seams to be an issue with the speaker. On headphones the sound is OK.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
I want to kind of amend this review a little. I'm glad i didn't write a full review in the review section until i finish the game. I came across a rather major bug in the Tomb of the Ancients level. There's a part where you can find a secret passageway leading to the missing 1000th lum. It's a classic trick on the old system. The area is still there, and so are the pirates you face and all. Unfortunately, i seem to have found a serious bug they missed in the testing phase. Once you beat the pirates, you're supposed to jump on a springy spiderweb to bounce up to a giant skull. Inside the eye socket is the 1000th lum. The lum IS there, and so is the spiderweb. But in the 3DS version, the spiderweb does not function properly as a trampoline. This means if you actually make it to this area, you cannot collect the secret lum or get out of this area unless you totally restart the level again.

You don't have to collect this lum or even go through this secret area, it's optional. But if you try to get there, you'll be stuck as there's no other way out besides using the trampoline. It's a serious bug that seems to have been overlooked in the testing. So it's actually impossible to collect ALL 1000 lums (you're stuck with 999 it would appear, unless there are more bugs ahead).

I do have to say, i'm a little split on this port. It's clearly still a fun game and the gameplay is intact with no real bugs in the main game. But there are little things like this that are unacceptable. I'll likely end up lowering my overall score to 7/10 or lower, just due to sheer laziness and assery on Ubisoft's part. Your enjoyment of the game will likely depend on how willing you are to accept such laziness. It's not borderline unplayable like the DS version at least, still a fun game. But far from ideal or even acceptable considering the circumstances. I enjoy it immensely, but i don't know if i can recommend it to anyone. Consider what i've said before you buy it. I'm trying to clear the game rather quickly whenever i have time to make sure there are no other game-ending bugs. At least the one i mentioned will not stop you from completing the game (just getting 100%, which IS useless, but whatever). I somewhat regret buying this and supporting Ubisoft's clear lack of any effort, but i'm still enjoying myself a lot regardless. It's rather polarizing...

Deleted User

I agree with you Granville, unlike some of the haters of the game, I think that it's a very decent port, and a pretty worthy launch title. I've been playing it quite a bit, pretty addicted tbh


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
Have you tried getting the 1000th Lum more than once?
I once hat a temporary bug were I couldn't enter the next area.
I could solve it by putting the 3DS into standby mode.


Professional loafer
Former Staff
Jun 21, 2007
United States
Not too surprised the game fared better on 3DS than DS; the analog nub seems well-designed. That being said, I'm really disappointed -- almost to the point of being offended -- that Ubisoft chose to spit this game out again, literally three generations (four, depending on your perception of the Dreamcast) after the fact. As far as 3D platformers go from this era, this one was my favorite, well above SM64. It was so much more approachable than most other games of its time, and had a surplus of creativity to go around. Thing is, this now is the only thing new gamers have to base their opinions on when it comes to Rayman, and it's likely not going to encourage renewed interest in this franchise (which means more...Rabbids). Ubi could have stolen this moment to reinvigorate Rayman with something completely new and slick, bursting with 3DS-centric sensibilities. Instead, they go for the quick money-grab...again. The launch of a new system is perhaps the best time to make your mark. Such a wasted opportunity the way I see it.

Deleted User

Maybe it was quick and cheap, but it ended with a good result. Rayman 3D is a good title.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
M[u said:
Have you tried getting the 1000th Lum more than once?
I once hat a temporary bug were I couldn't enter the next area.
I could solve it by putting the 3DS into standby mode.
I tried it several times with the same result. Put it in standby, paused, did everything i could think of. The issue is that the spiderweb you're supposed to be using as a trampoline acts as regular floor instead that you can just walk on.

Now for an update- I managed to exploit a trick here to collect the lum. At least, i think it was collected (the lum counter still says 999, but i've not collected all the other lums yet, it only changes back to 1000 when you collect them all). What i did was beat all the pirates. When they're gone, three tiny spiders will appear and climb over the skull where the lum is. Jump on the broken spiderweb spring and position yourself below the eye socket where the lum is. Wait until one of the spiders is right over you on the skull. Jump into the spider. You won't take damage but Rayman will sort of be catapulted upwards if you hit the spider right. May take a few times to get Rayman to respond correctly. You'll get enough of a spring in the air to reach the platform and finally collect the lum. Bit messy, but i guess i should feel good about finding a way to still cheat through it.

Now for glitch #2 though. You still can't get out of this area. There is a hole behind the skull that you'd normally jump through to reach the next area of the level. If you try to jump into the hole, Rayman will just land on thin air and you will be unable to move. Sort of freezes you, but you can still pause. So how do you get the lum? Pause and press quit. This will exit the level and save your progress. The lums you've already collected in the level are taken into account. After going back to the secret area, the lum was gone. So i assume for now that it has been collected. Win!


I understand. Playing through more of the game has sort of changed my mind. I personally am having a blast regardless of this glitch. The real questions you should ask yourself is whether you like Rayman 2 in the first place. And whether you think that you should support Ubisoft's laziness by purchasing this game. I'm not so sure. I'm having fun, so i suppose my money was somewhat well spent. And it IS the only really decent portable version of the game. Still one of the best versions. I bought this version new and feel that in some ways, it's great. But in other ways, the clear lack of effort is unacceptable. Weigh the consequences for yourself. You can also always just get another version. Dreamcast and PS2 are best. Might find them pretty cheap if you look. I will say, this version still surpasses the PS1-PSN, N64, and DS versions by far. It's around the same tier as Dreamcast and PS2, maybe slightly below in some ways. For me, i adore the 3D effect. It improved the platforming.

So i myself am kind of split on the game. I'm going to finish the game and contemplate my opinion. Then i'll probably write a proper review once i get my feelings the way i think they should be.

For now, the verdict is- incredibly fun for fans of the original, or people who can appreciate an old-school 3D platformer. But flawed and rushed through development. At least the main game is mostly perfectly intact. It's night and day better than the DS version. The gameplay is still great, and the graphics and music are pretty much the same as the DC version. Still a really GOOD solid game overall. I'm enjoying it immensely in spite of my irritation at some of the rushed parts.


Team ICO Freak
Mar 15, 2009
United States
I agree with you granville, but my very first impression was thrown off by a graphical glitch present in the opening scene, and periodically throughout the game. In the beginning, and at certain points, it's as if there's a ghost image around Rayman and other characters. It's not the 3D slider, or my viewing angle, since everything else on the screen is perfectly 3D and sharp. I tried lessening the 3D, but the ghosting didn't go away until the 3D was completely off. Once I entered the first area where everything is green and lush, the ghosting was gone, and I was blown away by the 3D (even with the slider all the way up). From that point on, I've had it resurface a few times, most noteably during cutscenes.

As for the game, I absolutely love it, especially since it was one of my favorite Dreamcast games, and I've been a fan since the first Rayman game on the Atari Jaguar. I notice a lot of laziness on Ubisoft's behalf, and certain designs that feel dated. Like when you climb on vines, they're just flat textures on walls, and it kinda looks strange. Overall, I think the graphics hold up well, and the 3D is possibly the best of my six games. It's one of the only titles that really utilized 3D that pops out of the screen, and not just depth. The control is great with the circle pad, and the 3D really does help with the platforming element.

I love platformers, and I'm glad to have Rayman 3D at launch, especially since it gives a good indication of what other games in this genre can be, if built from the ground up to utilize the power of the 3DS. If anything, I really can't wait to see Super Mario Brothers 3DS now. I can recommend Rayman 3D.

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