PS4 PRO and The Complicated Console Market


Following up on yesterday’s announcement of the Playstation 4 Pro edition, I wanted to write about and discuss some of the after-effects that this release is going to have on the console market in general.

After watching the conference yesterday, it left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Not in the fact that the games look decidedly different, I have no complaints on visual aesthetic. Rather, I was particularly amused by the extent of over-explanation and bogged down information that had to be forced into our faces to differentiate and almost pitch WHY this system’s existence had to be justified.

I was also rather irked by the lovely little message I saw at the bottom of every PS4 demo. You may have caught a glimpse of it, and it is certainly something you will want to keep an eye out for:

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We’re entering this weird middle ground now with consoles thanks to PS4 Pro, and the recently released Xbox One S. This weird, confusing space where games aren’t running on new gen hardware, but are still running on hardware that outperforms the original launch hardware only a couple years after release. This strange ecosystem that now has to separate itself from current hardware by showing every game we see from now on as running on the, “superior hardware,” as opposed to the old models.

Every game we see at any gaming conference now will most likely be showing the Pro version, leaving every early adopter to wonder, “What will it run like, look like, or even play like when I play it on my launch hardware?”

Now we live in a world where developers have to build their game even more times to get it working on old hardware, than make the shinier/faster versions for the newer hardware. As if the patching and DLC ecosystem wasn’t bloated in the first place we now face a future of even more patches, more bug-fixes, and more unneeded work down the line.


This push for middle ground hardware is not only confusing to the consumer, but fear inducing for the future of how we play games.

Upgraded hardware is nothing new. Phones, tablets, and PC’s in particular have been doing it for years. The issue I take with this mindset entering the console space however, is that consoles are not as vastly multimedia as the above hardware is.

Your phone has a multitude of applications, and I don’t mean that in terms of its app store. Phones communicate, play games, perform work activities, and serve hundreds upon hundreds of other options, as do PC’s and Tablets.

But a gaming device, plays games. It may have the bells and whistles to stream some media or play some movies, but its overall function is to play gaming media. Upgrading the hardware to this small degree and forcing this ecosystem onto the audience to not only confuse them, but divide them into two communities is asinine.


I have to give Sony credit that all the hardware will play the same games. That fact alone is nice and helpful but the double edged sword is the fact that a majority of the games you will play will be inferior to the upgraded version that completely burns you if you’re one of the near 60-million people that bought a PS4 in the not even 3-years since it released.

We have all experienced this generation of games. Time and time again there have been a multitude of games that from launch have been near broken in terms of gameplay, from WatchDogs, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Battlefield 4, Halo MCC, and more. We’ve been burned by patches time and time again that have to fix the games that should have been ready to go on launch, and now we have to expect games to be DOUBLE-PATCHED to run the separate versions of the games on PS4? We have to trust that the developers aren’t going to focus resources on the nicer version of the game, or prioritize that build more over the now, “inferior version?”

This isn’t even in terms of visual aesthetic. It has been stated that PS4 games on Pro will run at higher framerates and VR on Pro will be substantially different from running on launch hardware. Where does this leave the countless individuals that own a current PS4? How will games continue to flesh out in the long run? What happens in another year or two when the Scorpio launches and Playstation launches something to combat it where it falls into another weird category of not a new generation but a better version of an already existing system?

Was this really necessary or worth it in the long run? Could they not have rested on their laurels another year or two and just released an even more powerful Playstation 5 that maybe had backwards compatibility with PS4 games? Could they not have released a peripheral or an expansion that allowed these changes to happen?

It was mentioned yesterday that HDR gaming will be patched into all existing PS4’s and into the Pro, which only makes me further question the purpose of this new console. Could this not have been released as an expansion for everyone to have access to over a brand new console? The N64 had an expansion pak way back in the day which was proprietary to play DK64, Majora’s Mask, Banjo Tooie and other more intensive games, but you didn’t see Nintendo releasing a brand new console just to fix that issue either.

The entire concept of the Pro has taken the gaming community by storm and upset not only the consumers, but developers and industry critics alike.



The future of the console industry is foggy and unpredictable as of late. I’d like to hope that the PS4PRO won’t divide the community in the ways I have outlined but I can’t really see that happening. Only time will tell as the console rolls out this November and respective games get released. It could go one way or the other, where standard versions are inferior and broken, or the newer versions are buggy and unplayable, or even that everything works out fine and this is the hopeless griping of someone that can’t see a nice future in constant console upgrades.

But hey. This is why I went PC anyway.

Jay Clay

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
so this console gen will be like "oh people, lets upgrade our consoles just like mere pc's"
while I am agree this tendency could be apply well on handhelds, I don't see the point to upgrade my home console before its lifespan get done, those are clearly boost sales in the mid age lifespan consoles, and part of this mess is because of Ninty.

If I want upgrade my hardware at anytime it will be on my pc, I just can't believe we just bought the ps4 back in 2014 and soon it will be obsolete, personally I won't bother to upgrade any of my consoles yet, at least NX is a totally new brand console.


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
The tweet by that David Scammel person is dumb tbh. The Pro is clearly intended for those who own a 4K TV, since they have marketed it as such. The PS4 Slim is for those who just want to get into the console, and the content it has to offer.

The rest is partially on point, except for the fact that the OP is assuming that old hardware would probably become inferior in terms of gaming performance. I do believe this will entirely be based on how the developers adopt the console and whether Sony would enforce them to not go beyond launch PS4's capabilities. If this turns out to be another New Nintendo 3DS stunt, then there's nothing to be worried about.
Well actually, lets delve a bit deeper into that.

You say if it's like the New3DS then they shouldn't have anything to worry about. One prime example I would like to point out about this possibly being very worrying for the future is in fact, Hyrule Warriors 3DS.

The game is available for N3DS as well as original 3DS, but the game was clearly enhanced for the newer N3DS. That's all well and good and a prime example of some differences and comparisons to the Ps4pro and current ps4's HOWEVER

Hyrule Warriors 3DS was virtually unplayable on OG 3DS systems at launch, and I have no idea if it has even been fixed yet. Terrible frame rates, game lag, and more bugs plagued the game running on original hardware.

This is the only example I can currently think of that this happened with, but it is a VERY GOOD EXAMPLE of what differences could happen if developers decide not to take care of their games for both versions of the hardware.

This could be really scary for the future to be quite honest.


Paranoid Temper
May 10, 2014
Who wants to know?
United States
I think Sony forced the devs to make the videogames compatibles with PS vita stream or something like that
they did for a while afaik but eventually stopped. poor vita it had so much promise.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

My PS4 is near dead because of overheated so I could buy PS4 Pro as a replacement :ph34r:
how? the ps4 was showcased to keep cool


Beat it, son
Mar 14, 2009
Upstate NY
United States
2 words - modular consoles. if they are going to go this route, just make simple little modules you can unplug, possibly trade in and upgrade.

if i could do that for cheap enough, i would consider upgrading my ps4/xbone.

memory expansion, cpu upgrades, hdd upgrades, video cards - but that would be too much like a pc so i couldn't see this happening. however people do like "cute" things - box it up nicely and it may just make it.

the biggest caveat is that PC hardware upgrades to non-PC people == non-mechanical people changing car parts - it looks crazy although its not that challenging.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2008
I think it's a sensible development in the current 'culture' of tech and games we're experiencing.

You can compare the N3DS and claim that there's more added features and benefits and therefore more justified as a product, but really the two companies are doing the same thing- creating a budget edition so that the not-so-serious-about-games people can enjoy a product for cheaper, and the more devoted gamers can have the newest/best.

This isn't really nothing new, either.
Although the gaming industry is now bigger than ever, there's always been a big portion of the market who demands the latest and best tech, and they'll pay a premium for it. ie; every handheld system upgrade ever.
( The DS lite reeally just had a better design and a brighter screen than the original DS, yet almost everyone I know who owned an original DS ended up getting a DS lite.)
And gamers who need the best console game performance? .. They buy a PC and pay hundreds of dollars on a new graphics card every few years.

Apple of course has helped familiarize this model of "normal version" and "premium version" in devices as well, and since it works and both products sell to their respective audiences, I think we'll continue to see this trend. Until some big innovation happens that drastically changes the console market, anyway. (cloud computing or whatever)

As for making the current PS4 obsolete, I don't think that'll be much of an issue. No, your games won't run as nicely as they will on the newest 'premium hardware', but I have enough faith in developers to believe that they won't focus on the Pro version of their game so much that they'll totally overlook the other +/-50% of their audience playing on a regular PS4.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I agree, even the jump from O3ds to N3ds is not only about performance, New buttons, analog stick, face tracking, customize it as needed (face plates), etc
But Nintendo has been doing these very incremental upgrades on their mobile consoles for years, I don't think Sony can take the blame for starting this. OTOH I think Sony isn't doing themselves any favors by fragmenting their users' hardware. It's just another reason to ask why they shouldn't be playing on PCs, where they can incrementally upgrade if they so choose, or they can just play with lower quality settings on an older PC. Everything scales far better and your hardware will be relevant for far longer. Not to mention they're asking people who just paid ~$400 for their PS4s to buy a new PS4 for $400. $800 will build you a PC much stronger than the PS4, either revision. So in essence, Sony is doing great marketing for PC gaming, horrible marketing for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2012
United States
I've said it before and Ill say it again. They should just work on gen 9. Ive always been a console gamer and always will be. But generation 8 is definitely the worst one in my opinion. And the reason is mostly due to sony/microsoft wanting to make their hardware more pc like.

A console, in my eyes, should come out the gate ready to play with a decent stream of games to play within the first few months. It should perform as intended without the need of a mandatory day one update or any fixes. It should also stand out and give a good reason why you should buy it, its uniqueness. If a console cant do that, then it failed to be what its supposed to be.

The PS4 and XBONE feel like they arent trying to be consoles, but media centers. They want to own the living room, which isnt a bad thing. They each have features that stand out from their predecessors and they still play games. The problem now is, instead of just making a cost effective version down the line while adding new features to each console family, they also went and made upgrades. The problem with that is the upgrades either A dont seem all that great or B dont give meaningful reasons why you should upgrade. This is a huge problem because to me, it shows that they are running out of ideas/wont have ideas for the future.

Gen 7 introduced standard online shops, digital game storage, hd capabilities, multiplayer communities, story heavy/gray gun games, apps for consoles (netflix and such) and motion controls.

The only new thing in gen 8, honestly, is the ability to stream games, and the Wii U's tablet controller. Most everything else is just upgrading/refining what they did before. Thats not bad, when its between generations. Why did you get a ps4/xbone? Because you cant play those games on ps3/xb360. No real other reason, maybe to see games in higher quality, or to play with friends. But thats it. So when you have an upgrade in the same cycle, but the og version can still do the same things that the upgrade can, why bother?

Now moving into the case of the xbone scorpio which is supposed to be a tank of a game console, that can do a hella better job than the og xbone, why not make it the fourth in the xbox line? Why would i, a consumer, replace my perfectly good console, for a "better" version of the same thing? Theres no reason for me to invest in it, unless it played games the og xbone cant. I dont care about any extra side features. The main goal is to play games.

The Wii U did bad. Its true. It had a gimmick controller. Bad launch, bad lineup, bad support, bad marketing etc. But it still does things the Wii cant, and we arent getting a super wii u or wii u mini or whatever. We are getting a new console. With new games, new controller etc.

The problem i see for microsoft and sony, is that when the ps5 and xbox 69 comes out, no one will have a reason to get it. Because their upgrades will still be here, getting the same games, running them just as well. Leaving no reason to "upgrade" again. Which is why people play pc games (most big titles are multiplat anyway)

In short, sony/microsoft should just focus on their next big thing while cutting prices and adding features to their current gen, nintendo should keep trying new ideas, but have better execution, and the only thing that should get upgrades are pc's (their mustard crust has to be changed regularly) the pc is the true media center and its in a league of its own. So home consoles still have their own niche, they just need to explore that and only that. Dont be pc's. Dont be mobile. Dont be handhelds. Be home consoles.

EDIT: For the record, i think you shouldnt compare pc, console, mobile, or handhelds against each other for the simple fact that they each focus on a different niche
Last edited by Xuman,


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
Sacramento, California
United States
sony cant promise anything its up to the devs if it will be able to run on the old unit.
iirc, Sony is telling devs that they must have the games work on both systems, no exceptions. It's with Microsoft and the XB1/Scorpio that they are given the choice to develop just for the newer system if they so wish.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2015
I think this is an amazing thing for Nintendo. They're looked at by everybody now as the saviors of consoles. A few months ago i heard a lot of People saying " Nintendo is dead after the NX reveal, Nintendo can't compete, Nintendo won't Have 3th party support". But this might Be a blessing in disguise for Nintendo because after the pro got revealed i heard alot of People saying they were done with consoles and are just going the Pc route and buy An NX instead. I also see a lot of More People being interested in the NX now after the new PlayStation reveal. I also think 3th part devs are going to Jump the boat since it's gonna Be probably way cheaper to develop games for the NX thanks to it just having 1 architecture. Only time Will Tell.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2016
I thought PS Neo would be a next gen console but get its just a pro version of the same thing I don't really think many are gonna buy it except those hard-core gamers.Plus it's gonna have a higher price than the original PS4 all the more reason to not buy a ps4 pro.

Ryu Kenshin

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2015
I thought PS Neo would be a next gen console but get its just a pro version of the same thing I don't really think many are gonna buy it except those hard-core gamers.Plus it's gonna have a higher price than the original PS4 all the more reason to not buy a ps4 pro.
400$ is the same price as original ps4 at launch time, plus it is 1TB version :teach:


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2013
Personally, I'm thinking of moving back to my PC and upgrading the GFX/CPU and using that as my main system and I own the a PS4 and Xbone, and I don't agree with this new console nor M$'s attempt either, as it's just a slap in the face.

I love all my consoles and have always preferred them, yet the way the industry is going, going back to PC is where it's at imo and far more superior in many ways. More expensive to keep upgrading, yet for the $400 price tags of a PS4 Pro, you may as well put it towards a Nvidia 1080 card.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
in a cardboard box
I'd expect the PS4 Pro to be like the N3DS.

From what I can say to the N3DS, it has better 3D so that's a plus and the loading and frame rates were better.
So, I would expect for the PS4 Pro it would offer the same. Perhaps, better frame rates or at least stable fps and would love to see their so called HDR and hopefully better loading times. I could care less about 4k resolution because let's face it. It's not really 4k if you know what I mean coming from a PC gamer. It's just a better upscaling from 1080p. So, yeah better fps and loading times would be a blast. Hopefully, we'll see more exclusive games from Sony. They could've announced at least a couple or more games in this keynote.
Last edited by ov3rkill,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
The reaction to the PS4 Pro is quite funny to me, considering its most vocal opponents belong to the PC camp which upgrades hardware all the time (and don't give me the "you can buy individual components" spiel - when a socket is obsolete, you're replacing the whole motherboard and often times also RAM) and the Nintendo crowd that's been shafted with mid-stream upgrades since the 90'ies and, arguably, only the Game Boy Color was an upgrade worth investigating in. The premise is acceptable - you can upgrade if you want faster framerate and higher resolution, but nobody's forcing you since all games are compatible with both systems either way. The outrage isn't really substantiated, it'll still be a couple of years before the vanilla PS4 becomes obsolete, chiefly because there's millions of them out there and no sane developer will make games exclusively for a system that hasn't been adopted yet.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2016
400$ is the same price as original ps4 at launch time, plus it is 1TB version :teach:
Thx for the correction but most people are just gonna stick with ps4 and not upgrade to pro and currently ps4 is much cheaper than pro so anyone who is gonna buy a ps4 may just buy a normal one than pro cause its cheaper currently
Last edited by Chris313,

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