ROM Hack Pokémon Nova Sun & Umbra Moon: Fully-featured, challenging Sun/Moon ROMhacks!

Dio Vento

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
United States
With Supernova and Penumbra, is it going to be possible to refresh legendary spawns within the ultra wormholes? Or will it still be limited to 1 spawn?
As far as I know, legendaries in the wormholes are already repeatable. If not, I can't do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
United States
As far as I know, legendaries in the wormholes are already repeatable. If not, I can't do anything about it.
They can only be encountered repeatedly until caught, after which their event flag is ticked off and they can no longer be found.

So, yeah, nothing you can really do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
United States
Any possible timeline for when the Ultra Sun/Moon versions might be released?
They'll be released when they're done. It'll most likely be a good bit faster than Nova Sun and Umbra Moon (and a hell of a lot faster than RRSS) thanks to the advancements of available tools over time, but any estimation means unnecessary deadlines and expectations that people are going to inevitably get pissed and whine about when not met. If you want an idea of how bad it can get, check out the PKSM thread in Homebrew Dev.

Long story short, it's better for both the dev (stress) and end users (expectations) to not have an ETA unless the former knows for a fact that it can be reliably met.
Last edited by Heartcage,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
They'll be released when they're done. It'll most likely be a good bit faster than Nova Sun and Umbra Moon (and a hell of a lot faster than RRSS) thanks to the advancements of available tools over time, but any estimation means unnecessary deadlines and expectations that people are going to inevitably get pissed and whine about when not met. If you want an idea of how bad it can get, check out the PKSM thread in Homebrew Dev.

Long story short, it's better for both the dev (stress) and end users (expectations) to not have an ETA unless the former knows for a fact that it can be reliably met.
Sure I understand, but is this several months work rather then several weeks work kind of project to get an idea of the scope?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
In a Galaxy far far away
United States
They'll be released when they're done. It'll most likely be a good bit faster than Nova Sun and Umbra Moon (and a hell of a lot faster than RRSS) thanks to the advancements of available tools over time, but any estimation means unnecessary deadlines and expectations that people are going to inevitably get pissed and whine about when not met. If you want an idea of how bad it can get, check out the PKSM thread in Homebrew Dev.

Long story short, it's better for both the dev (stress) and end users (expectations) to not have an ETA unless the former knows for a fact that it can be reliably met.
I couldn't Have said it any better Heartcage, and yes you are most certainly correct. When people ask for a eta it puts eminence stress on the devs, and on the creator to put it said end product. So it is better to just sit, and wait which is not easy believe i know more then anyone lol. If there was less asking about a eta along with less complaining about not having it out yet. It would be done in a much faster better time, and much better over all product when released. Thank you for listening to my tiny little rant hopefully what i said here might help, or it might start a internet spread panic who knows. Dio just do what you do best dude take as long as you need is what i say.


Jan 8, 2017
United States
I'm guessing I did something wrong, but when I tried to start up Pokemon Nova Sun I got a black screen. I followed the drag and drop method and checked the troubleshooting steps but after those steps and after recopying, I still get a black screen. Any idea why?

Dio Vento

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
United States
I'm guessing I did something wrong, but when I tried to start up Pokemon Nova Sun I got a black screen. I followed the drag and drop method and checked the troubleshooting steps but after those steps and after recopying, I still get a black screen. Any idea why?
  • Update Luma3DS
  • Delete the Luma/titles folder from your SD card and re-copy the Luma folder from the download pack to your SD
  • Plug the SD into the computer when you copy instead of using a network method
  • Make sure Pokemon Sun is up to date (v1.2)


Jan 8, 2017
United States
I checked that Pokemon was on 1.2 and deleted then recopied without ftp, yet it still shows a black screen. I think the problem might be Luma3DS, since it's on a beta version of 8.1.1 and I can't downgrade it to the stable version. EDIT: I also noticed while looking at the original post about the romfs/a/0/8/3 file, that my "3" file is 0kb. Could that be the problem?
Last edited by Electricboy207,

Dio Vento

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
United States
As November comes to a close, I thought it would be appropriate for a month-in review of Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon. I've been hard at work since completing my playthrough of Ultra Moon, and I wanted to give everyone here a progress report and reveal a few possibly-unexpected features. I'm still not releasing an ETA, but I consider the hack to be about halfway done as of today. Due to testing, balancing, and incremental implementation, I have committed changes to the change log 82 times.

Trainer Changes
The most important part of my ROM hacks is the alteration of every in-game trainer to obey the EXP share's level curve and provide new strategic depth. Some people have asked me if I intended to "port" Nova Sun and Umbra Moon to the Ultra games. No, I do not intend to port my previous mod over. While some movesets and strategies might be similar (there's only so many decent movesets for bad Pokémon), every Trainer in Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon (with very few exceptions) will be designed from the ground up for Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon. As such, creating Trainer teams requires not just time but creativity and inspiration.
Trainer development happens in three stages in my workflow. First, I design the trainers in a spreadsheet. Then, I implement them in the game. Finally, they go through testing both by myself and beta testers.
As of 11/30/2017, I have implemented 122 modified Trainers in the ROM hack. The hack's Trainers are designed through the end of Akala Island and implemented through the Fire Trial, approximately 30% of the game. My three beta testers have been hard at work, and Trainer battles up through Kahuna Hala have been rigorously tested for balance and challenge without being unfairly hard.
All Totems as of the end of Akala Island are also complete and implemented. Work on Trainers has so far been somewhat stalled by the other aspects of the hack, particularly wild encounters. Now that wild encounter tables are nearing completion, work on Trainers should progress faster.

Wild Pokémon Changes
Wild Pokémon changes accounted for over 50% of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's development time. Thanks to a workflow method I committed to halfway through Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's development, progress has been much faster on Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon's encounter table work. Like the Trainers, the Wild Encounters go through a design phase in spreadsheets before being implemented in the hack.
Expanded Builds were the overwhelming favorite Build of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon, so I put in a lot of extra care designing Expanded Build tables this time around. My Expanded Build encounter tables are very detailed and have lots of fun SOS shenanigans, so I hope you look forward to them! In the Expanded Build, the player will have access to 57% of non-Legendary evolution lines on Melemele Island alone. This access expands to 81% after Akala Island, and 95% after Ula'ula Island.
As of today, the Expanded Build for both versions is 90% designed and implemented, but encounters past Akala Island need to be leveled up to match the new curve.
Of course, I have also put in a lot of effort with the Legit Build (and future Leveled Build)'s tables this time around. Fishing in particular will be much less of a pain in all Builds, as "rare" fishing slots have been drastically buffed, especially when the fishing spot is bubbling.
The Legit Build for Penumbra Moon is 100% designed and implemented. The Legit Build for Supernova Sun is 100% designed, but not yet implemented. The Legit Builds for Nova Sun and Umbra Moon featured Island Scan encounters in normal encounter tables, but it has since been discovered that Island Scans have special properties and are actually stored as "static encounters" in the game's structure. As such, Legit Builds will not include this feature in Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon. After finishing Supernova and Penumbra, I will probably go back and remove Island Scan encounters from standard wild tables in the Legit Build for Nova Sun and Umbra Moon.
The Leveled Builds for both versions will come after the Legit Build for Supernova Sun is implemented and the game's Wild Encounters are fully leveled in the Expanded Build, but by nature of being based on the Legit Builds are 100% designed. Implementation of the Supernova Sun Legit Build will still take hours due to the complexity of Gen VII's encounter tables, though creation of the Leveled Builds will be much quicker since I can use the Legit Builds as a base.
As with Nova Sun and Umbra Moon, a Lite Build with no encounter table changes from default Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon will be made available.

Species Changes
As is usual for my hacks, I won't be retyping Pokémon, giving them moves or Abilities they don't legally have access to, or changing base stats. That said, there are plenty of things that I need to edit as far as individual species go.
32% of evolutionary lines have had their Level-up movepools edited to keep their progression in line with the extreme level curve of my ROM hacks. Some of those have also received level-up access to Tutor or TM moves (usually late in their movesets). I will not be distributing Egg Moves into level-up access because Pokémon with Egg Moves that have not been hatched from an Egg are detectable as illegal. This number will be 100% when I release the hacks.
100% of Pokémon hold Items in the wild, with most being new to the hack. Many are consistent with Nova Sun and Umbra Moon.
100% of non-Legendary Pokémon are able to SOS call in the wild. Baby Pokémon and Pokémon with predatory SOS calls (Corsola, Durant, etc.) have a higher SOS call rate than most species. The "normal" SOS call rate has been increased thanks to an anti-annoyance feature in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Only one SOS call per fight will succeed unless the player uses an Adrenaline Orb.
All species now have a one-cycle Egg hatch rate. Even though there are code.ips patches to enable fast egg hatching, I prefer not to rely on a patched code.bin file to implement what can be done through RomFS editing.
Evolution changes are 100% complete. The evolution methods are a more fine-tuned version of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's, but with the addition of a normalized Eevee evolution chart. Unlike my other Evolution changes, the Eevee changes replace the original methods. That means in Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon, Eevee no longer evolves through Refresh or Friendship and no longer evolves near the Icy and Moss Rocks.

Item and Poké Mart Changes
Thanks to Ultra SM providing many more Marts that sell X Items (and a counter at the Megamart selling five slots of Strange Souvenir), I can now assure you that almost every useful Item will be available in Poké Marts. This includes competitive hold Items like Leftovers, Life Orb, and Assault Vest; the six Power Items and both types of Bottle Cap; the six EV reduction Berries; Breeding items like Everstone, Destiny Knot, and Ability Capsule; all Evolution Stones; all types of Poké Ball except Master Ball; PP Max, Heart Scale, and even Rare Candy... And this time, I didn't have to replace the Incense Shop at all!
In addition to shops being different, PK3DS's new abilities have allowed me to use a much less ham-fisted solution to Revive spam than I have in the past. Sacred Ash (renamed "Revival Powder") is still available in shops in addition to Revives, but Revives now simply revive the fallen Pokémon with 1 HP instead of costing P20,000. This means that the player can't get absurd turn economy out of Revives and that a player committing to a Revive-heavy strategy should bring a Pokémon with Rapid Spin or Defog. Lowering the price of Revives also means that the player can't make ridiculous amounts of money by selling the Revives Hau gives them.
I've also introduced a new healing item: Restoration Wing. This item acts as a Full Restore, is unusable during battles, and is available in standard Poké Marts for P150. The Restoration Wing replaces the Health Wing, so if you trade one to a default SM/USUM game it will not appear as an unobtainable item.
Thanks to the Restoration Wing, I can balance high-level Potions to cost more money to offset their massive value during battles. It's the player's choice if they want to invest in consumable Items like Hyper Potions, Revives, and Full Heals or instead to invest in Leftovers and Life Orbs and other such permanently-useful items.
I have also restored the Fresh Water, Soda Pop, and Lemonade to their Gen 1 potency and increased the Max Repel's duration by 50%.
All of these changes, and all item price changes, are 100% complete and implemented.

Thank you all for reading this and for your continued support of my ROM hacks. I consider Nova Sun and Umbra Moon to be hugely improved over Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire, and I hope that Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon continue to improve upon the progress I've made in ROM hacking with NS/UM.
I hope you all continue to look forward to Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon!

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I checked that Pokemon was on 1.2 and deleted then recopied without ftp, yet it still shows a black screen. I think the problem might be Luma3DS, since it's on a beta version of 8.1.1 and I can't downgrade it to the stable version. EDIT: I also noticed while looking at the original post about the romfs/a/0/8/3 file, that my "3" file is 0kb. Could that be the problem?
a/0/8 contains the "2" and "3" files. One of those is encounters for Sun and the other is encounters for Moon, in either version of the game one of them will be large and the other will be 0kb. This is true for the default ROM structure as well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
United States
As November comes to a close, I thought it would be appropriate for a month-in review of Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon. I've been hard at work since completing my playthrough of Ultra Moon, and I wanted to give everyone here a progress report and reveal a few possibly-unexpected features. I'm still not releasing an ETA, but I consider the hack to be about halfway done as of today. Due to testing, balancing, and incremental implementation, I have committed changes to the change log 82 times.

Trainer Changes
The most important part of my ROM hacks is the alteration of every in-game trainer to obey the EXP share's level curve and provide new strategic depth. Some people have asked me if I intended to "port" Nova Sun and Umbra Moon to the Ultra games. No, I do not intend to port my previous mod over. While some movesets and strategies might be similar (there's only so many decent movesets for bad Pokémon), every Trainer in Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon (with very few exceptions) will be designed from the ground up for Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon. As such, creating Trainer teams requires not just time but creativity and inspiration.
Trainer development happens in three stages in my workflow. First, I design the trainers in a spreadsheet. Then, I implement them in the game. Finally, they go through testing both by myself and beta testers.
As of 11/30/2017, I have implemented 122 modified Trainers in the ROM hack. The hack's Trainers are designed through the end of Akala Island and implemented through the Fire Trial, approximately 30% of the game. My three beta testers have been hard at work, and Trainer battles up through Kahuna Hala have been rigorously tested for balance and challenge without being unfairly hard.
All Totems as of the end of Akala Island are also complete and implemented. Work on Trainers has so far been somewhat stalled by the other aspects of the hack, particularly wild encounters. Now that wild encounter tables are nearing completion, work on Trainers should progress faster.

Wild Pokémon Changes
Wild Pokémon changes accounted for over 50% of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's development time. Thanks to a workflow method I committed to halfway through Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's development, progress has been much faster on Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon's encounter table work. Like the Trainers, the Wild Encounters go through a design phase in spreadsheets before being implemented in the hack.
Expanded Builds were the overwhelming favorite Build of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon, so I put in a lot of extra care designing Expanded Build tables this time around. My Expanded Build encounter tables are very detailed and have lots of fun SOS shenanigans, so I hope you look forward to them! In the Expanded Build, the player will have access to 57% of non-Legendary evolution lines on Melemele Island alone. This access expands to 81% after Akala Island, and 95% after Ula'ula Island.
As of today, the Expanded Build for both versions is 90% designed and implemented, but encounters past Akala Island need to be leveled up to match the new curve.
Of course, I have also put in a lot of effort with the Legit Build (and future Leveled Build)'s tables this time around. Fishing in particular will be much less of a pain in all Builds, as "rare" fishing slots have been drastically buffed, especially when the fishing spot is bubbling.
The Legit Build for Penumbra Moon is 100% designed and implemented. The Legit Build for Supernova Sun is 100% designed, but not yet implemented. The Legit Builds for Nova Sun and Umbra Moon featured Island Scan encounters in normal encounter tables, but it has since been discovered that Island Scans have special properties and are actually stored as "static encounters" in the game's structure. As such, Legit Builds will not include this feature in Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon. After finishing Supernova and Penumbra, I will probably go back and remove Island Scan encounters from standard wild tables in the Legit Build for Nova Sun and Umbra Moon.
The Leveled Builds for both versions will come after the Legit Build for Supernova Sun is implemented and the game's Wild Encounters are fully leveled in the Expanded Build, but by nature of being based on the Legit Builds are 100% designed. Implementation of the Supernova Sun Legit Build will still take hours due to the complexity of Gen VII's encounter tables, though creation of the Leveled Builds will be much quicker since I can use the Legit Builds as a base.
As with Nova Sun and Umbra Moon, a Lite Build with no encounter table changes from default Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon will be made available.

Species Changes
As is usual for my hacks, I won't be retyping Pokémon, giving them moves or Abilities they don't legally have access to, or changing base stats. That said, there are plenty of things that I need to edit as far as individual species go.
32% of evolutionary lines have had their Level-up movepools edited to keep their progression in line with the extreme level curve of my ROM hacks. Some of those have also received level-up access to Tutor or TM moves (usually late in their movesets). I will not be distributing Egg Moves into level-up access because Pokémon with Egg Moves that have not been hatched from an Egg are detectable as illegal. This number will be 100% when I release the hacks.
100% of Pokémon hold Items in the wild, with most being new to the hack. Many are consistent with Nova Sun and Umbra Moon.
100% of non-Legendary Pokémon are able to SOS call in the wild. Baby Pokémon and Pokémon with predatory SOS calls (Corsola, Durant, etc.) have a higher SOS call rate than most species. The "normal" SOS call rate has been increased thanks to an anti-annoyance feature in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Only one SOS call per fight will succeed unless the player uses an Adrenaline Orb.
All species now have a one-cycle Egg hatch rate. Even though there are code.ips patches to enable fast egg hatching, I prefer not to rely on a patched code.bin file to implement what can be done through RomFS editing.
Evolution changes are 100% complete. The evolution methods are a more fine-tuned version of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's, but with the addition of a normalized Eevee evolution chart. Unlike my other Evolution changes, the Eevee changes replace the original methods. That means in Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon, Eevee no longer evolves through Refresh or Friendship and no longer evolves near the Icy and Moss Rocks.

Item and Poké Mart Changes
Thanks to Ultra SM providing many more Marts that sell X Items (and a counter at the Megamart selling five slots of Strange Souvenir), I can now assure you that almost every useful Item will be available in Poké Marts. This includes competitive hold Items like Leftovers, Life Orb, and Assault Vest; the six Power Items and both types of Bottle Cap; the six EV reduction Berries; Breeding items like Everstone, Destiny Knot, and Ability Capsule; all Evolution Stones; all types of Poké Ball except Master Ball; PP Max, Heart Scale, and even Rare Candy... And this time, I didn't have to replace the Incense Shop at all!
In addition to shops being different, PK3DS's new abilities have allowed me to use a much less ham-fisted solution to Revive spam than I have in the past. Sacred Ash (renamed "Revival Powder") is still available in shops in addition to Revives, but Revives now simply revive the fallen Pokémon with 1 HP instead of costing P20,000. This means that the player can't get absurd turn economy out of Revives and that a player committing to a Revive-heavy strategy should bring a Pokémon with Rapid Spin or Defog. Lowering the price of Revives also means that the player can't make ridiculous amounts of money by selling the Revives Hau gives them.
I've also introduced a new healing item: Restoration Wing. This item acts as a Full Restore, is unusable during battles, and is available in standard Poké Marts for P150. The Restoration Wing replaces the Health Wing, so if you trade one to a default SM/USUM game it will not appear as an unobtainable item.
Thanks to the Restoration Wing, I can balance high-level Potions to cost more money to offset their massive value during battles. It's the player's choice if they want to invest in consumable Items like Hyper Potions, Revives, and Full Heals or instead to invest in Leftovers and Life Orbs and other such permanently-useful items.
I have also restored the Fresh Water, Soda Pop, and Lemonade to their Gen 1 potency and increased the Max Repel's duration by 50%.
All of these changes, and all item price changes, are 100% complete and implemented.

Thank you all for reading this and for your continued support of my ROM hacks. I consider Nova Sun and Umbra Moon to be hugely improved over Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire, and I hope that Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon continue to improve upon the progress I've made in ROM hacking with NS/UM.
I hope you all continue to look forward to Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon!

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

a/0/8 contains the "2" and "3" files. One of those is encounters for Sun and the other is encounters for Moon, in either version of the game one of them will be large and the other will be 0kb. This is true for the default ROM structure as well.

You say all types of Pokeballs... does that include Cherish, Dream, and Safari? They all work in game, but obviously they will show as illegal in every case when used. Would you consider adding them to a specialty shop with some kind of text disclaimer for those of us who don't mind illegal ball options? I don't mind hacking them in myself, but obviously it'd be nicer to just be able to grab them in game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
United States
You say all types of Pokeballs... does that include Cherish, Dream, and Safari? They all work in game, but obviously they will show as illegal in every case when used. Would you consider adding them to a specialty shop with some kind of text disclaimer for those of us who don't mind illegal ball options? I don't mind hacking them in myself, but obviously it'd be nicer to just be able to grab them in game.
I wouldn't mind seeing this, personally, but Dream Balls and Safari Balls could actually be a good addition (to the Expanded Builds especially) for those who want to use them for breeding, and it's a lot more work than should be necessary to get them in the latest generation. In fact, Dream Balls are completely defunct (and therefore impossible to legitimately acquire on your own, requiring trading or already having them from when it was active) due to the Dream World service being discontinued.

However, the ball itself can still be passed down through breeding (unlike Cherish Balls), and Safari Balls from Gen 3-4 can only be transferred up with a second DS (because Transporter only works with Gen 1, 2 and 5), which not everyone has access to.
Last edited by Heartcage,


New Member
Oct 16, 2016
United States
Is there a way to increase the stat boosts of the totem Pokemon? So like you could make Ultra Necrozma be +6 in all stats at the start of the battle?

Dio Vento

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
United States
I wouldn't mind seeing this, personally, but Dream Balls and Safari Balls could actually be a good addition (to the Expanded Builds especially) for those who want to use them for breeding, and it's a lot more work than should be necessary to get them in the latest generation. In fact, Dream Balls are completely defunct (and therefore impossible to legitimately acquire on your own, requiring trading or already having them from when it was active) due to the Dream World service being discontinued.

However, the ball itself can still be passed down through breeding (unlike Cherish Balls), and Safari Balls from Gen 3-4 can only be transferred up with a second DS (because Transporter only works with Gen 1, 2 and 5), which not everyone has access to.
No. Only legal Balls.
Is there a way to increase the stat boosts of the totem Pokemon? So like you could make Ultra Necrozma be +6 in all stats at the start of the battle?
Yes, but I wouldn't want to do that.


Jan 26, 2016
United States
You say all types of Pokeballs... does that include Cherish, Dream, and Safari? They all work in game, but obviously they will show as illegal in every case when used. Would you consider adding them to a specialty shop with some kind of text disclaimer for those of us who don't mind illegal ball options? I don't mind hacking them in myself, but obviously it'd be nicer to just be able to grab them in game.
You could always modify the shop list and add them all yourself. Though you'll have to remember to edit their price as well if you don't want them to be free.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2015
United States
Wow, the fact that you're already halfway done is amazing. Your dedication and workflow are seriously amazing. Super excited!

Once you're done with everything, have you ever thought of a write-up on the development of one (or all?) of your 3DS Pokemon hacks? I think it'd be really interesting to read.

Dio Vento

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
United States
Wow, the fact that you're already halfway done is amazing. Your dedication and workflow are seriously amazing. Super excited!

Once you're done with everything, have you ever thought of a write-up on the development of one (or all?) of your 3DS Pokemon hacks? I think it'd be really interesting to read.
Probably, yeah.
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