Not always a day of love


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Lali ho...

Today has not been a good day. For a Valentine's Day, a day recognised the world over as a time for love and peace, there's been a little too much conflict for my tastes. Here's the skinny.

My friend Erin has been in a relationship for some months now, and I thought nothing was wrong, always seemed lovey dovey when I saw them together. Turns out this whole time the guy's been abusing her. Getting drunk/high, getting violent with her, and it all came to a head today when instead of taking her out for a romantic meal, he went out drinking with his lads, got blitzed, charged in and smacked the shit out of her. She got away from him long enough to text me 'SOS' and so I've spent the last five hours sorting this mess out. Erin was taken to hospital and her wounds are quite serious. She has a nasty gash across her midriff after he threw her through a glass topped table, cuts on her head from the fragments, and severe bruising all across her body. She'll recover, physically, but things have never been this bad for her before. She's in a state of shock right now, scared to be alone, so she's here with me and my closest compatriots. With the three of us close by she knows nothing can harm her. Any one of us is a force to be reckoned with, put together we're damn near indestructible. She's safe for now, but quite how bad this will get in the long term is unclear.

As for him...let's just say he didn't want to come quietly. Typical tough guy, you know? All bark and very little bite. When I arrived on scene he took a shot at me. The sort of wide swinging arm flail of a punch that couldn't cause any injury to anyone with a brain cell in a million years, never mind hurt someone who's studied martial arts for most of their life. I just stepped out of the way for the first one. But after seeing her with blood pouring down her face I kinda lost my temper. Big style. He took another swing at me and I countered it, and....kinda broke his arm. In about five places. And his nose. And a few ribs. And cracked his skull a little.

What can I say? He deserved it. And to be fair the ribs thing wasn't my fault. I only meant to shove him back out of the way and onto the sofa with a palm strike. It's not my fault he has such weak ribs. And contemplate exactly what damage I could have done given that I own several swords and know how to use them. He'll also be fine physically within a few weeks, but with any luck he'll have learned exactly what it's like to be on the recieving end of it all. Or at the very least not to fuck with my friends if he values his life.

Erin will be staying with us until further notice, until she can get her head straight and we know she's safe from any repurcussions from any of his dumb drunken buddies. But what a way to spend Valentine's Night, eh? The girl in casualty, the guy in prison. That's really unfortunate. I remember seeing them together and they seemed happy. I feel like I failed her. I didn't protect her, I didn't see it coming when I'm normally on the ball with things like this. Guess all I can do is try to make it up to her.

Sorry to bum everyone out on Valentine's Day, but hey, it's never all fun and games for everyone, right?

In other news,

- I was sifting through my Xbox 360 collection earlier and I came to realise that a good 80% of them could be traded in and I wouldn't even notice they were gone. Either I've finished them, as is the case with things like Arkham Asylum or Bayonetta, or they just plain aren't worth my time, like Infinite Undiscovery, which simply hasn't grabbed my attention. Star Ocean could go without me caring 'cause I stopped playing it when I got my Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition (the one with all the DLC), the only games that get played on an even remotely regular basis are Black Ops, R.U.S.E, Dragon Age, and the games stored on my hard drive like Super Meat Boy. Everything else could fuck off and I doubt I'd care, or even notice. That's how little I bother with my games these days. My DS hasn't been used in weeks, my PSP only gets played every once in a while. I guess I'm just going through a phase right now where games don't thrill me. Kinda like a depression. Hopefully the 3DS will cure it.

- Thinking part of my depression is that I'm always alone. I've stayed out of romance for a while in order to sort out a few personal daemons, but now everything feels empty to me. Starting to think at least part of the reason is my lack of companionship. Perhaps time to settle down and pick a girl. God knows there's been plenty of interest over the years, I just ignored it all until now 'cause I've been bisy sorting my own stuff out, getting my job situation sorted, trying to escape my god-awful family, etc. But now I just kinda figure fuck it, anyone worth being with will have to accept the bad parts of my life too. Accept that my dad's a total cunt and my brother's so brainless he's a chef that only knows two recipes. That I live in a room no bigger than a cupboard and spend most of my free time writing. They'll jsut have to meet me half way.

- Looking to finally start paying for my own broadband as this stolen connection is just kinda shite. Anyone know any good deals on wireless broadband here in the UK? Let me clarify, I have no intention of paying for a phone line, TV package, unlimited weekend calls or any of that bollocks. I just want the broadband. Nothing else. Cheap if possible, reasonable speed, no download limits. Any ideas?

- Also looking to redecorate my room, this wallpaper's a wee bit past its prime after nearly seven years. I was at one point thinking of really going all out and buying custom paper. Saw it on TV, you can have any image blown up to wall size and have a tropical island scene all around your room, or whatever. It's bloody expensive but what the hell. If I'm gonna live in a cupboard it may as well be a fuckin' nice cupboard. The problem is A) deciding on an image, and B) resisting the urge to do something geeky like get the inside of the TARDIS or something. Or knowing me it's more likely to be something Final Fantasy related. Maybe a chocobo farm
Suggestions are welcomed, of course.

Could be worse though. Ran the idea past Kai and he now wants the same thing done to his room, only his design of choice was the inside of a vagina. Evidently he hasn't grown up yet. Strangely he's two years older than me and still the most childish of the group by a long shot.

Well, I'm depressed so I think I'll follow Amelia's example. Sit and eat ice cream and watch a movie. Seems to work for her. Although I do worry about the day her youthful metabolism finally fails her and the many years of ice cream abuse start to take effect. Toodles.


'I hate it when you walk in to the chip shop and ask for a bag of chips, and they say 'ah, you'll have to wait for chips.' What the fuck have you been playing around at all day? What did you think when you came in and saw the deep fat frier and the potatoes? That the chip fair was in town? You lazy bastards.' - mark Lamaar on his standup video.


"Local Hardware Wizard"
Aug 17, 2009
The Nexus
United States
You can never break too many bones. As for the XBOX 360 games I feel the same way. I only play COD:BOs, and all my other games are gathering dust. I'm not going to trade them in considering I'm getting the 3DS for my birthday. My only regret is that I bought them with my Christmas money. All $140's of it.

(Seriously though. If anyone touched any of my friends (especially a female) I'd do the exact same thing. Except they would need a crutch, arm brace, spine straightener, and a leg brace. Might as well have a full body cast.)


Jun 4, 2010
Erin! Don´t give up, but don´t go back there.

Hopefully he won´t hit another woman in his entirely sad life.

And, shit, valentine´s day wasnt all that good to me, but who cares?



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
I must applaud you for your restraint, I am not sure that I could have done the same in your position. But more importantly I hope she feels better soon, and for her sake that there will be no further reprisals.
Don't beat yourself up over this though, you acted as soon as you had a clue as to what was going on. Just be thankful you can protect her now, I'm sure she'll be happy with friends such as yourself.
Like the others said, wish her the best of luck from us here.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
I've always noticed a lot more grief on Valentines day then love. *shrug*
Especially since i've counseled through two Valentine's days now and both have been incredibly busy with relationship problems.

More Temp Support for Erin from me.
I'm glad you beat the hell out of that guy. Once I started reading I thought "This better end with Blaze kicking some serious ass."
Though such a story can't have a good ending regardless...
Really hope your friend gets through this as best she can.


GBAtemp Time Lord Regenerations: 4
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2009
United Kingdom
Yeah, best wishes to your friend. At least she's safe now.

nasune said:
Don't beat yourself up over this though, you acted as soon as you had a clue as to what was going on. Just be thankful you can protect her now, I'm sure she'll be happy with friends such as yourself.
*resists urge to pun*


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Well, having spent the day clearing up the legal mess (even I can't beat a guy half to death and have no repurcussions) I'm glad to see that Erin remains strong in spirit. I've seen it so many times where the girl forgives such an unforgivable act and they try to fix the unfixable. She's seen the light and not content with kicking his sorry ass to the curb to never darken her doorway again, she's also pressing charges for the assault. So...yeah, he's fucked. We have photos of what he did to her and four people to testify against him. He has...his word. And possibly counter-charges against me but then I just play the self defence card and there's no way he can disprove it.

She's still a little shaky and uneasy on her feet, but with a huge chunk of her torso missing and being several pints of blood south of proper, that's hardly a shock. She'll be fine after a good long rest and time to come to terms with it all. She's always been a tough young girl, which is why it worries me that she was taken advantage of so badly. Where was all her strength? Her spirit? I've never known her to just lie down and take abuse (well, except when she wants to be bad
) and yet he walked all over her. What gives with that? Was my training inadequate or something? I taught her how to defend herself and clearly that training failed her on this occasion.

In other news,

- Work called me four bloody times today asking me to come in. Was I perhaps not clear enough the first time I told you to fuck off? Apparantly five staff members heard about the big change in store layout we have to take care of and thought 'fuck that, I'm callin in sick'. So they called me during my vacation time. I agreed to go in tomorrow to help out for a couple of hours but I made it clear that if my phone rings and Erin needs me, they can fuck off, my friends are my top priority. They know better than to challenge me on such things, I'm legendary for telling the regional manager to get the fuck out of my way because he tried to stop me leaving when Amelia had her crash. He soon moved when I clenched my fists.

- Got sick of being depressed so today I went and set up my wireless broadband at last, and got myself a new phone. The broadband is £28 a month for 30MB, but it comes with all sorts of handy bonuses like storage, unlimited downloads (essential for any pirate) etc. So I'll get my money's worth out of it. As for the phone, I got myself a new contract phone, the Samsung Galaxy S. Been wanting to upgrade from my crappy old Samsung U-600 for ages, it's so old they don't even sell them second hand any more. Only costs me £25 a month, with 600 minutes, unlimited texts, 1GB net allowance and unlimited calls to any other Virgin number. So it's not bad. Only downside is that there's no way of calling New Zealand cheap on it, but that's why I'm keeping my Vectone SIM, it's 1p a minute to call Sian on that. Assuming I ever put credit on it. But I'm wanting to expand my social strata now, go out more, meet new people, preferably female and cute. And communication is key, therefore the new phone will be very helpful. That and I'm embarrassed to pull out a phone so old. Everyone has a smart phone these days, I just wanna fit in for once. Besides, if there's something wrong with the ability to go on Youtube and watch videos of stupid people falling over from anywhere in the world, then frankly I don't wanna be right.

- The downside to today's splurge? It cost me pretty much my entire 360 collection. Everything deemed 'non-critical' is gone. Leaving about five games instead of the 13 or so I had this morning. But to be fair they're much like cock inches. It's not how many you have, it's how you use them. Unless you're asking my whore of an ex. In which case it's all inches. I'm hardly starved for games anyway. It's only the 360 which has taken a minor knock. The other 6 consoles in my room are fine

Incidentally I have one inch for every IQ point. I was classified as a genius at 12 years old. Think about it.

- I got a DLC code for TDU2 today as well, the cute blonde in GAME gave it to me. Gets me 800 MS points worth of casino access and car for free. I don't own the game yet but I am considering it, once the patching is complete of course.

- At least I do earn my money back in one regard. The new phone comes with a registration code. When it's registered online at the Galaxy website, I get a voucher for £50 to spend on the app/entertainment stores, so I essentially get £50's worth of free games, movies and apps for my new phone. So I sold the games for about 50, I get about 50 back. Kinda break even on the day, really. Well, until I dropped more money buying a case for the phone anyway. But it's cool. It has the same flowery design as my sig, it's awesome. Got a leather case for long distance extra shielding as well.

Right now I'm just waiting for the activation text to get my new phone up and running, it's refusing to acknowledge the SIM right now 'cause it's not activated yet. Shouldn't take long though. Can take up to 2 days but they said it tends to take about two hours maximum. It's usually near instant.

I passed your kind words on to Erin, by the way. She says thanks, and that kindness like that is why she still has faith in mankind. So well done 'tempers. You apparantly now represent amongst the best humanity has to offer. See what difference a few kind words make? Astounding, isn't it?

Well, I'm off to play with my new toy. Toodles.


'That's not how your sister does it.' - Try using that phrase in ANY situation. Seriously. Can't be done.

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