Homebrew NIntendomax Wii dev Compo 2012, Why you SHOULD NOT participate...


May 31, 2011
Kind of risking a Streisand effect by talking about this, but whatever...

The Nintendomax community is holding a new wii homebrew contest this year.

I presented this game on the 2011 edition and got 1st place (I presented it to the 2011 Homebrew Bounty as well, I got 5th :P)

So I got 3 prizes from 3 different sponsors and I gave Nintendomax my address to receive them.

After a few weeks I received one of the prizes (A Supercard DSTWO), but no news about the other 2 (A 3DS+100€ valued lot of products, and a Shenron doll)

Give or take, a month passes by, so I ask about it on Nintendomax forums...they ask me wich color I want the 3DS...I feel like if I didnt come back to ask, they wont send anything to me, I didnt even think of choosing a color for the console, but if it was necessary...why didnt anybody contact and ask me?...anyways, im told to directly email the sponsor who owes me the 3DS and the 100€ lot, telling them the 3DS color and what I want for the lot amongst the products available on their shop, so I do that, and also ask this sponsor if It would be possible to get the 100€ lot on several shipments since some products I liked were out of stock by then, of course, I offer to pay shipment costs for the additional shipments.

I wait like a week and I dont get any answer from them, so I PM the organizer of the compo on the Nintendomax forums asking him if there is any problem. Another week passes and he doesnt even bother to answer me either, so I PM him again repeating myself. He tells me to just get the 100€ lot in one shipment...fair enough, so I email the sponsor again telling them what I want, the color of the 3DS and all that.

At last, I get a response from the sponsor...they try to get me to pay the shipment costs because "they are so expensive" (I must note that im from Spain and them from France, my neighboor country...the DSTWO wich arrived perfectly and for free to my house was from Australia, pretty much the other end of the world from Spain...). Since I only offered to pay for aditional shipments, but apparently thats not an option, and also because I was already pissed off of everybody ignoring me, I refused, since as sponsors its their responsability, and not mine, paying shipments. They apologize and compromise to send me my prize immediately.

From that moment came FOUR MONTHS of amazingly bad, vague excuses and blatant lies, but only when I go out of my way to ask where the hell is my prize, because nobody bothers to inform me of this imaginary problems. Even when they feel like answering, its only after several emails just asking the same...they just ignore me, they probably do this to see if I give up and just forget about it.

Their main excuse is that the package was sent back to them because apparently something was wrong with my address. Since the sponsor from Australia had no problem with my address I find it hard to believe.

After 4 months of dealing with this I take action, I gather a bunch of friends, and we begin to spam this sponsor's Facebook page with this story, showing their potential customers how untrustful they are. Seeing the bad publicity in a place so open to the public as their Facebook page, they suddenly begin to answer my complaints with no delays, and in a few days, suddenly my address magically is not wrong anymore, they send me the prize, and finally I receive it. (I must note that I won the contest before the huge price drop of the 3DS...they even got to save money on my prize)

About the last sponsor, I never received that stupid Shenron doll (I took part on the compo for the 3DS anyways) and I will never receive it. They gave me the same "bad address" excuse. I have been living on the same address for almost 8 years, and I never got any problem receiving packages from places like UK, USA, Korea, and now, Australia. I live in a pretty much regular apartment, not on some hermit cave on the mountains.

The thing that pissed me off the most is that while this people tried to weasel out of giving me my prize, my game displayed a splash page with publicity of their bussiness, so they were taking advantage of my hard work.

-Wow, it sucks, but it looks like Nintendomax is just another victim of this crappy sponsors, right? Its really not their fault.

Actually, Nintendomax themselves pissed me off more than anyone...they ignored me as much, if not more, as the sponsors, they just didnt care at all. They had me wasting my time posting on their forums just to try to find out where the hell was my prize, only to receive crappy excuses and being told to email them instead of "polluting" their forum. I told them more than once that I was perfectly ok with dealing with the matter on private, but guess what? They ignored my emails and very rarely answered them, so I got no other choice that to complain publicly. In response, they gradually began to treat me like some forum troll (Im currently banned)

They didnt even had the manners or the education of trying to answer me on english, although it was an international contest. They insisted on answering me on French, so I had to rely on crappy online translation...They even had the nerve of telling me to post in French, like if I was not going out of my way and wasting my time enough, they tried to make me learn a new language to demand what was rightfully mine on the first place...

TL;DR Version:

Summing up, dont take part on any Nintendomax contest, you may never receive your prizes, they have no ethics, shame, or decency and will use your work to get free publicity.

Here is the 2011 contest thread on their forum, so you can see im not making this up. As I said, its mostly on french, but you can kind of follow it through my posts, wich are on my awful english.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2007
Since nintendomax organizes competition, 24 winners received prizes, they all received within very short. You're the only winner who has had problems and this because of your address as two of three parcels returned to sender.

Edit : A you got your Nintendo 3DS? Have you received your purchase € 100?

If so I do not understand your maneuver on this forum.


May 31, 2011
Cid2mizard himself (Organizer of the compo) posted! Thank you for giving me the opportunity of taking apart your post point by point, I'll enjoy it :) (This will be a long post, please read it carefully and answer all my questions)

I dont care how many prizes did Nintendomax give, what I know is what happened with me.

You're the only winner who has had problems and this because of your address as two of three parcels returned to sender.

Fair enough, but...after the FIRST package was returned...could you please tell me why didnt anybody contacted me? Do you think its normal to not inform the winner of your contest about something like that?

The address may have been wrong (Although it wasnt, as the Supercard perfectly arriving my home demonstrates), so the logical thing to do is to contact the winner to check if there is any error with the address. Just resending it to that "wrong" address makes no sense.

Between that and the fact that I only learned of this supossed problems after MONTHS of repeatedly asking (and being ignored) makes me think that actually nothing was really sent. (Or that you messed up my address when you gave it to the sponsors but you managed to give it right to the Australian one)

Edit : A you got your Nintendo 3DS? Have you received your purchase € 100?

Yeah, only after publicly ashaming that sponsor on their Facebook page, after 4 MONTHS of them dont bothering to even answer my emails, surely not thanks to you doing your duty as the organizer (Making sure the winners get their prizes). Leaving me with no other choice that to resort to that to make them do their part of the deal speaks very poorly both of that sponsors image as well as yours.

Please answer sincerely:

-Would I have received it if not for my efforts? (As if making a pretty damn good game was not effort enough) Would have I received it if I just remained silent and never complained?

If so I do not understand your maneuver on this forum.

-Did I receive my FULL prize for getting 1st place on you contest?

Nope, since June 26th of 2011, I DIDNT, and nothing was done to solve this. I didnt receive that Shenron doll (and I guess I'll never receive it). This is a fact.

Assentek, the sponsor, even had the nerve to tell me to go personally to their shop to claim my prize. Because, apparently, traveling to another country for a stupid doll is perfectly reasonable to them. I guess they were just mocking me.

Your solution was pretty much the equivalent of telling me to "Suck it up".

-Were you, as the organizer, helpful in my problem of receiving my prizes?

Not at all. It was me the one who had to deal with the sponsors, because I guess you couldnt be bothered to do so, I only got some vague answers from you rarely. I even had to do that stupid Facebook campaign.

You didnt even had the good manners of trying to communicate with me in english, knowing that I dont speak french (remember, international contest)

At the end, you even were rude to me, telling me things like (Actual quote translated to english) "Are you paying for the shipment costs of the lost packages? I guess not"

Please explain why the contestant has the duty to pay for your or your sponsors incompetence (I cant see it on the rules). On the other hand, you were the organizer of the compo, did you offer to pay those shipments?...."I guess not"

Another quote "you dare to say your address is normal"

Wow, excuse me for being so daring...It was normal enough for an Australian sponsor, wich is much more far from Spain than a French one, so please explain yourself because this makes no sense.

As you can see, not only you were not helpful or responsible, you werent even nice.

-Can all this happen to future participants?

Now, this is just an oppinion, but if this has happened to me, I would say it is possible. I would say that a 3DS is not worth all the crap you guys made me go through.

Everything I just posted its only the truth, its even documented on the original thread on Nintendomax wich speaks for himself, so please, try to argue or deny any of it.

P.D : I would greatly appreciate if you delete your video of my game from your Youtube channel, since it shows the splash page of the contest, displaying PUBLICITY of Assentek, the same sponsor who refuses to give me the prize they offered. That publicity was removed from the game long ago, and I think its not fair that they still get free publicity at expense of my hard work, since they DECEIVED me into making publicity of them. (Also, you suck playing the game and the trailer I uploaded myself is much better)


May 31, 2011
Can we not turn this into some kind of flame war between you and Cid2mizard?

Sorry, I will try to not be "flamish", I guess I may have got a little carred away, but I think this matter should be known, in any case, my apologies if I gave the wrong impression :)

Anyways, I already exposed (mostly) all the facts, so there is little more to say from my part.


New Member
Mar 10, 2012
Can we not turn this into some kind of flame war between you and Cid2mizard?
Sorry, but this isn't a flame war between Garrote and Cid2mizard.

This is rather a warning (logical and justified) to all potential contesters who live outside of France.

It's easy to talk and to accuse someone of ungrateful, when not we who had to fight for 4 months for us to receive a prize which we are won legally.

Sorry, but, we should be thank to Garrote for the warning.
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May 31, 2011
Thanks SplinterGU* for your kind support, but we are trying to keep things calm, Im sure megazig had no bad intentions with his post, so lets all relax ;)

Anyways, I doubt Cid answers, since it would be defending the undefendable, so the argument and potential flamewar dies here, I guess.

I'd appreciate suggestions of another homebrew communities where I can warn more people about this, feel free to PM me about it!

*By the way, SplinterGU is a good friend of mine and the developer of BennuGD, a pretty good div-like videogame language which also works on Wii (My winner game was made with it). Thanks to his language I managed to win the contest, and thanks to the BennuGD community support, together we managed to ashame the 3DS Sponsor to the point of finally making them send me my prize after 4 months of playing dumb.


Oct 24, 2002
as clearly stated by Cid you did get your prizes in the end (well with the exception of one apparently)

Garrote, I know it sucks not to receive all that you were promised, but on the other hand your complaints make you look bad.
If the reason why you make homebrew is to win competitions, you're completely missing the point.
Go work for a developer and make real money then...

and holding a competition is much more work than you'd think, don't try to diminish the effort, especially when you received your stuff eventually.
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May 31, 2011
as clearly stated by Cid you did get your prizes in the end (well with the exception of one apparently)

Garrote, I know it sucks not to receive all that you were promised, but on the other hand your complaints make you look bad.
If the reason why you make homebrew is to win competitions, you're completely missing the point.
Go work for a developer and make real money then...

and holding a competition is much more work than you'd think, don't try to diminish the effort, especially when you received your stuff eventually.

I know, Im not diminishig their efforts, and I know that its primarily the sponsors fault, and not Nintendomax...I can deal with not receiving the prize if the sponsor scams the organizer as well as me, you know, shit happens, but what is unnaceptable to me its the attitude Nintendomax showed.

Even if there is not much you can do about it, as the organizer, the less you could do is to not ignore the problems of your winner and support him...you know, at least show some interest. Cid2Mizard routinely ignored Pms and emails (And its not like I spammed him or something...I usually gave him a FULL WEEK to answer before recurring to posting on Nintendomax forums)

If the winner is already going out of his way and wasting his time trying to solve the problem, I dont think its normal to dont even bother trying to answer him in a language he can understand. It may be a french community, but the contest was open to everybody and the rules were also posted on english. As I said, Cid even pretended to make me post on french.

As I mentioned, Cid still has a video of my game uploaded on his Youtube account displaying the in-game publicity of Nintendomax and his sponsors, including the one wich still owes me stuff. So this people who refuses to do their job still gets publicity out of my work. That publicity was replaced (I offered to replace it back when I receive what they owe me) on current versions of the game with the logo of the only sponsor who didnt give me any trouble because I think it would be unfair to not promote them. I know the video its not really a big deal, but despite requesting it several times Cid lacks the good will to take it down or at least edit the publicity out of it (I know that on my first post I asked him to take it down in a mean way, It was mostly to expose this fact, since I know he wont do it. Also my experience says that, sadly, being polite to him doesnt get you anywhere)

Homebrew is not about prizes, ok, but dude, if I present a game to a contest, the least I can expect is to get the prizes if I win, dont you think? The prizes are an incentive, and altough I dont need to justify myself I have another hb game on Wii without any materialistic reason.

"Eventually you got (most of) your stuff" Yeah, only after going trough a lot of crap for months. A more shy or weak-willed person would have just let it go. So I respectfully disagree with you, this is unacceptable. If the game is good enough to make publicity of them and get 1st place, its also good enough to reward the author, simply put, this is how a contest works. I think if a sponsor (or 2 like on this case) acts funny at least the organization should side with the developer...even if it the sponsors never get to do their part of the deal at least they would have, you know...tried.

TL;DR most of it

so your bitching cos they made you pay for the postage?

Nope, you got it wrong.

TL;DR version: Im bitching because I only got my stuff after bitching for 4 months while they pretty much ignored me while using my game to promote their communty/sponsors. I only got my stuff because I got out of the Homebrew community and exposed them on one of the sponsor's Facebook in plain view of potential customers, only then they bothered to send me the stuff. If I didnt do all of that I would have never received anything. During those months Nintendomax didnt care/support/help me at all, instead they treated me like if I owed them money or something. Oh, and there are items of the prize that I still didnt receive for no real reason. If im "bitching" here is to warn everybody about how this people acts if there is any problem with the prizes/sponsors...they dont care at all.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
From what I've read (translated) from NintendoMax thread, I can understand Garrote frustration.

Seems like NintendoMax choosed to take the side of their sponsor (and blindly believe their excuse for not sending the prizes in the first place) instead of supporting one of their contributors once the competition was ended. Also the whole way he was treated, being first ignored then asked to speak in French (because, as Cid Wizard wrote on the original thread, he "spoke in English as good as I spoke in Spanish", which does not make any sense) and finally banned, with Fl-Games having the last words on the topic(obviously to keep bad publicity out of the discussion), is quite disrespectful.
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May 31, 2011
Thank you very much for taking the time of reading the original thread on the Nintendomax forum, Jacobeian.

That thread illustrates very well what im talking and trying to warn you all about.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2007
The sponsors complained they are the same as last year? ====> No, we have new sponsors.

Garrote you have received it while its price? ====> No, it lacks a plush $ 5 and it will receive as the shipping costs are more important than the lot.

Why you did not know Garrote? ====> I have a life too, not that there nintendomax in life, I can not fix everything in one day, then harass me all day was useless.

I am sincerely sorry for the incident with your batch. Continuing to waste your time for nothing if we mess it having fun.


May 31, 2011
The sponsors complained they are the same as last year? ====> No, we have new sponsors.
I have no problems in admiting that you have a point there, well done. Although as previously mentioned, I still dont appreciate you having a video of my game displaying publicity of Assentek on your Youtube account.

The sponsors are new, but you are still the organizer and on 2011 you didnt do a good job, although I hope that if problems appear again, this experience teached you to manage the situation better and to support your contestants.

Garrote you have received it while its price? ====> No, it lacks a plush $ 5 and it will receive as the shipping costs are more important than the lot.

I dont really understand your english there (no offense), but shipment costs of the plush and all that are not my problem, because since Assentek didnt bother to check with me if they got the right address in 4 months, I dont have any real reason to believe they really sent anything. I already explained on previous posts why I highly doubt their excuse was true, so I wont repeat myself.

I MAY have helped with shipment costs (even if this is really not my responsability) if I was informed of this supposed problems since they came out, not after several months, but it wasnt the case...(If Assentek was so worried about shipment costs for a France-Spain package, what would have they done if the contestants of Canada, USA, or Jamaica had won?). I know this was Assentek's problems, but you were aware of it and didnt do anything about it in 4 months until I repeatedly bitched about it (And even then you basically told me that I would not receive it and that it was "understandable" in your opinion)

Also, apparently, Assentek thinks that is perfectly reasonable to tell me to personally go to France to take the doll.....allow me to doubt that the trip would be cheaper than the shipment costs xD

Anyways, by bringing up the shipment costs one more time you are siding again with this (untrustful) sponsor instead of siding with the winner of your contest. You may want to know that after I refused to go to France (LOL) they said to me that this was "not their responsability", that they would not "waste more time" on the matter, and told me to "solve it with Nintendomax" (Sadly, at that time, you already had me banned), so as you can see, they didnt give a damn about Nintendomax...

(By the way, I doubt the plush was worth only 5$, it was a 50cm Shenron, I could not find exactly that one now, but the 70cm version is around 22$...)

Why you did not know Garrote? ====> I have a life too, not that there nintendomax in life, I can not fix everything in one day, then harass me all day was useless.

Of course you have a live, and I never asked you to solve anything in one day, feel free to prove me wrong if im not telling the truth.

You can accuse me of anything, but not of being impatient. In fact, I usually gave you a full week or even more time to answer my emails or PMs, remember that I was more than happy to solve the matter in private instead on Nintendomax forums, but you left me with no other choice, since complaining publicly apparently was the only way to get an answer from you most of the time.

Excuse me, but I find hard to believe that in seven days you couldnt take 5 minutes on your schedule to at least answer a "We are working on it".

(By the way, "harrasing all the day" was the way to go with the 3DS sponsor, if not, I would still be waiting for it xD)

I am sincerely sorry for the incident with your batch.

Ok, but back in the day you didnt look sorry at all, the way I was treated by you was really rude and unfair. I guess you are more sorry about this matter being now exposed than the matter itself.


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
wow, it's rare that I venture outside of the Wii Hacking section, but I'm glad I did.

@[member='Garrote'], thanks for sharing your experience with us, there is nothing more annoying that being ignored by someone who owes you something and I feel your pain. All I can say is that thankfully gbatemp is a whole lot more professional (at least in my experience). I was the winner of the 2011 Wii homebrew bounty competition here at gbatemp and I had my cash winnings transferred to my account almost immediately (after I PM'ed staff with my paypal info). Maybe Nintendomax should consider cash prizes in the future since they seem to have a lot of trouble with their sponsors making shipments in a timely manner (hint hint, just a suggestion Cid2mizard).
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May 31, 2011
@[member='XFlak'], to be fair, I think there also was a cash prize for another of the winners (I dont remember if it was for the 2nd or the 3rd) offered by another sponsor without relationship with my 1st place prize, and it seems it was received without any problem (I wish I could say the same :P)

Also, thanks for understanding and putting yourself in my shoes ;)

EDIT: By the way, congrats for Modmii, personally, I dont have wifi at home to connect my Wii, so it was pretty handy to do offline installs :D
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, the other game where I found newgrounds is new york shark
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    Spoke to Tom Fulp the other day, if he can find his old Newgrounds site content like the mini Flash animations from the 2000's that played on the portal.
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    So far no response, but he did say that he'll find them. Wayback Machine doesn't have em.
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    @SylverReZ, atleast the 1999 versión of pico's school is avaliable (the difference between it, the 2006 versión and the 2016 versión is that the speed of the game depends of the speed of your computer and that it had the og soundtrack)
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    @Xdqwerty, Another being Pico VS Bear, the original 1999 version before Jim Henson filed a DMCA takedown.
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    The 2006 versión was made when the flash portal was made
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    Many people thought it was lost, but was discovered that he hid it on the same page.
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    @SylverReZ, although the "secrets" system where the game was has been removed. Also pico vs uberkids had a netplay versión that was shutdown, although the swf file has been found
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    @Xdqwerty, Nope. There are two download buttons on the same page, where you can download the original under a file called "bear.exe". "bear2.exe", however, is the updated game in a Flash projector. P.s. this was on the archived Pico page from 2000.
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    @Xdqwerty, That's been there for a long time, too. People who search for lost media don't look hard enough lmao.
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    @SylverReZ, also the pico 2 demos used to be only for the newgrounds patrons but they are on internet archive too (https://archive.org/download/picos_school_2)
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    @SylverReZ, or well only the demo with mindchamber's style was on newgrounds
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    @Xdqwerty, FNF sucks, their community is toxic as hell.
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    @SylverReZ its a single player game
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    @The Real Jdbye, Yea but it has a shitton of mods with their own songs and stuff
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