ROM Hack Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition appears to be completely moddable


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2016
Alright, you didn't even try on that troll attempt. The Riva TNT2 was a venerable card for its time (it pretty much blew the 3DFx Voodoo2 out of the water and, IMO, was actually better than the Voodoo3 in real world practice given in particular that the Voodoo3 really sucked at anything > 16bpp) but it isn't even from the same time era as NWN. For NWN you needed an 8th or 9th generation Geforce card for truly smooth gameplay and even then got some drops. Preferably at least the Geforce 6800 nu (non-ultra.) Of course the ultra would be better, but that one got great settings out of the game and almost never crashed. NWN MIGHT have been playable with a TNT2 (it didn't explicitly require shaders, merely benefited from them) but you would have seen closer to 5 FPS tops with very frequent crashes at best. Speaking from experience, NWN's original engine tended to crash frequently when framerates went that low (that game hated ATi cards. I had a Radeon 9600 Pro when I first got NWN and while it generally handled fairly well, if things got too busy it could crash and framerates were never great. Later on I had a Radeon X850XT-PE because I wasn't ready to buy a whole new motherboard -- which would also have meant CPU at the time -- to go to PCI-E at the time and the X850XT-PE was the most powerful thing ever to come to AGP mostly by sheer brute force more than anything else. NWN actually managed to make that X850XT-PE fall to its knees begging for mercy on a few modules...) To give you an idea of how far off you are on scale, a Geforce 6800 is probably approximately 700 times more powerful than the TNT2. I had my 6800 nu overclocked, cores unlocked, and the VRAM at lower latencies (essentially turning it into almost a 6800 Ultra) and NWN still struggled at times. Speaking of which, which CPU are you claiming to have run NWN on? You would pair a TNT2 with an early era Pentium 3 -- 450MHz or so probably. Even the Xbox 1 (one, not One) the engine (KOTOR) had major load times and lots of frame drops and it had a 733MHz Celeron (alright, that even lower than normal for a Celery stick L2 crippled it a lot, but it still would beat out a 450MHz P3) and a souped up Geforce 3 (roughly equivalent to the GTS probably, though I hear it had some backported GF4 improvements, so for all that the CPU sucked so much the GPU was actually pretty impressive for its time.) But back then with a game like this you were used to and accepted some framerate drops. The game might technically run on something like a Geforce 4 or even a Geforce 3 or maybe even a Geforce 4 MX (actually a GF2, but that hot mess is a different discussion,) but it absolutely would not have run well. A TNT2 isn't even on the map.

Also, I don't think you even remember what mods were for NWN. We're not talking about modifying graphics settings or something. We're talking about adding in whole game worlds. Even potentially rule changes in some. (I once played one that tried to modify in the 3.5e rules and seemed to do a pretty decent job of it IMO. I think I even recall seeing one that added in god levels -- aka greater than 40.) I suppose it would be possible to downscale textures, but with the way textures handle these days I doubt it would even make a 1 FPS difference if you lowered them while it sure would get ugly. In fact, you can modify some graphics settings it seems (the settings files can be edited inside the save filesystem,) but most things are disabled anyway it seems (I wondered why my disabling DOF made so little difference. It actually already is off, lol.) The problems you're complaining about are how the engine implements things as a whole and would require a complete rewrite of significant portions from scratch (which is not what Beamdog does or ever pretended to do.)

No, we know you did not play this game on a TNT2 at all. However, I will state absolutely that whatever you did play it on did still experience framerate drops and you just didn't pay attention because it didn't matter. It wasn't about maximizing the numbers, it was about enjoying a good game. Back then. You didn't need 1000 FPS or super realistic graphics barely discernible from life, you needed a game that offered good content. That is what NWN delivered then and it didn't suddenly remove all that it did since then. You are judging a port of a really old game today as if it were made today, but it is a port, not a game that was made today. This isn't The Elder Scrolls: The Hyper-Realstic VR Chronicles, this is NWN.

I haven't really had time to seriously experiment with it, but I'm thinking it might be possible they've simply moved it all. For now I managed to downgrade my game (not easy, don't ask) and will be really careful about updating it again until I'm absolutely ready. The update changed the game around to go along with the DLC though. The DLC has added language folders (en, pl, etc etc) in the root of the romfs (which means the update must have changed the game to use that since the DLC won't work without it.) My suspicion is that the data has to move to your game's respective language folder (probably en in most of our cases.) What I'm not sure about is if folder structure even remains intact. They placed their languag-specific dialog.tlk files directly in the data folder in each language instead of in a tlk folder. Hopefully if they did just simply move it the folder structure otherwise remains intact. If not, it may be worth trying just dumping all the files directly into that folder and seeing if it works, but I really really hope that isn't the case. Alternately it may even be that they just use a different structure entirely. For example, maybe instead of /data/whatever it's just /whatever with the /language/data actually just being a hardcoded override specific to just dialog.tlk. I'm guessing if you're using some modules that you have them in your user save though? It may still use those folders. Unless one redirect saves to SD (which, last I heard was still buggy wasn't it?) this means you have to load all mod files into the NAND and if you ever want anything that uses the CEP you're looking at losing a lot of space to it. At least we know the Switch doesn't freak out on large amounts of save data. Dragon Quest Builders 2 created a huge > 1GiB save (I think 1.5 or so, but I forget) and no problems there apparently.

Unfortunately, right now I just don't have the time or energy to really test it out. Most of what the update and DLC adds you can manually add in anyway. I have the modules the DLC adds from the GoG version and it seems to be ok with those, so I use them instead of the DLC. I did copy over some of their override files for the "low resolution" dialog font and it is definitely better than the original. They should have overridden the game's standard font for the Switch version from day one, but I guess they just didn't think of it since it looked mostly ok on PC.

Actually, funny thing about this back and forth... The actual setting to multiply the GUI's size by 2 doesn't exist in the original game's menus and was added in the update. However, if you load the settings files from a post-update save then most of the GUI actually will appropriately scale except for a couple of windows or so. Given that the settings file is just a plain text file more or less duplicated from the PC version I'm sure one can actually edit the specific line for that (but it gets a bit tiring going back and forth between the Switch and PC, so I didn't bother find that exact line for now since copying the settings file was sufficient.)

If you have the time, could you test this out? In particular especially test the moved data folders. You can just move the files over without too much fuss to be under the language folder and see what happens.

Oh I already undid they update sorry mate. Honestly though, I really don't see a reason to update since we are all using modded switches, we cant even play multiplayer anyway and as you say, we can add everything from the PC version anyway so I'm not sure why we should even bother with the update haha. Cheers for all your investigation though, This fourm will serve people well when they wanna find out about modding the game on switch.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
Eventually they will add something via updates that is worthwhile, so eventually we'll have to figure it out. If no one else has the time to try different locations I'll give it a shot someday when I have the time.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States
Alright I finally got around to modding the game
1. The override folder works fantastically unlike the PC version. On my first try I got portraits, custom heads and models, and the Default script to work (using it to undo party size penalty)
2. The Portaits, while they appear, are unselectable. So you gotta replace an existing portrait.

As for my first impressions, graphics are incredibly choppy and the text is so weird uneven and blocky it hurts my eyes to read it. I don't understand how this game can run diablo 3 better than nwn.

I am NOT looking forward to the endgame where you gotta cast like 20 buffs on yourself and your minions every time you rest.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
United States
Alright I finally got around to modding the game
1. The override folder works fantastically unlike the PC version. On my first try I got portraits, custom heads and models, and the Default script to work (using it to undo party size penalty)
2. The Portaits, while they appear, are unselectable. So you gotta replace an existing portrait.

As for my first impressions, graphics are incredibly choppy and the text is so weird uneven and blocky it hurts my eyes to read it. I don't understand how this game can run diablo 3 better than nwn.

I am NOT looking forward to the endgame where you gotta cast like 20 buffs on yourself and your minions every time you rest.

What's the file path you're using?


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States
What's the file path you're using?


sidenote: I can't get the portraits to work. I've been trying to replace po_clswizard_ but no matter where I put it (data/ptr or ovr) it doesn't replace but adds it in at the end. This sucks : (

Doing this in the Desktop version works so I don't know why it won't here.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States

I have no idea what's going on but atmosphere has a contents folder that somehow copied the stuff inside the titles folder, and it somehow has priority so whatever you changed in the titles folder is meaningless unless you delete the stuff inside contents folder too.

Anyways everything is working perfectly so just remember to either delete the stuff inside contents folder or directly modify the contents folder instead of the titles folder.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
That's awesome. I used to love NWN as a kid/teen, I should return to it some day. Actually downloaded the Switch version not that long ago. I remember being really into mods and custom maps on PC, so I could relive some of that nostalgia on Switch :)


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
Alright I finally got around to modding the game
1. The override folder works fantastically unlike the PC version. On my first try I got portraits, custom heads and models, and the Default script to work (using it to undo party size penalty)
Careful with overrides. They sometimes do more harm than good due to how they work. I guess I don't have to say this now as it looks like you found out already, but portraits belong in their own separate folder instead of overrides and you shouldn't replace stock portraits since this won't properly carry over.

As for my first impressions, graphics are incredibly choppy and the text is so weird uneven and blocky it hurts my eyes to read it. I don't understand how this game can run diablo 3 better than nwn.
Diablo 3 is a modern game made in a modern engine built to port fairly well. (In fact, I argue most PC games today are really console games ported to PC -- usually badly -- as they design the engines with consoles in mind first and foremost.) NWN is not. As discussed before, NWN was never the most efficient of its time, but also as it went on Bioware patched at various things and implemented some somewhat hacky methods of doing a lot of things (especially cloaks apparently.) A lot of how it handles much of its graphics stuff is very very bad for a modern graphics system without game-specific optimizations implemented. I would add here that back when I was still holding onto AGP (couldn't afford to buy a new CPU+motherboard+ram just to go to PCI-E) I had an X850XT-PE which is pretty much the equivalent of taking the most powerful horse you can find and giving it steroids at the time and NWN could actually drop to 10 FPS in a few places. (Which is why I know first-hand that the person claiming a TNT2 could play the game well was truly and utterly full of it. Well, that and I once had a TNT2 so know first-hand what it can and can't do.)

To clarify once more: Beamdog did not rewrite NWN from scratch -- which is basically what is necessary to fix all the engine quirks, outdated APIs, etc etc. All they did was fix up a few bugs, patch at a few problematic things, and add on some extras on top. In fact, I wouldn't be shocked if it actually uses an entire "compatibility layer" so to speak added on top to compensate for some of the game's fairly badly implemented methods that previously relied on drivers to manually handle (which went really badly for ATi users...)

I am NOT looking forward to the endgame where you gotta cast like 20 buffs on yourself and your minions every time you rest.
That caused problems on PC originally, so I don't see why you thought the Switch would be any better. In fact, I used to play a lot on a PW server I really enjoyed and people told me that whenever I started buffing the whole server would actually lag.

I have no idea what's going on but atmosphere has a contents folder that somehow copied the stuff inside the titles folder, and it somehow has priority so whatever you changed in the titles folder is meaningless unless you delete the stuff inside contents folder too.
There is no "somehow" to this. You really need to glance at the patch notes before updating. Atmosphere intentionally specifically moved "titles" to "contents" now. I don't understand their explanation why (apparently just because Nintendo says "contents" instead of "titles" they decided to make major code changes? Who cares what Nintendo calls it...) But regardless, after you updated Atmosphere it moved what it found at that time and then expected you to use the new location only. Move over any residual game overrides you might have (don't overwrite the old internal titles stuff, just game content -- eg the stuff that's basically all zeros except at the end -- mine left some of those in there for whatever reason but got what it needed so overwriting risks restoring something old that could render it unbootable) and then just delete the titles folder entirely.

If anyone knows how to enable max hp on level up, i'd be incredibly grateful as this is the last thing i want.
Looks like you can get to this setting in the nwnplayer.ini file under [Server Options]. You should see a Max Hit Points= line you can change from 0 to 1. The INI file will be in your save, so back it up with Checkpoint or whatever, edit, and then restore that backup. At least I hope this is the right place for it (it's the only instance of that setting I saw anyway.)
Last edited by Nazosan,


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States
Careful with overrides. They sometimes do more harm than good due to how they work. I guess I don't have to say this now as it looks like you found out already, but portraits belong in their own separate folder instead of overrides and you shouldn't replace stock portraits since this won't properly carry over.

Added portraits are unselectable. They are added and you can see them but when you move to select them the cursor just goes elsewhere like the Ok button or something. afaict the selectable portraits is hardcoded in so you have to replace a stock portrait if you want to use custom portraits. The cursor will never highlight new portraits.

That caused problems on PC originally, so I don't see why you thought the Switch would be any better. In fact, I used to play a lot on a PW server I really enjoyed and people told me that whenever I started buffing the whole server would actually lag.

It sucked on the PC too but at least on the PC you have 36 hotkeys to just que up everything within a few seconds. Here it's gonna be an absolute pain to radially select 20 buffs every time. Oh well, more incentive to not rest spam i guess.

There is no "somehow" to this. You really need to glance at the patch notes before updating. Atmosphere intentionally specifically moved "titles" to "contents" now. I don't understand their explanation why (apparently just because Nintendo says "contents" instead of "titles" they decided to make major code changes? Who cares what Nintendo calls it...) But regardless, after you updated Atmosphere it moved what it found at that time and then expected you to use the new location only. Move over any residual game overrides you might have (don't overwrite the old internal titles stuff, just game content -- eg the stuff that's basically all zeros except at the end -- mine left some of those in there for whatever reason but got what it needed so overwriting risks restoring something old that could render it unbootable) and then just delete the titles folder entirely.

I glance but i can't understand technical mumbo jumbo so someone like you needs to explain it to me like this. Good to know, I guess I'll delete the titles folder now.

Looks like you can get to this setting in the nwnplayer.ini file under [Server Options]. You should see a Max Hit Points= line you can change from 0 to 1. The INI file will be in your save, so back it up with Checkpoint or whatever, edit, and then restore that backup. At least I hope this is the right place for it (it's the only instance of that setting I saw anyway.)

zomg this means i gotta save edit every single time I play a new module. argh. and I don't want to use the default script cause it will check my hp every heartbeat. that is horrendous overhead. oh well i'll see if i can poke around here and there and try to find and modify a "level up" script. If not I guess I'll just have to live with it.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
Added portraits are unselectable. They are added and you can see them but when you move to select them the cursor just goes elsewhere like the Ok button or something. afaict the selectable portraits is hardcoded in so you have to replace a stock portrait if you want to use custom portraits. The cursor will never highlight new portraits.
Seems like there is some way to add custom portraits then because something I added on did so (CEP I think?)

It sucked on the PC too but at least on the PC you have 36 hotkeys to just que up everything within a few seconds. Here it's gonna be an absolute pain to radially select 20 buffs every time. Oh well, more incentive to not rest spam i guess.
The radial is actually one of the best interfaces I've ever seen in a game of that nature. Especially if you play online a lot since you can do a lot of stuff very quickly without relying on pausing to search as you get used to the patterns. Give yourself a chance to get used to it and you'll be able to fire off spell queues faster than you can actually cast. Haha, treat it as if the movements are spellcasting motions. I used to be able to fire them off so fast that I'd have almost the entire queue completed before the first spell was even finished casting. Mind you, as great as the analog stick is for this, the numberpad was the best.

zomg this means i gotta save edit every single time I play a new module. argh.
I don't think so. Just edit the INI file once and it should carry across everything I believe. This is assuming I was looking at the correct place to edit it mind you, but I'm pretty sure that's it. Since it's the server section I would assume this wouldn't work online if anyone is brave/crazy enough to use a hacked save online unless you're the one hosting, but for your own single player use I think that it uses that particular setting across everything.

To clarify, basically this is how the game is doing it: the romfs (what you're modifying via titles or now content folders) is the game's main directory and then the save data is actually the user folder complete with the same file structure that the user folder used and everything. An interesting thing about saves on the switch is that, as far as I can tell, they're basically just implementing a sort of filesystem inside a file (and Checkpoint/etc just figures out which is which since they're almost randomly named) so games can put pretty much anything within that filesystem which has the great advantage for us in that most developers get lazy about it and sometimes don't even bother to change how the game saves data versus their PC counterparts in multi-port games. So if you edit nwnplayer.ini in there it's basically the same thing as if you edited nwnplayer.ini in the user folder on the PC version. Basically they implemented this in sort of a lazy way where the Switch version of the game basically is just the PC version (though perhaps from the Linux base?) barely modified to run on it instead. A lot of stuff was left more or less exactly as it originally was. Though the cool thing about that is they don't seem to have recompressed anything. Thank god... I can't tell you how upset I am that one game I really want to play on my Switch with mods (Dragon's Dogma) uses a slightly different compression (probably something Nintendo-specific like that YAZ0 or whatever it is BOTW uses a lot) and no one who has the ability to work on adding it to the tools cares enough to be bothered with it. NWN, as far as I can tell, didn't do this. I haven't had a single crash due to using custom ERFs or anything like that so far.
Last edited by Nazosan,


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States
Worked like a charm! I assumed the switch save file would just be a collection of "saves", but you were right! It was a complete copy and paste of "my documents" nwn file structure. I'm too spent to try and add a userpatch.ini and tinker with that inorder to not use the override.

Anyways thanks! You have no idea how happy this makes me. My switch copy is now identical to my PC copy.

Thanks for making this thread and sharing your info!

.................. I just had a thought...
Maybe, by moving all my override assets over to the save file, I can play nwn with my mods without using CFW! OMG gonna try this now!!!

p.s. You also need to edit settings.tml to get max hp on level up.

Alright i'm a happy girl so thanks everyone! Hope I helped.
Last edited by someonenoone11,


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
Anyways thanks! You have no idea how happy this makes me. My switch copy is now identical to my PC copy.
Yeah, the only problem is after the update it seems to change a bit. Perhaps just a slight structure change. I simply haven't had the time or the energy lately to try to figure out if it can still basically work the same or not, but before the update the Switch port is basically the PC game in every way that matters as far as modding is concerned. Just remember not to update the game by accident.

.................. I just had a thought...
Maybe, by moving all my override assets over to the save file, I can play nwn with my mods without using CFW! OMG gonna try this now!!!
Yeah, I said this early on. I don't see any benefit to doing this normally however. The only benefit I can think of to using the user save instead of layeredfs is if you wanted to use a modified save on an unmodified system (or at least one not using CFW.) You could technically use the game with some modified data and probably Nintendo's systems would be particularly able to tell, so probably it wouldn't earn a ban. ... Probably... At least unless you modified online settings. If you're not using it for something like that you're jumping through extra hoops to do the same thing that you could do just by dropping them into the appropriate contents folder.

Bear in mind that the user save goes into NAND unless you're using save2sd which is purportedly in extremely alpha status and recommended against (the comments basically say "don't use this.") So whatever you put into that save will be loaded into the internal NAND and you'll have that amount less free space to work with for other saves and any internal installs you might want. With stuff like modified default scripts and that sort of thing I'm sure this should be fine since none of that is terribly big, but if you start using the save structure for all your mod stuff you might start running into problems with free space in the NAND unless you have just not really used your NAND much.
Last edited by Nazosan,


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States
Yeah, the only problem is after the update it seems to change a bit. Perhaps just a slight structure change. I simply haven't had the time or the energy lately to try to figure out if it can still basically work the same or not, but before the update the Switch port is basically the PC game in every way that matters as far as modding is concerned. Just remember not to update the game by accident.

I updated the game. My game version is the latest. I have no interest in doing all those extensive mods or modules using CEP and stuff so I just updated the game.

Yeah, I said this early on. I don't see any benefit to doing this normally however. The only benefit I can think of to using the user save instead of layeredfs is if you wanted to use a modified save on an unmodified system (or at least one not using CFW.) You could technically use the game with some modified data and probably Nintendo's systems would be particularly able to tell, so probably it wouldn't earn a ban. ... Probably... At least unless you modified online settings. If you're not using it for something like that you're jumping through extra hoops to do the same thing that you could do just by dropping them into the appropriate contents folder.

I play smash online so removing all traces of CFW back and forth is a hassle. And sometimes I don't have access to an injector on the go.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
I updated the game. My game version is the latest. I have no interest in doing all those extensive mods or modules using CEP and stuff so I just updated the game.
Interesting. I assumed you were still on the original version. If stuff like overrides still works after the update it probably confirms my suspicion that they just moved things. And if so, that means the correct location for portraits perhaps moved too btw.

I play smash online so removing all traces of CFW back and forth is a hassle. And sometimes I don't have access to an injector on the go.
Well, be very careful. Modern versions of Atmosphere are pretty good at hiding their presence, but unless you're doing everything from an emuMMC on a separate memory card there will always be some telltale signs if Nintendo ever makes a serious effort to actually look.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
United States
Interesting. I assumed you were still on the original version. If stuff like overrides still works after the update it probably confirms my suspicion that they just moved things. And if so, that means the correct location for portraits perhaps moved too btw.

The portraits work. They appear in game. I can see them. But when I move my cursor to select them it loops back to the first portrait. I tried both horizontal and vertical cursor movement. Something is making the custom portraits unselectable. It's not a location thing. It's a script thing.

Well, be very careful. Modern versions of Atmosphere are pretty good at hiding their presence, but unless you're doing everything from an emuMMC on a separate memory card there will always be some telltale signs if Nintendo ever makes a serious effort to actually look.

I was saying the advantage of using the save file instead of LayeredFS was that I didn't need to remove all traces of atmosphere every time I wanted to switch between smash online and nwn. Because by having everything in the save file's override folder I don't need atmosphere at all to play nwn modded.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
The portraits work. They appear in game. I can see them. But when I move my cursor to select them it loops back to the first portrait. I tried both horizontal and vertical cursor movement. Something is making the custom portraits unselectable. It's not a location thing. It's a script thing.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Something I've added (CEP I guess?) added custom portraits that I can select. But then again, perhaps the issue is the update changes how it handles even what you can select. I don't know. More testing needed I guess.

I was saying the advantage of using the save file instead of LayeredFS was that I didn't need to remove all traces of atmosphere every time I wanted to switch between smash online and nwn. Because by having everything in the save file's override folder I don't need atmosphere at all to play nwn modded.
Fair enough. If you're just using a handful of custom overrides it's not big of a deal. If you had a ton of large modules, ERFs, etc etc, maybe even the CEP it starts to become a real problem. Do still bear in mind that this is technically detectable. I think it is exceptionally unlikely they ever would, but it is something to bear in mind. The biggest danger is surely not Beamdog, but just if it starts showing significantly different network handling versus an unmodified version maybe Nintendo's services might flag you or something.

It really is too bad they can't let people officially do this, but any time external resources are loaded there is an inherent danger the game could become exploitable and I wouldn't be shocked if Nintendo won't even allow a game that does this on the market these days.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
United States
The game is still completely moddable on the latest update. The trick is, you need to have the premium modules DLC, and then create a new folder called 010013700DA4B001 (the title ID of the DLC) and put everything in there. For instance, .hak files would go in 010013700DA4B001/romfs/data/hk . The file folders stay the same as the other EE versions (e.g., "mod" instead of "modules" and so on).

Furthermore, .ini changes should now be placed in settings.tme inside your Checkpoint folder after backing up a save. As of the most recent update, all .ini changes have been migrated to that file.

Using this, I have gotten The Prophet series, along with The Cave of Songs and Honor Among Thieves, to be completely playable on the latest update. In effect, they just changed the load location to the DLC's folder, likely to accommodate the DLC adding new modules.

I've also made a curated suite of mods to improve the UI and font; I'll upload it when I have the chance and share it here.

Something I could use some help with, however: I'm looking to disable environment shadows, since I play on handheld mode, but turning them off in both the .ini and the .tme file does nothing. I have a feeling it's one of the shaders in the override folder that's keeping them on, but I don't know which one. Any insight?

EDIT: The shadows are driving me up the wall. They disappear constantly when turning the camera, only to be drawn again after I move a certain distance. Any help figuring out how to turn enviornment shadows off would be much appreciated; I'm at a loss now that the .tme and .ini files haven't done it. I know the .tme is working - I was able to turn off the intro movies from it - but the setting to disable environment shadows does nothing. They always stay on.

I've also tried going into D3D.technique and turning off the shadows from the user settings in there, but it doesn't work. It was beyond me how to edit D3D.technique_release.blob so the answer is probably in there - given that the settings won't change, it has to be coming from a file in override, and that's where D3D.technique_release.blob is located.

EDIT 2: Found a workaround. By halving the resolution of cascade shadows in the OpenGL33 renderer, the Switch is able to display environment shadows without issue in handheld mode. Attaching it here in case someone else needs it; just put it in your ovr folder.


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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
United States
Thank you very much for testing all this out. It's truly appreciated. I sort of stopped trying when I lost all my save data and had to start everything over and kind of just didn't feel like putting in a lot of effort anymore then, but I should test this later when I can.

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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Open it right next to the one we have
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    guys should i make a new thread and just count the amount of posts until kyle, luke or leo joins the thread for fun?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    kyle's fine, just waiting for that wario joke

    luke and leo though, they yap until the thread's enjoyability is about halved
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Leo is Luke's alterego when he gets hard
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Luke is gone, he got banned. And I'm surprised Leo hasn't yet
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Subway was actually pretty decent tonight
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Wut you get, a seafood and psi salad sub
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Psi had my footlong meatball special
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    i want a meatball sandwich
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Bout time you came out and admitted it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Bigonya talks to himself often
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Bigonya talks to himself often +1