Gaming My Custom Hard Mode


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States

Just a custom hard mode I made. Sadly most of it is not anything more than just "Putting restrictions on oneself." Like many of those are used to when they have beaten a game four million times. The rest actually require modding for the best result. Anyways, let's get started! :D

... Prepare for a huge thread I had so much fun making.
Mode: Normal. NOT Master. Master Mode is unfair and hardly very fun. (Ten bomb arrows with the triple shot Lynel Bow should be FAR MORE than enough for a grunt Bokoblin. -_- ... Then they just get full health 4 seconds later anyway) So seriously... Sure it's meant to be harder but there's a difference from unfair/cheating and not fun to needing far more skill and effort to win. This mode is just bogus so I do not recommend doing it in this mode. (And if you were on that mode, why would you want this "Custom" hard mode? XD)

This does require certain weapons to have infinite durability. But, hey. It can be just as nice without infinite durability. :) I just find that hacking a woodcutter's axe on a wooden shield being the reason for a woodcutter's axe breaking to be quite bogus...

To complete the experience, this requires my "Fist" mod that changes the stick weapon's actor, description, name, icon and model. But I did not release that so maybe soon I will if you guys really want it.

(Weapons = bows, shields and melee weapons/rods.)

All wooden weapons (Other than the stick and key weapons) can break, burn, etc. They have finite durability.
All level 1 weapons (Travelor's set weapons, shields, etc.) can break.
All rusty weapons can break.
Ancient++ ONLY weapons cannot break.
Ancient Akkala weapons cannot break. (Buzzsaw, etc.)
Rod+ weapons CAN break. But regular rods cannot break. (As long as you have my mod which changes regular rods to be like character magic where they are not actual rods at all... But unless you make this yourself, I did not release this.)
Boomerangs do not break. (I find it unlikely for such a thing to REALLY break. Especially Lizal Boomerangs.)
Forest Dweller set does not break only because I think that set is more about aesthetics because it's not super strong and it's just any other regular wood weapon... Yet for some reason it isn't very common. ._. What? So I think it makes sense that the Forest Dweller set can jsut be infinite durability because it's like having the Master Sword, your very own sword that wouldn't break.
If you have the fist mod you cannot set the fist on fire. XD (I've done it with the mod and it actually looks like I'm holding a match. ._. Which would make sense if you have a match but it would break the use of a torch...)
As stated above with key weapons, torches do not break but you can only have one key weapon in your inventory at a time.


Your equipment slots CANNOT BE USED AS IS. I personally have no idea how to edit equipment slots but these are what you can use:
1 bow
1 shield
You must have a stick (With the fist mod) at all times. If you do not have the fist mod then ignore this. You can't carry a stick for free. XD
ONE Key weapon. (Korok leaf/torch. If you want axe to be a key item sure... But anything more than the woodcutter's axe is considered a melee weapon. Not a key item.)
2 Melee weapons.
You CANNOT take away your key weapon just to have a third slot. Not happening. Even if you throw away your key weapon you are still restricted to 2 melee weapons at a time.
And I guess if you have a special aesthetic to a weapon that SHOULD be finite of durability and you know you will use that all of the time then sure. That will be your special weapon and does not need durability but you can only do this on one weapon.
P.S: Feel free to change this to 1 melee weapon... I have it as 2 because I like to throw infinite durability spears like Javelins that I have to go recover So you can change this to only one melee weapon OR you can change it to one spear and one melee weapon... But then the point below will become void.

This does NOT count for your own spears but say if you have all of your slots used. (fist, 2 weapons and a key item.) You cannot pick anything else up without removing what you have other than spears. And if you pick that up with a full inventory you must use it just to throw it. If it has infinite durabilty it can be continuously thrown but after that battle it must be discarded unless you throw one of your weapons away and these spears you use without a full inventory cannot be used to attack regularly. Only thrown. You, finally, cannot switch weapons after picking it up to throw it later. Can't do that. Even if it's the same battle. XD

Paraglader = No go.
No jumping off of the twin towers just because you have a paraglider. Paragliders can ONLY be used if:
1. You're using Revali's gale to activate it.
2. You are jumping off of the Great Plateau for the first time.
3. There's an updrafts. This also includes spirit dragon's flying around. If there's an updraft that would keep you in the air then you can use it. You can also use it to travel but as long as you started on an updraft. (Even if you jump into an updraft)
4. Whichever event I did not mention that the paraglider is needed.
No more flying the entire world away or never fearing heights because now you own no paraglider. Having a paraglider takes away much of the fun. (While adding just as much more, but in a different way.)

Spider man climbing? Get out of town.
You're not spider man so go to sleep. You can INDEED climb, sure. But no climbing the twin towers anymore or... Most importantly... A block of ice. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE SWIMMING IN WATER. I know many shrines require you to climb blocks of ice and if it's required then go ahead... But do your best to find better ways to get by. Of course you can jump on blocks of ice but no climbing them from the bottom. If you land on the side and you grip onto it, only if you are close to the top (As if you are hanging) can you climb but other than that no. If you are climbing a wall pretend this is Assassin's Creed and you need some kind of grip point to climb it. Yes you can do the climb jump but only if their is a grapple point above you that you can jump to. If you miss it then just go back to where you last jumped and try again of it it's out of reach find another way. If there are leaves then feel free to climb. You can also climb rock as long as there are grip points and etc. Just do not climb steep things or things that would make no sense to be able to climb. Rock wall just a bit too high to jump? Find a way around.
This also goes for climbing down things. No climbing down. XD If it's too high when you are too low or it's too low when you are too high (A.K.A. just unreachable) then come back when you have enough hearts to survive the jump or when you have Revali's Gale. :/ This was ALMOST a problem with the Great Plateau Shrine that gives you the Time Stopper Rune. As far as I remember at least but it's possible. Climb down where there're vines or grip points.
(Or course if something is ABSOLUTELY impossible and you NEED to go there NOW... Then just use the paraglider.)
For huge steep skinny towers like the one on Great Plateau that NEVER makes sense climbing? Come back with Revali's Gale. IF for some reason there is one of these towers that Revali's Gale does not go high enough, then use Revali's Gale as a higher point and if it's STILL impossible then feel free to climb it. XD Things like that shouldn't be out of reach just because we said if there is absolutely no other way even if it's optional.

If you are dying by the cold? You cannot use food or eat five of your 99 apples to just run through the cold a state away. That's cheating and stupid. Food and ingredients (Excluding fairies, obviously. Etc.) do not heal your cold wounds. You can ONLY heal if you are by a fireplace or fire cauldron. In which you can sleep. And I think sleeping is enough to get all or some (Maybe like 4 every time you sleep for 6 hours?) of your hearts back... Nintendo obviously thinks otherwise. But this is unrelated and does not pertain to this mode.
For the sake of convenience obviously you don't HAVE to sleep... But actually going to sleep to a different time than you are at currently can make things fun with different times of day. But food and ingredients do not heal your wounds unless near a fire place.
This makes me say only use elixirs instead of food since, I believe, they only give status effects instead of hearts when you are out there in the cold. And only use food that gives these statuses like cold down if you are NOT out in the cold.
I understand Nintendo did not want two different health bars but... It's very silly if I can run out in the snow naked but bring a boatload of apples and potato chips to survive the cold. No healing EVER in the cold unless you are by fire in which you can gobble up or it's a fairy. End of story. Bring wood to make camp fires.
NO INGREDIENTS IN BATTLE. I do not believe their are any elixirs that give hp? Or maybe I'm wrong... If there are elixirs that give HP you are only allowed to use elixirs in battle. (Stop judging me. XD In Breath of the Wild I only ever really quickly ate 20 apples or slabs of meat out of my 99999 just because it was way cheaper and faster than using all of these dumb ingredients to make big foods. And I always had a fire weapon and ice weapon so I can just equip that and not waste resources on dumb elixirs that give me a time limit to stay cool or warm. XD Just how I played. Foods were pretty worthless unless they gave me like ten hearts upfront. So I'm not educated on the elixirs. XD)
You cannot eat apples in the middle or battle or eat foods. ONLY ELIXIRS IN THE MIDDLE. (Because it's like using potions in battle.) Obviously feel free to gobble apples and foods if you are not in the heat of battle, even if unaware enemies are close by. As long as they are not trying to kill you then it's all fine.
So in case that was confusing:
Only elixirs anywhere/anytime you want.
No eating ingredients or foods unless outside of battle even if right before it.
And if in harsh conditions, no eating food or ingredients unless near a fire place/cauldron.
No eating food (Excluding elixirs and tonics. Almost forgot about those.) EVER unless by a fire place, shrine, village, etc. I find it senseful to have apples in your bag but NOT senseful to have pancakes, steak, sauce; don't forget the sauce, and a hole plate of dinner in your bag. I know anyone can stuff a pancake in their bag but... Let's just not discriminate and the only things you can eat anywhere no matter the situation are elixirs.
You can only eat ingredients if you are NOT in battle and NOT in harsh conditions.
(I know it makes no sense to restrict eating an apple just because it's snowing out... But I just do not want you surviving the cold BECAUSE of the apple. :/)

Arrows types I'm still on the fence about... But here's the gist:
Arrows are easy chemistry that would be far harder to accomplish any other time and I find that saddening. Who cares about rushing through the cold with a torch when you can just start a forest fire with a fire arrow and run through? ._. Or using flint to make fire for your camp fire when, bam. Fire Arrow?
It's cheap. BUT it's only a good mechanic if you're NOT on this custom hard mode so let's change that:
Quick thing: This list does NOT count toward regular arrows that are set on fire. Those are ALWAYS fine. You can go start a forest fire if you want if your regular arrow is on fire. I am talking about the actual fire arrow in your inventory. :/
I'm really not sure how to restrict this without completely taking away a good feature of the game. (Arrow types) so I will give a list of a few different restriction sets and you can just choose one or use what I have to make your own:
-Fire arrows itself are forbidden. You can collect them for when you don't want to do this mode right now. But cannot use them in any way when on this mode.
-You can have fire arrows but you can only hold 5 or maybe 3? Or perhaps ten... Of each arrow element type. (Maybe excluding bomb arrows. I think if you use a bomb arrow just to light a fireplace then you are in the right if you want to waste such a good resource on a forest fire or something.) This is a fire arrow and all others or all or nothing. With this restriction I think it's fair to allow you to light fireplaces with fire arrows since you have so little.
-You can only have 5 of every arrow type. Including regular ones. (Or 10, or five element types and 20 regular?) This will keep you on your toes on not wasting arrows or running enemies over with arrow barrages and really have you looking for arrows to loot. This also makes how much you can carry SLIGHTLY more realistic. This is an element arrow and all others or all or nothing. With this restriction I think it's fair to use arrows any way you want.
P.S: Even with all of this, you are ALWAYS 100% free on using Chu Chu to make fire. That is never a problem... Or maybe it should be?? XD But for now it's no problem.

Of course you can collect all of the Hestu seeds but cannot use those as extra slots. EVER.

Now I'm not sure what to do with costumes, honestly.
I'm using a mod where I can play as my O.C. (Which originated from my Mii) So I only have my modded clothes I ever wear anyway. (And I have it that those clothes comes in the starting chests of the game so I won't ever really change.)
But I'm sure a lot of you like to change up sometimes ESPECIALLY when you're wearing certain outfits for certain conditions and weather. So I will make a list and you guys choose whichever you want:
-Infinite pocket filled with clothes, the obvious.
-Can ONLY CHANGE CLOTHES while you're at a town/village or at a stable. HOWEVER you can always remove clothes. But whatever you were wearing on your body when you left the village/stable is whatever you are forced to take off/wear until you change your clothes. Think of it like Resident Evil's teleporting box of items. You need to find a box to change your equipment but you can always remove your equipment from your body anytime. Or put it back on anytime but cannot replace a shirt with something else unless you go to the box. (Village/stable.)
-You can bring ONE SET of extra clothes with you and swap it out at a village/stable. This means whatever you are wearing plus one extra set. (One of each lower, upper and head) So you can bring a stealth outfit and a cold resistant outfit wherever you want. So basically this is the same as above^ But you have 2 of each equipment type instead of one of each.
-THE HERO MODE. No changing outfits EVER. (Maybe unless it's the flamebreaker outfit? I don't really know of a way to disable catching on fire without it. I don't think elixirs help with catching on fire, elixir just keep your temperature low so I'm not sure.) Choose an outfit, maybe the Ocarina of Time set (IDK. XD) and bam. Play it with this.
Disclaimer: I know you don't just have all equipment at the start... Of course unless you mod. If you mod then go for it if you want to never change outfits. But to fix this... Maybe once you "Update" your outfit there is no going back?
Low level equipment? Deal with it or upgrade it. (Good luck with sticking with DLC outfits. XD)

Feel free to mod the Master Sword to disable the stupid time limit. If you don't however... DO NOT USE THE DAMN THING. IF you use it ever then it's instantly taking up a slot in your inventory and you need to throw a weapon away.

NO SHRINE TELEPORTING. This is literally just breaking the game. I KNOW how much we value our automobiles and our "Get there faster" but seriously. A HUGE portion of this game, for me, was just skipped because I climbed mount Lanayru from a wall to get to the top instead of braved the mountain's harshness and Lizalfos obstacles or I just teleported to a nearby mountain and paraglided to the top or whatever... It's just unfun, seriously. It makes the adventure far more tedious and memorable. YOU CAN TELEPORT TO REGIONAL TOWERS BUT NOT SHRINES. The exception to the shrines are shrine you activated but didn't complete. You can teleport to those. But other than that, you can ONLY teleport if it's a tower, Divine Beast or it's the DLC teleporting device thingy.
I have added Shrine exceptions to this, though, because some areas you should be able to teleport to. This includes places like Hateno Village and Gerudo Town. It's sort of lame to be forced 72 miles plus an entire desert away just to do one thing at Gerudo town or certain areas. All towns (And even Stables) have shrines linked to them. I'd say ONLY TOWN NOT STABLES but if you want to add stables to the exception list then be my guest. This means the list you can teleport to are ONLY:
Incomplete shrines
Teleporting DLC Device thingy
Optional: Stables
This also makes the option of "Purposely not completing Shrines until you found them all" an interesting teleportation method. This just sacrifices you having as many hearts/stamina then you sort of deserve. Your own sacrifices.

Now they can be if you want... But IF YOU EVER PLAN ON USING THEM AS WEAPONS then you must remove any infinite durabilty mods to key weapons. If you plan on using them as weapons, then they are still considered key weapons and do not affect your weapon slots. But you still can ONLY HAVE ONE.

There's no limit to how many ingredients you can carry of course.

This one is optional. You can say you are only allowed to save at fireplaces/cauldrons, towns, shrines, stables. and other key areas but nowhere else and no using autosaves. This is especially useful to making the game a bit more challenging when climbing a huge mountain like Mount Lanayru and you know you could die by the harshness of the adventure so saving consumes a stick of wood (Even though they are extremely easy to get. So basically you can save at every tree.. XD) and you must have a way to light it on fire.

This next one makes the one before this far more tedious.
You cannot CUT TREES ALONE. Only the Wood Cutter's axe can cut trees. And if you want to consider the battle axe and others able to cut trees, then those are not key weapons and you cannot use them as weapons. (Which is senseless. Just have the wood cutter's axe as a key weapon. xD) Only the woodcutter's axe can cut trees and, of course, you can only hold one key weapons so you must get rid of your other key weapon such as the torch to use it.
You can blow trees up, but you cannot collect the wood when they fall and are destroyed. You can ONLY COLLECT THE WOOD IF YOU USED YOUR WOOD CUTTER'S AXE TO DESTROY THE TREE. (Meaning to preserve the axe's durability, you can blow the tree up, then cut the wood that fell.)

All of this fireplace stuff going on really makes the bundle of wood far more useful now. It saves your game anywhere, it creates fire, it allows you to heal in harsh conditions... And getting it is far more rare now. Even if you do not like the majority of this mode, you have to admit this fire place mechanic is very nice.

No eating rocks. XD I know this is a very SMALL detail... But if you throw a diamond over the stove FOR WHATEVER REASON to make some rock-hard TRASH.... You can't sensefully eat that and get a heart... Come on. If you already have the food then sure. Get all of your hearts. But do not make that.
This does NOT count toward nasty food. Adding cockroaches and Swamp Shrek eyeballs into your food to make dubious/rock-hard food is disgusting but you can make that fine and eat it. What I mean is do not make foods that make no sense to eat. Because no matter what you make you will get a heart and that's unfair. So:
No cooking Ancient Screws alone or things that just straight up aren't food. As long as SOMETHING in the ingredients serve as food then you're fine.
Feel free to make nasty and hard food. But as long as at least one of the ingredients were food you are free to make and eat them.

If you have the Of the Wild set (LEGALLY, Not by cheating. XD) then I guess you are free to have every outfit available to you whenever. And perhaps every weapon slot, etc. Whatever. I'd say consider that you beat the game.

I may update this list whenever I think of more. Feel free, guys, to give good suggestion and I will add it to the mode if I like it or something I haven't thought of or if something makes no sense, feel free to point them out. I want this to be as complete as possible. I personally remember all of this stuff myself when playing but it's mainly here for archival purposes. Remember, if you like the mode you do not have to follow EVERYTHING. Just pick apart whatever you like and go with it.
Now if you want to try this on Master Mode, then go ahead. It will be FAR HARDER but the difficulty is not why I don't recommend it. This custom hard mode is meant to make the game a bit more realistic and give you the hardships of mortality a bit more than the game does alone. Master Mode sort of just defeats this purpose by making things around you not follow these rules and it's a bit cheating. But if you're ok with a bomb barrel doing 10% damage to the gruntiest of Bokoblin grunts then feel free. I find it sort of unfun. Especially when I have this big plan and in the middle of it they are all just getting 100% hp back. Give me your thoughts. :)
Last edited by Grmmish,


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
United States
OMG I thought I was in the Breath of the Wild thread... Let me quickly change this. XD

And yeah. Due to the length and the fact I will be adding more to it later, I was simply lazy on formatting the list well. :P
Last edited by Grmmish,

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