So I'm not dead for those who were concerned (just having a bad period irl).
In fact, thanks to delebile's hard work, Luma is getting NTR-like LayeredFS support. It just needs testing for compatibility to make sure it's all okay.
You can help if you want:
Testing build:
- Open RomFS file explorer using the homebrew launcher: and choose a game
- Navigate to "romfs", and find files that are likely to be loaded by the game in a predictable spot/menu (I used files with "menu", "mainmenu" or names like that in my tests)
- Copy them to the SD card, in /luma/titles/<gameid>/romfs/ (where romfs is a folder and <gameid> is the game's titleid taken from here - make sure the region matches! - . You can alternatively find the titleid of the game in FBI by selecting "Titles," then hovering over the game as it's listed in the menu: The titleid will appear on the top screen.). You might have to create these folders on the computer first, as romfs explorer doesn't have a full file manager. Make also sure to respect the folder structure (as an example, a file in a folder called "menu" in the romfs will need to be in /luma/titles/<gameid>/romfs/menu).
- In the Luma config, enable the exception handlers, the service/svc patch, and game patching. It's important to enable these
- Launch the game, go to the spot/menu where you think the game will load the romfs file(s). If you see a "prefetch abort (svcBreak)" then layeredfs is working. The crash is intentional and makes it easier to test.
Tell me which games don't work, if you're sure you followed the instructions correctly.