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Joe Biden is now officially the 46th President of the United States of America

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Social Justice Potato
Feb 20, 2020
somewhere that may or may not exist
United States
He did? That's fucking awesome! I thought he said he was against a fracking ban during the debates.
he hasn't (though he did do other environmental stuff like stopping the Keystone XL project), and his position on outright banning it has been a bit fuzzy (iirc he wants to transition away from it but not just flat-ban it instantly)
but all the trumptrolls are just exaggerating this tenfold as well as just lying about what he's said, saying and is doing in order to spout nonsense and make him look like a liar


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
He did? That's fucking awesome! I thought he said he was against a fracking ban during the debates.

Their purpose was never to become a "standing army," you must be dumb as a bag of rocks if you truly believe that. They were there to safeguard the inauguration and that's it.
Unsurprisingly, Biden merely denied permits for new fracking on federal land, like he always said he would, and a conservative site exaggerated and lied about it. Personally, I wish Biden had banned fracking.


Social Justice Potato
Feb 20, 2020
somewhere that may or may not exist
United States
Unsurprisingly, Biden merely denied permits for new fracking on federal land, like he always said he would, and a conservative site exaggerated and lied about it. Personally, I wish Biden had banned fracking.
that site and its echoers can go frack themselves


Social Justice Potato
Feb 20, 2020
somewhere that may or may not exist
United States
Articles of Impeachment have been filed against President Biden
Not a good day for BIden
good thing said articles are completely devoid of legitimate reasoning (they boil down to "he abused his power when he was VICE president, and by abused his power I mean he literally just let his son have a job in a different country entirely that had nothing to do with his position as VP") and nobody with more than two brain cells is going to approve of it right after Trump fucked over basically everyone in both parties
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
It takes a certain kind of privilege to entirely dismiss the notion of privilege.
God exists because the bible says so? Fantastic.

If I look out into the world I see plenty making it, economics saying "good people are hard to find, if you are stupid enough to dismiss them because they like to fumble matching genitals/[insert rest of list] then you deserve to have your competitors overtake you", and the general moral sense of it (a difference from some decades ago), few able to enact schemes based on what an old book says when it wanted more followers and the best way to get those is to breed them, and so forth.

There are plenty that have head starts in life. Stable families, nice communities, familial wealth, choice geography, luck of genetics, born in a time when technology changes some stuff... all good stuff on that front. Doesn't seem denied to minorities though. Frequently hard to obtain for the impoverished. Might be that some minorities are disproportionately (to simple population totals anyway, which is a rather simplistic metric) troubled in one or more of those, however attributing the reasoning for that to modern bigotries of the government and the world at large that is self interested in not allowing them to get places is a rather harder ask. Magically curing bigotry tomorrow (again I would put that at remarkably low levels as a general concept but can go with imagining it being ridiculously high for this) would not see things fixed in short order after that, curing poverty on the other hand would see far greater results in a far shorter period of time (and taking out magic for far less effort).

As far as something to be ashamed or or treated as some kind of original sin equivalent. Yeah not onboard with that.

Equally were I to assume [insert combination of non minority traits] wandering in front of me had it easy because of said traits then I have knocked about in too many places dealing with picking up the pieces when the giant arsehole of fate decides to shit upon them from on high to assume they are somehow immune, or at least is so vanishingly rare as to be a true minority in and of itself.

To go one further and be told I have to ensure minorities are picked over others, which is something I have seen out in the world (and done from on high)... now that seems like real bigotry to me. Fortunately most people still seem stuck on judging those on content of character and the "if you are stupid enough to dismiss the rare and hard to come by good person" thing from earlier.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Articles of Impeachment have been filed against President Biden
Not a good day for BIden
First: Start to post sources, or stop posting.

Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

Lawmaker’s stunt destined to go nowhere with Democratic controlled House and Senate

src: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...impeachment-taylor-greene-qanon-b1790965.html

Third: This is all a fight to win over the allegiance of the superdumbnuts - that can say Trump, because thats the sound they always make when, ... So basically 'act like you very much with the people that believed in what the idiot was saying - gain their voter base', coast through your next election.

If you are an Evertrumper and havent understood, that nothing you 'learned' or 'held true' in the past three years will even be a thing from now on - it was over, a week from electionday, when republicans decided to humor the president for his voting base - which then didnt deliver Georgia to them, so after that Trump was of no use to anyone.

So this time - that impeachment attempt will be picked up NEITHER by dems, or by reps.

And as I tried to tell the very young people in this forum from the start - much of the impeachment proceedings are about PR anyhow - the moment you consider, that members of congress get 'whipped' (political term) - to rally their votes behind the parties perspective. And as impeachment needs a 2/3 majority, this means - never gonna happen unless nearly both parties want it to.

So in a sense - even that you learned the word impeachment is useless - for a while. Because you just learned it as 'if you say it - the other person has done a bubu', and that means - you probably shouldnt try to tell other people hof to feel about stuff.
Last edited by notimp,


Social Justice Potato
Feb 20, 2020
somewhere that may or may not exist
United States
God exists because the bible says so? Fantastic.

If I look out into the world I see plenty making it, economics saying "good people are hard to find, if you are stupid enough to dismiss them because they like to fumble matching genitals/[insert rest of list] then you deserve to have your competitors overtake you", and the general moral sense of it (a difference from some decades ago), few able to enact schemes based on what an old book says when it wanted more followers and the best way to get those is to breed them, and so forth.

There are plenty that have head starts in life. Stable families, nice communities, familial wealth, choice geography, luck of genetics, born in a time when technology changes some stuff... all good stuff on that front. Doesn't seem denied to minorities though. Frequently hard to obtain for the impoverished. Might be that some minorities are disproportionately (to simple population totals anyway, which is a rather simplistic metric) troubled in one or more of those, however attributing the reasoning for that to modern bigotries of the government and the world at large that is self interested in not allowing them to get places is a rather harder ask. Magically curing bigotry tomorrow (again I would put that at remarkably low levels as a general concept but can go with imagining it being ridiculously high for this) would not see things fixed in short order after that, curing poverty on the other hand would see far greater results in a far shorter period of time (and taking out magic for far less effort).

As far as something to be ashamed or or treated as some kind of original sin equivalent. Yeah not onboard with that.

Equally were I to assume [insert combination of non minority traits] wandering in front of me had it easy because of said traits then I have knocked about in too many places dealing with picking up the pieces when the giant arsehole of fate decides to shit upon them from on high to assume they are somehow immune, or at least is so vanishingly rare as to be a true minority in and of itself.

To go one further and be told I have to ensure minorities are picked over others, which is something I have seen out in the world (and done from on high)... now that seems like real bigotry to me. Fortunately most people still seem stuck on judging those on content of character and the "if you are stupid enough to dismiss the rare and hard to come by good person" thing from earlier.
what the
you have no idea what you're talking about
first off, this has absolutely jack shit to do with religion and you're equating two entirely unrelated topics as an excuse to use bullshit to fight non-bullshit
second off, the problem with discrimination is that people are discriminatory towards each other and often make things worse in ways that anti-discrimination laws could mitigate or in some way help to prevent
third off, we're not telling you to pick minorities over others- that's a really shitty strawman I see a lot, and it's easy to dismiss with a simple analogy
a kid and his family just finished dinner, and the dad gives everyone a slice of pie except said kid
he goes, "I want a slice (like everyone else). Can't I have one too?"
the dad, instead of doing the reasonable thing and giving the kid a fucking slice, goes "We all want a slice.", ignoring the fact that everyone else has one already and that the kid was NOT saying "I want the ONLY slice" or "I want the entire pie"
there, now please actually check your damn privilege
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
what the
you have no idea what you're talking about
first off, this has absolutely jack shit to do with religion and you're equating two entirely unrelated topics as an excuse to use bullshit to fight non-bullshit

You don't understand what he's talking about. The opening line he made about God shows the same kind of ignorance of the quote he was replying to. Some people follow their party line and its narratives so religiously. "Privilege" is being used in a dumb way and reduces the human individual. Being able to "wah wah" on the internet is a privilege, now pay up.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
what the
you have no idea what you're talking about
first off, this has absolutely jack shit to do with religion and you're equating two entirely unrelated topics as an excuse to use bullshit to fight non-bullshit
second off, the problem with discrimination is that people are discriminatory towards each other and often make things worse in ways that anti-discrimination laws could mitigate or in some way help to prevent
third off, we're not telling you to pick minorities over others- that's a really shitty strawman I see a lot, and it's easy to dismiss with a simple analogy
a kid and his family just finished dinner, and the dad gives everyone a slice of pie except said kid
he goes, "I want a slice (like everyone else). Can't I have one too?"
the dad, instead of doing the reasonable thing and giving the kid a fucking slice, goes "We all want a slice.", ignoring the fact that everyone else has one already and that the kid was NOT saying "I want the ONLY slice" or "I want the entire pie"
there, now please actually check your damn privilege

Checked it. It is an imaginary concept, even by the standards of philosophical concepts, that does not exist so no concern for me.

As for the bible thing.
As far as I see it "you have to have privilege to have the privilege of not seeing privilege" is exactly analogous to when someone tells me God must be real because the bible says so. I do find certain religious zeal and propensities in logic choice in those that tell me of the gospel of diversity and how the minorities made it to the promised land of this place, only to find it is a lie and we need to fix it but that is mostly just amusing to me.

Discrimination does exist, would appear to even have some biological roots in some cases. Don't see it existing at the level of movers and shakers in society, the structures by which society functions (which usually serve to limit the ambitions of the former) nor at such a level in the general populace that it is anything more than a terrifically mild annoyance, even to those that would theoretically be most aggrieved by it. Did exist many many years ago, though still within living memory for a few more decades at least, but today it is more "aw that is quaint".

Pick minorities over pure merit? That was an addendum to an earlier thing really but will go it anyway.
So there is not a law in California (where there are some nice companies) saying must pick because genitals
or minorities in general
Not a hiring and firing factor seen in any number of things, leaked and overt. Also in higher education (and the nice inverse when oriental types were being held to a higher standard, surprisingly that was not in the deep south either).
I did not witness a nice high level politico when they were attempting to take that facebook dickhead to task (all doing spectacularly poorly at that, another reason why would advocate dismissing politicos as largely harmless buffoons) to "commit to having black members on your board" and them then kowtowing to it https://gizmodo.com/as-punishment-facebook-commits-to-hiring-one-1-black-1819420237
Mostly seems like shooting yourself in the foot, and again if you dismiss someone of skill because of pointless reasons then don't be surprised when a competitor picks them up and runs with them, but I will note it as a thing that is out there and standing in stark contrast to sticking purely with merit and content of character.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Damn biden has been in office for 1 day and everyone of his followers are saying steal from the rich and give free money to us. Typical democrats wanting "free money" that they didn't earn.
Got any quotes or anything to this? What are you on about?
Last edited by The Catboy,


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2020
Puerto Rico
“For the last week my battalion has been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria. Today the Senate kicked us out & moved us to a cold parking garage. 5000 soldiers. 1 power outlet. One bathroom. This is how Joe Biden’s America treats solders.”

Biden America amazing start those midterms are going to be amazing


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
“For the last week my battalion has been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria. Today the Senate kicked us out & moved us to a cold parking garage. 5000 soldiers. 1 power outlet. One bathroom. This is how Joe Biden’s America treats solders.”
Biden America amazing start those midterms are going to be amazing

As the second twitter comment you swiped this from, without giving the source stated:

Biden has nothing to do with it.

Also - why had those soldiers be there in the first place?

More inciteful, hateful non sequitors, aimed at riling up the stupid:

(If in the middle of an article you suddenly turn left and go with - do you remember, thatn Biden called the troups stupid bastards? Then end the article.)

If you read crap like that - then you become crap like that.

Overarching issue is, that washington isnt exactly build like a tourist resort. So the space close to the capitol is bought up by lobbying firms, to have faster access, so there likely are no hotels or youth hostels you could host the military at in close proximity.

Also - "we couldnt even charge our cellphones" - is a hard complaint to make, when you are on deployment. ("There was only one electrical outlet between the trees, ...")

That said, someone probably could have organized that part better.
Last edited by notimp,
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Social Justice Potato
Feb 20, 2020
somewhere that may or may not exist
United States
It's not circular to acknowledge that it requires privilege to dismiss the notion of privilege. That's embarrassingly absurd.
yeah this is less circular religious bullshit and more "you never know how good you had it until you stop having it that good"


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
It's not circular to acknowledge that it requires privilege to dismiss the notion of privilege. That's embarrassingly absurd.
I was going less circular and more unsubstantiated claim backed by self interest on self made claims.

More generally I have seen fate shit on people from a high height, and seen it grant boons to what you might consider the lowliest of people. If [insert list of "desirable" traits] is a shield it is as a layer of tissue paper is to a speeding bullet. Going further then to assume [insert list of "desirable" traits] has led an easy life because [insert list of "desirable" traits] is what is actually embarrassingly absurd, functionally akin to assuming someone of [insert "non dominant" skin tone] is of poor character with no other information.

Are there those that have never known hardship, or been in very real, never mind persistent, danger of failing to achieve even the bottom rungs of maslow's heirachy, and likely never will? The comprehension of those to turn imagine the plight of those with troubled bottom rungs being almost as an ant contemplating quantum computing?
But of course. Some of them even want to tell me about privilege.
To tie such a scenario exclusively to [insert list of "desirable" traits], as a trait enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of said class or as forever (or maybe just statistically improbably) beyond the grasp of those with at least a few points in minority traits enough to have an oppression rating... once more we find ourselves in the realm of the absurd, at least as far as the US is concerned.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I was going less circular and more unsubstantiated claim backed by self interest on self made claims.

More generally I have seen fate shit on people from a high height, and seen it grant boons to what you might consider the lowliest of people. If [insert list of "desirable" traits] is a shield it is as a layer of tissue paper is to a speeding bullet. Going further then to assume [insert list of "desirable" traits] has led an easy life because [insert list of "desirable" traits] is what is actually embarrassingly absurd, functionally akin to assuming someone of [insert "non dominant" skin tone] is of poor character with no other information.

Are there those that have never known hardship, or been in very real, never mind persistent, danger of failing to achieve even the bottom rungs of maslow's heirachy, and likely never will? The comprehension of those to turn imagine the plight of those with troubled bottom rungs being almost as an ant contemplating quantum computing?
But of course. Some of them even want to tell me about privilege.
To tie such a scenario exclusively to [insert list of "desirable" traits], as a trait enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of said class or as forever beyond the grasp of those with at least a few points in minority traits enough to have an oppression rating... once more we find ourselves in the realm of the absurd.
You seem to be suggesting that the concept of privilege is that a person with privilege has an easy life. That's not what privilege is, and nobody is suggesting that people with privilege don't work hard or have hardships. You should probably learn what privilege is before you talk about what is or isn't absurd.

In other words, it takes a certain kind of privilege to discuss something with authority without first understanding what that thing is.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2012
United States
Got any quotes or anything to this? What are you on about?
Am I the only fucking one that read the 2 pages before my post when everyone was talking about taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor hear good fucking god

dude, before we can even RISK abolishing minimum wage we need to fix most if not all of the other flavors of economic horsecrap that our nation is full of
even if it would work, it wouldn't work yet
also just because we want to emulate how those countries handle some things doesn't mean we want to do that
also also, in what way, shape or form are all these ideas any better than just doing various things to outright take money from the rich and provide it to the poor? like even if all of this nonsense works as well as you claim, and IF it'd work as well for the US as you claim it would (which is extraordinarily unlikely since we're fucked up in many other ways), it'd probably be better to just do the basic "governmental Robin Hood" method because you don't have to rely on people or corporations doing things that are far too altruistic to ever expect them to actually do

what mask tho
take from rich
give to poor
that's it
there's no cognitive dissonance, just basic solutions
we're not "spending other people's money", we're literally just trying to redistribute things so that hopefully everyone has enough to fucking live on
once we fix all the other economic problems inherent with capitalism, then MAYBE your ideas would work
but until then, abolishing minimum wage is basically just going to make corporate grossness even worse since companies will basically all stick at the minimum they can get away with as opposed to anything sensible for the workers

Are you mad?!
Removing the minimum wage would literately make American lives complete ass. Companies have time and time again proven that we cannot trust them. Remember when children worked in factories and there wasn't a minimum wage and non humane work hours?
Yeah people's lives were completely miserable.
Allowing companies to decide to pay someone anything/no floor. Would mean we could return to a situation like that. And instead of one job running through loops. People have to go sustain off of multiple. It's in humane. People aren't supposed to work that way.
People aren't even supposed to work 8 hours a day. It's an arbitrary number that was chosen. Many studies have shown our productivity drops off by the 4th hour of work in a day.

"Burning it in clerical inefficiency so a small fraction gets to the needy"? The idea would be to fix that by making sure that far more is given to said needy!
If I was in a room with three people, I had millions while they had none, and they needed some of my money to survive, I'd gladly give them more than enough! And thing is, it's not three- it's millions, and I look at the many trying to take desperately needed surplus from the few as anything but theft.

yeah the one major fault in Foxi's plan here is that the changes needed first that I've mentioned amount to fundamentally altering our entire country and basically sucking as much toxic capitalistic greed out as possible
giving more riches and/or power to the rich and/or powerful, whether people or corporations, DOES NOT END WELL

I have a term for what you stated here
it's called bullshit.
If anything, it's the rich, yes, the rich stealing from the poor.
Well for starters minimum wage has not been updated federally for ages. (should be closer to 25 dollars per hour to follow the rate of productivity, the 90% does that labor. not the 10% not the 1%)
Second many of these individuals are making ungodly amounts of money while there are people starving or homeless, along with people who live pay check to pay check. Or even more fun, paying people less than a dollar over seas in countries they can take advantage of.

>calls the idea of taxing the shit out of the rich in order to end or at least dramatically decrease poverty "theft"
>advocates for abolishing minimum wage
>actually trusts giant greedy corporations to use basically complete economic control for the good of the consumer
gotta love libertarianism (which has gone from "what anarchism actually is basically" to "far-right plutocracy enthusiasm"), advocating for the economic, social and personal rights... of the uber-rich elite that already have all those rights due to having too much fucking money

first off, by "surplus" I mean "money that the person doesn't need, could still be pretty damn well off without and that is needed far, far more by others".
second off, 'earned' is wishful thinking. there's a reason the just-world fallacy is a fallacy- if you seriously think that all, or even most, of the world's richest truly earned every drop of the money they practically shower in, you have another think coming.
third off, the poor ARE underpaid, to a degree that might as well be stealing- and that's not even getting into the various flavors of unethical bullshit practices done by major corporations for the sole purpose of fucking over their workers.

Then just keep reading


Sep 13, 2009
United States
Everyone must work for their needs (don't mind the people that don't have to) and as long as we keep the immigrants out, will will have enough jobs for everyone!

Not sure how people going deal with automation when it hits full force in the future.

Personally, I wish Biden had banned fracking.
As much as this should have happen sooner, making sure there is enough jobs (especially green jobs) to replace them is fair.
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