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Ivanka Trump, Google CEO Pichai to create 250,000 IT training opportunities


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
United States
To liberals its only good if the government creates jobs. Not those evil companies. Almost the entire lame ass dem debate was about how companies suck and the government can do it better. Liberals want the government to do everything. You cant spin that fact.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I don't suffer from any sort of Presidential Derangement Syndrome.
Maybe not, but you definitely suffer from trickle-down Stockholm syndrome if you believe lobbyists and corporations have the best interests of the working class in mind.

I didn't vote for him because of his proposed Liberal policies, but thanks for explaining why you have such an obsessive love affair with Trump and regardless what you identify as you have too many Liberal viewpoints for my taste.
Don't get me wrong, I believe billionaires should not exist at all, especially while other people (including veterans) starve on the streets. The neoliberal billionaires aren't any better than the neoconservative ones. OTOH, Trump's personality and sense of entitlement do stand out as particularly grating even among millionaires.

I also don't support some proven to fail old backwards ass way of Government.
On that point you're dead wrong. The New Deal period of governance was extremely successful and allowed the middle class to thrive in this country like never before. It wasn't until the Reagan administration and the "greed is good" period of the 1980s when this country started to lose its way again.

It sounds nice on paper, but doesn't take into account liars, cheaters, thieves and basically sinners.
Exactly the type of people that are in power right now. You can't be dedicated to personal gain and also be dedicated to serving America's best interests.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
The Trump supporters on this board are seriously insane. Jesus. Any rational human being with even an ounce of intellect knows he's a corrupt bastard, who has absolutely no idea what he's doing. OP is getting ridiculous. His trolling is sincerely aggravating and crazy.

Nope no idea and we're living in such a shtity economy and the world has ended .... yawn .... considering we're doing better in most ways then the last two administrations and we're still a world power that doesn't bend over backwards to everyone else I'd say the hate you're muttering doesn't matter (as your location doesn't indicate you're even a resident of the USA).

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

To liberals its only good if the government creates jobs. Not those evil companies. Almost the entire lame ass dem debate was about how companies suck and the government can do it better. Liberals want the government to do everything. You cant spin that fact.

Yeah it just so happens that usually when you get the Government involved in private affairs those affairs turn to shit. Government has it's uses, but those are limited. I want to have more control of my own life and don't need a backseat driver to get through it. The Government tells you that you're free to chose between options 1 and 2, but fail to inform you there's 100 more options they're limiting you from choosing. That's not freedom.

Hell, adopt socialism and soon there will only be one video gaming company (probably EA) and only one console manufacturer (Microsoft) making games and consoles and you'll only be able to play them a certain way and if you complain in public about the fact that this situation sucks you'd be put in jail. You can forget about the freedom to criticize the President. If the USA was currently under socialism Trump could simply throw anyone in jail for disagreeing with him. Think before you vote and don't vote for Liberals.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I took classes geared towards getting various Microsoft certs including MSCE and the stuff I learned in those classes can be applied to many jobs within the technology industry. Sure, there's the specific Windows stuff, but the general knowledge gained can be applied to many situations, especially if you haven't had any networking or administrating experience before the classes.

When was this? Tail end of 3.11 through XP was pretty hot (even if they made some odd choices like having networking be optional* for rather longer than it should have been) but after that I on and off kept up with the syllabus and what the recruiters (or at least the ones worth listening to**) were saying and it was not great.

More recent efforts in their other technologies... https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/07/17/new_azure_administrator_certifications/

*I would have had novell netware in my list above but say that phrase too many times in a row and I think you have a decent chance of summoning one, not to mention most of those actually knew their stuff.

**continuing with the certs discussion some of which were saying the comptia/A+ stuff was a negative and if you had then maybe leave it off the C.V. for better chances unless the role specially called for it.

This is not to say all are bad https://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/12/18/vcdx_certification/ being an example of a high end one but that is high end and not the same as this.

All this said maybe I should take a step back. If this is to be the political task the first lady takes to make herself look useful then I would rather this than some of the drugs and music censorship of years past, even if we won't get something as hilarious as Dee Snider vs the PMRC.

I'm confused. I thought Google hated Trump or something... :unsure:
Even if they did if they are operating under the assumption he will be out next year then the fruits of their efforts come to pass with the next guy (blame your failures on the previous administration, take credit for anything that bore fruit that was started during that), and if he isn't out then they still get a bonus supply of drones (some maybe with potential for more as the years drag on) and evangelists whilst appearing that they can work with people they nominally dislike and not really damaging their position (companies fund training positions, certs and more -- see most of my other replies for names and examples of that one, this almost regardless of either the makeup of congress, senate or the president).


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
Nope no idea and we're living in such a shtity economy and the world has ended .... yawn .... considering we're doing better in most ways then the last two administrations and we're still a world power that doesn't bend over backwards to everyone else I'd say the hate you're muttering doesn't matter (as your location doesn't indicate you're even a resident of the USA).

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Yeah it just so happens that usually when you get the Government involved in private affairs those affairs turn to shit. Government has it's uses, but those are limited. I want to have more control of my own life and don't need a backseat driver to get through it. The Government tells you that you're free to chose between options 1 and 2, but fail to inform you there's 100 more options they're limiting you from choosing. That's not freedom.

Hell, adopt socialism and soon there will only be one video gaming company (probably EA) and only one console manufacturer (Microsoft) making games and consoles and you'll only be able to play them a certain way and if you complain in public about the fact that this situation sucks you'd be put in jail. You can forget about the freedom to criticize the President. If the USA was currently under socialism Trump could simply throw anyone in jail for disagreeing with him. Think before you vote and don't vote for Liberals.
In bold... oh you blind idiot. That's just flat out false.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
to add to what @notimp said about how its a pr bullshit, even looking at the number you can see how wrong this is : 2.5 million for 250k training oportunities? thats 10$ invested per head XD


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Over 5 years, right? ;)

Google was recently caught paying homeless people in the US 5USD via Starbucks gift vouchers, through affiliated PR agencies to 'play with an app', which later turned out to be 'scan their faces', and then sign away the rights to their biometry data.

So Google values each of those 'requalification' candidates at maybe 150% of the economical importance of a random homeless person (because the affiliated agency takes at least half of what they are paying out to the homeless). While valuing their high level engineering people at 200000x of this value, going by yearly expenses. ;)

Also - how much do you think that your community college requalification will be worth in a world that heads into that direction?

If you had the wrong kindergarden teacher, kiss away your dream of ever mattering at all. ;) Strong correlation. ;)

(Half jokingly, half not.)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
In bold... oh you blind idiot. That's just flat out false.

In most ways we are. I don't take made up politically based shit like illegal immigration or other Liberal talking points as deciding factors on how well we're actually doing in reality. So the news creates a false narrative, people buy into and it suddenly everything is so bad based on the falsehoods.

Per example LGBTQPXYZGL(insert letter here) rights, not only were they worse under the last two administrations, but the issue isn't really even an issue that personally effects most people to begin with. It's a non-issue. Did that offend you? Seek a safe place or freak out. I'll be simply ignoring issues that wealthy media companies use to try to control week minded people with.

Their tactics don't work on me. My judgement is based on reality and not made up sensationalist issues that the media uses for an emotional response. I'm more into facts and logic then allowing pure emotion to control me. We'd never have gotten to the moon or crossed the ocean without a balance between them and giving priority to "how you feel" isn't balancing shit.

In most ways we're doing much better than two past two administrations. You know, during which time, regardless of reason, we were in a "recession".
Last edited by billapong,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
You are a conservative talkshow talking point drone.

You bring nothing to the table. You learn nothing from others correcting you, or at least reacting to you. You feel you have to be right.

You feel you have to proselytize.

If you separate campaign politics from the rest - you are probably purely in on campaigning. For the sake of what..? If you want positive feedback on 'your liberal talking points dont work on me' search out a bubble. I hear, facebook offers them for next to nothing.

Ive said It more than once, facebook has destroyed debate culture, by popularizing emotional outrage. By letting people 'win' using any rhetorical means. No one cares, no one moderates.

Now we are at the point of whichcraft or public exocism proclamatons.

'Your liberal talking points, have no power over me...'

Then why try discussing at all? I dont have to be correct on everything. Thats a first step. Others shouldnt be in this 'because they want to destroy you' thats a second one.

You know, some people are into discussing things, because it helps gather different points of view, or talkingpoints fast - and it therefore is a way to get to information faster.

But its also a way to get rid of 'camp think' if you do it right. So stick around a while, maybe you'll learn a few things. :)
Last edited by notimp,


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
You are a conservative talkshow talking point drone.

You bring nothing to the table. You learn nothing from others correcting you, or at least reacting to you. You feel you have to be right.

You feel you have to proselytize.

If you separate campaign politics from the rest - you are probably purely in on campaigning. For the sake of what..? If you want positive feedback on 'your liberal talking points dont work on me' search out a bubble. I hear, facebook offers them for next to nothing.

Ive said It more than once, facebook has destroyed debate culture, by popularizing emotional outrage. By letting people 'win' using any rhetorical means. No one cares, no one moderates.

Now we are at the point of whichcraft or public exocism proclamatons.

'Your liberal talking points, have no power over me...'

Then why try discussing at all? I dont have to be correct on everything. Thats a first step. Others shouldnt be in this 'because they want to destroy you' thats a second one.

You know, some people are into discussing things, because it helps gather different points of view, or talkingpoints fast - and it therefore is a way to get to information faster.

But its also a way to get rid of 'camp think' if you do it right. So stick around a while, maybe you'll learn a few things. :)
You cant argue with stupid. If hes saying something as silly as what i replied to last time, its clear hes just a politically ignorant twat who has that "i dont care if its illegal as long as it hurts the libtards" mindset. These rebups only focus on hate and anger. And ignorance. If theyre trying to say that the Obama administration 'did worse' than that of Trump's, that pretty much means youre trying to argue with someone who's close to mentally challenged. You cant argue with stupid. They dont learn.
Last edited by Josshy0125,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
You are a conservative talkshow talking point drone.

You bring nothing to the table. You learn nothing from others correcting you, or at least reacting to you. You feel you have to be right.

You feel you have to proselytize.

If you separate campaign politics from the rest - you are probably purely in on campaigning. For the sake of what..? If you want positive feedback on 'your liberal talking points dont work on me' search out a bubble. I hear, facebook offers them for next to nothing.

Ive said It more than once, facebook has destroyed debate culture, by popularizing emotional outrage. By letting people 'win' using any rhetorical means. No one cares, no one moderates.

Now we are at the point of whichcraft or public exocism proclamatons.

'Your liberal talking points, have no power over me...'

Then why try discussing at all? I dont have to be correct on everything. Thats a first step. Others shouldnt be in this 'because they want to destroy you' thats a second one.

You know, some people are into discussing things, because it helps gather different points of view, or talkingpoints fast - and it therefore is a way to get to information faster.

But its also a way to get rid of 'camp think' if you do it right. So stick around a while, maybe you'll learn a few things. :)

Because I'm not a Liberal and don't care for the Liberal agenda then Liberal talking points aren't going to work on me or distract me. I don't fall for the fake outrage. Liberals have their own point of view and I was one for a while, I learned all I needed to know about them. There's little to nothing that a Liberal has to offer me let alone society. So yes, I am closed minded when it comes to Liberals and I'm doing it on purpose.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

You cant argue with stupid. If hes saying something as silly as what i replied to last time, its clear hes just a politically ignorant twat who has that "i dont care if its illegal as long as it hurts the libtards" mindset. These rebups only focus on hate and anger. And ignorance. If theyre trying to say that the Obama administration 'did worse' than that of Trump's, that pretty much means youre trying to argue with someone who's close to mentally challenged. You cant argue with stupid. They dont learn.

Unlike Liberals who try to lie about heir hatred for others I'll tell you straight up that I fucking hate Liberals and everything they stand for. You see, unlike them, I'm honest. I also don't support breaking the law, regardless who does it. Everyone makes mistakes, but those mistakes come with consequences.

I see you didn't address how well the economy and generally how well the country is doing. Regardless of "why" it's a fact that we're doing better now than under the last two administrations. Sure, it's not all Trump's doing, there's a lot of effort coming from normal Democrats and Republicans and despite the Anti-America Liberal agenda we're still thriving.

It must suck to think Trump is some sort of deity that is responsible for everything bad that happens, because if that's true he's also responsible for everything good that happens. The last time I checked he's a simple man and not a God. He is good at getting under peoples skin so I do like him for living in the mind of Liberals. Every time a Liberal is outraged I smile.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
I'm curious what you think liberals stand for.

They stand for themselves! They are generally selfish, envious, greedy, lying, thieving, lustful, prideful, faithless and gluttonous. Not to mention will admit to and try to go about committing various sins on a daily basis. Religious implications beside, these sorts of behaviors are negative and the impact is negative for them personally, the people around them and on society (just look at Liberal cities).

I could give examples of each, but I don't really care to, but one could be simply the greed and envy driving them to think that they deserve to take whatever they want from whomever they want, especially rich people. Lust and pride can be clearly seen in the LGBTQP community, well, if you die from aids in your 30's because you sleep around (you're a whore) that's just what happens to whores. Wrath can be seen in these online mobs. Liberals embrace false Gods like men and their flawed science. Hell, Liberals are full of hate and intolerance for anything they dislike (see Trump haters, how they treat Christians or just sit back and watch how they treat each other).

I know that no one is perfect, but to embrace these values and then try to push them on others is what I don't like. I was a Liberal for a while - I was a byproduct of the corrupt school system and society, but then I woke the fuck up. Sure, I'm guilty of sinning to, no one is perfect, but I don't wake up on a daily basis hell bent on living that sort of lifestyle and the thing is when I'm 90 and most of you Liberals are dead, I'll probably sin myself and laugh about the situation (on the outside) while praying for our souls on the inside.

I believe in personal freedom so unlike Liberals themselves you won't find my trying to stop other people from being who they are (unlike Liberals who try to force you to be like them). In the case of Liberals they try to push their beliefs on you an use the Government to control and/or silence you if you don't comply. Well, I'm not going to comply and I just don't want anything to do with them or anyone like them.
Last edited by billapong,


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
These rebups only focus on hate and anger. And ignorance.

If theyre trying to say that the Obama administration 'did worse' than that of Trump's

Ok, @Josshy0125 Here's your proof. Now take your butt-hurt self and go make another thread about why we shouldn't have a political subsection. I can't wait to have another good laugh.

that pretty much means youre trying to argue with someone who's close to mentally challenged. You cant argue with stupid. They dont learn.
@billapong I think he's telling you not to talk to people like him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States

Ok, @Josshy0125 Here's your proof. Now take your butt-hurt self and go make another thread about why we shouldn't have a political subsection. I can't wait to have another good laugh.

@billapong I think he's telling you not to talk to people like him.

Well, if he simply tells me he's a Liberal that would be enough justification to add him to my ignore list. If you have nothing good to say then I don't want to listen to you and Liberals don't have anything "good" about them.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

what a f*ucking nutcase. holy shit... xDD
and then trying to bring useless religion into this, lol

So you focus on faith or in your case your lack thereof, thus completely missing my point by making my point. Couldn't have worked out any better.


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
Well, if he simply tells me he's a Liberal that would be enough justification to add him to my ignore list. If you have nothing good to say then I don't want to listen to you and Liberals don't have anything "good" about them.
If you ignored all liberals here, then you'd have to ignore half the site. Plus, you'd be missing out on all those "leftist tears".

I agree that people like @Josshy0125 should be ignored because all they do is disagree, cry, scream, cuss, show hate to you, and then they go cry to the admin that we shouldn't be allowed on this site for sharing our opinions/facts while not seeing any problem with what they do. On the other hand, they can say stuff about you behind your back without you being able to see what they say and push back. I've been very selective about who I ignore because of this which is why I haven't ignored the biggest liberal on here (even though I give him credit for not being completely full of hate, just full of :shit:).


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
If you ignored all liberals here, then you'd have to ignore half the site. Plus, you'd be missing out on all those "leftist tears".

I agree that people like @Josshy0125 should be ignored because all they do is disagree, cry, scream, cuss, show hate to you, and then they go cry to the admin that we shouldn't be allowed on this site for sharing our opinions/facts while not seeing any problem with what they do. On the other hand, they can say stuff about you behind your back without you being able to see what they say and push back. I've been very selective about who I ignore because of this which is why I haven't ignored the biggest liberal on here (even though I give him credit for not being completely full of hate, just full of :shit:).



Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
If you ignored all liberals here, then you'd have to ignore half the site. Plus, you'd be missing out on all those "leftist tears".

I agree that people like @Josshy0125 should be ignored because all they do is disagree, cry, scream, cuss, show hate to you, and then they go cry to the admin that we shouldn't be allowed on this site for sharing our opinions/facts while not seeing any problem with what they do. On the other hand, they can say stuff about you behind your back without you being able to see what they say and push back. I've been very selective about who I ignore because of this which is why I haven't ignored the biggest liberal on here (even though I give him credit for not being completely full of hate, just full of :shit:).

I've never really cared for people who have no balls and talk behind my back. If they can't say it to my face then I don't really consider what they have to say of any value. (The entire "guess what this person said about you" crap is for school children. And so is "guess what I heard these people saying about this other person". It holds no real value, especially if the person talking about you doesn't have the courage to say it in you presence). I just rather not be inundated with Liberal horseshit. Xzi just hides his hatred a little better than others, but I won't ignore you for simply being hateful (and since we're not in a PM talking about Xzi and he can read my reply then we're not talking behind his back).
Last edited by billapong,

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