Hardware Im really disapointed with their wii atitude


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2006
Besides why in the hell shouldnt i feel disapointed if i buy something new (and im excited to enjoy it) and it fails ???
Whats so wrong with  trying to avail the extension of this problem between other consumers feedback? is this some sort of sin???

From what I understand, your Wii is fine. Therefore you have no reason to be disappointed, you're just scared because you read about some defective units. To use your (slightly crazy) analogy, that's like hearing someone else's umbrella is broken, then refusing to go outside.

Thats not so simple Bowser128, because i never left mine in stanby mode cause im affraid fo it overheating and damaging my video card but im affraid that i have to lose that fear if i want to discover the truth...
Even if my system is not defective i still think that i wouldnt like to be in the shoes of others that werent lucky enough to grab o good system cause i believe we all payed for the same thing that they promised: Fun, and not this consumers less confidence feeling that i now admit to feel and i think its no good for Nintendo as well.
Take psp for instance and their pixel change policy. They lost a lot in sales becauseof it. Sometimes REAL "bad reputation" is taken into account so i believe i will wait a lot more for my next systems.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2006
well this forum like wii consoles has some amount of idiots as well and to discuss about something might be a pain in the ass for a few "do i see fanboyism here? or just ingnorancy ???" well enough on that keep up suporting the crap you buy, maybe one day they sell you "fresh dog poop as the ultimate tothbrush wonder"
Enough talk sorry for my 2 cents and for being rude with a few that don´t know the meaning of discuss ...
Forums anyone????...................


King Koopa
May 26, 2006
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well this forum like wii consoles has some amount of idiots as well and to discuss about something might be a pain in the ass for a few "do i see fanboyism here? or just ingnorancy ???" well enough on that keep up suporting the crap you buy, maybe one day they sell you "fresh dog poop as the ultimate tothbrush wonder"
Enough talk sorry for my 2 cents and for being rude with a few that don´t know the meaning of discuss ...
Forums anyone????...................

Let's not call people stupid, they may take offence and decide point out your inability to spell, construct a sentence, or use any appropriate grammar at all.


Resident Black Militant
Nov 6, 2002
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United States
I wish someone would define too hot. Mine gets pretty hot even when it’s off and showing a yellow led. Now if I hold down the off button until the led goes red there’s no heat. I'd like to just leave it on yellow, but it gets so hot that any discs that’s inside heats up too and I figure the disc would break due to heat before the system would. What temperature is too hot? Luke warm pee? Freshly toasted bread? Lava? The 360 power supply?


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
Let's not call people stupid, they may take offence and decide point out your inability to spell, construct a sentence, or use any appropriate grammar at all.
Bah hwo needz grammer anyway grammer is fro loserz lol!!!


King Koopa
May 26, 2006
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I wish someone would define too hot. Mine gets pretty hot even when it’s off and showing a yellow led. Now if I hold down the off button until the led goes red there’s no heat. I'd like to just leave it on yellow, but it gets so hot that any discs that’s inside heats up too and I figure the disc would break due to heat before the system would. What temperature is too hot? Luke warm pee? Freshly toasted bread? Lava? The 360 power supply?

If it's hot enough to make you worried, it's probably too hot. The yellow LED being on (WiiConnect24) is when all the overheating problems happen.


Jul 31, 2003
Honestly, sirius, you're making a big fuzz over nothing. Woohoo, a few people got defective Wiis. And now? Sue Nintendo? Yay. Shit happens. If only a small number of Wiis are broken due to overheating this is just normal. As long as Nintendo silently exchanges them I don't have a problem with that and you shouldn't either. There's no point in calling me an ignorant fanboy, as I don't even have a Wii.

Too hot to the point it ceases to work. You can't measure that in degrees from the outside, much less with something subjective as feeling it with your hand. You know when it got to hot when it shows the described problems (black dots, etc.). That it gets warm is perfectly normal, like any other electrical device it consumes electricity to function. This electricity is converted to heat by a very large part.


.:~Enigmatic Wanderer~:.
Former Staff
Nov 6, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
You know why you see a lot of reports or videos about defects?
Because people aren't going to report or make videos about perfectly functional consoles, that doesn't cause any excitement or cause big reactions.

Bottom line is, if you're still covered by the warrenty then use it to its full potential. If the machine is defective then simply exchange it.


MKDS Tournament Winner
Nov 29, 2005
Nice, France
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What the heck. I'm bored, might as well reply here. Just a note, though, s1r1u5 (oh my GOD I haven't leetspoken ever since I started shaving), the point of a PM is to discuss things in private. If you send me two PMs *and* reply in public, I don't really see the point. But whatever! Let's make you look ridiculous, now, shall we?

well hitto after my lunch i decided to debate with you some stuff so here we go for it...

you wrote

"I am a consumer whore, like anyone who buys a product on launch day. To me, new Zelda > waiting until next bugfixed batch."

If you dont feel bad or cheated when you buy some piece of hardware as brand new (even taking that mighty risk) and the "whore thing"that you might be as you mention than ...
I come to have a different idea. I understand why it happens completely and the reasons behind it, but even like that it shouldnt be like this and if you were one of those unhappy early adopters i come to think that your opinion would be slightly different. But ok... that's my 2 cents...

You think I've never been burned before? This shit happens to everybody. I regularily order hardware from china, which means I have to pay import taxes, shipping, and the shipping back to china whenever I receive a dud. It's entirely my fault for shopping on shoddy websites, and I don't feel like explaining at length each and every one of my woes, as they aren't even video-game related. But seriously, you think out of millions of pieces of harware, there isn't going to be a minimum of units that survived the QA tests, but not the eventual shipping, or barely survived the stress tests, or didn't go through longer tests to determine whether this-or-that problem occurs after a certain amount of time?

To put it politely, I think you're a little naïve.

you also wrote:

"You know, if you really need to place yourself on some sort of moral high ground, you don't need to type so many words. "

Oh swetie im sorry, really!!!
Do i have to post "OUT OF MORALITY STUFF" like this that you wrote?

Example 1: "I prefer to do charity work with homeless people than try and look good on the internet by pretending to care for people who own the same TOY as I do."

Example 2: "Ever considered doing something useful with all that compassion of yours? There may be hungry people in YOUR city right now who don't give a rat's arse about the Wii, 360, or PS3."

That's how I react to pissing contests like the whole "I have a sense of community and care so much about the woes of other customers" shtick you're trying to peddle. For the record, I do spend an evening every week to distribute meals to homeless people. It's not much, and it's certainly not something I brag about, but it's enough to be pissed off by some teenage fuckwit who thinks caring about someone who bought the same toy is a huge show of selfless compassion.

Oh i would also like to comment this :

"Imagine posting a complaint in the lines of : "Hey, when it rains, things get wet! What's up with that?"

Let me help you, as your example was really ilogical. By taking what you stated when you buy something you would like to use, so imagine my miserable example based on your huge thesis:

Wii = umbrella

then rain comes

then you get wet because the umbrella=wii has holes in it

Right, so you're so off the scale it's not even funny. I am going to demonstrate why you cannot read or make an informed opinion of what you manage to read.
The statement "when it rains, things get wet!" applies to a universal truth that cannot be denied : when it rains, (surprise!) things get wet. Yes, even umbrellas do, if you wish to keep that analogy, which, if I may so add, you pulled out of your ass. Hope it wasn't too painful. (yes, I know, it's a bad pun, but come on, folks, I'm half-expecting him to reply "an analogy doesn't hurt when it comes out of the ass, durr hurr") And guess what other immuable law of physics exists? "Nobody's perfect"! Which means at EVERY launch of EVERY product EVER MADE, today or tomorrow, there will always be faulty products that find their way into an unlucky consumer's household. It can't be escaped. And the only umbrella you can use in that very case is not fucking buying a launch unit.

Do you understand a bit more clearly? If you want, I can teach you the thing about bees and flowers, too, but I'm sure you're bright enough to figure that one out on your own.

Even if every Nintendo factory/sweatshop worker paid extra care and attention to each piece he/she manufactures, even if every supervisor makes sure to inspect every one of his/her underlings' work, piece by piece, even if every QA tester spent ten hours per machine to test it fully, even if the shipping/delivery guy drove at 20MPH to avoid any bumps on the road or accidents, even if the sales clerk did his best not to drop the box he's carrying while stocking supplies, I can guarantee you that there still would be faulty units because that's the way things work. It boggles the mind, doesn't it? Even stupider is to think that such complicated machines would be flawless on sale.

So yeah, you're complaining because water is wet. Or because snow is cold. Whatever. That, or your last post was a longer version of : "Gee, it sure must suck for those poor fellas who bought broken consoles". Only you didn't know how to say it in one sentence. Hence, "you don't need to type so much to place yourself on some moral high ground".

you wrote also:

"Let the buyer beware", ever heard of that?"

When you buy something is it suposed to have a deception?

See above paragraph. In Care Bear land, sure, things are always rosy. Welcome to the real world ?. But we both know it's not about caring about your fellow gamer, isn't it? You're worried that it might happen to you and your console, and now you're having second thoughts about having bought a console on launch day? Well calm the fuck down, it's not like 100% of them are going to explode.

and still you wrote:

"I would have phoned the warranty service instead of playing attention whore and broadcasting every detail of my life on every forum I go to."

Sorry but you are the only whore here (and a cheap one honey!! as it seems nobody payed you today and need some attetion... seriously do i have to deal with your bad humor?...)

Bad humor? God, but you are a tool, and a useless one at that. Wait, I take that back, I *was* pretty bored before I started replying. You're not useless. Is whore the only english curse word you know because I used it in front of you? Do you know what consumer whore means in English? It's an expression, which defines each and every one of us in here who bought a completely useless appliance because they wanted to play Wii Tennis earlier than the rest of the world. You can paint it any way you want, but tell me what you think of people who sit in front of fruit shops because they just NEED to buy the latest fruit of the season and want to be there to buy the very first crate of Kiwi fruits when they arrive on Jan 1st. Also, please look up the words "punctuation", "grammar" and "spelling" before you try and insult me. Go wild with the insults, it's not like your mom's around to look after you on the internet!

I would not go into details of my job but i come to think that i must help a lot more people than you (as i dont even have enough time to play my wii=umbrella to discover its holes) but you should be in my shoes to understand and i dont need to make any propaganda of it because i do believe that this is a scene forum and not a charity or poverty one... Like radiohead use to say (everythinging it's right place) but thank you to ilustrate us of your condition of charity helper as also consumer whore with bad humour.Â

See above. You could have called me a cocksmoking faggot, a sheepfucker, a retarded monkey, a turd muncher, hell, even a sony fan, the sky's the limit! Assuredly when it comes to insults, you fail, but I'll chalk that up to your extremely interesting life. It's good that you leave the details vague, because frankly, I don't care about your life, or what you would be ready to make up in order to "look better".

But it is interesting to see you recant from your initial statement about caring a whole lot about others, despising people who think "its your problem, not mine" (I could have quoted you bluntly, but it was less of a hassle to type it properly instead of copy-pasting your statement and correcting the various kindergarten-level errors you sprinkled all over), and caring so much about "the community".

Yes, truly, you are a marvel of consistency. Flicker on, little flame

Get your self a life.... Maybe you should stay as a charity helper since the whore in you isn't getting anywere.
Kind regards S1r1u5...

I'll "get myself a life", but only if you get yourself a dictionary and a brain. Deal? Deal!


Can't hold on much longer, But I'll never let go!
May 28, 2006
Gosford, Australia
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Is it just me or is this thread getting out of hand?

I believe the OP has had his queries fairly well answered.
From my point of view he is worried that because his Wii is heating up that it may at some time become faulty.
Fair enough to be worried about I suppose. However I think many posts here have made it clear that the Wii (like all other modern consoles) produces heat and that being warm in itself is not a fault.
If the OP has a genuine concern that his Wii is currently defective he has been advised to get it checked and if needed replaced by Nintendo.

The Wii cannot be compared to an umbrella, an analogy like this serves no purpose in helping the OP with his concerns.
Neither does the name calling and personal attacks between posters.

I have not seen a lot of reports on faulty Wii consoles. When I first wrote about my problem I was only able to find one other well documented report of the occurrence. I believe the OP's concerns are largely unfounded. I hope that helps him with his perceived problem.

I just hope this thread doesn't become a flaming ground, we don't need that on GBAtemp.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
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Ok guys... Lets face it ...
Nintendo isn't being so nice for us early adopters of their machine by "simply not taking any official position or statement about whats really happening and the extension of this problem.

maybe because this isnt really a large global problem? just isolated cases.

All i Know by now as an early adoter is:
1- when in stanby it overheats... Wasnt really the machine made for being always on stanby as they say?

how do you define "overheat"? how do you measure? as stated in a previous post, simply touching it with your hand is not a good enough measurement. Im sure that this machine has gone through MANY MANY testing phase and im sure that someone would of fixed it if it were a really disastrous problem...

2-There are a lot of consoles that have graphical failures (appearing strange stuff on screen) and damaged graphics cards (overheating issues they say)and their response is something like were aware of that and full stop (no more on that, just give it back in the warranty terms but shhh... speak no more please...)

no one talks about perfectly working wii

3- Every time i play somethin on it (it has become some horrible experience were i come to think (do i already have the graphical problem? is still my system ok. ?Any strange dots? Do they show more in this particular game or in that one?
i have to not forget to REALLY TURN OFF at the end, and stuff.

yes, it might be the game? or that you are just very unlucking and got a defective wii?

4-I have also already ordered some (clunky and noisy fan for shore for my wii but... will it really help? should i be spending more money on a system that promised me the heaven on a box???

thats up to you. wait...didint you already order it? why are u asking this question...

5- Horizontal or vertical???

y are u complaining about this. its a good innovation. people can choose either to go hor or ver depending on what configuration suits the space best...

Is this the way it should be???
Do we early adopters who pay more for the hardware deserve it?
these are my 2 cents ...
Please give me yours and if you now more about what they are hiding or stating i apreciate it...

your concerns, not ours

btw, what with the random '(' that appear in sentences and doesn't close with ')'


Dec 22, 2006
Hrm... I just got a Wii about three weeks ago. My girlfriend has been on it playing Zelda on and off, and it never does seem to get hot. Then again, I have mine sitting horizontal. I wonder if it's a problem due to the airflow, since the air vent seems to be put in a really stupid place... (ie: underneath the stand).

As far as optical drive, I suggest having it horizontal. PS2 had some issue before where the drive would supposed wear faster if you had it vertical...

As far as early adopters go, it depends on the company, some companies REALLY do ship stuff when it's really not ready (example: Xbox 360... how many friends do I know have had to get RMAs for those?).

I think I'm going to hold off on modding my Wii for a while... GC Freeloader disk seems to work just fine, sooo...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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wow... this site really jumps down people throats =="

I don't understand this mentality a few of you have that seems to "accept" faulty products. As a consumer and a retailer, I work with wholesalers and manufacturers. There is a difference between "understanding" and "agreeing" with how its done. I understand the reason behind why manufacturing defects occur and appreciate companies that have warranty in place to cover manufacturing defects (Nintendo is the best about this I've seen). But as a consumer, I purchased an item and I expect it to work out of the box, that is part of the price I paid for, an item that functions as its advertised. This is a reputable company we are talking about here, this is Nintendo. This is like buying brand car this year with a new model, new design...and the ABS doesn't work O.o...or something ( I would consider a graphic problem in a Wii as important as an ABS in a car).

The problem I am having is that there is no official statement from Nintendo about this and everyone just "accepts it". I love Nintendo, I think they have the best warranty policy out there and really supports its customers, I have faith that they will release an official statement. But you guys who jumped down his or her throat...that was mean O.o...

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