Gamestop has sold out preorder deluxe Wii U stock nationwide



I've lost track of the amount of times people have said "Nintendo are doomed!". Time and time again, those people have been proven wrong, and they're going to be proven wrong again. Now I'm not a Nintendo fanboy or anything, but I honestly think Nintendo has been right about the majority of their decisions. They always seem to know what the next big thing is and know exactly what people want. People always seem to react badly to something new, only to end up taking it for granted themselves once they started using it. Did you know that "experts" in the computing field didn't think that the mouse was ever going to take off and called it a gimmick?

Just a couple of other things to note. The launch games for a platform never display that platform's potential. Take some early 360 games, most of them looked like PS2 games, but if you fast forward to today, you'll see a huge difference in the graphical quality. It takes a long time to fully utilise a platform. The fact that the graphics are on par with the 360 and PS3 at the moment is a great thing, as it means graphics will only continue to improve for Wii U titles. But of course, Nintendo is the type of company that focuses on experience as opposed to graphics, which is why they have been so successful. The gamepad offers an entirely new experience that the PS3 and 360 cannot provide. Honestly, if all the "Xbox 720" and the "PS4" have to offer is more of the same, which bigger specs, I'd be very disappointed as a gamer.

Launch titles not meeting your tastes? I don't play games much anymore, and I think Zombii U looks excellent. The other launch titles also look fairly fun. If they don't meet your tastes, that's disappointing for you I guess, but the pre-orders show that the majority of gamers are pretty satisfied with the launch line-up. It's impossible to satisfy everyone. It's not like anyone is forcing you to purchase the console anyway, so I don't really think there's much reason to complain.

Finally, what the heck is a "core gamer" suppose to be? For some reason, people have this crazy notion that a "core gamer" is someone who only plays "mature" titles. Utter nonsense. And even if that was true, they're a very small percentage of the market as the Wii and the DS have proven. "Hardcore gamers" are gamers who enjoy playing games in general, and that includes titles such as Mario and Tetris.

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Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States


Jul 26, 2012
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The Milkman

GBATemp's Official Asshat Milkman
Jan 12, 2011
Throwing milk at the bitches!
United States
Im sorry, WHY is there a flame war going on here?

Cant you all just be happy that the console is selling well and its not even out yet?

FFS, 12 pages and im seeing the same arguments being thrown around, how about we grow the fuck up and stop fighting over shit that doesnt even make sense to be fighting over.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
Sacramento, California
United States
The whole point of the small amount of internal storage space is to give people something to start with. There are people who won't do any downloads, so why should they have to pay more for storage they won't be using? For those that do download, they can use their existing external HDDs. If they don't have one for some odd reason in this time period, they have the opportunity to get one at their own leisure, and it won't be proprietary. It was bad enough that those that fully loaded their internal HDDs in the PS3 had to go buy a much higher capacity drive and transfer everything over while at the same time being unable to use the existing one that came with the system. The whole purpose for using external HDDs is for convenience.

As for the flame war going on here, it is really stupid, especially the personal attacks simply because one does not share another's "opinion".
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom

That "I already got a game library and games on other consoles" can be use on any new system.
With that mindset, we wouldn't be going anywhere in terms of getting new consoles.

I agree but I suppose the question then becomes is the Wii U truly a new console generation as we have traditionally understood it to be- if it starts to score lead platform or otherwise good ports then it might be the superior offering. Going back to the random person in the shop with $500 to kit out a console viewpoint (and ignoring all the things that might differentiate online offerings and the "what your mates have" stuff); is the Wii U just set to be one like the other two but without the back catalogue and with the potential for Nintendo first party titles? I suppose this falls back to is the Wii U too late to the party (2011 could well have been a better year as it is not like the Wii had a good year) and will the launch window hurt it- it is certainly a rock and a hard place decision as far as launching it when goes (can't be too far from Christmas yet the loss of clout from the launch titles not necessarily all being the new hotness....*) and they quite possibly made the right one if they are willing to ride it out (by ride it out I mean sit and let the early adopters carry you through which this thread itself seems to indicate that Nintendo are not going to be living hand to mouth so might well have been the right decision) and come out swinging the following year; this time next year if the third party stuff is still there then actual decisions will have to be made as far as what platform do I spring for.

*what would probably be interesting to look at here would be what happens on timed exclusives.

Re bayonetta. I have only sampled a small selection of it but the whining about it shall be keeping me as warm at night as any of the torrents of abuse that telemarketers have taken to sending my way.

Wii and RPG games (such that the genre term still has meaning).... I am of several minds here although I would have a hard time arguing that the Wii could stand as a RPG lovers console to the point it can stare down the other options or stand up to being stared down. When buying one console I would possibly accuse you of being foolish to plump for a Wii in preference to the others as part of a volume argument, I did compare the PS3 and 360 library and in many ways there were a few differences (although mainly in the Atelier and White Knight Chronicles department) but it was no repeat of the PS2 and xbox, likewise I wind the PC into the mix and it changes again.
However the Wii has some interesting titles using not that commonly explored methods- although the PS360 had some fantastic deviations from the PS2 era which saw me being burned out on the affair (Resonance of Fate, Eternal sonata, * souls) and some stellar offerings otherwise (Two Worlds II, Kindoms of Amalur and the list goes on) in addition to the mainline stuff (your elder scrolls, your Bioware stuff, your Final Fantasy titles....) I would have to agree the really mutant stuff and a lot of the classic stuff (which as just covered I am burned out on so my words with a pinch of salt and all that) is on the Wii and that alone could see you sitting fairly pretty if you do not go through them as quickly as some. You spin handhelds into that mix and aside from the likes of Resonance of Fate and as a bad vehicle for the Bioware/Bethesda/SE stuff (those games with mods.... keep 'em) you can keep the home consoles.

I think in the end several of us need to take a step back and consider how we view other things
Music- just something I have on when doing the cooking, on the train, as background noise.....
Cars- just something to drag me to the supermarket and down the tip
Films- I am just here to see someone get their knee given the ability to move forwards
TV- I just want to watch the police catch the bad guy after a few missteps
Books- I just want something to read on the train/beach/at the weekend
Food- It prevents me from falling over/starving/being malnourished
Games- I just want to shoot something in the face, swing a sword/staff, pretend I am a football/ice hockey/cricket player/race car driver....

Every one of those has groups that take great delight in exploring the depths of the medium yet it is by no means required.

Personally I am increasingly viewing many games these days as functional pieces of entertainment rather than individual statements and some seem to be heading down a similar path albeit under a franchise branding. I am not quite sure what that means though. I think I will leave it with a TED talk link .



End of the World
Jan 26, 2009
Again I would like to have words with the person responsible for heat extraction for the various consoles but if Nintendo managed to create a processor that works at this level (which is to say on par with the 360 and PS3), with this form factor and at that price that does not put out enough heat to really have to consider what you are doing in a consumer device then my advice to them would be to tie their engineering down with a seriously generous contract, fly them out to collect their Nobel prizes and then forget games as their current pile of money is dwarfed by the new one thanks to that.
In less silly phrasing- the pattern does not hold up in face of the greatest laws of all- physics.
Good point. But I think it's pretty safe to assume that Nintendo's stance in the matter is to never use something relatively unstable or prone to accelerated deterioration from normal use. I think that's a good way to put it. Of course, I could be proven wrong, but in general the principle stands, no?

It's not that Nintendo's engineering department is super advanced and is employing some super top-secret cooling technique, but rather the current tech has progressed far enough to allow PS3/360-level graphics hardware without the nuclear meltdown involved. Hence, the trend of being one generation late graphics-wise with respect to their systems. Plus it's cheaper to be one gen late.

On the other hand, Sony and Microsoft are all too keen on jumping onto the fastest/awesomest graphics tech available, never mind if it melts in your hand. I'd very much like to see them push something out that no longer does that though.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
"prone to accelerated deterioration"..... again words wishing to be had with people/trying not to be an apologist but 3-5 years is usually outside most warranty requirements for a consumer device of this type (be it Europe mandated warranty, UK sale of goods act* or similar things for other places in the world) and thus quite acceptable for many companies of the world.
Equally I agree tech marches on and this does, albeit to a far lesser extent, include reductions in heat generation. However I am not quite living in the utopia where basic computer needs are covered by something passively cooled just yet (ARM are doing well and I have a feeling it might just be more about software at this stage) and the multi gigahertz, complex instruction "can run an average console experience" is not there at this point as far as can handle temperatures without balking. Some of the server grade stuff might be able to hack it (they have led the way somewhat for this owing to AC bills now being a very large cost in servers) for your scenario but that is certainly not at a price point Nintendo can afford for this sort of thing.

This said if all the companies have not looked at the failures of the last few years and as a result designed better, done more accelerated testing or otherwise tried to mitigate it I would be shocked (also the proud founder of a consulting firm to handle the issue) so it might just be me being pessimistic.

*on an unrelated note UK types would do well to read up on the sale of goods act- it might not be on site service and other such niceties more regularly associated with warranties but it can get you out of a hole quite easily. Bonus is many shops will roll over if you wander in, try to return it and when they refuse you then speak the magic words "sale of goods act".

You have almost go me curious enough to find a way to write one off as a business expense for teardown purposes..... looks like I am going to have a chat with an accountant.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Um, you're telling us to get over it and that we just don't understand after we clearly refute your evidence and basically tell you your point is moot. Then you just restate your point and start complaining more.

Not exactly strong evidence.

I gave several lists which compare the Wii's RPGs to the other consoles. The Wii does not have RPGs as a selling point, yet it still has incredible titles. Sure it may not have a lot when compared to the other consoles, but I can assure you the quality is much higher than most of the other console's titles. You've yet to prove to me that the Wii has been neglected when it obviously has not been. All you have posted is opinion and conjecture to a person who plays RPGs almost exclusively, and this particular person knows a great RPG when he sees it. Now then, my posts have been laced with a fine amount of facts and opinions which have shown that the Wii has a good amount of RPGs, and from my experience it also has a higher amount of Quality titles than the XBox 360. I will not back away from my stance because of Multiplatform titles that can't be on the Wii due to hardware shortcomings either. (Even though my Top 10 is littered with them)

EDIT: Also, I cannot comment on the PS3 titles as I don't own the console. I can however say with complete confidence that the PS2 has the greatest library of RPGs on a console.
Oh no, it's SNES.
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Deck head
Jan 28, 2009
United Kingdom
Um, you're telling us to get over it and that we just don't understand after we clearly refute your evidence and basically tell you your point is moot. Then you just restate your point and start complaining more.

Not exactly strong evidence.

I gave several lists which compare the Wii's RPGs to the other consoles. The Wii does not have RPGs as a selling point, yet it still has incredible titles. Sure it may not have a lot when compared to the other consoles, but I can assure you the quality is much higher than most of the other console's titles. You've yet to prove to me that the Wii has been neglected when it obviously has not been. All you have posted is opinion and conjecture to a person who plays RPGs almost exclusively, and this particular person knows a great RPG when he sees it. Now then, my posts have been laced with a fine amount of facts and opinions which have shown that the Wii has a good amount of RPGs, and from my experience it also has a higher amount of Quality titles than the XBox 360. I will not back away from my stance because of Multiplatform titles that can't be on the Wii due to hardware shortcomings either. (Even though my Top 10 is littered with them)

EDIT: Also, I cannot comment on the PS3 titles as I don't own the console. I can however say with complete confidence that the PS2 has the greatest library of RPGs on a console.
Oh no, it's SNES.

No, It's the Neo Geo Pocket Colour.
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The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
Oh no, it's SNES.

Snes had arguably the most supreme collection of RPGs in existence; Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4-6, Earthbound, Dragon Quest 4-6, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Bahamut Lagoon, Live-A-Live, Lufia 1&2, Star Ocean, Tales of Phantasia, Radical Dreamers, Treasure of the Rudra (Rudra no hihou). This is only the very tip of the iceberg, there's plenty more where that came from. Yep, and people say the Neo Geo Pocket had better games.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Oh no, it's SNES.

Snes had arguably the most supreme collection of RPGs in existence; Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4-6, Earthbound, Dragon Quest 4-6, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Bahamut Lagoon, Live-A-Live, Lufia 1&2, Star Ocean, Tales of Phantasia, Radical Dreamers, Treasure of the Rudra (Rudra no hihou). This is only the very tip of the iceberg, there's plenty more where that came from. Yep, and people say the Neo Geo Pocket had better games.
Still playing some of them today! Awesome system that was ( still is! )

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    first of all, i don't watch those kinds of videos, and if i did i'd pull a verbalase 50k but with wizards and wario
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    mmm, sounds good
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    BBQ'd 🦆
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    also i'm sorry your molten lava cakes failed
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    just looked up a pic of texas sheet cake, and it looks delicious
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    🌋 Science Project?
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    i think i might need to try making lava cakes for the 4th of july fr
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    I used butter instead of vegetable oil, and think that's why they squirted out during baking, who knows
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    yeah i think oil is the right call
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    plus if you're making brownies or lava cakes for people with dairy allergies, you should use oil instead of butter anyway
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    @BakerMan Make me a space cake plz
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I make rum cake for 4th July every year, I make it a week prior and then soak it in rum in the fridge all week. I flip the cake each day, and add little more rum, it soaks it up everyday, so good.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    sorry, idk what you mean by a space cake, and even if i did, i'm not really taking requests right now, because otherwise people will get mad at me for taking a request but not making a birthday cake for @Xdqwerty (i'm sorry for that btw bro)
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    @BakerMan lies, you just want to smoke it

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