Flashram does however work with the clone OS included with the flashcart. Only recently learned about this project.It doesn't work too (idk if that is correct beacose i used a modified version for ED64P). Saturnu said the flashram is emulated beacose uses the same locations as sram.
Now with the dawn of open source flashcarts and everything the sting of this being an Everdrive clone is less I suppose.
I just think it's great if the clones can fill their full potential some day rather than being forgotten or thrown away.
Excellent work! Good luck with the flashram issue. I might not know code, but I'll be testing altra64 thoroughly as I'm familiar with the issues between alt64 and the clone OS.
Some problematic games:
Smash Bros: can't save on alt64, saves on clone OS, saturnu implemented a smash bros save deletion code iirc
Majora's Mask, flashram (no flashram game saves other than this), owl statues won't work on alt64, song of time saves however.
DK64, Jet Force Gemini, Banjo Tooie: has to be the cracked versions of the roms (goodset [f1] dextrose intro versions, [f2] for DK64) (cracked roms have a dextrose intro screen) as saves otherwise can be randomly deleted by RARE's anti piracy code.
These cracked versions use CIC6102 instead, and SRAM)
F-Zero X: Always boots the expansion kit version if available unless you change CIC+save type for the regular game+hacks.
On Alt64 long game names and the use of folders (adding to path length) results in error resp 107, the file length issue has been fixed in altra64. That said altra64 still needs the cheat functionality of alt64 fixed as cheats enables causes the games to crash on boot.
64DD games do save on alt64 but not altra64, however it takes 7 or so minutes for 64DD to finish saving on ED64Plus.
F-Zero X expansion kit can be set to sram32 saving instead, that way it will save unlocks and track times instantly, it will skip saving things in the editor. If you set rom+sram as the saving type you can save custom tracks, however you'll have to wait through the very long 7+min saving time when you're done.
A few games have the wrong save type Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix only saves (you'd get stuck at name entry otherwise) if the save type is set to eeprom4k. A list of tricky save type games: https://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=1550.msg23127#msg23127 Just a matter of changing save type for the database there.
Last edited by Dogson,