ROM Hack DQ9 English Plot Synopsis / Progress Flowchart


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
Wouldn't YOU like to know?
United States
<div align="center"><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Dragon Quest IX English Plot Synopsis</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Click here for golio514's DQ9 Menu Translation Thread</b></a></div>

I started out in <a href="" target="_blank">this thread</a>, but it's become an English menu patch topic, so I've decided to break away and create my own thread on just the story alone. As I progress through the game I'll be posting general synopses of each major plot point. See below for the Progress Flowchart. This is <b>not</b>, nor will it ever be, a patch. This will very likely be officially released in English, so there's no reason to do a complete translation of the story.

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>UPDATE:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> I've been looking over <a href="" target="_blank">Kouli's flowchart</a>, and seeing as how he actually made an effort to localize the character and town names (as opposed to a straight transliteration like I did), I'm changing all names in this post to be consistent with Kouli's localized names (which sound much better anyway).

<b>These translations are done solely by me and if you see them posted in other forums, well...I'm flattered. But just so you know, these are my translations and I posted them here on GBAtemp first. Enjoy, and happy gaming!</b> :yayds:

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>WARNING:</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> These synopses contain spoilers.
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Hello? Is someone there?

If you're there, show yourself.
Say something.

I can hear their voices.

How long ago did they come here to protect this world?

They were called angels.
Bald Angel: You did well, _________. I had my reservations about entrusting you to the protection of this village in my stead, but the villagers seem to be living in peace as a result of your work. I, your teacher Izayarl, can not be any more pleased with what you have done. Henceforth you shall be the protector of Wollo Village, Guardian Angel _________!

Bald Angel (Izayarl): Hm!?
Old Man: Argh, I hate getting old. It's such a pain in the arse!

Rikka: C'mon grandpa! Only a little bit further to the village!
<b>Monsters Appear</b>
Izayarl: This is not good! They'll be attacked by the monsters! Guardian Angel _________, we must carry out our mission.
Rikka: Look grandpa, there's the village.

Grandpa: Ooh, just when I was about to give up, we just made it back home.

Rikka: Grandpa, you're just exaggerating!

Grandpa: But I'm sure we made it back thanks to guardian angels.

Rikka: (Praying) Thank you for protecting us on our journey, Guardian Angel _________ (green light floats from her hands to the guardian angel, they walk off).

Izayarl: That's a Star Aura. It's a crystal made out of the prayers of thanks from the villagers. It is also our duty to offer these Star Auras to the World Tree in the world of angels. Guardian Angel _________, for now let us return to the angel world (both fly away).
<b>Arrival at the Angel World</b>
Izayarl: Now...Upon returning from the earth, it is tradition to report to Elder Omui-sama. He is in the Chamber of Elders. I have other work to do, so you go on ahead.

<i>Here is where you assume control of the character for the first time.</i>

*EDIT 1*
At this point, pressing Y calls up a screen that says "<b>The Story so Far</b>":
_________ succeeds his mentor Iyazaaru as the guardian angel of Wollo Village.
He has been charged with the duty of helping people and collecting Star Auras to offer to the World Tree.

*EDIT 2*
Pressing (and holding) B calls up a menu that allows you to perform different types of movements. The only one available (by holding B and pressing Up) is the Guts Pose, which at this point seems to serve no purpose other than being a cool little thing you can do for fun and to communicate with other players when playing together. You can assign other actions to the other D-pad directions by pressing X, going to さくせん (lower-right option in the menu), the going to しぐさ とうろく (3rd one down, means "Set Gestures").

*EDIT 3*
<b>Talking to the Elder Omui</b>
He basically introduces himself as the Elder and congratulates you on a job well done as Iyazaaru's protege.

Then he asks you if you feel up to the task of protecting the village on your own from this point on, at which you're presented with the choice to answer YES or NO.

I chose NO, and he said "Well, everyone feels that way their first time. But I'm sure you'll be able to do it. I have faith in you."

Then he says " _________, I shall assign you to your next task. You received a Star Aura from the villager, right? Take it to the top of the Angel World and bring it to the base of the World Tree.

Exit and climb the stairs until you find an angel blocking one flight of stairs. He won't let you pass until after you talk to the Elder.

Climb to the top and walk up to the tree. You'll be asked if you want to offer the Star Aura to the tree.

Iyazaaru: So, what do you think? Doesn't the World Tree sparkle beautifully whenever you offer it a Star Aura? Collecting Star Auras from humans and presenting them to the World Tree...<i>this</i> is our duty. Guardian Angel _________, I have great expectations of you. Go back and talk to Elder Omui.

*EDIT 4*
Elder Omui asks you how the tree is doing, and remarks on how much it sparkles. He explains (again) that their job as angels is to protect people, collect their thanks (in the form of crystallized Star Auras), feed it to the tree to nourish it, all for the purpose of letting it bear Goddess Fruit. He tells you to return to the human world by way of the star-shaped hole in the bottom room, but also says to speak to the female angel standing at the star-shaped hole of light before you leave. He says a blessing for you and then you're free to go on your way.

*EDIT 5*
At the village, you'll see 2 boys talking about the angel statue in the background. The older boy (Nid, the mayor's son) says that the name on the statue used to say Iyazaaru, but for some reason it changed to (<u>whatever name you chose for your hero</u>). The younger boy says that it's always been (<u>your name</u>), but he can't be sure. They get into a little argument about the existence of angels, and the older boy says that they don't exist and that only "that bonehead" Rikka (from the beginning of the story) believes in them. He walks off, and the younger boy talks to himself, saying "he acts all important just because he's the mayor's son". Then he says a little prayer to the new guardian angel saying to teach Nid a lesson to make him believe (but to not be too harsh about it).

In case you haven't already figured it out, no one can see you. When you "speak" to people, you're just hearing them speak to themselves, or they'll say things along the lines of "Eh? I could've sworn someone walked in just now!"

It seems that only the dog can see you. Speak to it and it will lead you to a Keepsake Ring. Pick it up, and go to the church. Talk to the woman praying there. She's praying to you that she'll find her heirloom ring. You'll be asked if you want to secretly slip it into her pocket. She'll notice her jacket "get a little heavier" and find the ring, thanking you for her "luck," at which point you'll get a Star Aura.

Head to the southwest corner of the village and enter the stable. The sleeping man talks in his sleep, saying that he needs to finish cleaning the stable. Pick up all of the sparkling horseshit and he'll wake up to find the chore all finished. He's shocked at how it could've happened, then he says a prayer of thanks and you get another Star Aura.

Note: if you try to leave town at all, your character will say "I can not leave the area I am responsible of protecting!"

At this point it becomes night. Go to the bridge in the middle of the town to talk to your mentor. He explains that another job of the angels is to rescue the wandering spirits of the dead and guide them to eternal rest. Cross the bridge and talk to a ghost in a horned helmet. He's crying because everyone's ignoring him and he doesn't realize he's dead. He's surprised that you're speaking to him when everyone else has ignored him, and then he realizes that you're an angel. At this point he says " does this mean...(I'm dead)? Answer YES and he'll thank you for telling him and you'll get a Star Aura.

Talk to Iyazaaru again and he'll ask you if you want to return to the Angel World. Ascend and bring the Star Aura to the World Tree, at which point you'll see a cutscene.
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Nid and his crony find you standing in front of the angel statue. From the conversation it is understood that some time (days? weeks?) has passed since you lost your wings and became human. He's asking you why your name is the same as what's carved on the statue. Basically says that's probably not your real name and that you're some washed-up traveling bard in search for a meal, talks more shit about Rikka and angels, and looks at his crony for support, etc., the usual fuckstickery all insecure bullies engage in. Then Rikka walks up and asks the boys what they want with you, and we find out here that while he talks shit about her behind her back, Nid is actually scared of Rikka "I uh, was just talkin' to him/her...c'mon crony, let's go."

Rikka thinks to herself that Nid is an asshole, but she wonders why he became like that because he used to be so nice. She then talks to you and it is revealed that when you fell in the village river by way of the waterfall, you were injured and she nursed you back to health. That "bruise on your cheek healed nicely." We find out that she also runs the local Inn, but business has been bad lately. She goes back home and tells you to go to her house soon. If you immediately follow her to her house in the northeast corner of town, you'll find her grandfather at home. He'll remark on how unusually fast your healing is, and attribute it to your youthful vigor. Rikka is surprised you came back so quickly. She tells you to go out and say hi to everyone else in the village while she makes dinner.

Go to Nid's house in the northwest corner of the town to find his father, the mayor, scolding him for not being more mature. He says that he should be more like Rikka and be a more productive member of society (one mistake in parenting: don't compare your kids to other kids who are doing better). Talk Nid, and he begs you not to tell Rikka that his father just made an ass of him, using Rikka as a prime example of what he needs to aspire to. His father says "you're the bard who fell from the waterfall and was nursed back to health by Rikka, right? Well, don't be a lazy-ass and get a job once you're fully-healed, alright?" (I'm fine, thanks for your concern about my health)

Go back to Rikka's home and her grandfather will tell you that travelers used to come to the village, which is famous for its waterfall. But after the recent earthquake, the road connecting the outside world to this village was destroyed, so tourists have stopped coming, and this has been bad for business. The inn that his son Libert left to his granddaughter Rikka hasn't had any customers. Rikka tells you dinner is ready and asks if you want to eat and then rest.

The next morning Rikka comes to wake you up and says that Nid has come to visit you. She says she has no idea why, but as much of an ass as he is, it's still only proper to see what he wants. Go downstairs, talk to Rikka and she says "if he says anything nasty to you, fuck 'im up!"

Nid: Stop acting so surprised that I'm here. I have to talk to you. But not here, let's go outside. Follow me!
(Outside) Nid: You know that the mountain pass has been blocked up in the landslide, right? It's an important road connecting this village to the outside world. It's been a problem for Rikka...well, for everyone in the village. So I thought that maybe we can go to the rock slide and do something about it. Then my father will think highly of me and Rikka will be really happy. But there's only one problem in my perfect plan. After the earthquake, a lot of monsters have begun to appear outside and it's become dangerous to travel. So I want you to come with me. Since you're a bard, I figured you're pretty able-bodied. Are you in? (YES/NO)

If you answer NO: Ey, ey. This is a chance to pay Rikka back for taking care of you. You don't want to miss this opportunity, right?

If you answer YES: Alright, let's do this! I'll follow right behind you. Just exit the village and follow the road east to the mountain pass. Oh. And keep this a secret from the others in the village. Alright, I'm counting on you, pal!

Nid joins you. Talking to anyone in the village will just elicit surprised responses since you're the last person Nid would ever be caught hanging around with. Rikka's glad that Nid's your friend, but she suspects an ulterior motive. You can leave the village at this point. The guy blocking the way to the exit will move after Nid acts like a prick. Nid says that if they ever get hurt, they can always come back to Rikka's place to rest. Head east. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->You'll come to a train (Heaven's Ark) crashed in the middle of the forest, but apparently only you can see it. Nid calls you weird for staring into the knocked-over trees that the invisible Heaven's Ark is on top of, saying that it's perfectly normal to find trees crushed like that.

Follow Nid, and a pink ball of light flies right up to Heaven's Ark. It seems to be a spirit, and it's surprised at your reaction upon arriving at the site. "Can can he/she actually <i>see</i> the Ark? No one's supposed to be able to see it!"

Follow Nid, who says that he underestimated the size of the rockslide. After all, even if it were a simple enough problem for a teenage prick to fix by himself, an entire town whose economy was hurting would've never thought to move the boulders before he came up with the idea. He laments that his plans for being the village hero and winning the love of his father have been dashed.

Meanwhile, soldiers on the other side hear him and ask who's there. Nid says, and I quote, "It is I, the great and sexy Nid!" To which the soldiers reply "A villager! We're soldiers of St. Stein Castle. The King has commanded us to clear this rockslide."

Nid (to Rikka): You hear that? The king of St. Stein is doing something about it! That means that our problem is solved. We didn't even have to come out here!

Soldier: There's something we need to confirm with you. After the earthquake, did you hear of a woman named Luida arriving at your village? She's employed at the castle town's tavern. She said she was going to Wollo Village, and as soon as she left we haven't heard from her.

Nid: I haven't heard of her. Why would someone like her come to my village!?

Soldier: ...I see. Actually there's also talk that she was heading to Wollo Village from the Kisagona Ruins. However, since the road leading to those ruins is also blocked, we have no way to know for sure.

Nid tells you that the road to the ruins is also riddled with monsters, and wonders why a woman would travel that road alone. Finally the soldiers tell Nid to return to the village and tell the villagers that the road will be cleared soon, and to ask around about Luida as well. Go back to the village.

Speak to Nid's father again. The conversation goes something like this:
Nid: Dad, I'm back! Soldiers from St. Stein are going to clear the rockslide for us!
Mayor: The villagers will be happy to hear that!
Nid: Well, looks like we did a great job, eh?
Mayor: What the hell are you talking about?! You're an idiot!
Nid: B-but if it weren't for us we wouldn't have any news about the rockslide!
Mayor: You took (<i><u>your character</u></i>) to the mountain pass and put yourselves in danger! That kind of news isn't worth risking your life for, idiot son!
Nid: Oh, well, there was another thing. The soldiers said a woman from St. Stein named Luida was headed here but had gone missing. They wanted us to search for her.
(Rikka appears from other room): Is that true?!
Nid: Rikka! Why are you here?!
Rikka: What do you mean, "why am I here?" Obviously, it's because you took (<i><u>your character</u></i>) out of the village and I was looking for him/her! But back to the thing about she really missing??
Mayor: Rikka, you're from St. Stein too, right? Is she someone you know?
Rikka: My father knew a woman by that name in St. Stein when he lived there. Maybe she didn't know that he died and she was on her way her to visit him...?
Mayor: ...I see. We need to search for clues as to her whereabouts.
Nid: I think they also said that Luida was coming from the direction of Kisagona ruins...
Mayor: ...Hmmm. If that's true, then it's too dangerous to go looking for her. Rikka, take (<i><u>your character</u></i>) home. I'm going to deal some harsh discipline to my idiot son.
Nid: I-I'm no idiot, pops!

(Back at Rikka's house)
Rikka: When I heard that you'd left the village, I was shocked! But you seem just fine. You're much stronger than I thought you were. ...Um, I was wondering if I could ask a favor from you? I'm worried about where Luida might be. Maybe you could go to Kisagona--actually, never mind. It's too dangerous. I can't ask you to do that. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Exit town, head east again as if going to the rockslide, but instead go south as soon as you get the chance. Follow the road to the ruins, enter, and go straight ahead to the stone monument. Examine it and a spirit will appear behind you. Follow it to a warrior statue. The spirit will tell you that there's something on the back of the statue, then vanish. Search the back of the statue for a button. Push it and the stone monument will move to let you pass through.

After wandering around, you'll find a woman.

"I never thought I'd meet another person down here in these ruins! Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you move that rubble on my foot? I'm not injured too badly, but my foot's just stuck and I can't move. We have to get out of this place before <i>it</i> returns..." (lift the stone off her foot? YES/NO)

After the fight, the woman reveals herself to be Luida. She suddenly remembers that she has to go to Wollo village, thanks you again, then rushes off. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Go back to the village, and to Rikka's inn. Luida's there admiring Libert's (Rikka's father's) handiwork in making the inn a nice-looking place. She asks Rikka where Libert is, and Rikka explains that he died 2 years before.

Luida: What?! He's gone?? Libert's passed away?!
Rikka: ...Yes
Luida: The...legendary...wait, that means that my tavern...
Luida: Hold on, if Libert has passed away, that means you're the only one running this inn, right?
Rikka: Y-yes. But why do you ask?
Luida: This is a small but nice place. You can feel the hospitality in the atmosphere.
Rikka: Thanks. This inn my father left to me was his pride and joy.
Luida: So you're the legendary innkeeper Libert's daughter.
Rikka: Umm, what's this "legendary" stuff you keep talking about?
Luida: Have you ever thought about working at the St. Stein Inn?
Rikka: Huh...?
Rikka: Whaaaaa...!

Rikka: So when my father was at St. Stein, he was called the Legendary Innkeeper King?
Luida: Yes, that's right. He was <i>that</i> good! While he was still young he built his inn, out-competed his rivals and in a flash his business became huge!
Rikka: No way...I don't believe that! The father I knew was perfectly happy running this small inn with me...
Luida: You never knew that, eh? I wonder why the King of Inns would retreat to the boondocks?
Rikka: ...
Luida: Anyway, with your father gone, the inn he left behind at St. Stein is in a pinch. Business is bad. I came here to ask him to return and restore the inn to its former glory. I never thought that 2 years ago he passed away...I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Rikka: Don't worry about it...I'm sorry you came all this way only to find that out...
Luida: No need to apologize. I'll bring you to St. Stein Inn in his place.
Rikka: Don't I have a choice? I've been putting all of my energy into running this inn. And besides, I find it hard to believe that my father was the legendary King of Innkeepers.
Luida: Even if you don't believe it, it's the truth. And you've inherited your father's genius! I have a knack for seeing other people's abilities.
Rikka: I can't go. It's late. I had better prepare dinner. And...I'm not going to St. Stein! (runs out door)
Luida: She's quite the stubborn child. I wonder if this will become a drawn-out conflict?

When you go back to Rikka's home, you'll see the spirit from the ruins. Turns out this is Rikka's dad, Libert. While talking to him, that pink ball of light from the beginning of the story flies into you and reveals its true form: a fairy. She introduces herself as Sandy, and she's the driver of the golden train that blew up and fell to the earth. Libert asks how is it that you can see him. He figures out that you're an angel, but Sandy doesn't believe it because you have no halo or wings. But then again, she's confused too because you can see Libert and Sandy when humans aren't supposed to. She says that if you're really an angel, you'll be able to free Libert from roaming the earth. She also tells you about new features added to your menu.

Libert says that the thing that keeps him bound to the earth is something he buried behind the inn. Go and search the bush behind the inn and find the Innkeeper King's Trophy. Present this to Rikka back at her house to prove that Luida's story was true. Rikka asks why her father left all that glory behind to settle in this backwoods village. Her grandfather comes in to explain:

Grandfather: Libert told me never to say anything to you about it...but I think it's alright to tell you now. Remember how when you were little you used to get sick all the time? You got that from your mother. You would have gotten weaker with age and it would've led to your premature death. That's what happened to your mother, which is why she died so young.
Rikka: But I grew up strong. In fact, I almost forgot how weak I used to be.
Grandfather: That's because of the grew up drinking the water here in Wollo. The famous water of Wollo makes people strong and heals sickness.
Rikka: father left St. Stein Inn came to this village to...
Grandfather: ...correct. Saving his daughter was more important to him than his dream.
Rikka: I...stole father's dream away from him...
Grandfather: Perhaps he knew you would think that, which is probably why he told me not to say anything. But I believe that it's time you knew about him.
Rikka: I always wondered why father looked so wistful at times...I see. So father did it to save me...
Rikka (looking towards you): Hey, ________. I've decided to go to St. Stein. I'm not sure what I can do, but I'll take Luida up on her offer.

Walk out of the room to see Libert's spirit. Sandy also appears:
Sandy: Huh? You followed us, old man?
Libert: Yeah. I heard the whole conversation. I never imagined that my daughter would pursue my dream...she's become a grown woman. I can now rest in peace...I know I don't have to watch over her anymore because she'll do great...(glows green) anyway, I guess this is goodbye. Thank you for everything, guardian angel...(vanishes)
Sandy: Well, looks like he's gone...hey, excellent job! Now I believe that you're an angel. As promised, I'll give you a ride back to the Angel World in Heaven's Ark. You'd better thank me. By the way. As an angel, shouldn't you be collecting Star Auras? There's one right there on the floor...
Sandy: ...wha!? You can't see it? You've lost the ability to see Star Auras!? Now I'm thinking of retracting what I said before...can I trust you?
(fade to black)
A few days later...
the rockslide was cleared
and the mountain pass opened.

And the day
for Rikka to travel
to St. Stein had come.</i><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Parting words are exchanged between Luida, Rikka and her grandpa. Then Rikka thanks Nid for taking over the inn. Nid, ever-so-smooth with the ladies, says "I'm only doing it because my dad keeps nagging me to work. I'm not doing it for your benefit. Anyway, I'm going to make this inn better than it's ever been, better than your inn in St. Stein!" To which the cool-headed Rikka replies, "Great! I welcome the competition."

It's time for you and Sandy to go to St. Stein (Rikka tells you to stop by her inn if you ever happen to pass through the area). But first Sandy offers to take you to the Angel World on Heaven's Ark. Head east from the village again and go to where you saw Heaven's Ark on the way to the rockslide.

Upon entering the Ark, Sandy mentions that the inside of the Ark looks rather plain and she wants to decorate the inside with gold and pink rhinestones and be "soaked in color." She starts up the Ark, but nothing happens. She blames it on the fact that you're not a real angel (you have no wings, no halo, and you can't see Star Auras). She comes up with the idea that if you go all over the world helping people and leaving Star Auras everywhere, maybe the other angels will notice and help you get back to the Angel World. Since there's nothing much you can do at this point, you have no other choice but to go to St. Stein. Go to where the rockslide used to be and exit from the area. Head south towards the castle.

When you arrive, you'll see a cutscene with Luida and Rikka. Rikka isn't confident in her own ability to fill her father's shoes. But Luida assures her that she'll do fine. Inside the inn, other workers question Luida's judgment in bringing a little girl to "save the inn." After expressing their doubts, Luida tells Rikka to show them the trophy. Once they see it, they realize that Rikka is the Legendary Innkeeper King Libert's daughter. They then believe that she will follow in her father's footsteps and restore St. Stein Inn to its former glory. Luida and Rikka say that the inn isn't yet prepared to receive customers, so they tell you to explore the town a bit and come back afterward.

To get into the castle you first have to read the sign in the middle of the town saying that the king is recruiting adventurers who are willing to defeat the Black Knight that has been a cause of concern in the town. After reading the sign, the guard on the right side will let you in.

There are several people you can talk to in the town and castle who will give you quests. One quest can be found by talking to a woman praying in the church. She hasn't been feeling very energetic, and wants someone to inspire her with a "motivational pose." Show her your Guts Pose (ガッツポーズ). By default, you should be able to do it by holding B and pressing Up if you didn't change any of the poses. As a reward she'll teach you a new movement, "Spin." You can talk to her again for another mission, in which she will ask to see your Spin, Clap, Jump and Guts Pose. Another guy at the bottom of a well will ask you for some slime jelly (スライムゼリー) so he can use it on his skin and squeeze himself into a narrow crack in the wall. You can get slime jelly by fighting slimes. They'll randomly drop it. If you give him the slime jelly, he'll give you a strength seed as a reward. In the castle library there's an old man who needs some Magic Potion (まほうのせいすい) to erase the ink that's been used to blot out parts of a certain history book. Give it to him for a magic seed (raises your MP). There are other people you can talk to for more quests, but as this is primarily an English plot synopsis, I won't go over them here. You can find more information on quests <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.

According to people in the castle, St. Stein holds many priceless treasures, one of which is a beautiful necklace that's been passed down for many generations.

In the throne room, Princess Fione tells the king that she'll go and meet the Black Knight in order to appease him and prevent him from coming to the town and terrorizing everyone. But the king won't let her. He explains to you that the Black Knight wants his daughter, Princess Fione, and that he's waiting for her at Stein Lake, which is directly north of the castle. But the king can't send his soldiers to attack him because he fears that's exactly what the Black Knight wants him to do--the king suspects if he sends his forces after the Black Knight, his castle defenses will be lowered and the Black Knight will be able to storm in and take the Princess away. That's why the king is looking for travelers to take on the knight. Princess Fione doesn't agree with the king involving outsiders in the problems of St. Stein Castle, so he sends her out of the room.

Back at the inn, you can talk to Luida to recruit up to 3 more people. Choose the first option to recruit. Choose the third option to create new characters to recruit into your party. You can choose the class for each character. The classes are as follows:
せんし: Fighter
そうりょ: Priest
まほうづかい: Mage
ぶどうか: Martial Artist
とうぞく: Thief
たびげいにん: Bard

The Black Knight is waiting for the Princess at Stein Lake directly north of the castle. Head over there and defeat him. You'll discover that he was actually waiting for a Princess Meria, who made a promise to meet him by the Stein Lake. The Black Knight was in a deep sleep for many generations, and the earthquake woke him up. His name is Leocon, and Meria was a princess from Ludiano Kingdom, in a different time. In his homeland, Princess Meria was his betrothed. He had mistaken Princess Fione for Princess Meria. Upon thinking about it, he remembers now that Princess Fione wasn't wearing the heirloom necklace that Princess Meria always wore. He tells the party to tell the king of St. Stein that he won't bother them anymore and that he will search for the kingdom of Ludiano. Go back to St. Stein to report to the king.

Upon arrival at the king's throne room, the princess is ready to go and speak to the Black Knight when you show up. You tell the royal family what the Black Knight said. Rather than feeling relieved, the king dismisses the story as made up garbage that the Black Knight said so that he could strike when the kingdom had lowered its defenses. The king had never heard of the kingdom of Ludiano. He will not feel at ease until the Black Knight is dead. The princess suggests that maybe the Black Knight's plight is real, that he's truly just searching for his long-lost love, and that perhaps the king is being too harsh. The king refuses to listen, so Princess Fione runs out again. Leave the throne room.

Princess Fione is waiting outside the door, and she says she has to tell you something about Ludiano Kingdom, but she wants to talk about it in the privacy of her bedchamber. Go to her room on the eastern wing of the castle.

While the king has never heard of Ludiano, the princess has, in fact, heard of the kingdom. When she was a child, her wetnurse used to sing lullabies to her, and among the many childrens' songs, one of them mentioned the kingdom of Ludiano. She suggests that maybe that song is a clue; however, Fione's wetnurse has long since returned to her home village of Elafita, northwest of Stein Lake. Princess Fione feels that the Black Knight isn't the bad person that the king says he is, and implores you to travel northwest to Elafita Village to seek out her wetnurse, find out more about Ludiano and help the Black Knight. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Elafita is a small village blooming with cherry blossoms. There once stood a huge sacred tree in the middle of the town, but all of its branches fell in a violent rainstorm. Now it's just a big stump. An old woman named Sona lives here, and she was once Fione's wetnurse. Ask her to sing the song of the Knight of the Black Rose. It's a sad tale about a knight who never got to reunite with his bride, and it mentions a bird flying north to Ludiano. Sona suggests that if you seek the kingdom of Ludiano, you should head north.

Before you exit the town, there's a cutscene in which someone screams for help. It's a lumberjack running into the village, chased by the Black Knight. The Black Knight (Leocon) tells the lumberjack to stop running away, he only wants to ask the lumberjack something and promises not to hurt him. The lumberjack says that he saw a female monster with red eyes in the forest that was looking for Leocon, claiming that he is her servant. Leocon scoffs at the idea of him being anyone's servant. He notices you and remembers you from the lake. He asks why you're here, and expresses his gratitude that you would come all this way to find out about Ludiano for him. Once you tell him what you've found out, he's shocked to hear that he's become nothing more than a fairytale character in a childrens' song. He rushes north ahead of you to find Ludiano kingdom. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Arrive at Ludiano castle to find Leocon staring at the ruins in disbelief. He rushes inside to search for Meria. After exploring the castle, arrive at the throne room to start a cutscene. The monster that the lumberjack was talking about in Elafita is sitting in the throne, with Leocon demanding to know where his bride is. The monster's name is Ishdar, a vampiress who gave Leocon the eternal kiss and put him under her curse for several hundred years. At this point Leocon remembers everything that happened. She took him to her underworld, where just the two of them lived alone for a long time. While under her curse, the Black Knight served Ishdar without consciously knowing what he was doing. The earthquake (the same one that caused you to fall to from the Angel World) caused her curse to weaken enough for Leocon to break free of the curse and return to the world of the living. Not realizing that millenia had passed, he continued his search for Meria, but she was already long gone. Ishdar tells Leocon that now that he's come back to her, she'll put him under her curse again and take him back to her world where he can be her mindless servant forever.

Leocon tries to destroy Ishdar for stealing his life away from him, but she easily subdues him with her power. You come to his rescue. Ishdar tries to do the same to you, but you block her curse, much to her surprise. She says that no human can withstand her power, which means that you must not be human. So she says that she'll slice all of you to shreds. Kill this bitch!

With her last breath, she laughs at the fact that Leocon will never find his Princess Meria, and that he's doomed to walk the earth forever searching for her. Ishdar dies, but Leocon falls into despair at the realization that he'll never see Meria again. Just then, Princess Meria appears behind him, wearing the heirloom necklace that he remembers she always used to wear. She asks him if he would dance with her, the dance that they never had a chance to have on their wedding night. He asks her to forgive him for never coming back, and they dance around the floor. Leocon glows green, then floats up in the air. He realizes that the woman he's dancing with is not Meria, but Princess Fione. Escorted by guards, she had followed the Black Knight and the party to Ludiano castle. It turns out that the necklace Meria always wore ended up in St. Stein Castle's treasure collection. Fione found the necklace and wore it to the castle. Leocon knows that Fione came to Ludiano to help put his spirit at ease so that he may finally find eternal peace. The Black Knight thanks everyone for their help and ascends to the heavens.

Go back to St. Stein and talk to the king. He says that Fione has told him everything, and he realizes that he was wrong about the Black Knight. He thanks you for your assistance and as a reward, grants you access to the castle's treasury. He tells you that you can reach it by climbing the stairs behind him and heading to the east side of the castle. Now that the issue with the Black Knight has been resolved, the king has reopened the gate at the northeastern border separating his kingdom from Bexeria. He tells you to cross the border and visit Bexeria because it's big.

Upon exiting the castle, Sandy appears from your side and tells you that the citizens of St. Stein are all glowing green since they're thankful for your help (you still can't see Star Auras). Surely all these glowing star auras will act as a beacon for the other angels to find you. Before going to Bexeria, Sandy says that you should return to Heaven's Ark because it should run now with so many Star Auras generated at St. Stein. When you get there, the Ark still doesn't work, and Sandy, who is shocked to find out that she was wrong, says that they should go to Bexeria and help more people to get more Star Auras. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->You enter Bexeria and the foreboding music is an indication that something is wrong. In fact, all of the townspeople speak of an epidemic that has swept the town since the earthquake occurred. Make your way north to the mansion at the highest point and climb the stairs in the mansion to speak to the mayor, who is in his study.

The mayor tells you that the people have been stricken with disease, and the exact same epidemic occurred 100 years ago. The mayor has been going through old historical records of the town trying to find information on how it happened and how to cure it. But he can't decipher any of the old records. So he asks you to go find Lufin, a reclusive archaeologist who lives in town, and is working on deciphering the information. Go to his house in the west side of town.

At his house, there's a green-haired woman laying on the bed. Her name is Eliza, and she is Lufin's wife. She offers to take you to Lufin because he's shy with strangers. Follow her out of the house, and as soon as you exit you should be able to see her on the level below, standing at a locked door. She reveals that the mayor is her father, and so Lufin is his son-in-law. She also coughs while speaking. It seems that the mayor and Lufin don't get along very well, which is why he sent you to talk to Lufin instead of seeing Lufin himself. The reason they don't get along becomes apparent when you meet him because he's socially inept, saying that introducing yourself when meeting people is a waste of time. He asks your name, then says "I'll try my best to remember your name, but I might forget it soon." Jerk.

Lufin says that he's figured out the cause for the epidemic that's been plaguing Bexeria. About 100 years ago, the people of Bexeria discovered a sealed shrine to the west of the town. When they opened the shrine, they unwittingly released a curse on Bexeria. They were able to end the curse by sealing the shrine again. The "sickness" that the people have now is actually a magic curse that was unleashed probably because the earthquake broke the seal to the shrine. He says that sealing the shrine is a difficult process, and he's the only one smart enough to do it. He would love to go and seal the shrine, if anything to gain the respect of his father-in-law, the mayor. But there are too many monsters and it's dangerous, so he says it would be stupid of him to risk himself.

Go back to the mayor and tell him the information you've just learned, and he'll ask you if you can escort Lufin to the shrine and act as his guards. He promises you a reward for your services. Once you agree to go, he'll give you a key to the shrine. Sandy pokes her head out and says that it's a great opportunity to help people and bring you closer to getting your angel powers back. Take the key back to Lufin. Note: If you try to leave town without giving Lufin the key, Sandy will come out and reprimand you. She'll say something to the effect of "You don't plan on stealing that key, do you? You're not an angel, you're a devil! You'd better do what the mayor asks of you!"

Lufin misconstrues the mayor's efforts to protect him by saying that you were sent to make him seal the shrine. He says that he'll prove to the mayor that he's not "just all talk" and that he'll go to the shrine by himself. He goes off ahead of you. Follow him west, and then north to the Sealed Shrine. <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->When you arrive at the shrine, Lufin is already there. He says "Took ya long enough. Well, just as I said, the seal was broken because of the earthquake and now the entrance is exposed. I don't know what happened to the curse that's supposed to be lurking in there. Alright, I'm heading in. Since my father in law hired you, you'd better do your job too." The first stone monument that you see immediately upon following Lufin says: "When the two Sages awaken, a ray of red light and a ray of blue light will be resurrected, and a guiding light will seal the door." When you examine the things that appear as round dots on the upper screen, it says "It's a very big mirror."

Both sage statues in the northeast and northwest corners say "There's a switch-like device on the staff the sage is holding. Will you press it?" Obviously, you'll want to press both of them. Follow the beams of light to the central room, where you'll find Lufin.

"'s just like I saw it in the old documents. That overturned pot is what was sealing the curse. As I thought, the earthquake knocked it over. It looks like the crest of the seal isn't broken. If that's the case, this'll be a cinch to fix. Since I'm such a renowned archaeologist, I'll have it done in no time! I'll just gather up the fragments and...with this special glue I'll..."

But he never finishes the sentence because an ugly pink thing appears and begins to talk.

"So you foolish intruders have come to seal me again...I won't let it happen...WON'T LET IT HAPPEN! You shall fall to the plague!"
Lufin: Y-you're the sickness curse!? Damn! I haven't fixed the pot yet...(looking in your direction) Hey, stop spacing out! It's your job to fight the curse, right? I'm going to fix this pot while you fight it, so buy me some time!"

When you talk to the monster (whose name is Pendulum), it says "For all who stand in my way, there is only death! DEATH! DEATH!"

After you defeat it, it says "You. My curse...I shall inflict the plague of death upon you..."
Lufin: Finally fixed it! ...Looks like my timing was perfect. Sealing Pot, bind this evil magic!
Lufin: Did you see that? I sealed the plague. Me! I'm sure I've earned my father-in-law's respect. Now I'm going to take a look around this place. You can go now. If you stay here you'll only distract me. I'll be inspecting deeper inside the shrine. Go back and report to the mayor.

You can follow him down the stairs, but there's not much to do here. There's the spirit of a king who wanders back and forth and can't remember his name. Lufin says that these ruins are the tomb of a king, then tells you to go back and tell Eliza and the Mayor what happened. The stone monument is an epitaph that reads "O Nameless King, may you forever rest in darkness with your name." Go back to Bexeria.

Upon your return to Bexeria, find Eliza laying on the bed. When you talk to her, there is no response. She also seems to not be breathing. Lufin comes back home. He says that he needs the appropriate documents to finish his investigation of the ruins under the shrine, and he just came home to grab them.

Lufin: (!) Eliza? (runs over to her)
Lufin: What happened Eliza!? Say something! Are you...dead? You were inflicted with the curse too!? That's not possible! The curse has been sealed! Everyone else in the town has recovered...was I too late? By the time I sealed the curse, were you already...Why? Why didn't you tell me!? Had I known you were cursed, I would've hurried...Elizaaaa!!!

At the funeral, the priest says some words:
"Citizens of Bexeria, we have overcome a difficult tribulation. But in the end, we lost our irreplaceable Eliza. This sacrifice is such a deep burden on our hearts. But she taught us how strong we can be. We must follow the example of her strength and overcome this sadness. So let us pray without sadness that she may be called into Heaven."

Mayor's Wife: Eliza...ELIZA!! (crying)
Mayor: Keep yourself together. And where is that Lufin? What the hell is he doing?

Sandy appears and says: We saved the town, but with this sad atmosphere it doesn't look like we'll be getting any Star Auras. What was all that effort for? We should at least get our reward! OK, let's go to the Mayor's place to get it!

Go and find the Mayor standing outside of his house looking over at Lufin and Eliza's home. Far from what Lufin expected, the Mayor is angry with him for not showing up at Eliza's funeral. He asks if she was really happy being married to someone like him. Then he finally notices you, and realizes that he hasn't given you your reward yet. He asks you to come and see him at night and remind him to give you the reward. Just go outside and fight a few monsters until night falls. It seems that time passes faster when you fight monsters than when you're just running around.

Find the Mayor in his study again, and talk to him.

Mayor: What do you need this late at night? Ah yes, yes. I promised to reward you for protecting Lufin in the shrine. The reward about this Feathered Headband? (you receive a Feathered Headband)
Sandy: Very funny. It's like you're not thankful at all! If Eliza was alive we would've gotten Star Auras...
When you talk to the Mayor again he says that as mayor of the town, it's not good for him to be so sad all the time, but there's nothing he can do about it. He also says that he can't blame Lufin. There's nothing more to do here. Explore around town.

At the graveyard near the church, you'll see Eliza's spirit.
"Ahaha! Wow, I'm dead! Wait a minute, you can see me? Cooool! I always thought you were different, but I had no idea you were psychic. This is great! As long as you're here this might work, I have a request. Will you help me get Lufin back on his feet? If we don't do something he'll just get worse. Please!" (YES, NO) She tells you to go to Lufin's lab and talk to him.

Go to Lufin's lab, and Eliza will tell you that there's a secret knock to get him to open the door. From inside the lab, Lufin says: "Eliza? Is that you Eliza!?" He opens the door, only to see you standing there. He asks if you're the one who knocked on the door, then tells you that it was a cruel joke to imitate her secret knock, and to never do it again. He turns to walk back into his lab, but someone comes and says "Ah, Professor Lufin! Perfect timing. I wanted to tell you something. Thank you for stopping the epidemic! I thank you on behalf of the entire town. Also...pick yourself back up! Everyone's worried about you." He walks away.

Lufin (looks at you): What do you want?!
Eliza: Please relay my last words to Lufin for me. Tell him that I want him to go and meet the people he saved by sealing the curse (YES, NO).
Lufin: Eliza said to...but I don't even know who was sick. I was too focused on what my father in law thought of me...please take me to the homes of those who suffered from the sickness. I want to know what they're feeling. If I know that, then maybe I'll understand how Eliza felt.
Eliza: Yes, I think you should do it. This is really important for him. Will you take Lufin to see the other people? (YES, NO)

Pick "Yes," and Lufin joins you. As per <a href="" target="_blank">Kouli's flowchart</a>, speak to everyone in the eastern and western houses, and the Inn (in no particular order).

Long story short, Lufin finds out that everyone is thankful for his deeds. This is what Eliza wanted him to know. He was always so caught up in his own work that he never noticed anyone else around him, which is why he didn't even notice Eliza's condition (the coughing). He realizes now that his actions have affected a lot of people for the better, and that from now on he'll involve himself with others more often. "And it's not a bad feeling to be thanked by everyone," he says. Eliza thanks you for helping Lufin out. Even though she's dead, her dream of letting everyone in town know what a truly great person Lufin is, and for Lufin to love his town, has come true. She thanks you again and vanishes.

It's almost dawn, and Lufin apologizes to you for keeping you up all night. He tells you to get some rest. There are some things he needs to ponder, so he says he'll stay up just a little longer.

(fade to black)
<i>The break of dawn was near.
(<u>your character's name</u>) decided to return
to the Inn and rest.

And then the sun rose.</i>

You wake up to happy town music. The innkeeper tells you that it's already afternoon, and that the mood in the town has changed to a more "sunny" atmosphere. Leave the Inn, and Sandy comes out to congratulate you. She says that you can't see it, but the town is overflowing with Star Auras. With this many Star Auras, she says that your rank as an angel will surely go up rapidly. Heaven's Ark will probably move now, so she tells you to make haste and return to the Ark in the mountain pass.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
The Sealed Shrine plot synopsis ended up being way longer than I meant to make it and took much more time than I wanted to spend on it (notice how I got lazy near the end I decided to wrap it up quickly by saying "Long story short"), so my future synopses won't be nearly as long as this one was.

<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->

<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->Keep checking back for updates to the storyline.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>

<!--coloro:#FFFFFF--><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><!--/coloro-->/synopsis<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<hr />

<div align="center"><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Dragon Quest IX Progress Flowchart
<a href="" target="_blank">Kouli's Optimized Flowchart</a></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></div>

This is a general flowchart to help you progress in DQ9. This will be continuously updated as I progress.
<b><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->UPDATE:<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b> On second thought, I'm abandoning this flowchart because someone else named <a href="" target="_blank">Kouli</a> has already finished it. <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a>.

[title:Part 1: Intro ~ Crash of Heaven's Ark]<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->Your mentor Izayarl has trained you to be a guardian angel for Wollo Village. Your duty is to help the villagers so that they'll pray to you. Their prayers of gratitude become Star Auras, which you need to collect for the World Tree in the Angel World.<ul><li>Protect Rikka and her grandpa from the monsters - first battle</li><li>Obtain Star Aura from Rikka</li><li>Angel World - Speak to Elder Omui on upper floor</li><li>Exit south of Elder Omui's chamber, climb stairs to top</li><li>Offer Star Aura to World Tree</li><li>Speak to Elder Omui again</li><li>Speak to green-haired angel by star-shaped hole on lower floor</li><li>Go back to Wollo Village</li><li>Talk to dog, search ground for Keepsake Ring</li><li>Give Keepsake Ring to woman praying in church</li><li>Obtain Star Aura from woman</li><li>Clean up horse poo in stable (southwest corner)</li><li>Obtain Star Aura from sleeping man</li><li>Night falls - Speak to Izayarl</li><li>Speak to spirit across bridge</li><li>Obtain Star Aura</li><li>Speak to Izayarl again, return to Angel World</li><li>Offer Star Auras to World Tree</li><li>Cutscene, fall down to Wollo Village</li></ul><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
[title:Part 2: Wollo Village ~ Kisagona Ruins]<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->After offering the Spirit Auras to the World Tree, Heaven's Ark (the golden train) falls down to the earth. An earthquake causes a rockslide that blocks the mountain pass leading to the village, effectively cutting it from the outside world. This proves bad for the village businesses. You have fallen down to the village and become human, losing your halo and wings. Rikka nurses you back to health. <ul><li>Eavesdrop on conversation between Mayor and his son Nid (northwest corner of village)</li><li>Go to Rikka's house, eat dinner and rest (northeast corner of village)</li><li>Nid comes to visit, discusses plan to clear rockslide</li><li>Nid joins you, go to mountain pass
*Stay at Rikka's house to heal HP & MP for free</li><li>Leave village, follow road east</li><li>Reach rockslide</li><li>St. Stein soldiers are already clearing rockslide</li><li>Soldiers ask about missing woman Luida</li><li>Go back to village, ask around about Luida</li><li>Nid leaves you</li><li>Head east, then south to Kisagona Ruins to search for Luida alone</li><li>Enter ruins, examine stone slab straight ahead</li><li>Spirit appears behind you</li><li>Follow spirit to warrior statue (it tells you to search back of statue)</li><li>Press button on back of statue</li><li>Go back to stone slab, progress deeper into ruins</li><li>Help Luida</li><li>Boss fight</li><li>Return to Wollo Village</li><li>Go to Rikka's inn</li><li>Luida tries to convince Rikka to move to St. Stein</li><li>Find spirit from ruins in front of Rikka's house</li><li>Speak to spirit (Rikka's father Libert) and new character Sandy
*New option added to menu</li><li>Find trophy that Libert buried behind inn</li><li>Show trophy to Rikka</li><li>Grandfather explains why Libert the King of Inns abandoned the glory in St. Stein for a simple life in Wollo</li><li>Rikka decides to move to St. Stein with Luida</li><li>Speak to Libert</li><li>Sandy offers you a ride to Angel World</li><li>Go to Heaven's Ark near mountain pass (Ark won't run)</li><li>Head to St. Stein Castle</li></ul><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
[title:Part 3: St. Stein Castle ~ Ludiano Castle]<!--coloro:#000000--><span style="color:#000000"><!--/coloro-->After Luida and Rikka leave Wollo Village, you attempt to go back to the Angel World with Sandy, but the Ark won't move. Time to go to St. Stein. There's talk of a Black Knight instilling fear in the townspeople. <ul><li>Go to St. Stein Castle, see cutscene with Rikka and Luida</li><li>Read sign in center of town (recruiting people to defeat the Black Knight)</li><li>Speak to soldier at castle entrance</li><li>Accept the job of defeating the Black Knight</li><li>Go to the inn to recruit party members</li><li>Exit St. Stein Castle, head directly north all the way to Stein Lake</li><li>Boss fight</li><li>Return to St. Stein Castle, speak to king</li><li>Speak to princess in her room (east side of castle)</li><li>Go to Elafita Village (northwest of Stein Lake)</li><li>Find the old lady Sona, listen to her song</li><li>Head north through poison swamps to Ludiano ruins</li><li>Find Black Knight within Ludiano</li><li>Boss fight</li><li>Speak to Black Knight and princess</li><li>Return to St. Stein, talk to king
*The ability to forge items becomes available at St. Stein Inn</li><li>Go back to mountain pass</li><li>Cutscene at the Ark on the mountain pass</li><li>Head to opposite side of northeast barrier</li></ul><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
I commend and thank you for this! Already you are working on helping people understand the script. Great game and great work helping us to understand it. Good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
6th Dimention
Visit site
i will send you a few more codes to assist you


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
Wouldn't YOU like to know?
United States
granville said:
I commend and thank you for this! Already you are working on helping people understand the script. Great game and great work helping us to understand it. Good luck with it!
miss_DSlite said:
good work ^^ i hope u can complete itJust doing my part as your friendly, neighborhood GBAtemp Ninja! As one of the few practitioners on this forum of the Ninjaspeak ability, I may as well put it to good use

QUOTE(elixirdream @ Jul 11 2009, 06:02 PM)
i will send you a few more codes to assist you
Much appreciated, good sir! Thanks to your codes I don't have to waste time grinding and I can just get through the story quickly


Jul 16, 2008
Visit site
Cote d'Ivoire
I linked this topic in the OP of the menu translation so people can refer here for any story concerns.
EDIT:Someone from GAMEFAQS stole your translations Densetsu!!
Though I posted there to put him in his place >:(.


Jun 21, 2009
Hey guys tell me if i can help you. I think I'm already at part 5 I already defeated the giant fish boss and I've been jotting down thing you need to do in order to progress. I want to help as much as I can.

wow that kouli guy is fast
all we can do now is give details as in where to go exactly.

dq addict

Jul 9, 2009
Visit site
Gambia, The
I´ve done all the talking to that doctor guy and the girl´s ghost, visited all people in town and now everything seems okay. But I have no idea where to go now...


Jul 11, 2009
It's really impressive what that kouli guy did, especially for the miniquests. I'm fluent in Japanese so I don't need walkthroughs but I'm amazed how english-speaking gamers are helping between them

BTW. Don't you find those quests are really hard as long as it's class-gaining quests ? I'm trying to get the red mage class, and it's almost impossible... you know, finding metal slimes in the Bexelia ruins takes time... they happen to run away by the time you cast the spell on your mage... and on the top of that, mages are so weak that 99% of the time it's your warrior who happen to kill the metaslime..... ghaaaaaah ;____; (if you use the boukyou command and keep the mage attacking, the slime runs away too)

I'm past Bitali Mountains, going to San Malo. At this point of the game, what would be really appreciated is a full guide of the alchemy feature. I wish I could get my hands on the actual guidebook, which is really helpful for the apprentice alchemists !


Jul 11, 2009
Oh, and for those who are wondering : the Wi-Fi Shop is great ! Everyday you can buy at an affordable price special items for the alchemy pot. I'm glad they kept that item-hunting quest from DQVIII !


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
Wouldn't YOU like to know?
United States
Gligli said:
I'm past Bitali Mountains, going to San Malo. At this point of the game, what would be really appreciated is a full guide of the alchemy feature.Found one in less than a minute
Here you go. It looks like some of the recipes might be incomplete because there are dashes "- -" after some of the "+" signs, indicating that one more ingredient might be needed, but it's only a matter of time before it's completed. Here's another one, though it's not as nicely formatted.

QUOTE(Gligli @ Jul 14 2009, 01:13 AM) I wish I could get my hands on the actual guidebook, which is really helpful for the apprentice alchemists !
The official DQ9 Japanese guidebook by SE-MOOK isn't scheduled to be out until 11 September, according to In typical Japanese style (to make more money), it will come in two volumes (???).


Take it easy~
Oct 26, 2007
I'm gonna wait for the English version to play this, but the fact that you took time out of your own schedule to translate the story for the impatient ones is something to be admired. Great job, Densetsu!


Jul 11, 2009
Thank you Densetsu-san ! Appreciated

Actually, I saw pictures of the release day in a Yodobashi Camera, they were selling a guidebook along with the game : here.

???????????????????????????????7?11????????????DS?????????????IX ?????????????????????231?8932?????????


????????????2?????????????????VIII ???????????????223?????????????????????????

Sold in two days 2 318 932 copies over Japan, breaking DQVIII record of 2 230 000 copies


Jul 16, 2009
Hey great job man!

One question: Are you planning to write the rest of the plot cause i'm right now at ''Sealed Shrine'' i i do not know what the characters are tolkin bout. PLEASE HELP with your fabolous translation of each dialogue!

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