Any Arduino / Micro controller wizards around - I need a little help


GBAtemp's resident guinea pig
Dec 23, 2008
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
So I'm building a YouTube subscriber display using an ESP8266/wemos mini D1. The code for the WiFi/Youtube API is function just fine and is outputting to the Serial Monitor just fine. I just cannot for the life of me get the Max7219 8 digit seven segment display to work at all. I've spent a most of today trying to get it to work even running out and grabbing another display but to no avail. I've even tried getting the displays to work with an Arduino mega ( using different code of course ) but it just doesnt seem to want to work at all.

Code is below, Wifi and API keys have been blanked out

// Required libraries and board files:
//    esp8266               install from boards manager
//    YoutubeApi  
//    ArduinoJson 
//    LedControl  
//    LedControl usage:
// Tested using:
//    Arduino IDE        v1.8.9
//    esp8266 board file v2.4.2
//    YoutubeAPI         v1.1.0
//    ArduinoJson        v5.13.4
//    LedControl         v1.0.6
// Gadget Reboot

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <YoutubeApi.h>                    // Youtube Data API to retrieve public channel stats
#include <ArduinoJson.h>                   // required by Youtube API
#include <LedControl.h>                    // MAX7219 7-segment display controller

// MAX7219 control pins and number of chips
#define dinPin     D8
#define clkPin     D7
#define csPin      D6
#define numDevices  1                      // one MAX7219 controls 8 digits
#define dispAddr    0                      // MAX7219 devices are numbered starting from 0

// create LED display control interface
LedControl led_disp = LedControl(dinPin, clkPin, csPin, numDevices);

//------- Replace with your details! ------
char ssid[]      = "XXX";     // your network SSID (name)
char password[]  = "XXXX";     // your network password
#define API_KEY "XXXXX"
#define CHANNEL_ID "XXXXXXX"     // makes up the url of channel

unsigned long subCount;                    // stores the subscriber count from the API
byte  digits[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // an array of led digit data to be written to the display

// Instantiate the WiFiClientSecure object for use with Youtube API
WiFiClientSecure client;
YoutubeApi api(API_KEY, client);

unsigned long api_mtbs     = 180000;       // time between api requests, in mS.  60,000 mS = 1 minute intervals
unsigned long api_lasttime = 0;            // last time api request occurred

void setup() {

  // set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if previously connected

  // initialize the MAX7219 device
  led_disp.shutdown(dispAddr, false);         // wake up the MAX7219 from power-saving mode
  led_disp.setIntensity(dispAddr, 8);         // set brightness level (0 - 15)
  led_disp.clearDisplay(dispAddr);            // clear display register

  // Attempt to connect to WiFi network
  Serial.print("Connecting to WiFi");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

    // scan dot right to left
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
      led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, i, ' ', true);  // blank digit, dp on
      led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, i, ' ', false); // blank digit, dp off


    // scan dot left to right
    for (int i = 7; i > 0; i--) {
      led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, i, ' ', true);  // blank digit, dp on
      led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, i, ' ', false); // blank digit, dp off
  }  // end while

  // show WiFi status in serial monitor
  Serial.println("WiFi connected.");
  Serial.print("IP address: ");
  IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();

  // get channel info from Youtube API for initial display
  subCount = 0;        // initial sub count to be updated from api
  pollYoutubeAPI();    // get sub count immediately so we don't wait for poll timer to expire for initial reading
  displayDigits();     // show sub count on 7-segment display

}  // end setup()

void loop() {

  // if it is time to poll the Youtube API, try to retrieve channel data and update display
  if (millis() > api_lasttime + api_mtbs) {

  // testDisplay();    // uncomment to test the 7-segment digits without api data access

 * Other Functions

// show the number on the 7-segment display by separating out the
// individual digits and sending them to the proper LED segment
void displayDigits() {

  // mod math separates digits out of the number
  digits[0] = (subCount % 10);
  digits[1] = (subCount / 10) % 10;
  digits[2] = (subCount / 100) % 10;
  digits[3] = (subCount / 1000) % 10;
  digits[4] = (subCount / 10000) % 10;
  digits[5] = (subCount / 100000) % 10;
  digits[6] = (subCount / 1000000) % 10;
  digits[7] = (subCount / 10000000) % 10;

  // track which digit position in the number contains the left-most (non-zero) digit
  // eg: number = 474, digits[7..0] = 00000474  left digit non-zero position = digit[2]
  // if there is only one digit in the number, digit position 0 is the left-most automatically
  byte leftDigit = 0;

  if (digits[7] > 0)
    leftDigit = 7;
  else if (digits[6] > 0)
    leftDigit = 6;
  else if (digits[5] > 0)
    leftDigit = 5;
  else if (digits[4] > 0)
    leftDigit = 4;
  else if (digits[3] > 0)
    leftDigit = 3;
  else if (digits[2] > 0)
    leftDigit = 2;
  else if (digits[1] > 0)
    leftDigit = 1;

  // if there are digits to blank out (to the left of the left-most digit in the number)
  // set them as a "space"
  if (leftDigit < 7) {
    for (int i = (leftDigit + 1); i <= 7; i++) {
      digits[i] = ' ';  // blank space character

  // write all digits on 7-segment display
  for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
    led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, i, digits[i], false);

}  // end displayDigits()

void pollYoutubeAPI() {
  if (api.getChannelStatistics(CHANNEL_ID)) {

    Serial.print("Subscriber Count: ");
    Serial.print("View Count: ");
    Serial.print("Comment Count: ");
    Serial.print("Video Count: ");
    // Probably not needed :)
    //Serial.print("hiddenSubscriberCount: ");

    subCount = api.channelStats.subscriberCount;

  api_lasttime = millis();   // start a new delay for next API poll interval

}  // end pollYoutubeAPI()

void testDisplay() {

  // display "Arduino"
  led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, 7, 'a', false);
  led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 6, 0x05);
  led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, 5, 'd', false);
  led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 4, 0x1c);
  led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 3, B00010000);
  led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 2, 0x15);
  led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 1, 0x1D);

  // test leading zero suppression
  subCount = 1;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 22;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 333;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 4444;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 55555;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 666666;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 7777777;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data

  subCount = 88888888;
  displayDigits(); //Show the data
}  // end testDisplay()

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    I tried to get a slim on a black friday once, but they ran out of stock for the $100 one
  • realtimesave @ realtimesave:
    many ages ago
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    If only Amazon sold guns
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    Fucking dick heads think it's a bad idea to get a gun 2 days later
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    Wait, I thought you were the dickhe...nvm
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    I got balls on my chin and two dicks on my forehead sir
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    Sorry, no offense there double dickhead chinballs.
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    That you'll only see once
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    This you?
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    My hair can't be that cool
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