Search results

  1. KingAsix

    Hacking Disable Joysticks on Joy-Con

    I was wondering if there was a solution to disable to joysticks on CFW because I just can't anymore. I'm playing games like Shovel Knight and Blaster Master using the d-pad and it's hell. Side Note: Nintendo funny for not allowing for it via the control mapping in settings
  2. KingAsix

    Hacking Question How to tell if you are in emuMMC and nsp installation?

    I just setup emuMMC with the latest Atmosphere/Kosmos and I have a couple of questions. 1. The guide I was following said that after I created my emuMMC partition and booted into it that I would have to set my Switch up again, but it seemed to boot into sysnand cfw. My question here is how...
  3. KingAsix

    Search within Threads

    So I always see people on here talking about how lazy people are when it comes to looking for information on this forum. I think it would help if there was an option to search within the topics. The idea didn't come to me until the whole Switch Linux thing came out. There are a bunch of people...
  4. KingAsix

    Hacking Switch video capture on all software

    I was wondering with the rise of custom firmware and such was there a way to perform the video capture on the switch from any software. I mainly want to use it for retroarch, but of course, there will be other games I'd want to use this on.
  5. KingAsix

    Hacking Playing Games from unlinked account on ReiNX

    Before putting ReiNX on my Switch I removed my account so it wouldn't get banned (the account itself) but is there a way to still play the games from that account without replacing them all with nsp.
  6. KingAsix

    Hacking Questions before installing ReiNX

    Went over the ReiNX install guide and I wanted to ask a few questions before starting. 1) Should I update to 6.0.0 before or after I install ReiNX? 2) I understand that updating afterwards requires a reliable jig to keep my fuses. Where should I go to get one? 3) What should I watch out for as...
  7. KingAsix

    Hacking New PS3 CFW owner

    Ill have a new CFW PS3 today and wanted to know of some cool things to do with one. I know im late to the party, but ive always wanted a cfw ps3. Ive already looked up how to enable music in-game. Anything else I should know of to do?
  8. KingAsix

    Hacking GBA game with latest nightly Rxtools

    So I've been scrambling trying to get GBA games working with the most recent Rxtools and no matter what I've read or done its won't start (the "3DS has an error. Power off" error). My sysnand/emunand are unlinked I believe, I've installed the games to both nands with FBI & using BBM. My emunand...
  9. KingAsix

    Hacking Physical games on CFW

    Is there a way to play my physical copy of Smash Brothers while I have CFW 4.5 running on my 3DS XL?
  10. KingAsix

    Hacking So what kinda homebrew are there....

    So with the cubic ninja hack coming out I was wonder what homebrew are actually available for me to run.
  11. KingAsix

    Help studying for the Comp Tia A+ IT Certification exam

    Hello to all! Short and to the point I have to take the exam stated above and was wondering if anyone had advice or could recommend some study aids. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. KingAsix

    Hardware Is my RAM bad or just incompatible?

    So I just built my 1st computer but not without some roadblocks along the way. With the initial parts I had I was unable to boot and went through a tough troubleshooting spree. Eventually I came to realize the RAM was the issue...Thing is I need to know if the RAM was bad or just incompatible...
  13. KingAsix

    Hardware Would this be good to start off with?

    I am trying to get a desktop...Particularity one that will be better for gaming than my laptop. I found this one eBay and thought it might be nice to start with until I can afford better parts to beef it up (which will be awhile).....I just wanted a 2nd opinion because well....I dont know much...
  14. KingAsix

    Force Defender

    Didn't know exactly where to put this but for the past 2 months I have been working on a game for a game jam (an event where game developers make games in a usually short time period, most cases anywhere between a weekend to a whole week). The jam was called Indie Quilt and it would mean so much...
  15. KingAsix

    How Many of you know what Earthbound/Mother is

    Me and some guy were having a discussion and it was said that if I asked 1000 people that 10 or so would know what Earthbound/Mother here we go. Do you know what Mother/Earthbound is
  16. KingAsix

    How long does it take to decide whether a game is a keeper?!

    Man it's been awhile since I did a topic on here that wasn't me asking for help, but anyway I am about to begin work on a very big project which is making me think a lot of things over as far as how I conduct business, marketing, and advertising. So simple question here, but if you were given...
  17. KingAsix

    Hardware Streaming from phone to computer

    I don't normally stream music, but I thought I'd give it ago. All my music is on my Galaxy S3 so my question is how can I stream my music from my phone and listen to it on on my Laptop using Winamp or MediaMonkey?
  18. KingAsix

    Android Cloud saving on external SD on Galaxy S3

    Ok so I have a Galaxy S3 (T999), and ipega controller, and, a Ouya. Basically what I want to be to do with all my emulators is to be able to play a game on my galaxy s3 and save it and then jump onto my ouya and load up the same save file and continue playing on the big screen. I figure I'd...
  19. KingAsix

    Android Music Streaming from phone to tablet app

    OK so what I'd like to do is stream the music on my galaxy s3 to my Nexus 7...There are plenty of apps that can stream music from my computer, but I don't keep my music on my phone and my Nexus 7 (2nd Generation) has only 32gb which is not enough for my collection. Is there anyway I can achieve...
  20. KingAsix

    Hacking Toad in New/Newer Super Mario Bros Wii

    I have a simple questions...before I ask I would like to mention I have no idea about NSMB modding, but I want to learn just to achieve what I am about to ask....Is it possible to replace Mario and Luigi with Toads so it'll be four toads! If not how can I texture edit the toads to a color of my...
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