Review cover Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Nintendo Switch)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): January 18, 2019
  • Release Date (EU): January 18, 2019
  • Release Date (JP): January 18, 2019
  • Publisher: Grasshopper Manufacture
  • Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
  • Genres: Beat'em-up

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

No More Heroes (NMH) is one of those cult classic games that flew under the radar of the mainstream audience. Both NMH and NMH 2: Desperate Struggle were some of the crown jewels of the Wii library, with the former title being later ported to the PS3. The fans of the series, including myself, have been waiting quite a while for Travis Touchdown to grace our consoles once more and the director, Suda51, was always quite vocal about wanting Travis to make his big comeback to our screens. I was extremely happy to see that a spin-off of sorts was being developed for the Nintendo Switch, but can it rise to the same level as its great predecessors? Read on and find out!
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes is a Beat-em-up game available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.


What do Retired Assassins do All Day?

Travis was enjoying his retirement in his secluded trailer when an unexpected visitor crossed his threshold. Badman, a former baseball superstar and a very current drunkard, had a score to settle with our hero - the kind of score that requires blood to be spilled. Bat in his hands, Badman was ready to cave Travis' skull in. There's a road to becoming a champion assassin, a road that's paved with bodies. Unfortunately, one of those bodies happened to be Badman's daughter, and a grieving father is a dangerous force to be reckoned with. The two fighters clashed, both unleashing violent flurries of blows, only to be interrupted by a sentient technological relict. The Death Drive MK.2, a console combining both state-of-the-art gameplay and what I can only assume is forbidden Aztec magicks, sucked both into the game world filled with deadly bugs. The two now must form a shaky alliance, destroy the bugs and fulfill a plan much bigger than either of them. Will they succeed? Well, that depends on how hard you can rock, player!

The Art of The Assassin

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Let the trip begin!

The opening of this crazy punk adventure is about as surreal as you might imagine if you've ever played a Suda51 game, and it's certainly a big part of its charm. From the very moment you start TSA: NMH you know exactly what the author was going for - an acid trip of a brawler. Now, by Suda51's own admission, TSA: NMH is not a sequel to NMH 2 - it's something that you need to keep in mind while reading the review. To paraphrase the director, he wanted to create a smaller "indie" project with a smaller team before he involves himself with another full-blown, large project like NMH 3. This is important, because if you're looking for a NMH sequel, TSA isn't it. It's a completely different game that plays completely differently, but stars the same protagonist and similar aesthetics, and boy, is it aesthetic.

The presentation of the game is very distinctive and has that Suda51 "touch" to it that's both well-known and loved by his fans - if you've played a Suda51 game before, you'll feel right at home. The game mixes various environments, camera positions and colours to create a very different experience in each stage. While all of the stages play out as classic Beat'em-ups, they are very distinctive from each other. In true Suda51 fashion, he throws the player into a top-down arena-based fighting game just to pull you into a side-scroller a few moments later. If there's one way to describe this cyberspace adventure, it's "trippy" - it's very bright, colourful and stands out in a crowd.

TSA: NMH is one large nod to the "indie" scene - it was specifically made with a small team of developers, it's self-published, it's smaller scale and boils down NMH to its core components - mature humour and relenetless action. The nod doesn't end there, however - Suda51 also pays homage to the indie classics by including references to many popular titles via T-shirts which Travis can buy and wear during gameplay. I can see the reasoning here - "less is more" was the guiding principle behind the title.

Hack 'n Slash

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Once you're in Virtual Land there are two things you can do - Hack and Slash!

The way the gameplay plays out is fairly simple - you pick your hero, either Travis or Badman, and make your way through the levels while slashing bugs into bits. Similarly to old style Beat'em-ups, the camera is fixed and boundaries pop up occasionally, preventing you from proceeding until you destroy all the bugs. Killing bugs rewards you with two things - experience and money. Experience is collected in a shared pool and can be spent by either character to level up and increase their base statistics while money can be spent in the online T-shirt store back at the trailer to get your hands on the latest threads from the indie scene. Our two heroes can jump, dodge and perform four basic attacks - light melee, heavy melee, light air attacks and heavy air attacks. In addition to these basic moves the characters can also equip special Skill Chips which grant them additional abilities. Skill Chips cannot be shared, they can only be equipped by one character at a time, which is important for players who want to debug the Death Drive games in co-op mode. Some Skill Chips can be used exclusively by Travis or Badman, making the character choice slightly more important than you might initially assume by just looking at the base moveset. All in all, the Skill Chips mechanic forces each player to play with a unique set of moves which keeps things interesting, but I can see how it could create some potential for arguments over who gets to pick the brand-new chip you just found - keep the fighting in-game, players!

The Chips are mostly acquired as pick-ups in hard-to-reach areas of the levels, but some of the most powerful chips can only be collected from defeated Bosses who await you at the end of each level. As such, you will have ample reason to revisit stages you've completed before, either to finish them on a higher level of difficulty, collect pick-ups you've missed or to simply challenge yourself to finish them much faster using your newly-acquired skills. This introduces a level of replayability, which is welcome considering the fact that TSA: NMH is not a particularly long game. Most of the fun springs de facto from replaying the levels. Each stage is a self-contained little experience, often with very different rules that govern it, which makes sense - they're supposed to be different games on the Death Drive.

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Getting your next Death Drive fix will require you to slog through a lengthy text adventure segment

Once you defeat the level boss with one of NMH's iconic wrestling moves, the Death Drive MK.2 spits our two heroes out into the real world, so in order to get back in the fray, Travis must venture out on a real-life adventure to collect the next video game the two could play. These mini adventures are presented as non-interactive text adventure segments. They're quite long and... to be honest, their charm wears off quite quickly. To put it bluntly, it's the part of the game where you mash a button for the dialogue to progress until the exposition is over and you're allowed to play again. It's not great, and the game itself says so in its self-referential fashion. It's quite funny when you think about it and I understand that a separate real life adventure or cut scenes weren't feasible, but perhaps even a small mini game would've been more enjoyable. You can skip the dialogue if you want, but if you do, you're willingly quitting on the plot, and that's not a choice a player should make.

Rumble or Fumble?

I'm not going to lie, I was pumped for Travis' big comeback on Nintendo's brand-new system. The Switch has two Joycons, analogous to the Wii Remotes, equipped with similar motion control technology. That alone had my imagination going. I specifically avoided all material about Travis Strikes Again prior to receiving a copy because I wanted it to amaze me, just like the two previous titles have... and I regret doing that. TSA: NMH is a spin-off title, and I had to keep repeating that to myself throughout the game in order to give it a fair shake - it's just not what I expected, and I don't necessarily mean that in a good way. TSA: NMH, while fun, is far from perfect. The Bug enemies are quite generic - each and every one of them is some kind of permutation of a skeleton or skull, and it gets old quick. After a while you stop paying attention to the enemies, they just become blurbs on the screen that you hit with your weapon, and while there are some unique enemies in the mix, the bestiary could've been addressed much better. Travis and Badman are literally travelling through the world of video games and the only time they encounter characters from said games is in the boss fights which are extremely enjoyable - I was always longing for the next boss fight, in no small part due to how unique the bosses were. Despite the developer's earnest attempts to keep things interesting, combat gets dull quickly, which is a shame.

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You already mentioned that a couple of times, game

I don't want my conclusion to be misconstrued, TSA: NMH is a fun little Beat'em-up, but that's about it. It features one of my favourite game characters, it has all the hallmarks of a game made by Suda51, it's an acid trip of a video game, but... it's ultimately a small morsel. I can understand the director's desire to return to his roots and create a small game as an homage to the growing indie scene. I respect that, but he's simply not an indie director anymore and NMH is not an indie franchise - there is a certain level of expectations connected to the title alone and I'm not sure TSA addresses that desire. The self-referential nature of the game, while initially charming, can get old quick - you can only repeat a joke so many times. TSA: NMH tries to remind the player at every corner that it's a small indie project and lots of things were "cut due to budgetary reasons", to the point of nagging. I get it, Suda51 - you were taking a break from your big name projects and making something smaller, and that's fine. Unfortunately, TSA: NMH has an air of a lunch break project, and I'm sure that wasn't the intention.

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A game in a game in a game? Gameception!

Long story short, TSA: NMH is a competently-made beat'em-up with some very appealing visuals and an interesting way to switch things up using simple techniques like changing camera angles or introducing a mini activity, but in my eyes it fails to rise to the name of its predecessors. I remain optimistic regarding the NMH franchise, but I can't help but treat TSA as an entrée before the main course. I had the snack, it was okay, now I'm waiting for the grand, true NMH sequel - here's for hoping I won't have to wait long.


What We Liked ...
  • Iconic punk presentation
  • The game pays homage to the indie scene with references to many popular titles
  • Interesting implementations of camera angles in gameplay
  • Local co-op, a rare and always welcome inclusion in modern games
  • Funky music score
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Repetitive combat
  • Generic enemies
  • Short total play time
The gameplay of TSA: NMH is definitely fun, and the game keeps throwing twists at you to keep things interesting. Unfortunately, with its repetitive combat, it can get a little exhausting after a while. It's certainly one of those titles that's more than the sum of its parts in co-op - in the single player mode it comes across as an average Beat'em up.
TSA: NMH is an indie title and as such, expectations have to be curbed in terms of eye candy. With that said, the area where it shines the most are the iconic comic book-like aesthetics. The game is very pleasant to look at - the game worlds you visit are varied and very colourful. The visual aspects of the game, coupled with the funky music score, create a unique and pleasing atmosphere. The only shortcoming in terms of the presentation are the somewhat generic enemies which hold an otherwise interesting-looking game back.
Lasting Appeal
The game features a couple distinctive game worlds, each with its own secrets for the player to uncover and a number of difficulty settings. I myself backtracked a couple of times to collect pick ups that I missed or to replay the level as a different character, but overall I don't see myself coming back to the title unless it is to replay it in co-op mode.
out of 10


TSA: NMH is a game I was looking forward to and, in all honesty, I can't say that it fully satisfied my longing for some Travis Touchdown action. As I've mentioned earlier, the game feels like a fun appetizer before the main course comes along. Thing is, we've been waiting for the main course for quite some time and I'm afraid that many of the fans might get up and choose a different venue.
This crap is already out? Seems to be even more boring than the first two. Played them on wii for just being relatively high-profile games, but too old to waste my time on such things now. Too many actually good games left unfinished.
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This crap is already out? Seems to be even more boring than the first two. Played them on wii for just being relatively high-profile games, but too old to waste my time on such things now. Too many actually good games left unfinished.

exactly my thought after reading the review
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Regardless of the score, I want to purchase this game anyways simply so Suda gets the hint to make a NMH3. I am tired of good game series never making it to entry number 3. Also I am a huge Travis Touchdown nerd, I wish he was in SSBU.
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Pretty much what I was expecting from this spin-off. If I owned a Switch I'd definitely buy it, regardless of it being a step backwards for the series, as I'm a huge Suda fan (just picked up the Japanese cartridge for Guild 01, even though I already bought Liberation Maiden on the Eur eshop back when it first released).

Suda is always better when he's doing something new rather than returning to old properties, but I dream of a Suda cross over game that will give us Travis Touchdown, Garcia Hotspur and Juliet Starling in one crazy story.
Pretty much what I was expecting from this spin-off. If I owned a Switch I'd definitely buy it, regardless of it being a step backwards for the series, as I'm a huge Suda fan (just picked up the Japanese cartridge for Guild 01, even though I already bought Liberation Maiden on the Eur eshop back when it first released).

Suda is always better when he's doing something new rather than returning to old properties, but I dream of a Suda cross over game that will give us Travis Touchdown, Garcia Hotspur and Juliet Starling in one crazy story.
This sounds even more absurd than the mini game crap hell this game seems to be.

And Lollipop Chainsaw was really, really bad. In fact, the last Suda games were less than mediocre. Even more idiotic is the fact that Suda himself stated, that NMH3 could be a possibility if this game would sell well. Travis is being used to sell us a load of crappy "crazy" games.
I don't know much about this developer besides Killer 7 and umm Lolipop Chainsaw. Which I never played any of them. So I don't know what to think of their games or this series. So I don't know if they are good or bad. :blink:
I don't know much about this developer besides Killer 7 and umm Lolipop Chainsaw. Which I never played any of them. So I don't know what to think of their games or this series. So I don't know if they are good or bad. :blink:
Suda51 is what you get when you mix "artist" and "programmer" together, his games have a particular surreal style to them. He's been in the business since the SNES days, think of him as a Kojima figure, but more eccentric and less known in the west.
Suda51 is what you get when you mix "artist" and "programmer" together, his games have a particular surreal style to them. He's been in the business since the SNES days, think if him as a Kojima figure, but more eccentric and less known in the west.

I enjoyed Killer 7 and NMH1&2 but don't you dare compare Suda to Kojima. Kojima created some of the best games ever made.

I was actually looking forward to this title but now I'm quite disappointed to see it's turned out to be mediocre like the bulk of Suda's work.
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I enjoyed Killer 7 and NMH1&2 but don't you dare compare Suda to Kojima. Kojima created some of the best games ever made.

I was actually looking forward to this title but now I'm quite disappointed to see it's turned out to be mediocre like the bulk of Suda's work.
They're comparable in the way they treat their work, not necessarily in how good they are at it.
This sounds even more absurd than the mini game crap hell this game seems to be.

And Lollipop Chainsaw was really, really bad. In fact, the last Suda games were less than mediocre. Even more idiotic is the fact that Suda himself stated, that NMH3 could be a possibility if this game would sell well. Travis is being used to sell us a load of crappy "crazy" games.
The crazy, surreal, wacky, genre twisting is what draws me to Goichi Suda's projects, whether it be NMH, Killer Is Dead, The Silver Case, Flower Sun & Rain, Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day, Liberation Maiden, Let It Die, Killer 7, Shadows of the Damned, Sine Mora, Lollipop Chainsaw, or any of the others I've played that I'm forgetting.
Lollipop Chainsaw wasn't "really, really bad", it certainly wasn't for everyone, and you're entitled to your opinion, but it was a damn fun game to play if you're open to embracing Suda51's "punk" mandate... and that's kind of true of all of his games.
I'll support whatever he does, whenever I can, just because there's not enough creators like him. For me, he's as important as Kojima and Yoko Taro - and not many others come close.
I was really excited when the game was announced and got really disappointed how it turned out. This looks like a cheap mobile game disguise with no more heroes theme.

Same here. I haven't played the originals (got a Wii wayyyyy late) but they always seemed appealing. As they released more footage/trailers and I realized it's just a bunch of mini-games I was pretty disappointed as well.
Pretty much what I was expecting from this spin-off. If I owned a Switch I'd definitely buy it, regardless of it being a step backwards for the series, as I'm a huge Suda fan (just picked up the Japanese cartridge for Guild 01, even though I already bought Liberation Maiden on the Eur eshop back when it first released).

Suda is always better when he's doing something new rather than returning to old properties, but I dream of a Suda cross over game that will give us Travis Touchdown, Garcia Hotspur and Juliet Starling in one crazy story.
Honestly? I forgot absolutely everything about SotD and LPCS and I've got that latest one I bought for 360 on the Store just rotting on my 360. Forgot it's name already. But NMH1 was great and Killer 7 has so many moments I can never forget even after playing it like a decade ago. Such a masterpiece.

I'd argue that his latest one's were lackluster and if he went back and made a sequel to K7, I don't think there's a possible chance I could hate it or it would suck and I'm even old now and I hate everything and everything sucks. So yeah..
I don't know much about this developer besides Killer 7 and umm Lolipop Chainsaw. Which I never played any of them. So I don't know what to think of their games or this series. So I don't know if they are good or bad. :blink:
Don't listen to the people shitting on NMH, It really wasn't bad but honestly.... Put K7 on the top of your list of games to play. Fucking everything about it is amazing. The mood, creepiness, cel shaded graphic, full roster of cool characters, bumpin Rave On track sells the game itself. It's not to be missed. and you could probably find it dirt cheap. Or just go listen to "Rave On" to get some motivation to get it. lol. Can't tell you how long I sat in that staircase listening to that track.
Don't listen to the people shitting on NMH, It really wasn't bad but honestly.... Put K7 on the top of your list of games to play. Fucking everything about it is amazing. The mood, creepiness, cel shaded graphic, full roster of cool characters, bumpin Rave On track sells the game itself. It's not to be missed. and you could probably find it dirt cheap. Or just go listen to "Rave On" to get some motivation to get it. lol. Can't tell you how long I sat in that staircase listening to that track.
NMH is one of the only worthwhile M-rated games on the Wii and easily my favourite on the platform. Any shortcomings the game might have resulted from the sub-par hardware it was designed to run on.
NMH is one of the only worthwhile M-rated games on the Wii

Not saying much but I agree. It's a shame Nintendo hate money and their fans so much. Between Super Mario Galaxy(ies), Horrendous Zelda in between games (NDS/Hyrule Warriors/Twilight Princess), intentional scarcity with Amiibos and NES Mini's/SNES Mini's/Switch's, short and barren lifespan of the Wii U and sounding like they're already looking past the Switch. No other game company has pissed me off as much. Times just arent like Super Mario 64, NES and Gameboy/NES Zelda anymore.. Hell, even their non-transferable virtual stores are getting worse.. At least when M$/Sony get you to rebuy a game, at least they usually make it "definitive" before they f**k your wallet repeatedly.. I almost wish Nintendo didn't make the Switch and just died off peacefully already.. and this is coming from a "Nintendo for life, Xbox sucks" guy lol..

Getting a bit misty there... Other than Red Steel 2, which was great, I can't really think of any other M rated games I own on the Wii. Oh, The RE shooter games, which due to shallow content, sucked.. Madworld. Bought. Boring AF.
God is this horrible.

The more I hear about the switch, the more I'd want a Wii again.

Since Iwata is a goner, Ninty is going downhill...
Played it for 1 hour.. I'm shocked. How? Why? And even a Season Pass!? Why? And a Visual Novel part..? I don't understand.. my head.
Finished the game. And it was even worse as I already thought. Hollow, no good ideas, even the dialogue doesn't feel like No More Heroes at all. And don't get me started on the gameplay.

But the good part: NMH 3 is in development. Why did we have to go through this hell to let us know?
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): January 18, 2019
  • Release Date (EU): January 18, 2019
  • Release Date (JP): January 18, 2019
  • Publisher: Grasshopper Manufacture
  • Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
  • Genres: Beat'em-up
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    inb4 computer science
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Fake Leg scratching 101
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    IT support you can act like your own farts smell like cherries that way
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Odin 2s $300 lol no
  • Scarlet @ Scarlet:
    The Mini is even more lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That RG cube is starting to look like the better value price creep option
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I want a handheld gaming system with a tablet sized screen, like a 8 or10" screen, with controllers that can detach like the Switch.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    @BigOnYa i was legitimately trying to scratch my leg, this is reminding me of that cylinder post
  • Scarlet @ Scarlet:
    I don't see the buzz about a square screen personally. I think there will be a review on the site within a few weeks though if you are interested.
  • Scarlet @ Scarlet:
    I've put down the money on the Odin 2 Mini since I just love that Vita form factor. Loved the power of the Odin 2 but the size always put me off, this one seems exactly what I've been wanting.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I don't care about the square screen it's just nice to hold something you don't have to stretch your arms a foots length
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    All these things expecting to be super huge is overrated just run a type c cable to your TV if you want a big display or in my case screen mirror it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    On the go tho I meant, I use my 10" tablet and a Bluetooth controller for retro gaming while sitting on my porch or on long car rides sometimes. Easier on my eyes than the Switch screen.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    My point is we already have enough shit with big displays having something pocketable with up to ps2 would be fine on the go
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Ken unless the games are made for that screen size most suck on a screen that size... Having a square screen and being brighter and higher res helps but it's not a cure all, text is tiny bullets are tiny, your.... Well lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You can stretch to fit probably it's not all bad that they make it seem to be
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    People always yap about oh but you loose pixels but yeah it won't look awful either
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I like filters :P
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Filters are why you don't go on 2nd dates
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Lol nahhh it's because I usually get what they want on the first date lol
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I swear if I hear "I don't usually do this on the first date" on more time... I am going to start counting
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I bought you McDonald's even tho you lied about your pics I still deserve this
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    No no continue, I hear these things women say so often I decided to start counting
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: No no continue, I hear these things women say so often I decided to start counting