Review cover Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue GBAtemp review
PlayStation 4

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (EU): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (JP): January 12, 2017
  • Publisher: Square Enix Holdings
  • Developer: Square Enix Holdings

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 is comprised of an original game, a remake, and a cinematic experience for fans of the series as they await Kingdom Hearts 3.


Kingdom Hearts’ main score may be Simple and Clean, but the series naming conventions are anything but.  After all, with so many titles spanning multiple gaming systems, where’s one to start?  This is a question that I have a relatively simple answer to that should help both fans and newcomers alike decide if they should purchase Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. 

Here we go, are you new to the Kingdom Hearts series and are wondering if this is where to start?  The answer is no…  God no.  Have you played the original PS2 games and possibly some of the spin-offs?  Then you might want to consider holding off on this title until you’ve played all the content in 1.5 and 2.5.  Are you caught up with the series (possibly aside from Unchained and DDD) and ready to tackle 3?  Then this game is a must have. 

It’s a meme at this point that Kingdom Hearts is unnecessarily complicated to get into and get all the information that is needed to enjoy the series.  It’s said that in order to enjoy it you need to own a various amount of games across multiple platforms, but come March that will no longer be the case.  Once Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 are released for the PS4 in March, all a newcomer needs to get ready for Kingdom Hearts 3 is to own a PS4 and play 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8.  In fact, those who own a PS3 can get a headstart and play 1.5 and 2.5 on that system instead of waiting until March.  Up until a gamer has played the previous titles however, I cannot recommend 2.8 as it heavily relies on knowing the Kingdom Hearts universe. 


The fact that you need to be caught up to fully enjoy Kingdom Hearts 2.8 is not something that I would knock the game for, as I really enjoyed it myself (I’ll get to that in a second).  After all, I also wouldn’t recommend Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back to those who aren’t caught up with the previous titles.  Kingdom Hearts is a chronological series and is meant to be played as such.  And now that I’ve beat that topic to death, let’s talk about 2.8!

Similarly to 1.5 and 2.5, Kingdom Hearts 2.8 is really a 3-for-1.  Included in the purchase are, a PS4 remake of the 3DS game Dream Drop Distance; a new story following Aqua, one of the protagonists of Birth by Sleep, called Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage; and an hour long cinematic movie composed of HD cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts χ titled Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover.


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Dream Drop Distance HD is a full length game that, along with Kingdom Hearts: Coded, helps to bridge the gap between 2 and 3, so it is essential to the series.  The story and game mechanics are identical between the 3DS and PS4 versions of the game.  As far as I am aware the only difference between the titles are cosmetic, as the PS4 is able to output the game in HD and on a big screen.  As for the actual quality of the visuals, the game appears to use the same engine as the 1.5 and 2.5 titles on PS3 so it looks visually similar to those titles, as opposed to Aqua’s story in 0.2 which looks stunning (more on 0.2 later).

Dream Drop Distance follows Sora and Riku during their Mark of Mastery exam as they work to become true Keyblade Masters. According to their master, Yen Sid, in order to complete their exam, they have to awaken “sleeping” worlds based on Disney movies, several of which are new to the series.

You won’t get to fight alongside your buddies Donald and Goofy in this title, as they aren’t taking part in the Mark of Mastery exam.  Instead, you’ll craft Spirits which will help you fight Dream Eaters (the series’ latest knockoff of the Heartless).  While mechanically the game is miles away from Pokémon, I couldn’t help but get the Pokémon vibe as I tried to craft ‘em all. 


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Dream Drop Distance added some new mechanics to the game that sets it apart from its counterparts.  There is a new method of fighting and traversing terrain called Flowmotion.  Basically, Flowmotion speeds up combat and travelling by having you bounce off walls and swing from lamp posts as you smash full force into enemies, obviously adding combos as you go. 

As you play the game you will constantly find yourself switching between Sora and Riku as the other one takes a load off.  On one hand, switching between the two protagonists helps expand the story and allows you to solve unique puzzles, but on the other hand it can be jarring and breaks the flow of the game.

You can tell as you play DDD that it is a port of a mobile game.  While the story is as large as a console title, some of the mechanics that worked well for the 3DS’ touch screen feel a bit clumsy when done on the PS4.  For example, petting your spirits to raise their happiness is awkward at best on the PS4.  While walking through Traverse Town, there are several places that I tried to enter that I KNOW I’ve gone through in the original, just to see that it is off limits in this one, limiting my ability to explore. That said, there are other mini-games such as Flick Rush and Diving (DDD’s version of the Gummi Ship stages) to try out as well, so there’s plenty to do aside from just smashing through the game’s story.

The game’s faults aside, if you have not already played DDD on 3DS, or even if you want to experience it a different way, I do recommend considering playing it on the PS4.  Again, while the title is fun on its own, it also is essential to the series as it leads directly into Kingdom Hearts 3.  


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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage is different from Dream Drop Distance in almost every way.  The tone, plot, mechanics, length, and visual quality are miles apart.  Both are great titles, but I personally find Birth by Sleep to be more fun and a great teaser for what we can expect from Kingdom Hearts 3. 

Aqua’s story is the first time we get to see exactly how a new Kingdom Hearts game, created with Unreal Engine 4, plays on a current gen console.  Up to this point all of the Kingdom Hearts games on PS3 (as well as their fast approaching ports to PS4) are remakes of titles designed for the PS2, GBA, PSP, and 3DS.  But this is brand new content meant to utilize this generation’s technology, and it really shows.

While A Fragmentary Passage is very detailed (even the pure black heartless have more detail than before) I wouldn’t say it looks realistic.  After all, the series is still stylized to mix Disney and Final Fantasy characters, and nobody wants to see a lifelike Mickey Mouse.  Instead of rambling on about the graphics for longer than necessary, here are some more screenshots.


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As opposed to the combat in Dream Drop Distance, the combat in Aqua’s story is more of what you would expect from a console-born Kingdom Hearts game.  You fight hordes of enemies in real time by locking onto them and either bashing them with your keyblade or casting spells as you create fantastic combos.  Leading up to this title’s release and the future release of Kingdom Hearts 3, I was worried that they would change the core gameplay mechanics to the point that they would be unrecognizable to the mechanics of 1 and 2.  I had to breathe a sigh of relief when I realized that the fighting style in this game was familiar and nostalgic to me, and that Kingdom Hearts 3 will almost certainly be as well.  

As you play the game, you can complete certain objectives that allow you to unlock accessories to customize Aqua’s appearance.  After all, even though she’s been trapped in the Dark World for years, a girl’s got to look her best.  Unfortunately all of these accessories are simply cosmetic and do not transfer to cutscenes, but it is fun to go through and try to unlock them all.

The objectives add some much needed padding to the game as it is sadly rather short.  On its own the game itself is only 5 or 6 hours long and feels more like a demo of what’s to come in Kingdom Hearts 3.  Much like The Order 1866, A Fragmentary Passage is beautiful, has a great plot, has amazing game mechanics, and is way too short.

Though it’s short, it is very compact with information and you can really feel Aqua’s struggle as she travels the Dark World and tries to come to grips with both her fate and the fate of her friends.  This game may be shorter than Dream Drop Distance, but I found it to be the better of the two titles.


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And that leads me to Kingdom Hearts χ: Back Cover.  This is an hour long CGI movie that looks better than any other Kingdom Hearts cutscenes up to this point.  I won’t spend long writing about it because it is hard to talk about without providing spoilers, but it is a trill from beginning to end and is beautiful to look at.  While it attempts to answer some questions, it adds even more to the mix.  Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to have to be a pretty damn large title in order to answer everything that we need to know and it is my theory that Back Cover is hinting that there will be much more that has to be done in the Kingdom Hearts universe after 3 is over.

There’s a problem that I have with Kingdom Hearts 2.8 as a whole and I was saving it for the end to discuss it.  The game itself is $60 and I cannot recommend it to newcomers.  It is absolutely necessary to play 1.5 and 2.5 (or alternately all of the games on their original consoles) before going anywhere near 2.8 to expect the full experience.  Like I mentioned before, it’s like jumping into Harry Potter by starting with the fifth book, you’re missing too much to enjoy it.  For newcomers to the series, I advise holding off on this title and either play 1.5 and 2.5 on the PS3, or wait for the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix to come out for PS4 this March, which will give you essentially every other title for only $50.  At that point, the price of 2.8 may drop and be more worth your time.  However, if you are already caught up to the series then feel free to jump into 2.8, it certainly satisfied my itch as I wait for Kingdom Hearts 3.


What We Liked ...
  • A Fragmentary Passage is a great glimpse into the future of the series
  • There is a large variety of content in this package
  • Dream Drop Distance is a great HD remaster
  • The CGI movie is thrilling from beginning to end for fans of the series
  • The music is as great as ever and sports new and old tracks
  • The voice acting was on point, you can tell the actors have gotten better with time
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Some of the mechanics transfer awkwardly from the 3DS to the PS4
  • A Fragmentary Passage is way too short and should have been padded further
  • The $60 asking price is too much at this time, especially for newcomers who made the mistake making this title their starting point
  • The game is called Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
The two games in the collection play differently as they focus on various mechanics. Being a port of a 3DS title, Dream Drop Distance plays as such. 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage plays more like a traditional Kingdom Hearts game. While different, neither are particularly flawed and combat is fast and exciting in both titles.
With two games and a CGI movie, all with differing yet striking visuals, the voice acting and musical scores that have only improved over the years, and the ever growing plot and world, Kingdom Hearts 2.8’s presentation is varied and great.
Lasting Appeal
While Dream Drop Distance takes a minimum of 20 hours to beat, 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage is much shorter. Both titles have things to do outside of the main story that’ll keep your mind occupied and the lore is deep enough that you may find yourself flipping through what has already happened. The games are important to the overall series and fans may find themselves playing both titles several times.
out of 10


Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue is a collection of very exciting, yet overpriced, adventures. Composed of two games and a movie, this collection gives fans of the series a lot to chew on as they wait for the elusive Kingdom Hearts 3. This is not a good starting point for newcomers and to them I recommend playing both 1.5 and 2.5 before they buy this title after it drops in price.
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So the question arises... what the hell were they thinking releasing this before 1.5 + 2.5? Are they not even trying to attract newcomers to the series?
Just for comparison sake, I finished the Aqua story in 3hrs 45mins but at least an hour of that was spent on the pause screen where the timer keeps ticking.


In my opinion 2.8 isn't worth the 60$,here is why

1.birth by sleep 0.2 is just a 3 hour demo for kh3

2.all you get are cutscenes for the mobile game which isn't bad at all but doesn't add much to the package.

3.3d is actually better played on the 3ds since its portable and is cheaper aswell.All this port adds is a bit more detail to the graphics and not much other than that.

What would I recommend doing? If you really want to play 3d on a tv with a controller,wait for a sale/price drop then pick it up.
Is anyone else a bit shocked at this? When i played this game, i noticed a few things. I started with the KH X back cover thing first, while i watched it, i was more impressed with the graphics, it used unreal engine 4 so well. Then the other game KH 0.2 I played and it also used unreal engine 4, again THOSE GRAPHICS :D

But then i tried the KH DDD, when i saw it i was unable to say much out of kinda being disappointed. This game does not use Unreal engine 4 like the other 2. But it does have 60FPS, DURING GAME PLAY ONLY. Any other time, movie, or cut scene, is 30 fps. It look like a upscaled resolution from the original game to be honest, kinda got me there on weather i should be happy the game runs in 60FPS or sad that is only the game play that is 60FPS as well as not using unreal engine 4 like the other two. The 0.2 make a good speed run game, and quick trophy pick up thing i guess but it still look good even if is not 60fps.

The other thing i noticed was that "SHARING NOTICE" On the title screen if you press triangle, it shows information about warnings of streaming the game for non commercial use. Then the system auto video capture notice that plays when you display a blocked content screen. "Video capture has stopped cause you entered a blocked screen" It only happens when a disney character or music is playing. So don't be surprised if you couldn't record or caputre any video or picture of disney characters, which is kinda disappointing cause I think that what people maybe wanna see the most. :blink:

Otherwise i don't think is a bad collection but i also don't think this should have been $60, maybe $40 like the first 2 on PS3, one FULL game, a original game that is probably shortest one of them all, and a video. Is marketed just like the other two. The only problem is since they only had like 7 games, that it would have been hard to market 3 for the collection, so they made that 0.2 to fill in the mission spot, and none of the mobile games are probably as long as the ps2 games.

My only thought was that if the PS4 1.5 and 2.5 HD remix used the unreal engine 4 for the graphics, it could be good, or if they have 60FPS, it may be worth buying as upgrades to the ps3 games. But is just only if, by chance. I had hoped that would have been done, but i doubt it will be.:unsure:
Well that still kinda worried me wheni play the DDD HD game, really? Only the actual game play is 60FPS? I may not understand programing so i really can't complain about it. But is just a bit confusing.
Well that still kinda worried me wheni play the DDD HD game, really? Only the actual game play is 60FPS? I may not understand programing so i really can't complain about it. But is just a bit confusing.
It actually doesnt make sense. As how far as animation goes, if you didnt work with some sketchy frame per frame animation style, you can pre-render cutscenes at any framerate. What i think the proble was is that maybe the cutscenes are being rendered on the go and in some way the animation was hardcoded in an odd way for the 3ds (this is pure speculation)
It actually doesnt make sense. As how far as animation goes, if you didnt work with some sketchy frame per frame animation style, you can pre-render cutscenes at any framerate. What i think the proble was is that maybe the cutscenes are being rendered on the go and in some way the animation was hardcoded in an odd way for the 3ds (this is pure speculation)
I dunno, the game has some good and bad Questionable decisions being made but my honest opinion, it probably shouldn't be $60, would recommend anyone to wait for a sale on this. :ninja:
I dunno, the game has some good and bad Questionable decisions being made but my honest opinion, it probably shouldn't be $60, would recommend anyone to wait for a sale on this. :ninja:
Totally only a pickup price for a die hard fan..........(although my preordered copy has been stuck on border for a week .-.)
I had a preorder cause my brother wanted to visit gamestop, so i asked him to get it. I should have told him to side with tales of berseria until a sale for this was available :P

I don't wanna make it seem like this is a bad buy cause is not, but the price for the offerings is the conflicting reason why i feel bad about it... Also he got the premium one, it came with some pin that costed more than i realized before is too late.... I'm keeping the pin by the way. :D
I had a preorder cause my brother wanted to visit gamestop, so i asked him to get it. I should have told him to side with tales of berseria until a sale for this was available :P

I don't wanna make it seem like this is a bad buy cause is not, but the price for the offerings is the conflicting reason why i feel bad about it... Also he got the premium one, it came with some pin that costed more than i realized before is too late.... I'm keeping the pin by the way. :D
I got the free update to limited edition because of pre-order (stuck in border still)
my god all this argument for kingdom hearts 2.8 which was the hype and you guys saying the game is bad or it's good, I mean why do I even brother trying to play the series I can't even get a ps4 yet :(
my god all this argument for kingdom hearts 2.8 which was the hype and you guys saying the game is bad or it's good, I mean why do I even brother trying to play the series I can't even get a ps4 yet :(
Is all a matter of opinion, the reviewer said that if you plan to get a ps4 that 1.5 and 2.5 hd will be available for the system. Is a port of the ps3 already released games all on one disc for ps4. So you can either get the original games from like over a decade ago, or get a ps3 HD collection, or get a ps4 and the HD collections, which is probably the better choice if you don't have any of the games yet. Also i don't think the game is bad, i think is just a bit too different from the godlike KH 2 game, so many different game play styles is hard to keep solid opinion when they keep changing the rules. KH2 is just more fun cause of how is plays, but story hardly concerns me cause is confusing as it is, that is kinda not meant for most american audiences...
Is all a matter of opinion, the reviewer said that if you plan to get a ps4 that 1.5 and 2.5 hd will be available for the system. Is a port of the ps3 already released games all on one disc for ps4. So you can either get the original games from like over a decade ago, or get a ps3 HD collection, or get a ps4 and the HD collections, which is probably the better choice if you don't have any of the games yet. Also i don't think the game is bad, i think is just a bit too different from the godlike KH 2 game, so many different game play styles is hard to keep solid opinion when they keep changing the rules. KH2 is just more fun cause of how is plays, but story hardly concerns me cause is confusing as it is, that is kinda not meant for most american audiences...
I have a ps3 with 1.5 and 2.5 and I agree with you that kh 2 was the best
I have a ps3 with 1.5 and 2.5 and I agree with you that kh 2 was the best
Yeah, this game is not worth $60 at least to me, should be left at $40 at least as the introduction MSRP, so please try and find a sale for this game. Is not worth it for a HD port of a 3DS game a original game to fill in the additional game and high quality theatrical video explaining more story you may not understand.

The other HD collections was worth a bit more in regards it has the definiate version of final mix for all of them we never got a release of on original hardware and that it was Full project games, minus the 2 NDS titles which are still limited to just cut scenes in theatrical presentation. It kinda offered more than what this one did, as this was just a way to prepare you for the KH3 game, which is probably all it did than actually tried to make someone want to play it if you didn't buy the 3DS game. (But who really like the NDS games? :P )
That was my point. :creep:

Most people didn't play them, most likely cause they weren't on console, and was essentially a port of a Phone mobile game, so two of those made it something people will avoid.

Play KH 358/2 days to find out who she is, or watch it... if you got KH 1.5 HD :P
it was a know, because nobody has memories of her..... the whole point of she fading away.......
it was a know, because nobody has memories of her..... the whole point of she fading away.......

Man i wish that $60 went to tales of berseria, i probably be playing that right now.... well least i got skull girls on sale last weekend during flash sale.:ninja:
Man i wish that $60 went to tales of berseria, i probably be playing that right now.... well least i got skull girls on sale last weekend during flash sale.:ninja:

I actually agree... Made the mistake of buying it day one as my "game of the next two weeks till next paycheck"... tales of berseria seems fun so that'll be my next buy... Next Thursday... When I'm not hiding in my house cause I'm ashamed of myself for buying this for $60 instead of waiting till it's on sale
I actually agree... Made the mistake of buying it day one as my "game of the next two weeks till next paycheck"... tales of berseria seems fun so that'll be my next buy... Next Thursday... When I'm not hiding in my house cause I'm ashamed of myself for buying this for $60 instead of waiting till it's on sale
You don't have to be ashamed of a game you wanted cause you thought was good, like the people who got no man's sky or that last guardian. :P
Just incase someone didn't know a update was put out about a day ago, patches some issues in the 0.2 Fragment of passage game. Still din't fix my issue though. :P


  • Adjusted reflect (guard) response
  • Adjusted cartwheel (evade) response
  • Adjusted cancellation timing after a Barrier Cracker (counter)
  • Adjusted MP consumption

  • Adjusted camera speed
  • Adjusted shortcut button response
  • Adjusted magic command display

  • Proud Mode adjustments (lowered the amount of damage received from enemies)
  • Critical Mode adjustments (increased the amount of damage dealt to enemies)

  • Adjusted enemy AI and parameters
Just for comparison sake, I finished the Aqua story in 3hrs 45mins but at least an hour of that was spent on the pause screen where the timer keeps ticking.
I noticed you had 31% objectives completed, and 61% treasures. I suppose the game itself gets longer if trying to 100% those two.
Now, what I wonder is: can you go back and finish up, or do you have to restart and try to get 100% in one go?
I noticed you had 31% objectives completed, and 61% treasures. I suppose the game itself gets longer if trying to 100% those two.
Now, what I wonder is: can you go back and finish up, or do you have to restart and try to get 100% in one go?
At least the zodiac chests (the ones nedded for the secret boss) can be obtained by going back to the world after finishing 0.2
  • Like
Reactions: Issac
I noticed you had 31% objectives completed, and 61% treasures. I suppose the game itself gets longer if trying to 100% those two.
Now, what I wonder is: can you go back and finish up, or do you have to restart and try to get 100% in one go?
He also skipped at least most of the cut scenes, though I admit I'm not entirely sure that they count in the total time anyway. I think they do as they did in the earlier games. With cut scenes and trying to 100% it, it would take longer.
I guess the only reason why i keep playing this game is cause the 0.2 fragmented passage game. I wish it was more fleshed out, it plays a bit more like kingdom hearts 2. :P

I wanted to do all the objectives but some are so damn hard. "Defeat the 3rd phantom aqua without getting hit." Can't even hit her. "Defeat the darkside supporting the orb." Again, can't even hit it without getting hit, and that zodiac mirror, phantom aqua, has UNBLOCKABLE ATTACKS! :wtf:

I hated sephiroth in the first game, and lingering will in the second, now this crap is here. Why do people keep putting cheap fights in a game meant for kids! :blink:
I guess the only reason why i keep playing this game is cause the 0.2 fragmented passage game. I wish it was more fleshed out, it plays a bit more like kingdom hearts 2. :P

I wanted to do all the objectives but some are so damn hard. "Defeat the 3rd phantom aqua without getting hit." Can't even hit her. "Defeat the darkside supporting the orb." Again, can't even hit it without getting hit, and that zodiac mirror, phantom aqua, has UNBLOCKABLE ATTACKS! :wtf:

I hated sephiroth in the first game, and lingering will in the second, now this crap is here. Why do people keep putting cheap fights in a game meant for kids! :blink:
1) difficulty must not be cut for kids (to my opinnion)
1) difficulty must not be cut for kids (to my opinnion)
Then i guess that how everyone feel about the NES TMNT game, or Super mario world 2 Yoshi's island, with their kids begging their older brother or dad to finish the hard parts for them. If this was nintedo it be like.

*five deaths later* "Would you like to decrease the difficulty for this battle?"
  • Yes
  • No
Then i guess that how everyone feel about the NES TMNT game, or Super mario world 2 Yoshi's island, with their kids begging their older brother or dad to finish the hard parts for them. If this was nintedo it be like.

*five deaths later* "Would you like to decrease the difficulty for this battle?"
  • Yes
  • No
I defeated Riku/Ansem on kh1 for my brother when he played it XD
2 years youngers, so practically he has my same age XD. An action game without difficulty moves to be a button masher
btw, just got my copy today :D
You really should have waited for a price drop. $60 is pretty over priced in my opinon, even the OP Review says so, in the cons section. :P

I wish it was $40, maybe even $30. Considering DDD is a port, $20 and that 0.2 fragmented passage being a short cock tease at KH3 Graphics and possible gameplay mechanics, $10, That movie which is about a hour just to tell another important part of a story based on the Moble game unchained. $10 (This is generous, it should be free)

But the 1.5 2.5 Combo for $50, that is a generous discount. $30 cheaper than buying both Ps3 ports since is $40 each
You really should have waited for a price drop. $60 is pretty over priced in my opinon, even the OP Review says so, in the cons section. :P

I wish it was $40, maybe even $30. Considering DDD is a port, $20 and that 0.2 fragmented passage being a short cock tease at KH3 Graphics and possible gameplay mechanics, $10, That movie which is about a hour just to tell another important part of a story based on the Moble game unchained. $10 (This is generous, it should be free)

But the 1.5 2.5 Combo for $50, that is a generous discount. $30 cheaper than buying both Ps3 ports since is $40 each
I knew it was overpriced, but still being a die hard fan, this copy should've been here since day-one but there have been problems with highways here in my country, so thats why i only got it until now
I knew it was overpriced, but still being a die hard fan, this copy should've been here since day-one but there have been problems with highways here in my country, so thats why i only got it until now
Oh, that like wow, a week late, lol. :P

You should have canceled the order after seeing this review and then got tales of beseria :D
I got tales as a gift :D
You're getting robbed later. :creep:
Still didn't Get KOV XIV Yet :ninja:

So anyone got tips for that phantom aqua fight for the zodiac mirror cause i can't beat her, and griding to level 100 with the poor EXP rate is probably gonna take days. Why does she have unblockables? :wtf:
You're getting robbed later. :creep:
Still didn't Get KOV XIV Yet :ninja:

So anyone got tips for that phantom aqua fight for the zodiac mirror cause i can't beat her, and griding to level 100 with the poor EXP rate is probably gonna take days. Why does she have unblockables? :wtf:
You're missing getting your ass kicked :tpi:
You're missing getting your ass kicked :tpi:
Getting my ass kicked in what? KOF XIV? Or Kingdom hearts HD? I don't have KOF, besides i dunno if is been patched yet. :P

But i think i had enough of Phantom aqua, good luck with you, you just might need it, (She just as hard as sephiroth and lingering will.)
I loved KH:RE:Coded, but didn't like 358/2 Days.
Fite me. (No, please don't actually fight me. I'm not that strong. Please.)
I loved KH:RE:Coded, but didn't like 358/2 Days.
Fite me. (No, please don't actually fight me. I'm not that strong. Please.)
Not that they were bad games, but were they based on some mobile game, ported to 3DS? I dunno if is true, but i think the fact that on the 1.5 2.5 HD remix downscaled the games to just cenematic scenes, probably did not qualify enough for a full port of the game.

The question i wanna ask that i don't get quite wells why are the other games not designed for consoles all play differently? KH1 and KH2 Plays mostly alike, with the gummi ship, the equiping weapons, accessories and items, while Chain of memories uses cards, Birth by sleep uses umm... some kind of decks (not related to cards) 358/2 days uses umm... another deck type thing (Again nothing to do with cards) Even level ups are equipped? Re:coded uses the "STAT MATRIX" and DDD has you switching between 2 characters based on a time limit and "DIVING" Through portales of worlds. (I diidn't finish that game so if i'm wrong, that is why.)

I just mean why not just make another game where it plays more like KH2 or better? Waiting so long for what is supposed to be the sequal which is 3 while i dunno is rude to say this but "Pity us with these spin off side story games." Also no more of that "Final Mix" exclusive japan nonsense. Took too long for a international release for it. :ninja:
Not that they were bad games, but were they based on some mobile game, ported to 3DS? I dunno if is true, but i think the fact that on the 1.5 2.5 HD remix downscaled the games to just cenematic scenes, probably did not qualify enough for a full port of the game.

The question i wanna ask that i don't get quite wells why are the other games not designed for consoles all play differently? KH1 and KH2 Plays mostly alike, with the gummi ship, the equiping weapons, accessories and items, while Chain of memories uses cards, Birth by sleep uses umm... some kind of decks (not related to cards) 358/2 days uses umm... another deck type thing (Again nothing to do with cards) Even level ups are equipped? Re:coded uses the "STAT MATRIX" and DDD has you switching between 2 characters based on a time limit and "DIVING" Through portales of worlds. (I diidn't finish that game so if i'm wrong, that is why.)

I just mean why not just make another game where it plays more like KH2 or better? Waiting so long for what is supposed to be the sequal which is 3 while i dunno is rude to say this but "Pity us with these spin off side story games." Also no more of that "Final Mix" exclusive japan nonsense. Took too long for a international release for it. :ninja:
KH:coded its a mobile game.
Also the spinoff games are made by a different development team than the main series, and Tetsuya Nomura has states that all the spinoff games bring something new to the main series. BBS introduced shotlocks, DDD brought flowmotion, etc
Actually, KH:Coded was an episodic release on Japan mobile service, which got bundled together into KH:RE:Coded on NDS. I don't think 358/2 days was a mobile game, but I know it was released on NDS. DDD actually have some information about the plot of the other game so we get the gist of what is going on.
Honestly tho

I know people who are gonna buy KH3 without having played any of the others. I feel bad for them, poor guys are gonna get slaughtered.
i dont think its going to be that bad, the problem is that the 2.9 cinematic has already set foot on kh3 territory
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (EU): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (JP): January 12, 2017
  • Publisher: Square Enix Holdings
  • Developer: Square Enix Holdings
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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