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Let's talk about that federal abortion bill


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Judging by the lack of any real data and evidence in reply to your post I'm going to assume that anti-choicers don't have any real arguments against your positions that aren't emotional.

Anti-choicers aren't even real, man. You mean pro-choice. Their choice. So disrespectful, referring to yourself as a third party.

(that's a real pearl btw.)


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
Judging by the lack of any real data and evidence in reply to your post I'm going to assume that anti-choicers don't have any real arguments against your positions that aren't emotional.
As usual.
Truly, we are dealing with a master of the english language here.
You assume high confidence trumps your lack of an argument. I don't accept.
Says the person whose only arguments are emotion and bluster, with calls to unsubstantiated superiority.
Oh. You are calling me a clown now. Is that the same as an impressionist? Don't care.

"Hi, I'm RAHelllllord. Please take me seriously. Being human is unpleasant. Grrr."

Did I do good?
Almost, there is an "around you" missing in the center of the second to last sentence.
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Truly, we are dealing with a master of the english language here.

You're welcome.

Says the person whose only arguments are emotion and bluster, with calls to unsubstantiated superiority.

Nah. "Parasite" is not a proper description of a fetus. It's by your suggestion that the scientific description is the superior one. Leave me out of it.

Almost, there is an "around you" missing in the center of the second to last sentence.

Like shit, did you think that was funny?

Someone is running out of stamina.

I'm winning.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Yeah he's kind of a wet fart intellectually. He just comes to the thread to get mad I think.

Haha, you said wet fart. I've seen you attempt to adopt my prose in threads where you thought I wouldn't see.

I know you are afraid of me.

Don't be. I'll happily adopt you and show you the way.


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
Like shit, did you think that was funny?

Someone is running out of stamina.

I'm winning.
No, I was thinking it would be simple enough to be understood by yourself because everything else wasn't. Evidently I succeeded.

You sure are winning little wiggum, you sure are.
If a baby is born, it is no longer called an abortion.
Right, right wing vocabulary only. I meant to say instead of aborting the fetus after it's viable to survive outside the womb it is instead prematurely delivered if possible.
Say you've never heard of partial birth abortions without saying you've never heard of partial birth abortions.
That's an entirely political term, and not a medical one. It's also been regarded as actual infanticide by most abortion providers since before it was banned in the US, and thus was only very rarely offered as an option.
Provide your own citations that the left "perfectly represents more than 60% of the population. If that was true, Democrats would win every single election by landslides.
It's called political polls, you can read them online directly from the polling places and suddenly the numbers will be different than what you see on Fox, OAN, or your other favorite right wing source.

Also there's a difference between ideological leanings and party affiliation.


The above is a link, intended as a source of a claim, you should click it and read it. This information will be relevant in a few more minutes, too.
So you admit that the difference between a fetus and a baby is location. Finally, somebody admits it.

How do you know that fetuses do not have consciousness? Is there a study proving this? Sounds a little religiony to me.
It's called scientific research, they release papers on their research occasionally, highly recommended to peruse.
Infants can't support themselves independently either. They need to be breast fed. I was even having to feed my kids solid food because baby's eye/hand coordination is still developing.
I know words are scary but I literally defined my criteria for basic survival for you, independent heart beat and breathing. Did you have to give constant CPR to your kid for the first two years?
I even went further than that and acknowledged help by a breathing apparatus is also already acceptable, pushing the age of viability down even further, to around 24 weeks after conception.
This, of course, also includes feeding the baby inside the NICU, I'm not expecting it to go to the cantina for food.

So congratulations, you had to read 112 words and you failed spectacularly.
Abortions can kill women too and they have.
Abortions are 14 times as safe as bringing a pregnancy to term. Out of 100,000 abortions performed in the US only 0.7 have a deadly outcome, compared to about 17.2 maternal deaths for births.

Stats are for 2019, from the CDC.
Imagine nature doing what it is supposed to be doing. Wow, what a revelation.
Imagine thinking that's what a symbiotic relationship is. Wow, what a revelation about the state of your education.
Got any sauce for that stat? So because miscarriages happen, it's ok to force miscarriages? That's like saying people die naturally so murder is ok. My assertion is outdated by whom? You? :rofl2:
This is the part where the information I asked you to keep in mind comes into play. You know, the source link? Because I have in fact already supplied the source to you.
It's called the "link I pasted above the sentence you quoted and ignored". If the paper is too hard to read for you check the abstract?
I can't even take you seriously since you think babies are a parasite. The classic leftist fascist argument of dehumanizing people in order to kill them. Reminds me of that short German guy with the funny mustache who used to yell and shake his fists all the time.
> leftist fascis

So not only do you not know what fascism is, you're also only able to regurgitate talking points you caught on fox news, OAN, or info wars.

The state of the US education is amazing. In the biblical sense.
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Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
To any morons still making the argument that you can be "leftist fascist,"

To be a leftist, you would need to support leftist ideas, such as the public ownership of the means of production, and social welfare policies while rejecting ideas like racism or rigid social castes and structures that result in oppression. Democracy by design is a leftist position.

To be a fascist, you would need to support a central party that controls the economy, state, and culture, that suppresses things like immigration, interracial marriage, and seeks to alienate an entire group of people from culture at a whole. You don't have to collapse in less than 150 years like almost every fascist nation in history but it sure helps!

Leftism is largely focused on global trade and personal liberties, whereas fascism is focused on exclusionary immigration policies (if there's immigration at all) and the restriction of everyone but an arbitrarily assigned in-group, while scapegoating all faults of your nation on the arbitrarily assigned out-group.

In conclusion. You cannot be left and fascist. You are either a fascist, or you are not. It's like saying you can be "anarcho fascist," which I'm sure given some time these braindead dipshits will try to argue unironically exists as an ideology.


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
In conclusion. You cannot be left and fascist. You are either a fascist, or you are not. It's like saying you can be "anarcho fascist," which I'm sure given some time these braindead dipshits will try to argue unironically exists as an ideology.
Like ancaps and Ayn Rand flavored libertarians: they're just right wingers with delusions.
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
To any morons still making the argument that you can be "leftist fascist,"

To be a leftist, you would need to support leftist ideas, such as the public ownership of the means of production, and social welfare policies while rejecting ideas like racism or rigid social castes and structures that result in oppression. Democracy by design is a leftist position.

To be a fascist, you would need to support a central party that controls the economy, state, and culture, that suppresses things like immigration, interracial marriage, and seeks to alienate an entire group of people from culture at a whole. You don't have to collapse in less than 150 years like almost every fascist nation in history but it sure helps!

Leftism is largely focused on global trade and personal liberties, whereas fascism is focused on exclusionary immigration policies (if there's immigration at all) and the restriction of everyone but an arbitrarily assigned in-group, while scapegoating all faults of your nation on the arbitrarily assigned out-group.

In conclusion. You cannot be left and fascist. You are either a fascist, or you are not. It's like saying you can be "anarcho fascist," which I'm sure given some time these braindead dipshits will try to argue unironically exists as an ideology.

Nice manifesto. Most self-proclaimed "leftists" voted Biden. So functionally, the colloquialism of "leftist" is someone who is full of shit. You need a new word for that ideology you don't have the backbone to support.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Right, right wing vocabulary only. I meant to say instead of aborting the fetus after it's viable to survive outside the womb it is instead prematurely delivered if possible.
Not sure how that is right wing vocabulary, but ok.
That's an entirely political term, and not a medical one. It's also been regarded as actual infanticide by most abortion providers since before it was banned in the US, and thus was only very rarely offered as an option.
I'm old enough to remember when the left used to say they wanted abortion itself to be rare. Now not so much.
It's called political polls, you can read them online directly from the polling places and suddenly the numbers will be different than what you see on Fox, OAN, or your other favorite right wing source.
Imagine thinking that Fox is a right wing news source, lol. You do know who is in the executive suites at Fox, right?
Also there's a difference between ideological leanings and party affiliation.


The above is a link, intended as a source of a claim, you should click it and read it. This information will be relevant in a few more minutes, too.

It's called scientific research, they release papers on their research occasionally, highly recommended to peruse.
You've shown you've never read a scientific research paper.
I know words are scary but I literally defined my criteria for basic survival for you, independent heart beat and breathing. Did you have to give constant CPR to your kid for the first two years?
I even went further than that and acknowledged help by a breathing apparatus is also already acceptable, pushing the age of viability down even further, to around 24 weeks after conception.
This, of course, also includes feeding the baby inside the NICU, I'm not expecting it to go to the cantina for food.

So congratulations, you had to read 112 words and you failed spectacularly.
Independent heart beat starts at 6 weeks. All you did was defined your criteria, which doesn't amount to a lot. If a person is not physically able to go get food, do you just starve them because they can't meet your criteria for basic survival? You come across as a person who really hates people with disabilities.
Abortions are 14 times as safe as bringing a pregnancy to term. Out of 100,000 abortions performed in the US only 0.7 have a deadly outcome, compared to about 17.2 maternal deaths for births.
Abortions are 100% not safe for the baby. You know, the person who has no say. Doesn't matter if they are minority, women, or gay. The left just wants to kill them. Bonus points if the baby has a disability. See below.
> leftist fascis

So not only do you not know what fascism is, you're also only able to regurgitate talking points you caught on fox news, OAN, or info wars.
Fascists supported abortions for minorities and those with disabilities, gun control for their enemies, high taxes, centralized government control of large corporations. Who does that sound like?

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Fascists supported abortions for minorities and those with disabilities
Except also Fascist disabled abortions for the majority, so what does that sound like? Because facists selectively choose who get's aborted and who doesn't, at a state level. There was no choice
because right now, your trying to support removing the choice to have an abortion at all.
The left just wants to kill them.
No, the right just wants to force people into what they want. The left would prefer to leave a choice.
Imagine thinking that Fox is a right wing news source, lol. You do know who is in the executive suites at Fox, right?
Dude... holy shit. Fox is right wing. The only reason they stopped being "right wing" in your book is because they briefly stopped dick sucking dear leader. Remember when they reported that a state was going to go the democrats, and got blasted for it? and then same exact state, did infact go to democrats?

I'm old enough to remember when the left used to say they wanted abortion itself to be rare. Now not so much.
Again, your brainwashed, the left doesn't want abortions. They want a choice
Leftists don't answer the abortion argument in "yes or no". That everyone has to have an abortion, or that everyone shouldn't have one. They answer with "Everyone has THE CHOICE to an abortion"
it's is the mother, not the state or government's right to choose that decision. something you are saying the government does have right to. And that is the reason we heavily object.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Except also Fascist disabled abortions for the majority, so what does that sound like? Because facists selectively choose who get's aborted and who doesn't, at a state level. There was no choice
because right now, your trying to support removing the choice to have an abortion at all.
It sounds like selective abortions. I'd like to give the baby a choice. The right to life supersedes all other rights.
No, the right just wants to force people into what they want. The left would prefer to leave a choice.
We're just not fans of killing babies. Maybe you are, but I'm not.
Dude... holy shit. Fox is right wing. The only reason they stopped being "right wing" in your book is because they briefly stopped dick sucking dear leader. Remember when they reported that a state was going to go the democrats, and got blasted for it? and then same exact state, did infact go to democrats?
90% of J-school students are leftists. Do you honestly believe that Fox News hired from the 10%? You do realize that would be illegal, right?
Again, your brainwashed, the left doesn't want abortions. They want a choice
Leftists don't answer the abortion argument in "yes or no". That everyone has to have an abortion, or that everyone shouldn't have one. They answer with "Everyone has THE CHOICE to an abortion"
it's is the mother, not the state or government's right to choose that decision. something you are saying the government does have right to. And that is the reason we heavily object.
So firebombing pregnancy centers so women's only choice is abortion is not a leftist position?

Even mother's shouldn't be able to just kill their babies. Fathers can't do it so I'm just looking for equal rights and making sure everybody has the right to life.

The government's main objective is protecting rights and the right to life is the most important since you don't need the right to free speech if you are dead.

If you think the right to life is not important, that's on you and you should really look inward to yourself. Something's not right there.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
So firebombing pregnancy centers so women's only choice is abortion is not a leftist position?
So no, we wouldn't support firebombing a pregnancy center.
It's the women's choice, or whoever may have the godamn organs for a womb and reproduce.
It particularly pisses me off that you would even dare to make that accusation, when your side made a fucking bomb threat on a children's hospital because of false pretenses your side made up

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Even mother's shouldn't be able to just kill their babies. Fathers can't do it so I'm just looking for equal rights and making sure everybody has the right to life.
That's... holy fuck
I am about to pop a gasket. I am outraged by how bullshit you are being with your claims.

No, mothers DON'T want to kill their "babies"
They aren't putting a fucking gun to a 1 year old and go "time to die now, I don't want you anymore"

They specifically, choose to prevent the child from happening at all as early as possible. If they don't want a baby, the remove it as early as possible. earliest stage possible. No late stage abortions, no fucking 9months go by and suddenly you don't want the kid anymore.
Mothers have the right to know they are pregent, and they reserve the right to act on it as early as they learn about it. If they choose they don't want to carry to terms, which they commonly know by week 12. then it's their choice and nobody elses
It's not your choice, it's not my choice, it's not the goverment/state's choice. And nothing will change my mind on that.

Choosing that every women has to give birth, because you say so is fucking disgusting.
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,
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Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
It sounds like selective abortions. I'd like to give the baby a choice. The right to life supersedes all other rights.
a fetus cannot choose for itself. It's ludicrous to fucking choose that a fetus has the right over the mother when it cannot even make such a decision. Your using it as an excuse to defend that you just want women to give birth. And I am Livid by how fucking malicious your trying to be trying to hide behind such an argument.


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
I'm old enough to remember when the left used to say they wanted abortion itself to be rare. Now not so much.
I'm old enough to remember when the right still remembered that easy access to contraceptions qnd comprehensive health and sexual education reduced abortions drastically, but has then shifted to an abstinence only teaching and now more unwanted pregnancies are on the rise.
Your side creates and perpetuates the problems you complain about.
Imagine thinking that Fox is a right wing news source, lol. You do know who is in the executive suites at Fox, right?
Yes, the Murdoch family who is very open about their right wing affiliation, political right wing efforts around the globe, and has openly stated to support Trump. But this is all just freely available public information so I can't expect you to know that.
You've shown you've never read a scientific research paper.
Wow, what a comeback from the guy unable to click links.
Independent heart beat starts at 6 weeks. All you did was defined your criteria, which doesn't amount to a lot. If a person is not physically able to go get food, do you just starve them because they can't meet your criteria for basic survival? You come across as a person who really hates people with disabilities.
Man, I can't write in crayon in here so I can't make this any more simple for the likes of you. Assisted feeding is not deal breaker for independence. Also at six weeks the embryo doesn't have a heart, that development barely starts at 6 weeks with the initial muscle and pacemaker forming then, and after it takes another six weeks before the actual heart is formed and able to pump blood.

Again, maybe learn about the thing you talk before talking about them.

Also no, I don't hate people with disabilities just because I don't consider fetuses as people before they have all organs necessary to actually survive with assistance outside of a womb, but to someone like you that's apparently the same as hating people with disabilities.
Abortions are 100% not safe for the baby. You know, the person who has no say. Doesn't matter if they are minority, women, or gay. The left just wants to kill them. Bonus points if the baby has a disability. See below.
Wow, what an emotional jump you've done from "we want the mother to have a choice" to "the left wants mandatory eugenics". You are truly a definitely not an emotional snowflake having nothing but reasonable arguments.
Fascists supported abortions for minorities and those with disabilities, gun control for their enemies, high taxes, centralized government control of large corporations. Who does that sound like?
That's not how fascism is defined, great job at literally failing yet another simple definition.
It sounds like selective abortions. I'd like to give the baby a choice. The right to life supersedes all other rights.
Bodily autonomy supersedes the right to life, because if you don't own yourself you own nothing, not even your own life. Which is what you're taking from woman by pretending to be "pro-life" for banning abortions. Domestic violence increases against woman carrying unwanted pregnancies, often leading to miscarriages due to abuse or death of the woman outright, but hey that's fine because the mother's life is worth less than the fetus to you people.
We're just not fans of killing babies. Maybe you are, but I'm not.
Fetuses aren't babies.
So firebombing pregnancy centers so women's only choice is abortion is not a leftist position?
The right wing has been terrorizing planned parenthood clinics, killing their doctors, and bombed their hospitals for decades now. But yes, it's definitely the left doing it, even though all stats from the fbi and CIA all only ever point towards the extreme right.
Even mother's shouldn't be able to just kill their babies. Fathers can't do it so I'm just looking for equal rights and making sure everybody has the right to life.
Only one of the two parents has to give up their body's autonomy to allow an embryo to develop into a baby. Hint: it's not the father. So we have an unequal amount of responsibility and thus an unequal amount of right to consider.
The government's main objective is protecting rights and the right to life is the most important since you don't need the right to free speech if you are dead.
Because bodily autonomy is just not a right worth having? As long as you're kept alive it's okay to do with your body what others want against your will? How about the government forces you into a small holding cell, gives you a PDA so you can still talk with others, then keeps you around for forced organ transplantion and blood donations. You're kept alive and you're allowed to talk, boom, all your most important criteria are covered and you should be happy. Right?
If you think the right to life is not important, that's on you and you should really look inward to yourself. Something's not right there.
The woman's right to her own life and body is equally important as the right to life of the fetus, and yet that still means if the woman doesn't want to nourish a life inside her body it is her choice, and that fetus has to leave that body. Until medicine progresses far enough that we can implant fetuses inside artificial wombs and allow them to grow there a necessary complication will be that the fetus will not be able to grow further and instead perish. But the mother's rights may not be infringed upon by anyone, not by any other person and especially not by a fetus that doesn't even have a heart to pump blood with or a brain to support a breathing reflex.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
The woman's right to her own life and body is equally important as the right to life of the fetus, and yet that still means if the woman doesn't want to nourish a life inside her body it is her choice, and that fetus has to leave that body.

It sounds like you don't think a woman should be expected to take responsibility and maintain a life she brings into existence, to any degree. How sustainable is that in reality?


Dec 23, 2009
After reading what you wrote, I started shaking. I got outraged. I couldn't believe it.

But then, you know, I actually read the article.

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that questions about the bill should be directed to Graham and that most Republican senators 'prefer this be handled at the state level.' Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) suggested Graham had gone a bit rogue with his latest legislation: 'That wasn’t a conference decision. It was an individual senator’s decision.'"

Even if you can't read very much, POLITICO title "Graham's abortion ban stuns Senate GOP" indicates that this isn't "the republican party".

Congrats, you are more disinformative than the information police, you fucking idiot.

I can understand your position, but it's not really a strong argument. More like politico is trying to give Republicans as much leeway as possible without actually lying.

@Nothereed isn't objective either, but is nonetheless directly on point. If Republicans are really all about states having the final say, then Graham's doing SHOULD actually stun Republicans. Not this weak "welp... That's just like his opinion. You should ask him" from the senate leader. "most would like this handled at state level" might be true, but this 'majority' seem rather quiet about someone going directly against what the party is about.
Otherwise said: politico isn't doing much to indicate their own article header is correct

Edit: nevermind. Hadn't seen that this thread is eight pages, and hasn't read the article in detail. I withdraw my reply.
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