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Teens promise to fix "climate change" with great idea


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
While cleaning trash off the streets or taking care of homeless people are good things, I don't think they will help the environment.
Cleaning up trash and taking care of the homeless to help decrease the amount of trash will help the environment by keeping it clean. It will help air quality by keeping feces and rotting food away from people. Trash can cover the ground and prevent grass from growing. There are several ways that these activities can help. Recycling should also be a responsible activity to help.

Greta Thunberg arrived by boat and was ridiculed for it.
It wasn't for the boat, necessarily. It was for the carbon footprint created behind the scenes caused by her boat ride. The issue people had was that while she was not burning fossil fuels to travel here, a crew had to be flown over here on jets in order to take the boat back to Sweden while she flew back on a jet herself. Here's a news story explaining a little.

They are too young to get into politics at the moment, but they are advocating for change that is reasonable and has a positive effect on the environment.
They may be too young to be elected into congress or be president, but they can still get active in either side by campaigning for their choice of politician, wearing clothes with the name of their presidential nominee while cleaning up litter or volunteering, fundraising for their candidate, etc. Protesting angrily, vowing to not have kids, or punching nazi's are not positive ways to cause change.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2015
Yeah, just keep following your leaders as they guide you over the cliff. There are a few people here trying to explain that the cliff is dangerous, but others here, as well as you, would rather blindly jump over the cliff without checking it out first. Same with some kids that would rather humanity die out through giving up on having kids than to actively go out and try actual solutions that will change the way of the world.

I'll just check out the cliff first to make sure it's safe before listening to any leader (as I have none).
actually no that is what you are doing, since you're blindly following data by self proclaimed pseudo scientists without any real hard data to back up what they're saying as they've constantly taken back their claims and said sorry for it.

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Hey man. I'd like to first start off with letting you know that I'm brand spanking new here and this is my first post. I've been reading your posts for some weeks now and wanted to let you know that I'm generally rooting for you. It must have been tough to go what you went though. That is being homeless and pulling yourself out of a rut by taking responsibility for your actions, not blaming other people for your problems and then actually getting off your ass and making something of yourself. These aren't the sort of qualities you'd find in a Liberal. A Liberal would have wound up simply stealing from his friend, getting kicked out of his basement and then sitting in a tent doing drugs with free plastic needles that were given to him while wondering why he can't find a plastic straw to drink his kool aid with.

Anyway, about this topic matter. I find it pretty ironic that schools go to great lengths to censor or remove Conservative material from their premises, but then allow kids to skip school to protest relating to their Liberal agenda. Hey, if we're going to push politics on our children before they can even think for themselves then and if I didn't have a problem with such nonsense then it would be fair to allow our children to skip school to protest women killing their own children or whatever your agenda is about.

Addressing climate change. I believe the climate changes on a daily basis. I mean, it was raining a few hours ago. I also believe that dumping toxic waste into our oceans doesn't have a positive effect, but on the flip side I also believe that it's foolish to say we can control the weather or natural events and think we're doing so by paying rich people who rule over us to get richer, while they take no personal responsibility for their own actions that are supposedly negatively effecting our environment.

There's the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. It's a lovely place. In the late 80's I visited Mount Mitchell. At the top of the mountain they had a dead tree problem. Scattered around the site were these really fancy bronze and copper signs stating that acid rain had killed the trees and that it's destroying our world. It brought up lessons we were being taught in grade school about the effects of acid rain and how the world was going to end due to it. Some 20 years later I revisited the top of Mount Mitchell and to my surprise all of the trees were now flourishing. I did a little research and it turns out acid rain had nothing to do with their lack of life. It was a fungus or some sort of mold.

So we see the same over reacting "the sky is falling" sorts of people now when it relates to climate change. Heck, 10 years ago it was global warming, but now it's simply climate change. Yeah, well, the climate is changing and I think that doing your bit to help out the environment, be it using metal straws, reusable plastic bags, natural food wrapping, walking more, riding the bus, getting rid of your car, not flying in airplanes, buying organic food etc ... is a great idea. You just won't find me willing to give my money or vote to limit my freedoms to some phony Government that couldn't accurately predict the last path of the "most devastating hurricane to ever exist".

Sorry, if it seems like I’m ranting, but I like to elaborate when I type because I don’t want there to be a lot of confusion as reading comprehension isn’t a strong skill that most people have. Especially, the types that require a TR;DR because they have the attention span of a retarded dead rodent.
I've worked with plently of homeless people who voted right wing and did the same thing also what you're doing is generalizing wich by itself is wrong. Also if a homeless can't vote then how can he or she be liberal or something else ? To my knowing you actually have to vote to be something. Just stop with the generalizing because that's one of the dumbest things there is and def not mature at all and behaviour that is mostly linked to the most lower class. The USA is also one of the biggest polluters in the world and has been run over the ages countless of times by republicans and democrats meaning ones side on the spectrum has not much to do with it since the difference ain't that big and minimal, the only difference would be when Trump became president and focused mostly on the worst of the worst ways to produce energy because eum jobs and money i guess.
Last edited by kumikochan,


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Cleaning up trash and taking care of the homeless to help decrease the amount of trash will help the environment by keeping it clean.

It's like re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic after it hit the iceberg.

They may be too young to be elected into congress or be president, but they can still get active in either side by campaigning for their choice of politician, wearing clothes with the name of their presidential nominee while cleaning up litter or volunteering, fundraising for their candidate, etc.

Again, relatively pointless stuff that won't make a difference in the long term.

Protesting angrily, vowing to not have kids, or punching nazi's are not positive ways to cause change.

Of course they are. You just feel threatened by them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2019
Sorry but so many here are just plain stuck. So convinced. Without the need to mention anyone.
But talk of herd mentality? Who says the one calling it isnt part of the herd? Am i it because you said it first?
As already mentioned, those scientists. What a bunch. Perhaps i can convince some local squatters to call themselves researchers and balance thise numbers. Finding articles that suits oneself is so yesterday.
I wish you all luck on the way to nowhere. Because thats where this is going. May we all se the truth. Sorry, truth isnt truth
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Hated by life itself.
Jun 17, 2018
United States
@Rolf12 :well lets reverse the line of thinking here what would it take for you to be convinced otherwise? or are you just interested in being on the opposite side of things?

Can you disprove their findings? Their information, supposedly, came from the NOAA(which are hacks too,huh?)

I am posting NOAA's graph below just to prove you are full of it. (green graph portion since i am sure you will just glaze over it)

its not heard mentality.
you know the motherfuckers that put a man on the moon? They believe shit is going down.


the following back their findings:

American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Chemical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Medical Association
American Meteorological Society
American Physical Society
The Geological Society of America

Please check the NASA webpage to find even more.

And this is under your daddy's administration. Go figure they must have forgotten to scrub this off their website.

either way im done. It doesnt matter. You will just quote some petroleum industry group or conspiracy theorist. The cool kids that want to be contrarians will defend you. I am sure next you will say the moon landing was fixed too.

These aren't the sort of qualities you'd find in a Liberal. A Liberal would have wound up simply stealing from his friend, getting kicked out of his basement and then sitting in a tent doing drugs with free plastic needles that were given to him while wondering why he can't find a plastic straw to drink his kool aid with.
Welcome to the temp. sad to hear that you write off half of the country as a tired stereotype, just based on your beliefs. That is not healthy.

oh as a final note anybody that is saying that climate has not gotten worse since 2005? ill leave this here (courtesy of NASA, NOAA data as part of it to prove that you are LYING):

Last edited by WD_GASTER2,


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
People are reproducing, so the survival of the human race is not contingent upon any specific individual choosing to procreate. Not having children is a perfectly fine decision and is not necessarily any worse of a decision than choosing to have children.

That's what I just said.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
However, I doubt that this is really going to change anyone's opinion, as each side seems to have formed a creed which they would enforce with an inquisition of "Science" if they could.

I don't trust people who say we need to do something a certain way, but then don't do it that way themselves. Politicians say we all need to change X and Y, but then don't think that applies to them. All the while they're profiting financially by charging us in various ways to listen to them or follow their ideals. They're basically playing us all to profit and have no intention of helping the environment themselves.

I don't trust science, because it's always evolving. A lot of these factual truths about various subjects 20 some years ago are now considered falsehoods. If history is any indication most of today's knowledge that has been rooted in science will also be proved to be inaccurate years down the road. So why make drastic changes or generally cause yourself to be unhappy and miserable based on something that's most likely not correct?

I don't trust Liberals because they put value in the politicians and science I mentioned, but the value lies in how they can use these things to control and manipulate others. They have no sense of belonging, their values are based on a sliding scale (no set morals means you don't have morals), they value dishonestly, they promote a sinful lifestyle, they cheat, they lie and then blame everything that happens because of their negative way of life on other people.

I'm not going to change what I believe or value on a whim. My values and the decisions I make are based on years of experience and learning. I'm not going to vote to support freeloaders, vote to make more laws (giving up more freedoms) or vote to raise taxes to please the aforementioned politicians, science believers and Liberals.

The world was supposed to have ended countless times throughout my life time. We've had the religious factions with their own end of times predictions and the same thing can be found coming from men of science. After countless years of hearing the same thing is going to happen over and over again one seems to lose trust.

So, when's the world going to end this time?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
I've worked with plently of homeless people who voted right wing and did the same thing also what you're doing is generalizing wich by itself is wrong.

There's a current consensus that generalization is somehow evil or wrong, but it's not and it's basically a starting point for diving into any specific issue. You can't simply list and address every single person and their individual values or traits, so you start with generalization. It's a useful and valid way to go about things. So is stereotyping. The problem people have is when you generalize or stereotype about something that offends them or they disagree with. Liberals have no problem generalizing or stereotyping about people they disagree with. So to use it to try to control an argument is going to work on me. I've got no problem with generalization or stereotyping regardless of who's doing it. Like I mentioned, both have valid uses.

Looking at the sky any saying "that's a beautiful blue sky" is generalizing about the color blue.

Also if a homeless can't vote then how can he or she be liberal or something else ? To my knowing you actually have to vote to be something. Just stop with the generalizing because that's one of the dumbest things there is and def not mature at all and behaviour that is mostly linked to the most lower class.

Homeless people can vote as much as they want to. Registering to vote is free. Per say, if some junkie is too busy doing drugs and refuses to spend any money they earn by getting handouts to obtain the required material to register to vote than that's their fault. What is a more likely scenario is that a homeless person will simply "not have the time" or "wouldn't be willing" to either register to vote or go vote. They'll just sit in their encampment, drinking beer, smoking weed and blaming their sorry existence on everyone else.

The USA is also one of the biggest polluters in the world and has been run over the ages countless of times by republicans and democrats meaning ones side on the spectrum has not much to do with it since the difference ain't that big and minimal, the only difference would be when Trump became president and focused mostly on the worst of the worst ways to produce energy because eum jobs and money i guess.

Trump this, Trump that. Blame Trump for everything that happens. Trump is some almighty otherworldly being that controls every aspect of everyone's life. Everything that happens is because of Trump. Trump is the de facto reason why the world orbits the Sun. Trump controls the universe. Everything revolves around Trump. Yeah, right ... More like people are obsessed with the man and see Trump in their sleep. That's a personal problem that luckily I don't have. Sorry that you're experiencing these sorts of symptoms as they don't seem to be healthy. Maybe you should seek professional help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
I don't put much stock in university students of today especially because all majors or degree require them to take a sociology course even when it has nothing to do with their area of interest. e.g. game designers are required to take this and are to brainwash them into think like them and are punished for having their own thoughts does this remind you of something (WE ARE THE BORG RESIDENT IS FUTILE) .

I found it strange that the teacher of this class didn't want their students to record their class and when students tried they were pulled from class

another university had few students that try to steal and tried to frame it towards the store that has been in business since the 1930s and they cause riots chaos and the reason why the school did nothing because they were afraid of their student and it's like being in a school of primary school children

so this new generation of students who expect when they leave school a job will be provided for them and found out how hard life really is and ends up trying to sue the school which I find lmao

so I have little opinion when it comes of today's students and I leave it with one more fact all trouble started when parents and teacher took completeness away in sports this is where the everything is handed to me concept started
Last edited by pcwizard7,


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
also the idea of no kids before will fix the issue is stupid and has no logic to it. what if one of those children were part of the solution to an issue. and it won't change until its too late since the people in power won't do anything unless they forced too because of greed and money

Deleted User

Trending, trending, trending. That's the only reason these kids are doing or saying anything. Because it's trendy.
Like, this Gretta girl. Yeah, ok hun, YOU are going to fix climate change. How? Another boat? Or perhaps 2 more planes?
You can tell she's being told exactly what to say or do. Seen that gif of her rolling her eyes just because trump walks past? OrANGe MaN bAd!!!!

I love how you're not allowed to criticize her either because she's a child. Like, ok then, we just supposed to nod and agree?
This is why they're actively trying to give children more power.
Notice how over the past number of years, parents have lost control over their children. Not allowed to discipline, not allowed to punish.

Yes, the climate is fucked, no kids, you aren't in a position to make demands. Very few people are.

And might I add, I highly doubt 90% of these kids who sign this "no children" bullshit will actually follow through.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
Yo ETA for XCI loader wen?

the only xci loader that ever be will be from sxos team or someone who agrees people should be able to play their own backups

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Trending, trending, trending. That's the only reason these kids are doing or saying anything. Because it's trendy.
Like, this Gretta girl. Yeah, ok hun, YOU are going to fix climate change. How? Another boat? Or perhaps 2 more planes?
You can tell she's being told exactly what to say or do. Seen that gif of her rolling her eyes just because trump walks past? OrANGe MaN bAd!!!!

I love how you're not allowed to criticize her either because she's a child. Like, ok then, we just supposed to nod and agree?
This is why they're actively trying to give children more power.
Notice how over the past number of years, parents have lost control over their children. Not allowed to discipline, not allowed to punish.

Yes, the climate is fucked, no kids, you aren't in a position to make demands. Very few people are.

And might I add, I highly doubt 90% of these kids who sign this "no children" bullshit will actually follow through.

yea people like her and who shes with always say we must do they without giving an answer to question how
Last edited by pcwizard7,

Deleted User

the only xci loader that ever be will be from sxos team or someone who agrees people should be able to play their own backups

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

yea people like her and who shes with always say we must do they without giving an answer to question how
Honestly, that's really my only major gripe with these things. 1) Being hypocritical & 2) People making demands and crying "fix it, fix it, FIX IT!" but they are unable to produce any answers as to what exactly should be done.

I could think of a few idea's off the top of my head, and it'd be a shit load more than anything these children can come up with, and with reasons for doing so.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
I could think of a few idea's off the top of my head, and it'd be a shit load more than anything these children can come up with, and with reasons for doing so.

shes just the flavor of the month remember that girl that made the worst chairs imaginable and it solved no problem it just transfer a non issue to the other gender and it looks like someone who never done wood-crafting no thought was put into it and she got one highest award for this which now makes that award pointless


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2016
United States
I have to say that I'm so proud of these teens that are refusing to have kids until we fix the issue of climate change. God speed to these brave kids that are willing to sacrifice themselves for a brighter future.

It's great to know that they will not be breeding their ignorance and blind conformity into our next generation and, hopefully, stop the belief in this sham science to leave more room for the much smarter, less gullible humans of the future that we so desperately need now. I hope they stick to this plan for the sake of humanity.

No future, no children: Teens refusing to have kids until there's action on climate change

Source: here

Story Highlights
  • As teens across the globe plan to skip school Friday to protest climate change, one Canadian student is starting another protest.
  • 18-year-old Emma Lim launched a pledge, #NoFutureNoChildren, that teens are signing to spur action on climate change.
A Canadian teen's pledge not to have children until her government takes serious action against climate change is drawing support from young people around the globe.

Emma Lim, 18, launched a climate change movement this week called "#No Future, No Children" that includes a website where other teens can take her pledge.
"I am giving up my chance of having a family because I will only have children if I know I can keep them safe," she says on her website. "It breaks my heart, but I created this pledge because I know I am not alone. ... We’ve read the science, and now we’re pleading with our government."

By Thursday afternoon more than 1,200 kids had signed on.

Jacob Diercks, 18, lives near the North Sea in Meldorf, Germany. He signed onto the pledge, saying that in his lifetime he has seen the North Sea warm considerably. He said farmers there are in trouble due to flooding and summers so hot they burn the fields.
"I see it as irresponsible to bring children into such dangers," he wrote. "Our government is doing too little to protect the climate and thus our region."

In Stockholm, Sweden, 18-year-old Isabelle Axelsson signed on.
"I am taking this pledge because I don’t want to give birth to a child that will feel the same climate anxiety and fear as I do," she wrote. "I don’t want any more children to have to face the consequences of our inaction."

Lim writes that she always imagined herself being a mother someday. She says she loves children so much she has worked as a nanny. But she is concerned about the world she would be bringing her children into.
"I want my children to see all of the beautiful things I see," she says. "I want them to go swimming in the ocean with me. I want to take them camping in the summer and for drives to see the changing leaves in the fall. I want to go sledding with them. I want to teach them how to grow a garden.
"I want my children to be free to chase their dreams, but everything will be more expensive with climate change."

Another teen, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, 16, put a youthful face on the global movement last year when she began skipping school on Fridays to stand outside the Swedish parliament holding a sign protesting inaction on climate change. She has been invited to speak around the world.

Lim's pledge comes as tens of thousands of high school students across the United States plan to skip classes Friday to attend Global Climate Strike marches calling for immediate action to end climate change. They will be part of a global protest aimed at the adults who they say are fueling the destruction of the planet.
You can't fix "changing climate" ...
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Deleted User

shes just the flavor of the month remember that girl that made the worst chairs imaginable and it solved no problem it just transfer a non issue to the other gender and it looks like someone who never done wood-crafting no thought was put into it and she got one highest award for this which now makes that award pointless
I agreed. And if I'm perfectly honest, if it were a guy who was saying these, there'd be radio silence from mainstream media.
Notice that petition thing about no one having children in the future. Notice how all the quotes are from females. Is that not interesting, no?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
You can't fix "changing climate" ...

I d say atm it's not possible as we do not know the solution and the only thing we can do at this moment in time is slow our effect on the earth down

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I agreed. And if I'm perfectly honest, if it were a guy who was saying these, there'd be radio silence from mainstream media.
Notice that petition thing about no one having children in the future. Notice how all the quotes are from females. Is that not interesting, no?

yea anyone outside this way of thinking can see this, they say men have more I hate using this word but "privillage" when its the total opposite women can say someone did anything and everyone believe them with no evidence or its something that was done 10 years ago, men are being removed from movies and tv shows. and men are crimal for being men.

which is wired because in movies they making women look like men have you seen the wokenater or i call her the beevinater


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
United States
Trending, trending, trending. That's the only reason these kids are doing or saying anything. Because it's trendy.
Like, this Gretta girl. Yeah, ok hun, YOU are going to fix climate change. How? Another boat? Or perhaps 2 more planes?
You can tell she's being told exactly what to say or do. Seen that gif of her rolling her eyes just because trump walks past? OrANGe MaN bAd!!!!

I love how you're not allowed to criticize her either because she's a child. Like, ok then, we just supposed to nod and agree?
This is why they're actively trying to give children more power.
Notice how over the past number of years, parents have lost control over their children. Not allowed to discipline, not allowed to punish.

Yes, the climate is fucked, no kids, you aren't in a position to make demands. Very few people are.

And might I add, I highly doubt 90% of these kids who sign this "no children" bullshit will actually follow through.

Exactly. These children's strings are being pulled by adults and the adults are using the children for emotional fodder. It's not like these kids have many ideas that haven't been put there by adults. These national walkouts and protests have been organized by adults. That's why I think if we can pull kids out of school to protest climate change we should be able to pull them out to protest abortions. So it's not okay to show a banner at a school sporting event that is pro-republican, but it's totally okay to skip school to push a Liberal agenda?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

so I have little opinion when it comes of today's students and I leave it with one more fact all trouble started when parents and teacher took completeness away in sports this is where the everything is handed to me concept started

Taking competitiveness out of things and making everything fair for everyone is simply dumbing down society. Sure, it sucks to lose or not be as smart as someone else, but that's just part of life. We didn't build ships, sail across oceans and fly to the moon using Liberal ideals. Some people are just smarter and better than other people.

I wouldn't want someone who didn't past the pilots test to fly the commercial airliner I'm on or passed the test because he or she was given "more points" because of economic disparity. I wouldn't want a competing team in the Superbowl to start off with 30 points, because some of their players came from the hood or aren't White skinned.

Life isn't fair. Sure, it sucks to not be as smart as some other people or no being the best at a certain thing, but that's not how things get done. We want the smartest and brightest in the field addressing the problems in their field. To think otherwise and you'll end up with failing in that field. Like I said, we didn't get the moon using the brains of people who can't perform complex mathematical equations.

One of the problems with the education system is that they're trying to make everything "fair" for everyone and that's just not possible. So what are we seeing, the "dumb" people in college and then the resulting jobless society. Well, we asked for it. Hard work and smarts pay off. That's how it's always worked and you aren't going to be able to change that. Some people are just smarter then other people. Some people are just better than some things than other people are.

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