Hacking Atmosphere-NX - Custom Firmware in development by SciresM


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2017
I'm already using it from SDFiles but i wouldn't mind an official stable release as well. I hope they don't feel discouraged, while 0.7 might not have a lot of new features i'm looking forward to what this CFW can offer in the future.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
What is it with this place and the constant need for drama?
As everybody knows, things went south and those plans turned moot. We still kept pushing on trying to work around all that and lots of re-designing ensued.
Meanwhile, a very expressive amount of users either here or in other communities kept mocking the project ("atmosnever", "[insert generic transgender joke here]sphere", etc.). Having a good laugh never hurt, but after a while it just becomes frustrating, so we just decided to put ourselves first and work on a slower yet steady pace. Nonetheless, the project is still public and some of the pending issues for the release even saw external valuable contributions from users we know that understand the project and keep supporting it.

Personally, I doubt that we should give so much weight to this kind of mood, or in general, comment. The panorama of users that faces the CFW is very varied and frankly those who have been in a hurry, have already had his reward and have nothing to complain about, except flames, ofc, about you and project itself.
If you are subject to mockery is due to uncontrollable events that happens, we know that and we don't give a f**k about that.
A lot of people, including myself, are waiting for an Atmosphere (definitive) release and a timeline about other announced exploits (I think a lot of people are blocking on FW 4.10 waiting for a warmboot!).
Your work is very followed and every day we "underground" users are there to hang from your lips. Flamers and haters must be marginalized, as it happens in every community and this, believe me, is not an exception.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2017
What is it with this place and the constant need for drama?

I didn't mean to create drama when I quoted you. Just wanted to state the myself and many others have been quietly following your work and our interest hasn't diminished

Thanks for the reply and the work you're putting into it
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2018
I just wanted to pop in and say that I have quietly watched this thread from day one,and am still very interested. So much so,that Ive been sitting on a 4.1 unopened switch for 8 months now,lol. Patience is a virtue,take your time,do it right and I cant wait to see whats in store.
Why didn't you open it? You can still enjoy and play your switch while waiting for atmosphere you know.
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GBAtemp Stoner
Oct 22, 2008
I'm so high, I don't even know!
United States
I get where you're coming from, I honestly do, but don't pretend you don't know exactly what I'm talking about.
I thought it was obvious that my commentary was not directed at those who have always supported Atmosphère. Perhaps if I used "Potential *new* end users" instead it would've been clearer, but I'm well aware of the expressive number of people who keep supporting the project even from the it's very beginning.
Those users are one of the two (three if you count Scires and Pokémon :P) pillars that keep the project alive (being the other one our own ambitions and curiosity in exploring the Switch) and if 0.7 is coming out is for them.

I actually have no idea what you're talking about, I was under the impression Atmosphère was aimed towards those who like to tinker with their devices. Those people would not be expecting many features at release, that there can and will be some bugs and would likely give suggestions for future features. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I can only speak for myself, but those were my expectations.

What I'm referring to is the influx of people continuously bashing the project for reasons that I honestly can't fully comprehend.
@Y0sh1 just before you're post, @Meepers55 raised a very good point which I'm sure illustrates the reaction a lot of people will have once 0.7 drops. I'm not blaming them, I know there was a lot of drama and misinformation floating around for a good while, but the truth is that Atmosphère was never meant to have a release date in it's traditional sense.
One of the things I've noticed that normally infuriates users is the constant teasing of projects never come to fruition, so when SciresM announced that Atmosphère would be open since it's very beginning I honestly thought that would appease people in general. I mean, you can constantly see the progress on Github, compile builds and test yourself, help with the development, etc.
Instead, people keep joking and complaining about a missed June 15th deadline and insist on this notion that the project is useless without a proper release (which would be nothing but a compiled binary of what's on Github) even though portions of Atmosphère have been used to help other projects grow.
The whole June 15th thing was indeed a target deadline at some point because it would align with when Fusée-Gelée would be made public which, naturally, would make people want a proper usable CFW to play around. I remember SciresM loosing sleep and whatnot to rush the whole thing and give this to people.

The influx of people you refer to seem to be the same SX OS fanboys that have nothing better to do. I really hope this isn't the reason you think people have lost interest in this project because you couldn't be more wrong. For every bash post there has been a response from supporters.

As for release dates, I've never held you guys/gals to them, I understand these sort of projects, projects from the ground up, take time. And you guys/gals do this for us for free.

I understand Atmosphère is already being compiled and streamlined into other projects, I love open source due to that but I have been waiting, with a 1.0.0 Switch for an official Atmosphère release. Call me a fanboy but I like the work you devs have done in the past and I personally don't want anything but Atmosphère running on my Switch because I know that's going to be the best CFW in the years to come. I've seen the quality of work you guys/gals do and that's why I've watched this thread since it was first posted, just hadn't posted until I actually bought a Switch.

As everybody knows, things went south and those plans turned moot. We still kept pushing on trying to work around all that and lots of re-designing ensued.
Meanwhile, a very expressive amount of users either here or in other communities kept mocking the project ("atmosnever", "[insert generic transgender joke here]sphere", etc.). Having a good laugh never hurt, but after a while it just becomes frustrating, so we just decided to put ourselves first and work on a slower yet steady pace. Nonetheless, the project is still public and some of the pending issues for the release even saw external valuable contributions from users we know that understand the project and keep supporting it.

Again, those people are SX OS trolls, their words should mean aboslutely nothing to your ears. I know here it's mostly the same users I've seen and they exclusively use SX OS. And again, for every post that bashed this project a post that refuted it was made. I understand it's frustrating but you guys/gals are doing great work, don't let the idiots get to you.

Both SciresM's and my first names are Mike. I believe that was a reference to me

You are correct, I know you as Mike and ScriesM as Michael. Great name too, it's my middle name. :)

Anyways, sorry if I initially came off rough, it wasn't my intention.


New Member
Oct 15, 2018
Houston, Texas
United States
What is it with this place and the constant need for drama?

I get where you're coming from, I honestly do, but don't pretend you don't know exactly what I'm talking about.
I thought it was obvious that my commentary was not directed at those who have always supported Atmosphère. Perhaps if I used "Potential *new* end users" instead it would've been clearer, but I'm well aware of the expressive number of people who keep supporting the project even from the it's very beginning.
Those users are one of the two (three if you count Scires and Pokémon :P) pillars that keep the project alive (being the other one our own ambitions and curiosity in exploring the Switch) and if 0.7 is coming out is for them.

What I'm referring to is the influx of people continuously bashing the project for reasons that I honestly can't fully comprehend.
@Y0sh1 just before you're post, @Meepers55 raised a very good point which I'm sure illustrates the reaction a lot of people will have once 0.7 drops. I'm not blaming them, I know there was a lot of drama and misinformation floating around for a good while, but the truth is that Atmosphère was never meant to have a release date in it's traditional sense.
One of the things I've noticed that normally infuriates users is the constant teasing of projects never come to fruition, so when SciresM announced that Atmosphère would be open since it's very beginning I honestly thought that would appease people in general. I mean, you can constantly see the progress on Github, compile builds and test yourself, help with the development, etc.
Instead, people keep joking and complaining about a missed June 15th deadline and insist on this notion that the project is useless without a proper release (which would be nothing but a compiled binary of what's on Github) even though portions of Atmosphère have been used to help other projects grow.
The whole June 15th thing was indeed a target deadline at some point because it would align with when Fusée-Gelée would be made public which, naturally, would make people want a proper usable CFW to play around. I remember SciresM loosing sleep and whatnot to rush the whole thing and give this to people.

As everybody knows, things went south and those plans turned moot. We still kept pushing on trying to work around all that and lots of re-designing ensued.
Meanwhile, a very expressive amount of users either here or in other communities kept mocking the project ("atmosnever", "[insert generic transgender joke here]sphere", etc.). Having a good laugh never hurt, but after a while it just becomes frustrating, so we just decided to put ourselves first and work on a slower yet steady pace. Nonetheless, the project is still public and some of the pending issues for the release even saw external valuable contributions from users we know that understand the project and keep supporting it.

Both SciresM's and my first names are Mike. I believe that was a reference to me.

TFW you make a GBAtemp account just to respond to this...

Not sure if you'll recognize me, but I'm one of the two community members who helped create the Atmosphère Wiki on GitHub with the help of the team. The other member CyberVision and I were not obligated to do this or anything like that. We decided to help with the Wiki because we wanted to help; You guys have spent months on end coding for Atmosphère, so if we could help take even a little bit of the huge workload you guys have to deal with, then that was good enough reason for us to help out however we could. The fact that people like us are willing to help you guys just for the sake of wanting to help shows me that what @SciresM, you and the rest of the team started as a simple project has become so much more. Atmosphère isn't just a custom firmware anymore, it's a community full of people that want all of you to succeed, and are willing to help however we can. I want you to know that no matter how much people might troll you guys, or add fuel to the fire, that for every drama starting, complaining member here, there is someone like me or CyberVision, who understand how intense a project like this is to undertake, and would gladly help out if it means making your job a little bit easier.

I wish nothing but the best for you and the rest of the team, and if you ever need anything, feel free to message me.


Flintstones Regular
Aug 7, 2018
United States
I actually have no idea what you're talking about, I was under the impression Atmosphère was aimed towards those who like to tinker with their devices. Those people would not be expecting many features at release, that there can and will be some bugs and would likely give suggestions for future features. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I can only speak for myself, but those were my expectations.

The influx of people you refer to seem to be the same SX OS fanboys that have nothing better to do. I really hope this isn't the reason you think people have lost interest in this project because you couldn't be more wrong. For every bash post there has been a response from supporters.

As for release dates, I've never held you guys/gals to them, I understand these sort of projects, projects from the ground up, take time. And you guys/gals do this for us for free.

I understand Atmosphère is already being compiled and streamlined into other projects, I love open source due to that but I have been waiting, with a 1.0.0 Switch for an official Atmosphère release. Call me a fanboy but I like the work you devs have done in the past and I personally don't want anything but Atmosphère running on my Switch because I know that's going to be the best CFW in the years to come. I've seen the quality of work you guys/gals do and that's why I've watched this thread since it was first posted, just hadn't posted until I actually bought a Switch.

Again, those people are SX OS trolls, their words should mean aboslutely nothing to your ears. I know here it's mostly the same users I've seen and they exclusively use SX OS. And again, for every post that bashed this project a post that refuted it was made. I understand it's frustrating but you guys/gals are doing great work, don't let the idiots get to you.

You are correct, I know you as Mike and ScriesM as Michael. Great name too, it's my middle name. :)

Anyways, sorry if I initially came off rough, it wasn't my intention.
Saying that all of the people bashing the project are SX fanboys is quite a stretch.


Flintstones Regular
Aug 7, 2018
United States
I never said all the people, I said "The influx of people you refer to seem to be the same SX OS fanboys...".

See for yourself, here's a prime example:
Even still, I wouldn't say most are SX fanboys either. If you read through this entire thread right now, you'd most likely see many people who don't use SX OS complaining and/or joking about the lack of an official release. I understand that pointing the finger towards one party is an easy thing to do, but there are a lot of other people complaining around here.

Also, your example is a broken link.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2013
Words ,words,Wor...... im state on starting 3ds hombres,and if similirar whit switch(Launch flashcard gw,Launch homebrew,Launch gw emunand,Launch emunand cfw,etc...) but not its this,on 3ds Launch pay homebrew our other and on Max Month Launch a free ..

Im state on scene for free emunand but its not Launch on this Month im update and Play free Games like "Warframe",i like live on eart not Sky how atmosphere


Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Words ,words,Wor...... im state on starting 3ds hombres,and if similirar whit switch(Launch flashcard gw,Launch homebrew,Launch gw emunand,Launch emunand cfw,etc...) but not its this,on 3ds Launch pay homebrew our other and on Max Month Launch a free ..

Im state on scene for free emunand but its not Launch on this Month im update and Play free Games like "Warframe",i like live on eart not Sky how atmosphere
get well soon


GBAtemp Stoner
Oct 22, 2008
I'm so high, I don't even know!
United States
Even still, I wouldn't say most are SX fanboys either. If you read through this entire thread right now, you'd most likely see many people who don't use SX OS complaining and/or joking about the lack of an official release. I understand that pointing the finger towards one party is an easy thing to do, but there are a lot of other people complaining around here.

Also, your example is a broken link.
Again, I didn't even use the word most. I said it seems to be the same SX OS fanboys, yes I'm using the plural variant because there is more than one. The link I posted was just one example and I know for a fact they are a big SX OS supporter. Also the link works fine for me.


Flintstones Regular
Aug 7, 2018
United States
Again, I didn't even use the word most. I said it seems to be the same SX OS fanboys, yes I'm using the plural variant because there is more than one. The link I posted was just one example and I know for a fact they are a big SX OS supporter. Also the link works fine for me.
You didn't have to use the exact word seeing how you heavily implied it. If you didn't want people to come to that conclusion, then you shouldn't have worded it as "The influx of people you refer to..." It sure doesn't help your case when you're still targetting SX users. I didn't want to start a pointless quarrel; I was just stating how there are more than SX users doing this, and how it's foolish to point the finger in one direction.

Also, the link still doesn't work. Like I said though, you'd still see various other parties complaining if you just read through this thread.


Robert'); DROP TABLE members;--
Jul 17, 2014
Nintendo works for my dad
Words ,words,Wor...... im state on starting 3ds hombres,and if similirar whit switch(Launch flashcard gw,Launch homebrew,Launch gw emunand,Launch emunand cfw,etc...) but not its this,on 3ds Launch pay homebrew our other and on Max Month Launch a free ..

Im state on scene for free emunand but its not Launch on this Month im update and Play free Games like "Warframe",i like live on eart not Sky how atmosphere
this is an english speaking forum. Thanks for your consideration.


GBAtemp Stoner
Oct 22, 2008
I'm so high, I don't even know!
United States
You didn't have to use the exact word seeing how you heavily implied it. If you didn't want people to come to that conclusion, then you shouldn't have worded it as "The influx of people you refer to..." It sure doesn't help your case when you're still targetting SX users. I didn't want to start a pointless quarrel; I was just stating how there are more than SX users doing this, and how it's foolish to point the finger in one direction.

Also, the link still doesn't work. Like I said though, you'd still see various other parties complaining if you just read through this thread.
Those were hexkyz's words not mine. He made it out to seem like there were a mob of people bashing, I'm simply pointing out it seems to be the same people and my example just happens to be an SX OS supporter. I'm not sure how you're not following.


Flintstones Regular
Aug 7, 2018
United States
Those were hexkyz's words not mine. He made it out to seem like there were a mob of people bashing, I'm simply pointing out it seems to be the same people and my example just happens to be an SX OS supporter. I'm not sure how you're not following.
Those were your words; you even quoted it in one of your own responses. Not only that, but you're constantly ignoring or misinterpreting the things that I'm saying. Since you're so keen on playing the blame game, I'll allow you to do so without any further responses from me. There's no use in continuing when we're getting nowhere.

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