Introducing GBAtemp v6 - A Fresh Coat of Paint & Our Patreon - celebrating 15 years!


> Welcome to GBAtemp v6 !
Dear Tempers,

As some of you may know this August will be celebrating it's 15th Anniversary! To celebrate this momentous occasion we have been working tirelessly to make 2017 GBAtemp's best year yet!

Welcome to the latest version of your community - GBAtemp v6!

We have a bunch of announcements to share with you so please read on to see what's new at your favourite independent gaming community:-​

A Fresh Coat of Paint

Introducing tempStyle 2 - designed by @shaunj66 we finally have a brand new look for the site that completely revamps your GBAtemp experience including - hi-DPI support, retina icons, faster browsing, improved layout & functionality, but more importantly a better mobile experience! The skin is still a work-in-progress and we need your help to beta test it. Please find a small Q&A and details on how to provide feedback further down below...

A Better Mobile Experience

We have completely revamped the responsive & mobile browsing experience. GBAtemp is now crafted to fully take advantage of smartphones and smaller screen sizes! We have made the site more touch friendly with a range of new design choices. Go ahead, try visiting on your phone!

A Patreon

As you can see, we've decided to step up our game this year: we finally have a modern-era site design, and our press coverage has been increasingly extensive and exhaustive. We have published hundreds of reviews for all platforms over the past years thanks to our amazing editorial team. We now provide you with fresh news coverage for the entire spectrum of the gaming industry (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, computer gaming...), and unlike most other sites we still have the rare freedom of being able to openly discuss console hacking and system modifications. This freedom is due to the independence we have managed to conserve over all these years.

We're working behind the scenes every day to make this community one of the best and largest independent gaming communities on the web and we intend to keep it that way. But in order to make this happen, to be able to keep providing you with fresh editorial content and in order to conserve our freedom under any circumstance, we need your help.

With your support on Patreon, we intend to do great things: just take a moment to check out our campaign and see for yourself. If you decide to back us, there will be amazing consequences from both individual and community perspectives.

Perks include:
  • Exclusive backer banner/icons (date & details TBC)
  • The return of the GBAtemp Homebrew Bounty - now the GBAtemp Bounty! (details to follow)
  • Exclusive site styles
  • Early access to tempStyle 2 Dark
  • The satisfaction that you're helping support a site celebrating it's 15th Anniversary!
Please visit our Patreon page and we hope you'll consider supporting us just as we've supported you for nearly 15 years.

:arrow: GBAtemp on Patreon

> tempStyle 2 Q&A

Can I continue to use the old style?

Change can be difficult but we suggest you try using tempStyle 2 for a while to feel the benefits. The old tempStyle's are now obsolete and we can't guarantee any future forum improvements or changes will be made available in them.

But what about the dark theme?

We know a lot of you browse GBAtemp in Dark mode and we hear you. You're welcome to use the old Dark theme for now while we find the resources to create a Dark version of tempStyle 2.

Why isn't there a dark theme available right NOW!?

tempStyle 2 took over 6 months to create - keeping in mind we all have full time jobs at GBAtemp, finding the time to work on the site can be tough especially just for aesthetic reasons. We have launched the Light (default) version now in order to let our members help us find any bugs that may need working out before work on the Dark version. Otherwise early bug fixing would require fixing multiple templates. Please understand!

Can I help?

We have just launched a Patreon to let our members support our site. If you want to pledge to help support our work not only can we devote more time to the site but you get awesome rewards such as early access to the tempStyle 2 Dark theme! See above for more info on our Patreon.

I found something that doesn't look quite right?

We are still working on the new skin and bugs or sections of the site may have been overlooked when designing it. If you find a bug or something that looks unpolished or in need of updating please let us know in the dedicated thread by clicking here.


All of this just before E3 2017!


Don't forget that E3 is right around the corner with the EA Press Conference expected to start later today.

GBAtemp will be providing live coverage of GBAtemp E3 2017 both right here on our site and a live Twitter feed. Resident newser @Chary is currently in Los Angeles preparing to provide you all with the latest news, updates and announcements from GBAtemp. Check out our home page for more information!

:arrow: Follow E3 2017 with GBAtemp on Twitter


We hope you like the changes GBAtemp v6 brings and that you'll celebrate our 15th Anniversary with us up to this August.

Thank you to each and every one of you for supporting us for these 15 years and for making GBAtemp the best community on the web.

- The GBAtemp Staff
Last edited by shaunj66,


Aug 22, 2013
Away from this shithole
United States
I hate how everyone is abusing Patreon nowadays. Now forums too? It's crazy...

On the other hand, I'm all for an ad-free browsing alternative that doesn't have to be using an adblock. I'm in.

And nice work on the new layout. Still gonna develop stuff on Stylish though. Hope you don't mind :)

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