Hacking USB Loader GX

  • Thread starter cyrex
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
United States
Also, I'm not too sure if it has been fixed or not, I think there were a limit of ticket you could have on a console. 256 maybe?
what you can do is create different emuNAND dumps, and span wads in different paths. it could b ehard to maintain and find a game you want to launch, but if it can prevent issues, why not.
I'm not sure of the number limit either but I know I am definitely above that limit since I am unable to boot into the neek2o system menu. I am however able to launch all the WiiWare and Virtual Console games I tried so far through USB Loader GX without any problems. So unless there is a real need for him to access his emuNAND system menu I think he will be just fine using one very large emuNAND and launch everything from USB Loader GX.

@Cyan And while I am on the subject I have a few questions for you. As I mentioned earlier, I had hacked 2 new Wiis while visiting my family over the weekend. This was the first time I ever used the "Dump NAND to EmuNand" feature in USB Loader GX (I used r1260 if that matters) and I actually quite liked it better. Especially now that there is a batch WAD install feature. But anyway, when I click on the option to "Dump NAND to EmuNand" I get options for "Everything", "Enter Path", and "Cancel". Obviously I wanted to do everything so that I the option I chose. But what exactly is the "Enter Path" option for?

Second question is where is the Wiimote sync information stored? I ask because after I was done setting up my brother's Wii and went back home he called me up saying that every time he tried launching a Virtual Console game his Wiimote would turn off and nothing would work. I then realized that when I dumped his NAND I had only had one of the Wiimotes synced and he was trying to use a different one. I thought that maybe the Wiimote info was stored in the SYSCONF so I told him to go into the Feaures Settings and choose the option to "Export SYSCONF to EmuNand". But that didn't work. I then told him to choose the option to "Boot Neek System Menu" and then to sync the Wiimote there by hitting the red buttons on his console and Wiimote and to restart his Wii back into the loader and to try again. This worked and he hasn't had any problems since. So if SYSCONF is not the correct place for Wiimote sync information then could you maybe add another option in the "Features Settings" to "Sync Wiimotes from Real NAND to EmuNand" and have it move whatever files it needs for the Wiimote from Real NAND to EmuNand? And with me choosing to "Export SYSCONF to EmuNand" after already adding a bunch of WADs to his EmuNand would I have screwed anything up? Thanks.

Edit: I just thought of something. Remember back when I was testing different r1259 mods for you to see if we could find out where that network bug happened. Well if you remember I traced the bug down to a few games (Like Back to the Future) when it would try and download it's full cover. A full cover for that game didn't exist for me in USB Loader GX but one did exist on gameTDB. Well now with R1260 I tried downloading missing artwork again and it said I was missing 73 items and after the download was done I was still missing the same 73 items. So then I went into GUI Settings and noticed that the "Full covers Download" option was set to "High Quality". I changed it to "High/Low" and tried downloading artwork again. This time it downloaded all the Low Quality Full Covers and I now have a full cover for Back to the Future. Do you think it's possible that this bug is somehow being caused when no High Quality full cover exist but a Low Quality one does? Would you like me to look into this further and try to download covers on one of the older revisions and this time change my setting to only Low Quality full covers and see if the bug still happens? Just an idea. If you don't really care or don't want to be bothered to try and troubleshoot this bug any further that is fine. Just let me know if you want me to continue to pursue this idea or if you think it will just be a waste of time.

Sorry for the long wall of text.
Last edited by Clutz450,


Jan 3, 2016
United States
Thanks for your advice @Cyan ! Indeed it is too late to leave all that alone, but I'm happy that it's working so far. I'll check what IOS I ended up with in those slots. I don't think I'm going to mess with neek. I'm trying to get this pretty well finished so I can give it to my nieces.

I've installed about 700 wads to the emunand with usbloader gx's included wad manager (v1260) and they all show up (all that I've tested have run) but one issue I noticed so far:

Many of the virtual console games are displayed by ID tag instead of name... not a huge deal, but kind of annoying for alphabetical sorting. Is there any known fix for this, even if individually editing each title?

As far as categories, if I want it split up by console then I have to manually create those categories and add the games as far as I can tell, right?

To keep the nieces from accessing menus that could screw things up, I have it booting and returning to usbloader gx and locked. However, it seem you can still access the homebrew channel from it. Is there any way to lock this out or have homebrew redirect back to usbloader gx? It might not be an issue if I just delete wiixplorer and bootmii from the sd card... then I think they won't be able to go anywhere except back to usbloader gx and the home menu.


Jan 3, 2016
United States
I'm now moving my emunand from the hdd to a 16gb SDHC card... It's taking a long time to write to the SD, but I thought it might run slightly faster from there and take a slight bit of stress off the hdd. Is this a good move? Any known advantages/disadvantages to storing the emunand on SD vs USB HDD?

Also, what is the option for full/partial emundand saves in usbloader gx? What save files would be stored to the emunand in full vs partial? I was thinking if this is writing save data then it could be advantageous to have the emunand on SD for this purpose as well...? Unless one wanted to keep their emunand untouched by saves I guess?

Where is the "saves" folder on my hdd coming from as well? Is that gamecube saves? I'm using nintendont with default memory card emulation setting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
MAC address? for what?
he already has the Homebrew channel, he doesn't need letter bomb anymore to launch hackmii installer, he can run it from HBC. (and he doesn't even need to, as he already has HBC 1.1.2 running on IOS58.

All his IOS slots are fine.
just one thing I noticed :
slot 249 : you have d2x v8 base 57 (that's good ! you don't need base56, base57 has better compatibility)
slot 250 : you have d2x v10 base57 (that's ... unnecessary. v10 is a copy of v8. not useful to have multiple slots with the same things. What you could install is d2x v10-alt (the revision 53 of d2x) which allows Port1 support, but it's bad with emuNAND)
if you don't need port1 (you shouldn't need it) then your console is already good like that. don't change anything.
the only real issue, is your MIOS, which is version 65535. it doesn't tell which version of the MIOS you have. probably a cMIOS from wiigator? it should allow burned gamecube discs from wiigator's gc launcher. If you don't use discs for GC anymore, that's fine. leave it like that too.

But, I see you already resoftmodded, so it's too late for "keeping everything like that" :P

About your emuNAND issue :
after installing 200 wads ....
ok, here is your issue, batch installing wads without testing them first. a lot of dumps are bad and can corrupt nand.
it can even brick your wii if you installed that corrupted wad to your real NAND, so good thing you used emuNAND. and that's the main purpose of the emuNAND : prevent bricks in case of system file issue.

you should do lot of test & tries : install 100 wad instead of 200.
if it works, it means the problematic wad is in the 100 next batch. test 50 more, etc.
there's no easy method, you need to test them to find the issue.

using cIOS emuNAND mode will not fix the emuNAND issue

Also, I'm not too sure if it has been fixed or not, I think there were a limit of ticket you could have on a console. 256 maybe?
what you can do is create different emuNAND dumps, and span wads in different paths. it could b ehard to maintain and find a game you want to launch, but if it can prevent issues, why not.
I know his syscheck came out fine. He wanted to update his softmod so I helped him.
I know you have an issue against "fixing what ain't broken" but in this case the fact is that even though his log came out fine SOMETHING must've been broken cause everything is working fine now.
I asked for his MAC address because if I was going to generate a download queue for him, I might as well do it from the ground up I asked him to factory reset his console before softmodding) so there's that.
Anyway, everything seems to be working fine now so I consider this a WIN :D

Now, some updates regarding the issue I have with the HDD.
I've been running tests non-stop. I managed to get a hold of my brother's Wii (not Wii U) and tested the SAME EXACT HDD with the SAME EXACT long ass cable and everything worked perfectly fine. I am NOT ABLE to replicate the bug. NO matter what I do (CCP connect/disconnect, fast scrolling in channel view I mean I tried EVERYTHING)
And then I noticed something else, the HDD works perfectly fine with ios 249 as the loaders ios (remember I have to change it to ios 58 on my Wii U for it to even be able to boot?)
So, does that give you any idea? (mind you, it's the same exact HDD wit the same exact cable)
I think thats as far as testing can go. I mean, the HDD itself works fine, the cable seems to work as well.
I think (in my ignorance) that the key to solving this lies in the fact that ios 249 doesn't seem to be able to launch the HDD (on Wii U) changing it to ios 58 seems to make it work but obviously it is not fixing the real issue.
Any ideas @Cyan ? PLEEEEASE DUDE!!!!!!:cry:


Jan 3, 2016
United States
It seems I ended up with base 56 back in slot 249, according to what's displayed in USB Loader GX Credits... Should I put base 57 back now that things work?
I'll run another syscheck and post perhaps...

--->MAIN ISSUE<---------

The main thing that's bugging me now is that USB Loader GX displays tons of my emunand channels by their four letter ID... I don't get it. I thought it could be something wrong with the nand itself, but I've loaded it into wiiflow just to check and it seems to display titles just fine.

Edit: Fixed again thanks to @sideskroll just needed to update the wiitdb from within USB Loader GX!

Edit Edit: Does anyone have Okami in their collection? Mine shows up at the bottom of the list just as "kami"... perhaps it's getting the title like this Ōkami and doesn't know what to do with the first character. Is there any way to change the title within USB Loader GX for an individual game?


Also, would be nice if USB Loader GX could have a simple console categories toggle that could be unlocked when other controls are still locked (I know categories can be left unlocked, but they're a bit tricky to configure and even just to toggle it seems)

Even just the ability to toggle sources while in parental lock... I don't think it can be left unlocked as of now (though I'd still probably want regular nand left off limits...)
Last edited by Poglodyte,
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Jan 3, 2016
United States
What is the point of USB Loader GX allowing parental lock of Homebrew Launcher if there is always always still a direct link to the Homebrew Channel by clicking the "Wii" button in the bottom right? Any way to completely lock out of Homebrew Channel?
Last edited by Poglodyte,


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
United States
Also, would be nice if USB Loader GX could have a simple console categories toggle that could be unlocked when other controls are still locked (I know categories can be left unlocked, but they're a bit tricky to configure and even just to toggle it seems)
I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I painstaking edited my categories.xml file manually so that my console categories were on the top and the rest of the categories were in alphabetical order. Here is a link to that post where I talked about it and attached my xml file to it. (https://gbatemp.net/threads/usb-loader-gx.149922/page-1040#post-5718732)

Basically just replace your xml file with mine and then run the "Import categories" option under features and all your games should match up.

As for you other questions and concerns, I have ideas for you but it's after midnight and I need to get some sleep. I'll try to follow up with you more tomorrow.


Jan 3, 2016
United States
I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I painstaking edited my categories.xml file manually so that my console categories were on the top and the rest of the categories were in alphabetical order. Here is a link to that post where I talked about it and attached my xml file to it. (https://gbatemp.net/threads/usb-loader-gx.149922/page-1040#post-5718732)

Basically just replace your xml file with mine and then run the "Import categories" option under features and all your games should match up.

As for you other questions and concerns, I have ideas for you but it's after midnight and I need to get some sleep. I'll try to follow up with you more tomorrow.

Ah thank you sir! I didn't realize what the 'import categories' action did. That makes things pretty easy for toggling between systems and then even genres. I might try your xml to put the consoles at the top then too thanks!

That post also gave some solution for renaming a game such as Okami, the same game @Cyan was having trouble with too haha
Last edited by Poglodyte,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
United States
I don't think I'm going to mess with neek.
Honestly, if you already have an EmuNand setup and everything is working through cIOS emulation then setting up neek is easy. It's literally just moving the compiled neek files over to your usb drive and then telling the loader to use neek. As far as you can tell the loader is loading up your WiiWare or VC game just like it always has and you never have to go to the EmuNand's system menu so you won't get those freezes or long waits. If you are interested in a quick guide just follow what I wrote in the spoiler below:

1. Go to http://modmii.comuf.com/ and download ModMii.
2. If you have used ModMii before then delete all the files in your COPY_TO_SD and COPY_TO_USB folders so that you don't accidentally copy over files from another install and accidentally install them. If you installed ModMii into its default path then you can find those folders in C:\ModMii\COPY_TO_SD and C:\ModMii\COPY_TO_USB.
2. After it's installed and/or you've deleted the files in the above folders then open up the regular version of ModMii. Not the skinned version. (Just personal preference and is what I use.)
3. Type "I Agree" (without the quotes. None of the things I will tell you to type will need the quotes) and press Enter.
4. Type "O" and press Enter to go to options.
5. Make sure that that it says "<Enabled>" next to "n20 = neek20 - build mod of s\uneek instead of original". (It should be by default.)
6. Type "M" and press enter to go back to the Main Menu.
7. Type "S" and press enter for "SNEEK Installation, Nand Builder, and Game Bulk Extractor"
8. Type "1" and press enter for "SNEEK Installation".
9. Type "1" and press enter for "96 (hosted online).
10. Type "UD" and press enter for "UNEEK+DI"
11. Type "D" and press enter for "Default Setting: COPY_TO_SD".
12. Type "D" and press enter for "Default Setting: COPY_TO_USB".
13. Type "Y" and press enter for "Yes, do it now!"
14. When everything is done you can exit ModMii.
15. Now go to your "COPY_TO_USB" directory which should be located at "C:\ModMii\COPY_TO_USB" and open that folder. (Ignore the COPY_TO_SD folder. You don't need it).
16. In that folder you will see a folder named "SNEEK". Copy that folder to the root of your USB drive. (if you were to look inside that folder you should see 4 files. di.bin, font.bin, kernel.bin and rev.txt).

Now that is done you need to do one more thing to make it so USB Loader properly exits neek mode EmuNand back to Regular NAND:
1. Now go to "https://code.google.com/p/custom-di/downloads/list" and download one of the 4 wads that have NK2O in them. Me personally I downloaded the one that said "neek2o_NK2O_1.wad"
2. Place that file anywhere you want. Preferably the root of either your SD card or USB drive.
3. Open up USB Loader GX.
4. Click on the gears on the lower left to open up "Global Settings".
5. Click on "Features".
6. Scroll all the way down and click on "EmuNAND Wad Manager"
7. Click on "File"
8. Then go to where you have the WAD file and install it. When done you can delete the WAD file.

Now when you exit a game loaded in neek it will exit back into real NAND.

And that's it. You just now compiled neek2o and "installed" it onto your USB drive. Just make sure that your EmuNand is also on your USB drive (I have heard neek2o works better from USB). Now all you have to do is change your settings to have your WiiWare and Virtual Console games load up using neek. I would recommend doing this on a per game basis. To do that you would want to do the following:

1. Click on the game you want to play.
2. Click on "Settings".
3. Click on "Game Load".
4. Scroll all the way down until you see "Nand Emulation" and change it to "Neek".

The only thing left to do to make exiting neek more seemless would be to install the USB Loader GX Forwarder into PriiLoader so that when it reboots the Wii it automatically loads back into USB Loader GX. If you need help with that let me know and I can write you a step by step guide for that as well.

So I know it seems like a lot of text and may be a bit intimidating but that's just how I write. It really is a very simple process and as long as you follow what I wrote you should be fine. As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask or PM me.
Last edited by Clutz450,


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
whoaa, you've been chatty today. lot of questions !!!
I'll try to answer them all.

But what exactly is the "Enter Path" option for?
It allows you to dump the NAND partially (only a specific folder or file, instead of the full NAND dump). for example, you want to dump your miis because you edited the Mii on your Wii and want them on your EmuNAND, but dumping it fully again will broke the ticket list, so you want only the miis database. you can do it by entering the path to the mii file.

I thought that maybe the Wiimote info was stored in the SYSCONF
Yes, it's stored in SYSCONF. If it didn't work, it means his console didn't have that wiimote either. he needs to sync it first on his real System menu, then he can use the SYSCONF dump option to copy that file to emuNAND. if the wiimote wasn't working, it's because it wasn't on SYSCONF when you dumped his NAND, and I think he probably didn't add it since then. using Neek is another solution.

Do you think it's possible that this bug is somehow being caused when no High Quality full cover exist but a Low Quality one does?
No, I don't think. If you didn't have the option to download HQ/SD, then the loader didn't even try or checked for SD existence. it just downloaded HQ covers one by one, and skipped the missing ones. SD cover were not the issue here.

I also fixed the spelling mistake for banner download code (.nbr -> .bnr), so I don't know if it was an issue before, or if now it became an issue (because it seemed to work fine so far with the mistake....)

the key to solving this lies in the fact that ios 249 doesn't seem to be able to launch the HDD (on Wii U) changing it to ios 58 seems to make it work but obviously it is not fixing the real issue.
Did you try on Wii using IOS58 ?
For me, the issue is not the IOS, but the console. if it works on Wii+IOS58 then it's not an IOS issue. it's the mix with console+HDD. or maybe the vWii IOS are different than Wii version.

Many of the virtual console games are displayed by ID tag instead of name...
update wiitdb, and enable it in the features menu.
But I see you already fixed it.

As far as categories, if I want it split up by console then I have to manually create those categories and add the games as far as I can tell, right?
You also found the solution.
You can extract all categories and auto-select them for all your games using the Features>categories extractor option.

To keep the nieces from accessing menus that could screw things up, I have it booting and returning to usbloader gx and locked. However, it seem you can still access the homebrew channel from it.
There's no option to lock the home menu?
You have different settings to define which options are visible in the home menu : Settings > GUI settings > Home menu.
Select one which doesn't have HBC in it. (I think there's one with only "shutdown or reset")

Any known advantages/disadvantages to storing the emunand on SD vs USB HDD?
No, I don't know any.
Except the fact that SD card has proper partition number and sector size. HDD can be incompatible with EmuNAND due to different hardware or software settings (partition format, sector size, hidden partitions, etc.)
Personnaly, I like having all on my SD card. but Neek2o for vWii works only on USB so you'll have to use USB EmuNAND on WiiU.

Also, what is the option for full/partial emundand saves in usbloader gx?
There are two different emuNAND : Save and channel.
channel is the one used by all the channels on emuNAND. Partial should not be used. (I'll remove it)
save is the one used ONLY by all Wii disc based games. This option is used to redirect the save from the Wii to the EmuNAND, in case of not enough free blocs, or if you want to continue playing your game when traveling to family without taking your Wii with you.
Partial = only the save is redirected, saved, loaded from "EmuNAND save" path.
full = also redirect the miis, wiimote synch, etc., but you need a FULL nand dump first, while partial don't need you to create a NAND dump before using that option.
if you want backup save on SD, partial is enough. if you want to use your savegames on other consoles use full option with a dump of your console.

Where is the "saves" folder on my hdd coming from as well? Is that gamecube saves? I'm using nintendont with default memory card emulation setting.
yes, it's from Nintendont.

It seems I ended up with base 56 back in slot 249, according to what's displayed in USB Loader GX Credits... Should I put base 57 back now that things work?
You don't need to replace it, you already have a base57 installed, it's in slot 250.
slot 249 base 56 : very slightly faster USB loading than base57, but less game compatibility.
slot 250 base 57 : better compatibility, but slightly slower usb access. (you probably won't even notice it, but it has been common usage to use 56 as default because .... people liked it like that?)

Two things here.
First, the "O" is not deleted, it's a font issue. the default USBLoaderGX font don't have foreigner's letters (japanese, russian, etc.), you need to either : swap the system font ON/OFF (ugly?) you can change it in the GUI settings, or use a full font.bin file (very big one, like 10MB font file) to get japanese characters.

Second, it's at the end of the list because the O macron is numerically in the Font file located after the Z and not after the O.

You can fix it by editing the gametdb.xml, or by editing the game's title in the loader (gui>window>don't use banner, select a game and click on the title)

would be nice if USB Loader GX could have a simple console categories toggle that could be unlocked when other controls are still locked
you mean the 4th icon, or the different "virtual console" categories?
I'm sure the 4th icon can be kept unlocked.
I can't make a parental setting to remove only certain console (like remove emuNAND but keep Wii, etc.)

If you talk about the virtual console, then it's not the correct menu.
this menu list the different origin, not the different content one origin can have.
For example, I will add "homebrew" and "plugins" in this menu, I can't list all different homebrew type, or all type of plugins (snes, nes, video, etc.)

that's what the categorie menu is for.

But what I plan to do will fix your issue : using different tabs with different pre-defined settings.
each tab could have pre-defined element, like one tab will be Wii, one tab will be VC Snes, one tab will be VC N64, one tab will be Adult games and locked to childs, etc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2014
United States
Category question here..
Is there a way to assign the same category to 50 or more games at once? I saw talk of a categories extractor above, but have not used it before.

Also I saw some talk about wiimotes. Maybe I am reading this wrong but it sounds like the only wiimotes that will work with emunand are wiimotes that were already paired with the Wii before the emunand dump was done. The new wiimote will need to be synced to the Wii then a sysconf dump done. Is this correct? I have 2 new wiimotes coming in the mail today.
Last edited by ngs428,


Jan 3, 2016
United States
Haha, yes sorry, been obsessing over this on break. Thanks so much for taking the time with all my questions!

There are two different emuNAND : Save and channel.
channel is the one used by all the channels on emuNAND. Partial should not be used. (I'll remove it)
save is the one used ONLY by all Wii disc based games. This option is used to redirect the save from the Wii to the EmuNAND, in case of not enough free blocs, or if you want to continue playing your game when traveling to family without taking your Wii with you.
Partial = only the save is redirected, saved, loaded from "EmuNAND save" path.
full = also redirect the miis, wiimote synch, etc., but you need a FULL nand dump first, while partial don't need you to create a NAND dump before using that option.
if you want backup save on SD, partial is enough. if you want to use your savegames on other consoles use full option with a dump of your console.

Oh awesome! I just did a quick test using "full" for emunand saves and as suspected, it retained the current wii remote sync order when launching a virtual console game.

Previously, I hadn't synced all my remotes before dumping nand, but it hit me what the "path" option was for in nand dump so I used that to dump 'shared2' folder after syncing the rest of my remotes in wii system menu. (now I see that it is onyl sysconf that is needed for that and there's dump option for that alone)

Anyway, this method kept that sync order when launching virtual console titles which could be a bit annoying. I just did a quick test, but full emunand save seems to have solved that issue, and the remotes now retain the current sync order!

yes, it's from Nintendont.

Is there a way to make Nintendont save to SD instead? I'm trying to keep that hdd read only.

You don't need to replace it, you already have a base57 installed, it's in slot 250.
slot 249 base 56 : very slightly faster USB loading than base57, but less game compatibility.
slot 250 base 57 : better compatibility, but slightly slower usb access. (you probably won't even notice it, but it has been common usage to use 56 as default because .... people liked it like that?)

Does USB Loader GX automatically choose whichever is best for a situation, or does it use only the slot that is manually set (249 by default it seems)?

you mean the 4th icon, or the different "virtual console" categories?
I'm sure the 4th icon can be kept unlocked.

Ah, yes indeed you're right, found it at the bottom of the list "loader mode"... That helps for

But in general I'm just looking for a quick simple way to toggle among categories, rather than having to check and uncheck things (which can be more powerful just not as quick)

Tabs sound nice though, I'll wait and see what you come up with! Thanks so much for all the work you do on this awesome loader!


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Nintendont save to SD instead
Nintendont doesn't mount multiple partition at the same time.
if can only access one partition : the one where the game is located.

if your game is on SD, the save will be on SD.
if your game is on USB, the save will be on USB.
(same for cheats, controller config, etc., but for these files, the loader copy the cheats temporarily to the proper partition before launching nintendont. it can't be done with savegames for many reasons)

Does USB Loader GX automatically choose whichever is best for a situation, or does it use only the slot that is manually set (249 by default it seems)?
No, it's not choosing based on games.
it's up to you to set a different slot if you need a different base (or version).
just remember this :
All games work with base56 except : Call of duty, and many music games.
if you don't want issues, use slot250 as default game's IOS instead of slot249.

or keep default 249 for everything, and only set individually (in game settings, not in global loader settings) the IOS slot if it's one of the problematic game.

Category question here..
Is there a way to assign the same category to 50 or more games at once? I saw talk of a categories extractor above, but have not used it before.

Also I saw some talk about wiimotes. Maybe I am reading this wrong but it sounds like the only wiimotes that will work with emunand are wiimotes that were already paired with the Wii before the emunand dump was done. The new wiimote will need to be synced to the Wii then a sysconf dump done. Is this correct? I have 2 new wiimotes coming in the mail today.
The extractor is using the categories stored in gametdb to auto-assign them to each games.
There's no way to batch set one category to multiple games manually.

About wiimote, you have different ways to synch them:
1. like you said, sync the new one on your sysNAND (real NAND), and then use the SYSCONF dump option in the loader to copy the new wiimote info to emuNAND folder.
2. Neek : boot the emuNAND into neek system menu and use the red button from here.
3. sometime, you can sync wiimote inside a game. launch a wiiware game ... no wiimote working ? press red button on console+wiimote and it will sync it to the emuNAND's sysconf, not only for that game. I don't know if it's common or if it was a rare exception, but it worked once for me (don't remember, either la mulana or cave story, which are the only game I played on emuNAND)


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Awesome loader by far the best homebrew project ever created on Wii!
Ahem, ...
Where can I aquire the latest Beta?
Also regarding Neek support, is it possible to load channels using neek? ( d2x incompatible Wiiware and VC? )
Is it still needed to have your emunand dump to be on the root of your usb device to get cios rev 17 support on channel loading?

Thank you for the time!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2012
Awesome loader by far the best homebrew project ever created on Wii!
Ahem, ...
Where can I aquire the latest Beta?
Also regarding Neek support, is it possible to load channels using neek? ( d2x incompatible Wiiware and VC? )
Is it still needed to have your emunand dump to be on the root of your usb device to get cios rev 17 support on channel loading?

Thank you for the time!

1. the latest "somewhat stable" beta is always available from Cyan's signature. But as Cyan said latest != best, there might be some new/hidden bugs.

2. Yes

3. That's a cios limitation, not ULGX limitation


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
United States
Awesome loader by far the best homebrew project ever created on Wii!
Ahem, ...
Where can I aquire the latest Beta?
Also regarding Neek support, is it possible to load channels using neek? ( d2x incompatible Wiiware and VC? )
Is it still needed to have your emunand dump to be on the root of your usb device to get cios rev 17 support on channel loading?

Thank you for the time!
Check this post (https://gbatemp.net/threads/usb-loader-gx.149922/page-1075#post-5929568) I made a few posts back. I wrote a very detailed guide on how to get neek working in USB Loader GX. If you need anymore help just ask.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Thank you for not asking hundred of questions today :D

current latest stable is r1260.
until someone report a big issue (the only big one for the moment is the channels displayed as titleID instead of real game's title, but easy to fix by updating wiitdb)

I think it's fine to push that version to the internal updater now, nobody reported a real issue or crash or HDD deletion (hopefully it will never happen again!).
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i don't have one either
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    @Psionic Roshambo, The Wii U gamepads are tied to the console's region, so its impossible to find a cheap gamepad that supports your model.
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    Unless you modify your system, of course, and remove the region check.
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    @SylverReZ, im now by episode 8 of lain
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty can we discuss chrono trigger
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty I like how the game had the middle ages 1000AD, the dark ages 600AD.It was great seeing the post robot apocalypse 2300 like Terminator and enter the matrix. some of mad max and fallout. 2300ad though it could had used more elements instead of just a generic ai uprising. It was a great idea for their judgement day to be 1999 Y2K.

    -great additions if they would have made an expansion or dlc in my opinion would be finding out humans trapped in a matrix -

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    4After Zeal fell it would have been good to see more ancient eras. Perhaps Sumeria based in one area, then Egypt based in another area, Greek based in another area, then roman based in another area before the middle ages.---------

    ----between 1000ad and 1999 is a big gap they should have had the age of revolution like the american and French Revolution

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    they could have added 75,000 bc like assassins creed. zeal was already establish in 12, 000 bc , soething before the kindom rose
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty they could also add age of dscover, colonialism ect
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty what did you think
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty I think glenn (the frog) after becomming human had an affair with the queen
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    so he is the great great great great grandfather of marle @Xdqwerty
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, sorry i was busy
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty thats completely fine
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    @salazarcosplay, i havent even started lol
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