Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Kicks it up a Notch with Gears of War and Shadow Complex


As Microsoft announced during the last E3, they are in the process of making the Xbox One console compatible with 360 games. This was a process that they initially thought was impossible, or at least unlikely. However, since the announcement around two dozen 360 games are available to Xbox Preview users.

Many of the available games aren’t ones that will blow your mind although it does include the blockbuster title Mass Effect as well as the classic Rare games Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie. All three of those games, and in fact most compatible games, are available on other consoles. This makes the backwards compatibility less impressive than first implied.

That being said, today Microsoft is taking it to the next level by adding another major Microsoft exclusive title to the mix, Gears of War. They are adding the Xbox Live arcade game Shadow Complex as well.

In addition to those games, today Microsoft announced that they have plans to bring the entire Gears of War franchise to the Xbox One for free backwards compatibility as long as you play the upcoming Gears of War: Ultimate Edition before the end of the year. This includes:
  • Gears of War
  • Gears of War 2
  • Gears of War 3
  • Gears of War Judgement
Microsoft plans on ultimately making hundreds of 360 games backwards compatible in the future and it seems like they are finally starting to show that it is an actual possibility.

:arrow: Larry Hryb's Twitter


Jun 19, 2012
In that case you go on ahead and stand in the misguided mob, for all you're praising is a bunch of Mario games. First-party is all fun and dandy, but you're missing out on the majority of top AAA games this generation, much like Wii owners missed out on the majority of games last generation. Want to know some "actual games" that are on the Xbox One? How about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Evolve, Titanfall, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Batman: Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X, Far Cy 4 or Destiny? Enjoy your first-party CPR, enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't last forever.
Yeah, nice job assuming I only have a WiiU. You're as bad as the ones you keep criticizing.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Yeah, nice job assuming I only have a WiiU. You're as bad as the ones you keep criticizing.
And you're as bad as the ones you keep poking fun at. You're praising a system that can't keep up with the pace of the industry while not understanding the simple fact that the PS4 and the Xbox One don't need as much first-party content as the Wii U simply because they have other content to offer. In the majority of cases people own one gaming system and when buying one, they weigh pros and cons until they make their choice or they go by brand loyalty. One of the major arguments for a console is whether or not it offers an all-encompassing library, meaning whether it's supported by mainstream developers. The Xbox One and the PS4 are, the Wii U is not - the Wii U is on first-party life support in a vain attempt to draw in new customers. It has some fun games to offer, but let's not overestimate its value as a system.


Jun 19, 2012
And you're as bad as the ones you keep poking fun at. You're praising a system that can't keep up with the pace of the industry while not understanding the simple fact that the PS4 and the Xbox One don't need as much first-party content as the Wii U simply because they have other content to offer. In the majority of cases people own one gaming system and when buying one, they weigh pros and cons until they make their choice or they go by brand loyalty. One of the major arguments for a console is whether or not it offers an all-encompassing library, meaning whether it's supported by mainstream developers. The Xbox One and the PS4 are, the Wii U is not - the Wii U is on first-party life support in a vain attempt to draw in new customers. It has some fun games to offer, but let's not overestimate its value as a system.
Where in my posts on this thread did I even make a single allusion to the WiiU or its library? You okay with that complete delusion, there ?


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Where in my posts on this thread did I even make a single allusion to the WiiU or its library? You okay with that complete delusion, there ?
It doesn't take a huge logical leap to get that impression from your use of meymeys. I'm making the assumption that you're in the Wii U crowd judging by your avatar, my recollection of the stuff you posted previously and your disregard to the actually good XBO's first-party titles - it may be a misguided conclusion and I may be mistaking you for someone else entirely (my memory's not infalliable - a lot of people come and go around here), and if that's the case I apologize. ;)


Jun 19, 2012
It doesn't take a huge logical leap to get that impression from your use of meymeys. I'm making the assumption that you're in the Wii U crowd judging by your avatar, my recollection of the stuff you posted previously and your disregard to the actually good XBO's first-party titles - it may be a misguided conclusion and I may be mistaking you for someone else entirely (my memory's not infalliable - a lot of people come and go around here), and if that's the case I apologize. ;)
Yep, you're definitively assuming stuff. Seriously man, I'm interested in the PS4 but won't buy it until 2016 because the games I want for it aren't there yet, but I do possess a PS3 and enjoy every single game I have on it.

I considered buying a 360 at some point, but I know I can just borrow my friend's at some point because he doesn't really use it anymore and has a relatively huge library of games for it, and I find the Xbox One to be a completely worthless console so far. Only Scalebound interests me and we don't know much about it so far. And I sure as hell am not buying a console for a single game. If you like the games it has, more power to you, but in terms of exclusives, I think it's the weakest console of its gen so far (again, it's just my opinion). And please, don't talk about multiplats, because I can play most of them on PC.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Yep, you're definitively assuming stuff. Seriously man, I'm interested in the PS4 but won't buy it until 2016 because the games I want for it aren't there yet, but I do possess a PS3 and enjoy every single game I have on it.

I considered buying a 360 at some point, but I know I can just borrow my friend's at some point because he doesn't really use it anymore and has a relatively huge library of games for it, and I find the Xbox One to be a completely worthless console so far. Only Scalebound interests me and we don't know much about it so far. And I sure as hell am not buying a console for a single game. If you like the games it has, more power to you, but in terms of exclusives, I think it's the weakest console of its gen so far (again, it's just my opinion). And please, don't talk about multiplats, because I can play most of them on PC.
I do apologize, I must've mistaken you for one of those Wii U White Knights who'll reject just about any game that doesn't have the Nintendo stamp on it while simultaneously bouncing on Nintendo's lap whenever they release a game irrespectively of whether it's any good or bad. I'm glad to see more gamers branching into new territories by buying several systems - it broadens horizons. I rag on the Wii U almost every chance I get, but to be fair, I've been spending the last few days bouncing back and forth between Splatoon on the Wii U and The Witcher 3 on the PS4, so yeah - variety is the spice of life.
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Jun 19, 2012
I do apologize, I must've mistaken you for one of those Wii U White Knights who'll reject just about any game that doesn't have the Nintendo stamp on it while simultaneously bouncing on Nintendo's lap whenever they release a game irrespectively of whether it's any good or bad. I'm glad to see more gamers branching into new territories by buying several systems - it broadens horizons. I rag on the Wii U almost every chance I get, but to be fair, I've been spending the last few days bouncing back and forth between Splatoon on the Wii U and The Witcher 3 on the PS4, so yeah - variety is the spice of life.
It's fine, don't worry. I just don't really appreciate being called a fan of X brand when I play on pretty much every platform available and my favourite game is Rayman 1, a PS1 game.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
It's fine, don't worry. I just don't really appreciate being called a fan of X brand when I play on pretty much every platform available and my favourite game is Rayman 1, a PS1 game.
You're talking to the local "Sony Fanboy", I know all about that. The favourite pass time of "Sony Fanboys" is mounting defenses for the Xbox One, I thought that was a well-known fact. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
Just started playing Gears on my one, because peview status baby. Works great, was even able to hop into some online matches, the population must be preparing for the re-release. Good fun!!!
Is it as dark as IGN's Gears' comparison video or not? I s'pose they screwed up the brightness and stuff.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Is it as dark as IGN's Gears' comparison video or not? I s'pose they screwed up the brightness and stuff.
It's trivial to adjust Brightness/Contrast on the TV itself, so I don't know if it's that big of an issue. Correcting any gamma issues should be easily patchable for Microsoft anyways if enough people complain about the game being too dark.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Why the hell has this thread become a bickering contest between Wii U and XBone fans? This is about XBone backwards compatibility, and at the time the Wii U was brought into the thread, it was a complete non-sequitur. This is why we can't have nice things.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Why the hell has this thread become a bickering contest between Wii U and XBone fans? This is about XBone backwards compatibility, and at the time the Wii U was brought into the thread, it was a complete non-sequitur. This is why we can't have nice things.
Let's return to the subject proper then. ;)

This whole "Xbox One Backwards Compatibility" jig is really interesting to me since the system isn't "backwards compatible" in any way nor is it capable of emulating its predecessor. Considering you're downloading stuff to even play the game, it sounds a lot like Virtual Console or PS2 Classics, but I have to say one thing - I'm very impressed by the ability to verify games by just putting them in the disc drive. It's something that I've wished to see on the PS3 since PS2 Classics became a "thing", especially since the PS3 launched with PS2 backwards compatibility of which it was later stripped. While I don't think an equivalent function will pop up for PS3 games on the PS4 due to the sheer complexity of the CELL and the level of engineering required to port the games over like this in large quantities, I'd love to see a similar approach to any "Classics" series the PS4 might enjoy in the future. Recognizing discs should be trivial enough, even if the drive just does a simple read of the raw header.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
Let's return to the subject proper then. ;)

This whole "Xbox One Backwards Compatibility" jig is really interesting to me since the system isn't "backwards compatible" in any way nor is it capable of emulating its predecessor. Considering you're downloading stuff to even play the game, it sounds a lot like Virtual Console or PS2 Classics, but I have to say one thing - I'm very impressed by the ability to verify games by just putting them in the disc drive. It's something that I've wished to see on the PS3 since PS2 Classics became a "thing", especially since the PS3 launched with PS2 backwards compatibility of which it was later stripped. While I don't think an equivalent function will pop up for PS3 games on the PS4 due to the sheer complexity of the CELL and the level of engineering required to port the games over like this in large quantities, I'd love to see a similar approach to any "Classics" series the PS4 might enjoy in the future. Recognizing discs should be trivial enough, even if the drive just does a simple read of the raw header.
PSP owners in the west didn't really have much of a legal choice to own them digitally without double dipping so the best choice was just to hack the device as Sony didn't offer any support for us. It's also a damn shame about Sony charging for PS2 "Classics" when they could've done the same as Microsoft is now doing.

As good as the emulation on my PS3 60GB PAL is it wasn't able to play PS2 Demo discs but who cares? They're demo discs! :P
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
PSP owners in the west didn't really have much of a legal choice to own them digitally without double dipping so the best choice was just to hack the device as Sony didn't offer any support for us. It's also a damn shame about Sony charging for PS2 "Classics" when they could've done the same as Microsoft is now doing.

As good as the emulation on my PS3 60GB PAL is it wasn't able to play PS2 Demo discs but who cares? They're demo discs! :P
Correct. I was really disappointed by the fact that UMD Transfer was never launched in the west, it would've given the PSVita a lot of much-needed launch momentum since people would gladly transfer their PSP content over, even if not all games were supported. It should've been at the top of the priority list.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Let's return to the subject proper then. ;)

This whole "Xbox One Backwards Compatibility" jig is really interesting to me since the system isn't "backwards compatible" in any way nor is it capable of emulating its predecessor. Considering you're downloading stuff to even play the game, it sounds a lot like Virtual Console or PS2 Classics, but I have to say one thing - I'm very impressed by the ability to verify games by just putting them in the disc drive. It's something that I've wished to see on the PS3 since PS2 Classics became a "thing", especially since the PS3 launched with PS2 backwards compatibility of which it was later stripped. While I don't think an equivalent function will pop up for PS3 games on the PS4 due to the sheer complexity of the CELL and the level of engineering required to port the games over like this in large quantities, I'd love to see a similar approach to any "Classics" series the PS4 might enjoy in the future. Recognizing discs should be trivial enough, even if the drive just does a simple read of the raw header.
Yeah, they've been rather vague on the technical side of how it works. I decided that they probably have a wrapper they use to statically recompile 360 programs into Xbone programs (though I feel we probably had this discussion some months ago). I'd like to hear from their engineers, though, specifics on the technical details since that stuff is relevant to my interests. I do appreciate the use of the disc verification to not force you to re-purchase the game if you already have it.

Deleted User

In that case you go on ahead and stand in the misguided mob, for all you're praising is a bunch of Mario games. First-party is all fun and dandy, but you're missing out on the majority of top AAA games this generation, much like Wii owners missed out on the majority of games last generation. Want to know some "actual games" that are on the Xbox One? How about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Evolve, Titanfall, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Batman: Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X, Far Cy 4 or Destiny? Enjoy your first-party CPR, enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't last forever.
I would disagree with you, but Nintendo first party has been sucking this gen and most of last gen. Mario is a dry well, Fire Emblem and Pokémon are getting there and there is a lot of untapped potential for franchises Nintendo refuses to stop neglecting.
Also, I don't think Destiny, Titanfall and Evolve are worth mentioning since a lot of people were disappointed with them.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I would disagree with you, but Nintendo first party has been sucking this gen and most of last gen.
Also, I don't think Destiny, Titanfall and Evolve are worth mentioning since a lot of people were disappointed with them.
Everyone seems disappointed with every major release these days and yet they're going strong. If Destiny was a bad game, servers wouldn't be packed to this day. The same applies to the other two games. Bunch of complainers and crybabies, that's the problem. ;)
Yeah, they've been rather vague on the technical side of how it works. I decided that they probably have a wrapper they use to statically recompile 360 programs into Xbone programs (though I feel we probably had this discussion some months ago). I'd like to hear from their engineers, though, specifics on the technical details since that stuff is relevant to my interests. I do appreciate the use of the disc verification to not force you to re-purchase the game if you already have it.
As far as I know, and I don't claim to be an expert, the Xbox One is not equipped to read Xbox 360 discs, and as optimistic as dynamic recompilation or interpretation sounds, I don't think the hardware is capable of that either. From what I gathered so far I'm assuming that Microsoft just recompiles the games on their side, makes slight adjustments and throws them into the wild, akin to how CXBX is supposed to work - converting the executable into something the XBO can understand and scrapping/emulating what it can't.

Deleted User

Everyone seems disappointed with every major release these days and yet they're going strong. If Destiny was a bad game, servers wouldn't be packed to this day. The same applies to the other two games. Bunch of complainers and crybabies, that's the problem. ;)
Destiny seems to be a 50/50 split between people who like it and people who were disappointed I myself enjoyed the campaign and co-op missions but the multiplayer sucks. The folks at Halo Waypoint seem to like Titanfall but elsewhere I barely hear anything, never played it myself since I don't like the visuals, I'll keep waiting for MechAssault 3. I haven't heard any praise for Evolve since prerelease though, I played alpha and thought it was cool at first but grew bored and frustrated which seems to be the public consensus.

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