Yet again, Americans prove just how pathetic they are

Seriously. This kind of crap...really makes me want to just pack up and leave this country. Patriots can say whatever they want, but this country is garbage now. After 50 STILL will only ever boil down to racism. Some of those signs literally make me want to puke.

"If Brown can't stop it, then a Browning can"? What? What the hell is wrong with people like this?

"Impeach Obama." Not really the message that's stupid, but really. Putting Obama down to Hitler's level? Hitler was a good leader, and a genocidal one. Obama isn't as good of a leader as he could be, and I've yet to see him go after entire groups of people with the single intent of killing them.

"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad, but Marxism at least had some good points to it...

"Undocumented Worker" Can people use their brains please? At least he was born in the damn states. Unlike some other old fogey's we know...

"No Voo-Doo Medicine" And religious "medicine" isn't the same thing? Again, people. USE YOUR BRAIN.

"Bye Bye blahblahblah Hello Socialism" Isn't Canada socialist? They're doing far better then we are, last I checked... This country is so...afraid of everything that stands for something better...

"Please don't $pend my future" and "Kill the Bill, Save the Babies". Using the kids as essential billboards just makes me want to punt that woman. Please. Someone let me. Then again, yet another person wanting to take away someone elses choice.

"Kill the bill or face the November Slaughter" Planning a riot, are we? Wait until 2012, please. Seriously though. Are people this fucking stupid?

Sometimes I wonder just how this country got to be anything big at all...


[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687082' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:22 PM']"Bye Bye blahblahblah Hello Socialism" Isn't Canada socialist? They're doing far better then we are, last I checked... This country is so...afraid of everything that stands for something better...[/quote]
Actually, we have a Conservative government.
[quote name='Wikipedia']Conservative political parties have diverse views; they favor less or little change in relation to government and society, the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan, the Republican Party in the United States, the Conservative Party in Britain, the Liberal Party of Australia, and the Bharatiya Janata Party in India are all considered major conservative parties with varying positions.[/quote]

This is a Socialist government:
[quote name='Wikipedia']Socialists generally share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through a system of exploitation. This in turn creates an unequal society, that fails to provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential, and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.[/quote]

The US just likes to get deeper and deeper into debt. :P In my opinion, they're not very Conservative, but I digress.
[quote name='Law' post='2687161' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:58 PM']Maybe you should try looking up a definition of communism that isn't the American one.[/quote]

Enlighten me. I obviously can't trust my sources.
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687082' date='Mar 21 2010, 08:22 AM']"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad , but Marxism at least had some good points to it...[/quote]
How is communism bad right now? It's still great right now. I mean China's economy is growing faster then a rocket.

But anyway, those people are just a bunch of pailin supporters, just ignore them.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687157' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:57 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:46 AM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]
Look who's stupid. Communism has only lead to the party officials having all of a nations wealth and the reast of the people going hungry and waiting in long food lines for scraps. You can't name one time were communism has ever been successful for a nation. I can tell you that it's lead to famines that killed tens on millions the China and over six million starved in the Ukraine. Human rights trampled on freedom of speech banned. That is communism. The only place it can work is in your head or a fairy tale.

Just look if you dare.

Your stupidity grows. Reread my post. I never said communism has ever been successful. It hasn't. Which is why I said, good on paper, bad in execution. Human selfishness will break it any time. I even said, even if it has the potential, it can never REACH that potential. You moron. Learn to read, please.
South Carolina? Georgia? Well, there's your sign.

A lot of countries don't seem to realize that we hate the southern states even more than they do

Eventually I realized that politics here suck and there's no point bothering. The whole thing is on a pile of slippery shit on a steep slope. I suggest that you get out while you can.
As epic that video is, I agree with you there, the only way to win at politics is not to care.
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687169' date='Mar 21 2010, 03:02 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687157' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:57 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:46 AM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]
Look who's stupid. Communism has only lead to the party officials having all of a nations wealth and the reast of the people going hungry and waiting in long food lines for scraps. You can't name one time were communism has ever been successful for a nation. I can tell you that it's lead to famines that killed tens on millions the China and over six million starved in the Ukraine. Human rights trampled on freedom of speech banned. That is communism. The only place it can work is in your head or a fairy tale.

Just look if you dare.

Your stupidity grows. Reread my post. I never said communism has ever been successful. It hasn't. Which is why I said, good on paper, bad in execution. Human selfishness will break it any time. I even said, even if it has the potential, it can never REACH that potential. You moron. Learn to read, please.
Hey you're the one that gets their info spoon fed from propaganda without thinking. Moron, idiot. I've seen it up close all social programs do is create corruption and keep people poor. That is where the real crime is. People can't ever reach potential under those circumstances. Name one time it's ever worked. All the poor people that live around me are treated like dogs where the government keeps them in shitty housing and pays them not to work. Then if they get a job they get booted from the rolls so they never have the incentive to better themselves.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687188' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:09 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687169' date='Mar 21 2010, 03:02 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687157' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:57 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:46 AM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]
Look who's stupid. Communism has only lead to the party officials having all of a nations wealth and the reast of the people going hungry and waiting in long food lines for scraps. You can't name one time were communism has ever been successful for a nation. I can tell you that it's lead to famines that killed tens on millions the China and over six million starved in the Ukraine. Human rights trampled on freedom of speech banned. That is communism. The only place it can work is in your head or a fairy tale.

Just look if you dare.

Your stupidity grows. Reread my post. I never said communism has ever been successful. It hasn't. Which is why I said, good on paper, bad in execution. Human selfishness will break it any time. I even said, even if it has the potential, it can never REACH that potential. You moron. Learn to read, please.
Hey you're the one that gets their info spoon fed from propaganda without thinking. Moron, idiot. I've seen it up close all social programs do is create corruption and keep people poor. That is where the real crime is. People can't ever reach potential under those circumstances. Name one time it's ever worked. All the poor people that live around me are treated like dogs where the government keeps them in shitty housing and pays them not to work. Then if they get a job they get booted from the rolls so they never have the incentive to better themselves.

With the amount of utter crap you're spewing...I can't help but wonder if you're merely trolling me...
[quote name='Vidboy10' post='2687167' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:00 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687082' date='Mar 21 2010, 08:22 AM']"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad , but Marxism at least had some good points to it...[/quote]
How is communism bad right now? It's still great right now. I mean China's economy is growing faster then a rocket.

But anyway, those people are just a bunch of pailin supporters, just ignore them.
[/quote]I didn't know people still thought China was actually a communist country. Most of us know by now that they're pseudo-communist at best.
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687169' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:02 PM']Your stupidity grows. Reread my post. I never said communism has ever been successful. It hasn't. Which is why I said, good on paper, bad in execution. Human selfishness will break it any time. I even said, even if it has the potential, it can never REACH that potential. You moron. Learn to read, please.[/quote]Hey communism would be successful if we were all robots.
Meh politics sucks and I mean it SUCKS! Even though America condemns communism look at China as pointed out in vidboy's post. >.>

Is there any other countries doing bad as us?

So need to move out of the US.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687188' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:09 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687169' date='Mar 21 2010, 03:02 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687157' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:57 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:46 AM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]
Look who's stupid. Communism has only lead to the party officials having all of a nations wealth and the reast of the people going hungry and waiting in long food lines for scraps. You can't name one time were communism has ever been successful for a nation. I can tell you that it's lead to famines that killed tens on millions the China and over six million starved in the Ukraine. Human rights trampled on freedom of speech banned. That is communism. The only place it can work is in your head or a fairy tale.

Just look if you dare.

Your stupidity grows. Reread my post. I never said communism has ever been successful. It hasn't. Which is why I said, good on paper, bad in execution. Human selfishness will break it any time. I even said, even if it has the potential, it can never REACH that potential. You moron. Learn to read, please.
Hey you're the one that gets their info spoon fed from propaganda without thinking. Moron, idiot. I've seen it up close all social programs do is create corruption and keep people poor. That is where the real crime is. People can't ever reach potential under those circumstances. Name one time it's ever worked. All the poor people that live around me are treated like dogs where the government keeps them in shitty housing and pays them not to work. Then if they get a job they get booted from the rolls so they never have the incentive to better themselves.
u mad.
Again nothing to say. When I was growing up I was the victim of they so called benevolent public programs. We were thrown off welfare because my mom got a low paying job but that's the point isn't it. Keep people poor. Well things were hard but we made it without the government's helping hand. Now I have to get slammed with higher taxes for doing nothing but working harder this year than last. Why? So some politician can use my money to buy more votes. Great. Well we will see what happens come November. It's not going to be pretty.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687208' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:21 PM']Again nothing to say. When I was growing up I was the victim of they so called benevolent public programs. We were thrown off welfare because my mom got a low paying job but that's the point isn't it. Keep people poor. Well things were hard but we made it without the government's helping hand. Now I have to get slammed with higher taxes for doing nothing but working harder this year than last. Why? So some politician can use my money to buy more votes. Great. Well we will see what happens come November. It's not going to be pretty.[/quote]You should read Barbara Erhenreich's "Nickel and Dimed." She performs a sort of... experiment to see just how bad it was to simply survive in America.
[quote name='Golin' post='2687219' date='Mar 20 2010, 09:24 PM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687208' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:21 PM']Again nothing to say. When I was growing up I was the victim of they so called benevolent public programs. We were thrown off welfare because my mom got a low paying job but that's the point isn't it. Keep people poor. Well things were hard but we made it without the government's helping hand. Now I have to get slammed with higher taxes for doing nothing but working harder this year than last. Why? So some politician can use my money to buy more votes. Great. Well we will see what happens come November. It's not going to be pretty.[/quote]You should read Barbara Erhenreich's "Nickel and Dimed." She performs a sort of... experiment to see just how bad it was to simply survive in America.

Didn't she buy $40 jeans?

Honest work+ living reasonably = a hell of a lot better than any communist or socialist installment. I don't exactly see people leaving this country in droves, but a ton of people move here, so it can't be too hard.
[quote name='Llama Riot' post='2687231' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:30 PM']

Joe Biden > Sarah Palin

He tore here a new rectum in the VP debate.[/quote]
Not really. Sarah Palin can make herself look like a stupid MILF from Alaska on her own, usually.
[quote name='Danny Tanner' post='2687227' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:27 PM'][quote name='Golin' post='2687219' date='Mar 20 2010, 09:24 PM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687208' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:21 PM']Again nothing to say. When I was growing up I was the victim of they so called benevolent public programs. We were thrown off welfare because my mom got a low paying job but that's the point isn't it. Keep people poor. Well things were hard but we made it without the government's helping hand. Now I have to get slammed with higher taxes for doing nothing but working harder this year than last. Why? So some politician can use my money to buy more votes. Great. Well we will see what happens come November. It's not going to be pretty.[/quote]You should read Barbara Erhenreich's "Nickel and Dimed." She performs a sort of... experiment to see just how bad it was to simply survive in America.

Didn't she buy $40 jeans?

Honest work+ living reasonably = a hell of a lot better than any communist or socialist installment. I don't exactly see people leaving this country in droves, but a ton of people move here, so it can't be too hard.

There's no such thing as working honestly here anymore. You can get fired for ANYTHING. You can bribe people with ANYTHING. People will sell other people out, drop them to the bottom of the hell hole, just for a few more pennies in their pocket.

There's no such thing as living reasonably anymore either, at least not for most people. And before you say it's because they don't work hard enough, my grandparents both worked for 50+ years. One at a car factory, that had NO AIR. And one as a speedy semi-truck-driver. Know what happened? Both their works screwed them over. Royally. Now where are they? Then unemployment screws them over. Then social security and insurance screwed them over. You can't go 10 steps without getting screwed by someone.

And Advice Dog, she's not a MILF. She's fucking buttugly. No, she's an annoying soccermom who I want to punt. Badly.
You might not like Sarah Palin but the way I see it she doesn't want to spend ten trillion dollars in four years. She may very well share my values that people should reap the fruits of their own labor and not have to hand over their hard earned money to Obama's henchmen. The lame stream media hates Palin so she has to be pretty good.

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