Sony Rant

Sony, you are the epitome of total stupidity. I've put up with it until now, but when I saw this-
[quote name='Peter Molyneux']Nintendo might have felt the need to integrate Motion Plus technology into the Wii remote after the launch of PlayStation Move. Peter Molyneux certainly thinks that the two are in direct competition.[/quote]

Sure, you brought us Blu-Ray and...other things, but look at this.

£75 for the Move Controller and Wii Nunchuk Navigation controller. The worst launch titles in the world.


£19 for Wiimote and Nunchuk, free in certain packages. Great games.

This is direct plagiarism. Sure you've been copying Nintendo since 1889, but I think it's time someone did something about it. Nintendo should bash its family friendly image and pop the cork on its temper, and use Samus's shoulder pads to smash Sony's stupid shit into submission.

Typing 'Sony Copying Nintendo' onto google gives me 2,970,000 results, the first being 'Should Sony Copy 3DS tech'. Well, Sony, if you do that, I will personally buy a machete and slice up Kaz Hirai. Look at this.

[quote name='Digg']Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison says Sony had been thinking about a developing motion sensitive controller "since 1994" but was restricted by technology limitations.[/quote]

Yeah, Phil, and I've been thinking about flying cars since I was 5. The PlayStation Move shit looks exactly like a Wiimote and nunchuk, you bloody ballsack.

This should be their new advert.

Don't get me wrong, I've got a PS3, but I'm not gonna buy Move unless you synthesise it through the screen of my TV.


^ Nice Analog Sticks, Sony.

So here's my plenary. Sony, dust the dust off your creativity department and actually think of ideas. Take a leaf from Microsoft's book. Nintendo have Mario, Microsoft have Halo, and what do you have? Playstation Move-compatible Sports Champions, a direct copy of...Wii Sports Resort. C'mon Sony, a little bit of originality wouldn't hurt now, would it?



[quote name='Overlord Nadrian' post='3155932' date='Sep 25 2010, 04:35 PM']Dear kiafazool, nobody pays attention to what you posted because it isn't written in a good way. Constantly hitting the Return key when you're still in the middle of a sentence makes the text just as difficult to read as centering it (imagine doing both! :O) and thus many people will just ignore it and move on with their lives rather than waste precious time to read something they don't really care about anyway.

I just wasted precious time of my life typing this, too, but whatever.[/quote]
why wouldn't any one read it? just because im right and this rant just failed after i posted the video?
Apparently you couldn't be arsed to read my post, so I really wonder why I'm even here still...

The rant failed before it (the OP) was even posted. Your anti-rant also failed though, so no progress has really been made.

Think about what you post, or don't even bother posting here ever again. Ignorant people are ignored all the time.

YouTube will gladly accept you though.

[quote name='kiafazool' post='3156062' date='Sep 25 2010, 09:18 PM'][quote name='Overlord Nadrian' post='3155932' date='Sep 25 2010, 04:35 PM']Dear kiafazool, nobody pays attention to what you posted because it isn't written in a good way. Constantly hitting the Return key when you're still in the middle of a sentence makes the text just as difficult to read as centering it (imagine doing both! :O) and thus many people will just ignore it and move on with their lives rather than waste precious time to read something they don't really care about anyway.

I just wasted precious time of my life typing this, too, but whatever.[/quote]
why wouldn't any one read it? just because im right and this rant just failed after i posted the video?
I do believe there was something called the EYEDream for the Dreamcast. Was out before PS2. Thus meaning sony still steal Ideas. Also, I would say the EyeToy is more similar to the move. And look at the PS Move then the wii. Way too similar, clearly a copy. And saying your right is quite arrogant of you.
Yo smart one Atari had the first analog stick

No one points out that rumble is stolen by Microsoft as well

You say the wii has good games my response yeah right...

I liked my Wii but I sold it cause the games were horrible the homebrew was awesome but whats the point when there are no good games?

Everyone I know who has a wii thinks the games suck.

Stop with your fanboyism its retarded.

Oh and motion came out with the eye toy which came out during the ps2 days so it was a useless peripheral it was there and another thing is it really that bad that sports champions looks like wii sports that game was fun and everyone wants to capitalize on this family gaming type thing.
Wii has tons of good games.
Denying that is miles more ignorant then people saying PS3 has no good games.
Wii developers may spew out shit games like it's a contest, but there are good games among the sea of turds.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3156183' date='Sep 25 2010, 10:59 PM']Wii has tons of good games.
Denying that is miles more ignorant then people saying PS3 has no good games.
Wii developers may spew out shit games like it's a contest, but there are good games among the sea of turds.[/quote]
...i agree. Better than a load of games from 1889 with a motion control interface slapped onto them and rebranded as 'Playstation wiimote Move'



They sound really bad, to be honest.
This is the most pointless rant ever...comparing just launched hardware pricing (which you have wrong anyway....visit and you can get both controllers for £48. I can't remember what the Wiimotes and Nunchucks came to but i'd guess it was very comparable on launch.

Sony don't need a Mascot; why tie yourself down to a particular icon? If you need something to attach yourself to you're very, very fickle. Also so what if the controls look similar? Pads between systems follow the same basic template, why not the Move and the Wii which are essentially doing the same job.

You're just ranting for the sake of it.....if you don't like it, don't ever buy it; not now or when there's some triple A release that incorporates the Move effortlessly. Just don't whine about it.
[quote name='ThatDudeWithTheFood' post='3156146' date='Sep 25 2010, 09:46 PM']Yo smart one Atari had the first analog stick

No one points out that rumble is stolen by Microsoft as well

You say the wii has good games my response yeah right...

I liked my Wii but I sold it cause the games were horrible the homebrew was awesome but whats the point when there are no good games?

Everyone I know who has a wii thinks the games suck.

Stop with your fanboyism its retarded.

Oh and motion came out with the eye toy which came out during the ps2 days so it was a useless peripheral it was there and another thing is it really that bad that sports champions looks like wii sports that game was fun and everyone wants to capitalize on this family gaming type thing.[/quote]
Just because the Wii has a bunch of Shovelware, doesn't mean there's no good games. There are a ton of good games and I wouldn't even consider selling my wii.
[quote name='ThatDudeWithTheFood' post='3156146' date='Sep 25 2010, 05:46 PM']Yo smart one Atari had the first analog stick

No one points out that rumble is stolen by Microsoft as well

You say the wii has good games my response yeah right...

I liked my Wii but I sold it cause the games were horrible the homebrew was awesome but whats the point when there are no good games?

Everyone I know who has a wii thinks the games suck.

Stop with your fanboyism its retarded.

Oh and motion came out with the eye toy which came out during the ps2 days so it was a useless peripheral it was there and another thing is it really that bad that sports champions looks like wii sports that game was fun and everyone wants to capitalize on this family gaming type thing.[/quote]

You're good at ignoring facts, Nintendo had the first motion control periphials in the 80's. Nuff said. Doesn't matter if they sucked or if there weren't good games, right, they were there.
[quote name='BobTheJoeBob' post='3156231' date='Sep 25 2010, 06:15 PM'][quote name='ThatDudeWithTheFood' post='3156146' date='Sep 25 2010, 09:46 PM']Yo smart one Atari had the first analog stick

No one points out that rumble is stolen by Microsoft as well

You say the wii has good games my response yeah right...

I liked my Wii but I sold it cause the games were horrible the homebrew was awesome but whats the point when there are no good games?

Everyone I know who has a wii thinks the games suck.

Stop with your fanboyism its retarded.

Oh and motion came out with the eye toy which came out during the ps2 days so it was a useless peripheral it was there and another thing is it really that bad that sports champions looks like wii sports that game was fun and everyone wants to capitalize on this family gaming type thing.[/quote]
Just because the Wii has a bunch of Shovelware, doesn't mean there's no good games. There are a ton of good games and I wouldn't even consider selling my wii.

This. Also - what he meant about the PS3 was that there are no good Move games compared to "Motion Wii" games. That's not really fanboyism, I mean...eyepet is the best? really?

"Stop with your fanboyism its" annoying and blinding you. I changed the last part to something that A. makes sense and B. isn't insulting.
This is business, stop being so butt-hurt over it. Tell me what's being harmed by Sony doing this? Nothing. If anything we as gamers are benefitting over technology being more wide spread between different companies. Nintendo was the first to use an Analog stick? Big deal. Look at Ape Escape, great usage of it; not saying it's the best, but if Sony hadn't taken THE OBVIOUS NEXT STEP in controllers because someone else had done it before, would it be standard? I have a hard time imagining modern gaming if companies were too afraid of overly-enthusiastic flamboyant fans crying over videogame concepts being stolen from other companies, we might not have analog sticks on Xbox and Playstation controllers now. This is the real world, ideas are public domain, and because of the fact that companies are not allowed to Monopolize anymore, we see far more progress in technology.

The real question is, why are you so worked up about Videogame technology being stolen? You either play a videogame because you want to, or you don't, it's as simple as that, you should remember one of the basic rules of human courtesy, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean no one likes it, a direct criticism of something simply because you don't like it, is an act of trolling, what other could you gain from such a pointless argument? Yes, Sony stole concepts from Nintendo, yes it's pretty obvious, congrats. They're allowed to. OMG!!!! :O :O :O :O!!!!! You don't like it? Pointing out the obvious is unmistakably what you should do.

This may seem harsh, and I'm sorry. Your opinion is very valid, but it kind of goes without having to be said. This will only cause progress, if Sony hadn't threatened on Nintendo with it's Move, Nintendo may not have released the motion plus, not to mention Sony themselves may prove something new that Nintendo has not with the technology, and it will push Nintendo to do something else to differentiate themselves from the rest of the market. Yeah it's obviously stolen technology, but this is a good thing.
[quote name='Apex' post='3156413' date='Sep 25 2010, 06:30 PM']This is business, stop being so butt-hurt over it. Tell me what's being harmed by Sony doing this? Nothing. If anything we as gamers are benefitting over technology being more wide spread between different companies. Nintendo was the first to use an Analog stick? Big deal. Look at Ape Escape, great usage of it; not saying it's the best, but if Sony hadn't taken THE OBVIOUS NEXT STEP in controllers because someone else had done it before, would it be standard? I have a hard time imagining modern gaming if companies were too afraid of overly-enthusiastic flamboyant fans crying over videogame concepts being stolen from other companies, we might not have analog sticks on Xbox and Playstation controllers now. This is the real world, ideas are public domain, and because of the fact that companies are not allowed to Monopolize anymore, we see far more progress in technology.

The real question is, why are you so worked up about Videogame technology being stolen? You either play a videogame because you want to, or you don't, it's as simple as that, you should remember one of the basic rules of human courtesy, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean no one likes it, a direct criticism of something simply because you don't like it, is an act of trolling, what other could you gain from such a pointless argument? Yes, Sony stole concepts from Nintendo, yes it's pretty obvious, congrats. They're allowed to. OMG!!!! :O :O :O :O!!!!! You don't like it? Pointing out the obvious is unmistakably what you should do.

This may seem harsh, and I'm sorry. Your opinion is very valid, but it kind of goes without having to be said. This will only cause progress, if Sony hadn't threatened on Nintendo with it's Move, Nintendo may not have released the motion plus, not to mention Sony themselves may prove something new that Nintendo has not with the technology, and it will push Nintendo to do something else to differentiate themselves from the rest of the market. Yeah it's obviously stolen technology, but this is a good thing.[/quote]

You are right, and your post is very thoughtful and objective, but still you have to consider that :

- Putting an analog stick ( or 2 ) in the dual shock, was perhaps a ' natural ' evolving of the technology.
however the Move, is clearly, undeniable molded after the Wii remote , and with the ' navigator ' ( which is inferior to the nunchuck because it's not even motion sensitive ) it looks waay to much like the Nintendo Wii remote + nunchuck, just oo much to be ' coincidence ' or natural evolving.

- The Move sports games are clearly ' inspired ' by Wii Sports, nobody can deny it .

- The fricking promotional video for the Move, feels just like a bad imitation of the Wii would like to play ad, and you don't have to take my word for it, another user posted the two videos sides by sides for all of us to compare just a few posts above, it's just undeniable.

Now I might just don't care and forgive all of this if Sony was less arrogant and more honest about them appreciating Nintendo and maybe paying homage to them by releasing a somewhat ' improved ' controller, but they claim they have been working on it for years.......yeah, right, but they didn't have the balls to take a risk and release it to the public before Nintendo would actually take the big step first.


Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, sure, but as a man you should stand by it.
You've been saying that the Wii remote sucks and motion sensitive games are retarded, now you shoud stand by your idea and refuse to buy a Move or PS3 motion sensitive games.
If you buy motion sensitive games now, YOU suck , and you proved that you were bashing the Wii remote just because it was made by Nintendo and not Sony. It was only envy, and fanboyism.
Now people accuses me of being a Nintendo fanboy because I profoundly despise the Move and call it a rip off, well at least I'm honest and I admit it openly, and I still wouldn't get a Move.
You can ignore Sony's annoying, arrogant and hypocritical marketing department and their like minded irritating fanboys. Just pretend they don't exist.
[quote name='kiafazool' post='3155925' date='Sep 26 2010, 04:31 AM'][quote name='kiafazool' post='3155882' date='Sep 25 2010, 04:12 PM']this should stop your rant right now

look at this video
its from when the ps2 eyetoy came out
sony has been creating Move from way back when the eyetoy came out
the ps2 eyetoy came out before nintendo wii
so it clearly shows that it was sony's invention

did any one read my post?

you shouldn't be ranting on sony

What a pile of utter BS. Eyetoy was only ever a peripheral, it's use limited to this and that, while the wii had motion control for most of it's game, even the core ones, such as mario, zelda, metroid, etc. Did they ever make eyetoy usable for GOW? FF? Or in any core game where it's actually essential? Hell no. Sony never really thinks outside the box, and treated motion-control as a novelty, now nintendo beat them, their fanboys go on a tirade against "casual games" and then they blatantly rip off the idea, even the friggin design. So yeah, Sony deserves the beatings they get for plagiarism.
/me thinks
/me failed to think

Didn't Sony steal Atlus's attention too? :( (Persona series, Shin Megami Tensei, normal MegTen)
so, we got Wii360, we got WiiStation3, thousands of reporters want a Wii HD, yet no one realizes that Nintendo's developers is the thing that made Wii special, look at Galaxy/2, Zelda... `nuff said
and please don't resort to games such as "Let's Dance!", Sony and M$ got it too
[quote name='ThatDudeWithTheFood' post='3156146' date='Sep 25 2010, 10:46 PM']Yo smart one Atari had the first analog stick

No one points out that rumble is stolen by Microsoft as well

You say the wii has good games my response yeah right...

I liked my Wii but I sold it cause the games were horrible the homebrew was awesome but whats the point when there are no good games?

Everyone I know who has a wii thinks the games suck.

Stop with your fanboyism its retarded.

Oh and motion came out with the eye toy which came out during the ps2 days so it was a useless peripheral it was there and another thing is it really that bad that sports champions looks like wii sports that game was fun and everyone wants to capitalize on this family gaming type thing.[/quote]
im now personaly insulted by this post.....

im not a wii dickhead, i don't give a bloody shit just because you hate the wii launch titles.

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