Society today as we know it

I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this…. or not. I’m really not sure. I’ve been on this site for one and a half years now and this community has honestly surprised quite a bit and not in a negative way. We all come from different walks of life and have different opinions about everything. Despite that however, more times than not, I have seen people here have honest, genuine, and respectful conversations with one another. So that is why I feel okay talking about all of this.

I am going to cover a wide variety of social subjects in this blog. Not for my own gratification, but to genuinely know why people think the way they think. I may say some things that you may not agree with or maybe something that gets your blood boiling. So I ask this from everyone, please give me your opinions about the subjects I’ve discussed. I hold in high importance the value of discussion. With all that said, here we go.

[1] Liberalism and Conservatism

I felt it very important that I start with this topic because it’s the most broad and includes the most amount of people. Name calling is rampant between these two ideologies. But I’m not wanting to talk about what their ideologies, I’m wanting to talk about the people that identify with these groups. I identify as a conservative. Now put your pitch forks down and listen. I do not care if you are conservative or liberal. I don’t. What I do care about it is why you identify with that group. That is a vague statement so let me explain. We all come from different parts of the world and we all grew up differently. Some of us buy into what are parents raise us with while others may choose to go against their parent’s ideology. I think either is fine, but only if there is a solid reason as to why you believe the way you do. If you think that their should be free healthcare, that’s fine. I may disagree with you, but I will listen and respect your ideas if you are polite and want to discuss. I don’t know what else to say about this topic. It may not have been to focused on the actual subject. I’ll just move on.

[2] Words and Speech

The most valuable right that I think that people (should) have is the Freedom of Speech and Expression. I love this and I use it every day. I’m using it right now as I’m righting this. I hold this right in such high value that I will never tell someone to stop talking about anything. So how far can I take this freedom. That is one of the biggest questions right now. Not just in the US, but worldwide. Places today are trying to silence people’s words or ideologies; shaming people just for thinking a different way than them. Is this wrong? Should people not be allowed to say what they want? I think so. I have seen some very revolting things in my life that make me sick and angry. Some examples are the West Burro Baptist Church, KKK, and Communism as a whole. With communism, I’ve known ton’s of people who think it’s a good idea. Do I think they’re are retards? Yes. Would I want to have the belief banned? Absolutely not. To be honest, my argument for defending the speech of these groups may not be sufficient enough for y’all but I’ll try to explain the best I can. Government is a necessary evil. Taxes suck, but they are important for the foundation and stability of a country. While government is needed for many reasons, we as human beings are not owned by anyone but ourselves. While we do sacrifice many things to be a part of a society, I want to keep as much of that as possible. I think that people should be free to make their own decisions as far as the law allows and the law wants to take more and more away from people. By the people letting the government regulate what you say, the more they will try to take. Some may call that paranoia, but in 2017, I think its justified.

What about words? What about individual words that trigger people? Words like “retard,” “faggot,” “t******,” and so on? While these words may be offensive to some, I don’t think they should be banned. All these terms are derogatory in nature but do they actually hurt people? Possibly. Let me explain; I use the word retarded about every day. Despite this, I feel no remorse over the use of this word. Not because of its origins, but because I have no intensions to hurt anyone. I would never call a mentally handicapped person retarded. People that make fun of people who can’t control themselves are just garbage people. Words change meaning overtime. At some point, most just lose all meaning and any weight behind them. A friend of mine in college uses F-word about once or twice per sentence. There is no reason for it to be there, but it is there regardless. It has so meaning; it’s a filler. When I call something retarded, I’m not calling out a handicapped person, I’m expressing my thoughts through a word that is synonymous with dumb and stupid. A few people I knew in highschool would always tell me not to say “retarded” because its offensive. Why? Have I hurt anyone by saying it? Sure someone walking by me might hear it and get sad because maybe they were called that growing up, but even then, I wouldn’t stop saying it. People that know me very well understand that I’m not a mean person; I’m shy and respectful. People know that when I say that, it’s not directed at anyone. It’s a word, nothing else. I’m going to be honest, I hate swear words. I don’t think its language of a leader. Despite me feeling this way, if I would have had those feelings walking in to college, I would not have any friends. Words do not dictate people, their actions do. If someone says something that offends you, understand that that person comes from a different walk of life and maybe what you heard is not who that person actually is.

[3] Privilege

Gather around Tempers and let a cis, heterosexual, white, decent looking, Christian, middle class, American, Male talk to everyone about privilege. This is something I hate hearing. The whole concept of privilege seems based on the idea of shaming people over things they had or have no control over. I really don’t understand why people get up in arms about this stuff. The truth about privilege is that there will ALWAYS be someone better off than you are. That is just a fact. People feel like because of ‘x’ factor or ‘y’ reason, they feel they are oppressed by other people and they criticize entire groups of people based entirely off traits like the ones listed above. Some of this I understand, but not all of it. I understand that black people in America or statistically poorer than other groups of people. I understand why people hate Christians because of what they have seen from other “Christians.” I understand why people hate the middle and upper class because of their wealth. However, there are many reasons why these people are the way they are. “Someone is privileged because they are wealthy!!!” There are people who work their entire lives to accumulate wealth so that they can enjoy their life. Why should they be ashamed of working hard? “Someone is privileged because they are straight!!!” While we can disagree on whether being gay is a choice or not, being gay should not define someone. “Someone is privileged because they are American!!!” While America is the best place in the world to live, I did not choose to live here. Why should I be persecuted over something I had nothing to do with? The point I’m trying to get across is don’t hate people based on their life situation. We are all jealous of people better off than us. I would love to be a millionaire, who wouldn’t want to be? While some things like my skin color or where I was born can’t change, I have full control over my future. To nail my point in the coffin, let me share the story of the friend I mentioned above. ‘J’ was born in the slums of West-Memphis. Its one of the most dangerous places to live in the United states. He was raised without a father, grew up around gangs, and didn’t have a mom for a good portion of his younger life. He lived on is own for years without the help of parents. He had no one and nothing for a long time. He worked full time while still in highschool, not having a proper home to go to. He was blessed enough to have a older friend who he worked on cars with stay with him. As of today, he is attending with me a College University and seeking a degree in Electrical Engineering. ‘J’ had a horrible younger life. Despite this however, he was able to achieve great things because he did not let the environment he was in define who he is. He is a person wanting to live better, just like the rest of us.


I have more I would like to talk about, but I think I’ll stop it here for now and see what people think of this. It took me over an hour to write all of that and I’m getting kind of tired. Haha

Please tell me what you think about the things I talked about above. I would love to discuss these things with people. I value discussion more than most things.

Thanks for Reading!
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@TotalInsanity4 I disagree. I don't believe anyone gets a "head start" because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Or if they do, it's on such a small scale as to not be an issue. I contest that any "head start" is directly proportionate to family wealth. The wealthier the family, the better opportunities they can provide their children. Wealth and success, I contest, are so big a factor as to completely dwarf any other kind of "head start" possible.

Additionally, I believe Stephano and I are talking about the defeatist attitude that comes from the current discussion around "privilege." The current discussion has basically said, "Hey, you have privilege, APOLOGIZE. Hey, you don't have privilege, you will always be seen as inferior and oppressed under the shadow of this all-encompassing force." And to that, I call utter BS. That's the worst attitude to have. You're basically setting each and every person you tell that to up for failure. The entire discussion, as I see it, has been, "Hey, you're never gonna make it. Help us shame the privileged ones." It's that kind of attitude that pisses me off. If the current dogma around this is to be believed, my father must be the most unprivileged person on this planet. Born into high poverty, an immigrant, brown, yet... He's now an exec at a Fortune 500 company? And then what about me? I actually have a much greater "head start" than many, many other people, and that's 100% because of my family's prior wealth (read my first reply on this blog if you haven't). Not once have I been belittled or felt stifled by me being an Indian immigrant. Not once. Neither has my mom, or my brother, or any single one of my Asian friends in my home town or across the US. Actually, there's a certain stereotype in the local tech firms (Microsoft particularly) that we Asians have more aptitude for engineering than the local populace. I could even make the argument that I have a greater chance of landing a job at Microsoft than my white friend. See? I don't buy into the current discussion around "privilege" because my entire life has been completely antithetical to its entire premise.

To reiterate, I argue it's wealth that is the deciding factor in "privilege," not ethnicity, not sexual orientation, not gender, nothing else.
Criminal scum: I killed/raped/stole/assaulted, I am innocent because I say so!

American legal system: We know you did it! You're free to go!

Person smoking pot in a non legalized state: It's just a plant that shouldn't be illegal!

American legal system: A small amount of pot!? You get life in prison with no bail mister!

Gotta love the good ol USA.
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A big ass debate and I'm late. Damn the luck. I'll comment on a few things then move on.

Political parties are bullshit. Conservative and liberal don't mean the same thing as they used to. To say you are a part of any particular party is just saying you are a mindless sheep. To be on one side or the other in the US means you agree with half the other sheep on most every issue. It's a lazy way of being political. Every issue is different and requires thoughtful debate. I don't affiliate with either party. I probably lean more left on a lot of issues, but Conservatives have it right a lot of times too.

The only thing wrong with communism is the same thing that's wrong with any social construct, people. It doesn't matter if you live in a communist or capitalist society, there will always be greedy bastards that will manipulate the system and take advantage of others.

Freedom of speech is the most important tool we have, it should be valued over people's feelings everytime. As far as name calling. People need to get over it. Words like "retard" "faggot" and "t******", as you referenced, used to be the politically correct terms. Just like "the n-word". It doesn't matter what the political correct term is today, it will become a stereotype/insult as soon as someone is offended by it. Then theyll come up with another until it becomes offensive, then the cycle will continue. For the mentally ill we've gone through mongoloid, retard, idiot, psycho, moron, etc all being politically correct at one time until someone was offended. In some cases autistic is considered an offensive term, and that's a currently accepted term.

That's all I've got for now. Think for yourselves people. And stop being offended, it makes you weak.
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Not a debate @WeedZ , a discussion :teach:
I'm not trying to change anyone's feelings nor do I care what a person believes. Rather, I care about why a persons believes what they believe. I value true and honest discussion with civil people. :)

Aside from that, thank you for your input. I believe most here agree with you.
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I dislike society and people.
I'm a little gay boy that hates religion and politics.

If you're a good person to me, I'll be a good person in return, be a dick and I'll be a dick.
If a stranger gets stabbed to death in public, I'll be the one just stepping over you, not giving a shite.
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