I really don't want to die anymore.

It's hard to really put down in writing just what it means to longer feel a strong desire to die. No longer feel like you are willing to just accept death at any given moment. It's something that feels amazing deep down, it truly does and that can't be stressed enough. Waking up and feeling that drive to want to live, to want to move forward, and to just feel content in my life, is something I've wanted for quite some time now. I think it's something most people take for granted nor understand and that's fine, I wouldn't want someone to ever truly feel so suicidal that they are willing to die at any given moment to escape the suffering they are going through. This kind of deeply rooted pain is something I wouldn't wish on anyone and I do hope those who are dealing with it can recover from it. That being said, it's nice to be alive and enjoy my life again. I actually see a future for my life, as the plans are being laid out by Casey and myself. I am happy I was able to live through so much and now able to see how the choices I made were able to put me on a better path. This is why I am so deeply terrified of one major health issue that I've been avoiding and it's been a real problem, more so now than ever before. I have a super weak immune system and my health has always been extremely poor as a result. This isn't something I am saying for sympathetic reasons but because it's actually something that has me worried and I've literally been losing sleep over it...which is ironically the one thing I shouldn't be doing because that's super bad for my health. So I want to talk about this so maybe it will stop giving me so much anxiety and I can focus on something else.

So yeah, my immune system is super bad, like anime character standing the rain for 5 seconds and being hospitalized levels of bad. To put into perspective how bad my immune system is; I got the flu shot on October 22nd, 2019. I ended up getting the flu at the end of November and lasted well over a week and a half into December, this flu took over another week for the muscle, joint, and bone pain (especially in my legs,) to recover. About 3 weeks after that, I came down with what I could guess was a super nasty cold that made going about my life and my new job at Amazon quite horrible. That cold took 2 weeks to recover from and against a long period for the rest of my body to recover. Towards the end of February, I came down with the stomach flu that took nearly 2 weeks to recover from and before I even finished recovering, I came down with another flu a week into my new job. Now I am currently recovering from that flu, which has once again left the bones in my legs and arms feeling like I just walked from my hometown in North East to my current town in the Midwest. And I mean the actual bones in my body are what's hurting, the pain is so deep that it's just unpleasant, to say the least. Another example is the fact that I have a lot of scars all over my body and covering a lot of real estate on my arms. Pretty much every cut I get will end being a scar due to how slowly my body recovers from injuries. I tend to get infections super easily if I don't tend to my wounds and that has its fair share complications on my health. This has been my normal for most of my life and my entire adult life. I've just kind of accepted this because of a variety of reasons. I didn't have insurance and thus couldn't afford to do anything about it, no one took me seriously when I did bring up concerns about it, and after some years I just decided to accept it as a deep suicidal acceptance. I was able to successfully stay dead after my last suicide attempts, so I decided that I might as well let my weak immune system find something that could kill me. I just accepted my life was going to be cut short and there was nothing I could do about it and I wasn’t going to fight it if something did happen to me, so I didn't care about my obvious problems for the longest time. Until very recently when I realized I didn't want to die anymore and I wanted to take care of this issue or at least understand the cause of my weakened immune system, but now is the worst possible time to realize all of this.
What do I mean by the worst time? Well, simply put, I don't have the means to actually address my issues because I lack insurance. There's also kind of a global pandemic going on, which actually why I started worrying in the first place. There have been several confirmed cases in towns around my town and even a few possible cases already in my own town. I am literally working in a job that involves talking to and interacting with people all day and most days out of the week. This puts me at great unease as I know I don't have the immune system deal with this and my lungs aren't very good due to having asthma. I literally got the flu after only a few days of working with the public again and that scares me because I don't have the means of dealing with these kinds of setbacks. I don't have a proper diagnosis as to what has weakened my immune system, so I can't seak out any possible means of staying home and earning money during this pandemic. I can't afford to self-isolate, I can't afford the medical bills I already have nor the illness-related debt that has been accumulating. I simply can't afford to avoid getting sick because I neglected my own wellbeing for so many years. It terrifies me that I am finally putting my life together and finally have a bright future but now I am in a situation that has put me in so much unrest. Even though chances are high that if I did get sick, I will recover and bounce back, I literally can't afford that kind debt and I lack insurance as a means of covering any possible issues. That's terrifying to me, I finally want to live and now I am in a position that poses so many threats towards my overall wellbeing, it's almost some kind of cruel prank waiting to happen. Yeah, I am rather uneasy about this and kind of shook, not gonna lie. I want to stay positive but it's like, shit, I really picked a bad year to start getting my life together.

I know some people might see this as another person panicking, but that's not what I am doing. I know with the proper measures that it's unlikely for me to get COVID-19 and that there is still a high chance of me recovering if I did. But it's about being upset with my own self-negligence over so many years and now it's finally kicking me in the ass. A lot is my fault and something I could have prevented by simply talking to my doctor along time ago about this. A lot could have been done if I just communicated better with my girlfriend. She has some medical training and knowledge and was imminently able to narrow down that my immune system was weakened just by me actually describing what was going on. The anxiety I am dealing with could have been taken care of years ago when I had insurance and when I had the means of addressing this issue. Now, there isn't really anything I can do but wait for this all to settle down, wait for a confirmed vaccine, wait until my job gives me insurance, and avoid getting sick as best as possible. It's that waiting that is giving me so much anxiety at this point and knowing that every day I go to work I am putting myself at greater risks due to my past self not caring about my future. I just want to know what's wrong with my body and how to deal with it and move on with my life. This is a new kind of anxiety for me, a desire to live, something I am not used to. I am not used to worrying about getting sick nor worrying about possible repercussions to my actions. Now that I am suffering that kind of anxiety, it's a bit overwhelming for me at this moment and something that's kept me awake for far too long for several nights. Which on one hand, yay! I don't want to die! On the other hand, now I feel fear! Progress has been made, this is both a blessing and a curse.

I really don't know how to end this blog as it's something that is in the moment as opposed to weeks later. Things are changing and it's been for the better overall. I am happier with my life and I know once this has all blown over I will have insurance, which means seeing my doctor for all of this. I know there is a future and this is definitely not the worst series of events that I've lived through. But for the moment, I am feeling uneasy and wanted to express those uneasy thoughts to get them out of my head. That all being said, here's the Lilith picture! This one was drawn by @B_E_P_I_S_M_A_N
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Glad you are feeling happier

Apathy is a bitch, feeling suicidal is horrible - I have been there and I don't wish it on anyone

About your immune system, this virus is weird - some people believe having too robust of an immune response may be what is killing people. In a weird way you may be better suited to fight the virus. Also - women die less often, we dunno why but maybe your E pills will help too.

Stay safe bud
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Yeah, I understand. I've been there most of the time, if not all the time. That's why drawing is helping me, because it keeps me occupied + brings a lot of enjoyment + a lot of proudness when I see that I'm able to do JUST WITH MY IMAGINATION things that most people cant.
I too know how you're feeling. And trust me, it's not depression. It's anxiety + anger.

Anxiety because this whole situation puts you at risk. Anger because nothing of this is your fault, and yet you'll pay the consequencies no matter what.
And guess what? I'm there too!
Because I have a heart dissease that's incurable without a transplant (the fucker can't work fine sometimes and it's fucking growing)
Anxiety + Anger = depression.

Don't we have to deal so much with ourselves already? Why do we have to deal with what people has done because they're too stupid to have fucking self awareness, let alone common sense?
You see... I have dealt with my own situation expecting nothing from people. If I don't expect nothing I can't get anymore disappointed. That's the trick... you must not have expectations on no one because they'll still disappoint you either way, either it's your fault or not.

1.- Get occupied with something that you like to do. Me? Drawing and painting + learning.
2.- Don't expect not even a single thing from people. They always dissapoints.
3.- You don't have to suffer for your health condition. Picture me with a flu, I can't take fucking medicine because most of them gives me tachycardias + the fact that I'm allergic to most of the common medicines. So, if I can't cure a fucking flu imagine me getting a worse dissease. What I do is that I play safe and I outsmart most of the situations. I plan ahead, and I take precautions. Is annoying I know, but you just can't rely that much on everyone else's common sense.
4.- Get a distraction, learn something new. I've decided to start my Godot lessons once more. It's going to be difficult, but I'm such a nerd (and even more proud than Vegeta himself) that this new challenge or learning Godot is exiting me a lot.
5.- Don't get discouraged. Being depressed is no one's choice. Is not like I've asked to be depressed some times. Like yourself, I find very little joy in some things.
But I have always thought that I can't find joy in what's supposed to be joyful because I'm smarter.
Imagine being in a room with people and a dumb movie. Everyone laughs at stupid and cheap jokes but you don't. What does that means?
That you're depressed? Or that you're smarter to realize that things like that aren't even funny?
That's how I see things.

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can reach out for me dear human:
Oh! Also, if you're a guy, get some physical exercise. There's literally nothing better than seeing yourself getting bigger arms.
I trained a lot my back and my arms, which gave me a V shape in my body. Wide on the top with a small waist.
That brought the attention of the ladies
@x65943 "About your immune system, this virus is weird - some people believe having too robust of an immune response may be what is killing people. In a weird way you may be better suited to fight the virus. Also - women die less often, we dunno why but maybe your E pills will help too."

Seriously? Would an immune system with an effectiveness of almost never getting sick be considered "too robust?"

Asking on my dad's behalf.
About the whole Immune System weakened, you can take Vitamin B.
I too had my Immune System weakened some years ago (when we had rough times) and although Vitamin B tastes like a diaper with shit on it, it sure helped me a lot.
"No longer feel like you are willing to just accept death at any given moment."
I go with a slightly different philosophy ( https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/32...ble-death-should-be-performed-daily-every-day ), though the end result is still "make sure you hit the first time". Either way good that you are not going to throw it all away without reason.

Silent_Gunner said:
Seriously? Would an immune system with an effectiveness of almost never getting sick be considered "too robust?"

Asking on my dad's behalf.
There are some people that appear immune to things like the common cold so "too strong" is something you want to qualify. Most times someone mentions an immune system as being too strong people will go to serious allergies or the fun immune conditions where it attacks good stuff (like your joints, organs and whatnot).
That said yes. If you want a phrase to look up (always a dubious prospect if you are not already one that knows enough to know what goes around it but as this is largely hypothetical rather than symptoms from a forum post then eh) see cytokine storm. Such things are probably why the 1918 thing knocked out so many younger people (lab tests are a bit thin on the ground but stats and descriptions seem to match). Doing a search just now I did see an article mentioning it as a possibility of a sub group of those attacked by kung flu ( https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30628-0/fulltext , and for reference the lancet is a proper big boy journal among the most highly regarded out there) but that is a lesser group than the generally seen to be most hard hit (that being older, really young and immunocompromised).
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Yeah, this virus is still a mystery. Hopefully estrogen both in transgenders and cos females helps out in their regard. Although, I guess it's all just theory rather than blatant fact. But, only time will tell until we have a on paper symptoms, and solutions.
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Feeling suicidal is pretty terrible and something I was dealing with for well over a decade, so yeah, it's really nice to finally not want to die.
It's honestly less fear about what the virus could do to me and more fear about simply catching it because my body gets sick so easily and I am in a position where I am exposed to a lot of people. I am more terrified that my new job has now put me at risk and it scares me because I am just starting to get my life back together and now there's a massive problem I can't account for nor can I really plan around. Basically, I am worried about the fact that I picked such a bad time to start getting my act together and I am facing a new level of anxiety caused by the desire to live and move forward but now struggling due to extraordinary circumstances.
I honestly hope that both being on my meds and the fact that I am intersex does help me if something does happen. My sex is kind of a mess and I don't think there's really any means of properly understanding what a virus like this could do to me.
Solid advice and to be honest, I am taking steps to both prevent myself from getting sick and steps in case I do get sick. I do plan far enough ahead to ensure that the least amount of damaging approach is taken. That being said, I am not a man and getting stronk is really something I am interested in. I work out to keep in shape but not looking to beef up more than I need to. My girlfriend actually just bought me from Vitamin B pill while I was at work and we brought some Vitamin D infused OJ as well. We are trying everything we can to improve my immune system while we wait for a time when I can get some proper medical attention.
Interestingly enough, I do have more plans for when I die than I plan for what I am going to accomplish tomorrow. The difference now isn't much that I can't accept death or that I could die at any moment, it's that I actually now stop and look both ways before crossing the road. There was a point for years when I would actively put myself in harm's way because I didn't care if I died. That's something I've stopped doing and started avoiding those small ways to die. If I am going to die, I don't want it to be because of my self-abuse.
I do hope the estrogen in my system helps me out in this, even if it's just a means of surviving it something were to happen.
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't know burnt pizza can be pretty bad
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    gonna download sonic generations to my ps3
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    How do you put games on there? Does it have like a game store on the ps3?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Black market store
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, download a pkg file, put it in a usb or a sd card, put the usb or sd card to ps3, turn on ps3hen, go to install game, install the game
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ok yea that's same with me, was just curious. Coolio
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nighty night
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Lmao my keyboard decided to randomly die
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its prob your new router interfering w it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    How when my old one worked fine
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You figure out ring and all smart devices? And POE
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah but gave up on PPPoE
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    did you fix it ken?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Bob the builder
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Deeze nuts
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    $21 bill dropped

  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Wtf are you doing with that $20 cutting up meth
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Going to jail if he tries to spend it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Try to buy something with it
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Try to buy something with it