What single aspect of gaming bothers you the most

I am a complete gamer, by that I mean, I own an Nintendo DSiXL, I have a PS3 (even if I only own one game for it), I play PC games, and I own role gaming books, as well as board games like the board game version of Civilization.

I also own numerous wargames, but I think everyone already is aware of this.

I have seen a lot of gaming since the 70s eh.

Sometimes gaming simply makes you scratch you head though and wonder, WTF? Really I mean seriously, WTF?

I am hardly a commonplace gamer all the same. I have never played Zelda on anything, and MMOs look boring to me. But then again, I don't actually expect to meet any ASLers here, I don't even expect you to recognize the term :) Still there are always commonalities even with greatly differing interests. Some stuff is universal.

Advertising. It seems that so much of many of the games I like, exist off of almost NO advertising. It is no wonder my niche of a niche called wargaming suffers almost no new blood. None of you guys will have ever heard of the companies and the games that make them.

The recent release of Panzer Corps maybe, because it has ties to Panzer General, and that came out on console as well as PC back on the PS1 era.
But I don't really expect you guys to know the games I play mostly.

I am not a big fan of Steam, but I am also aware of how a lot of the negativity directed at Steam is often over hyped over stated and likely in some cases possibly even more biased BS than reality. It's not perfect, but it is also a lot of things you don't often hear about that are good (no one ever talks about the good stuff eh).
Steam has rescued some indie companies just by splashing their game front and center and pushed them with free advertising and essentially bailed out the company.

I have also heard a lot of justifications for avoiding Steam, that just sound like the person has not seriously done the math.
But everyone gets to determine how to sell their own property eh.
The thing is, a game sold via a non advertised web site, known only to a small as hell slice of humanity, simply can't expect to generate sales equal to a service that can generate massive sums of sales.
Yes I must confess, in the past, I likely was one of the detractors too.
But the mark of a smart person is they change when they get shown they might have been wrong on a viewpoint.

1 million sales at 5 bucks is simply going to massively out pace 10k sales at 40 bucks. It's simply math.
Saying it is your right to stick to your guns, and refuse to market through Steam is just silly.
If Steam took 4 of every 5 bucks (they wouldn't), that's still 1 million bucks from 1 million sales which is still a LOT more than 40k eh.
If you cut the numbers in half, 500k still represents a great deal more than 40k. And if you make the 40k into 400k it is still 100k short of a successful argument.

I am 50 shortly, and it irks me, that my wargaming hobby while not dying currently, also seems to have no realistic reason to presume it will outlive me.
I played early era board game wargames in the 70s and 80s. I was a late teen when I began and I have been with wargaming all along till now.
Today's greats of wargames on PC are made by people my age, played by people my age, and largely invisible to anyone NOT my age.
Sure I know where to find these games online, but do you?
Do you even know to look?
People rarely go investigating things they have no reason to believe exist.

When I turn 70, in 20 years, I will be completely fucking amazed to see the wargame hobby still breathing.
The companies that make the games, the publishers that publish the games, I don't see them still in business unless they turn to making something more mainstream instead.

We don't require fancy computers to run our dull looking only needs 90s era graphics looking wargames.
People often say when are you going to improve those archaic games? They fail to understand they look like they do, as that is how we want them to look. It's not accidental, it's deliberate.
They play fine the way they are.
They are just fine the way they are.
They could entertain anyone new to the hobby just fine, the way they are. Just the way they entertained me when I was 15.
When I was 15, I would likely have welcomed a PC option over a need to only be able to play it as a board game.
An alright option.
But there is NO effort to make any of YOU guys interested in any of it at all.

You COULD put any of my games on any of your machines easily.
It's already been done a few isolated times.
Remember I mentioned Panzer General. Panzer Corps would do just fine.
Just about all of my games could do just fine.
Commander Europe at War, on the Nintendo DS is really just a more complex game play version of Panzer Tactics.

But the hobby is just so utterly stuck in a rut sure that the old way is all that is required.

It drives me fucking craaaaaaaazy I tell you.


Cloud gaming and download only gaming, simply put it not everyone has fast internet heck, even with 3 and 4G, some rural areas in US often still need dial up or use unreliable satellite internet which is more expensive than 3 or 4G, and good luck using it on a cloudy or stormy day. I rather have a hard copy of the actual game and pay for the sexy dlc for the female characters because it's optional. Also, the prices for DLC for some games especially for the US, (Japan is getting worse as well) is ridiculous. When DLC for an outfit costs just as much or more than a PSN classic (PSN classics in Japan are $8-$15 US, although DLC can run close to the $30 mark at the worst), there's something wrong there. When you make a game that has DLC, make it free or make it cheap ($3 max).
Bothers me most?

People who always play FPS thinks of themselves as 'hardcore' and thinking those playing RPGs (especially pokemon) gay.
Noobs with attitude. Polish & Russian that cant speak english and think their good despite sucking to the point that we want to puke on them. Cocky people thinking they have skills, but ends up knowing it was just luck and gets completely screwed the next game. French people who speaks/write french thinking everyone one speaks their language and then starts QQing becasue we dont understand him/her.

The gaming world is harsh.

@Chris. Im hardcore(Or atleast plays alot for both fun and competitive) pokemon gamer and i dont think myself as gay :P Oh right... AlanJohn :wub:
[quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:29 PM']Bothers me most?

People who always play FPS thinks of themselves as 'hardcore' and thinking those playing RPGs (especially pokemon) gay.[/quote]Bothers me most?

People who always play RPG thinks of themselves as 'the better gamer' and thinking those playing FPSs (especially Call of Duty) douches.

People have different tastes and you cannot deny you've called Call of Duty shit before just because it's generic but guess what? Most RPGs are generic.
[quote name='prowler_' post='3884436' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:49 PM'][quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:29 PM']Bothers me most?

People who always play FPS thinks of themselves as 'hardcore' and thinking those playing RPGs (especially pokemon) gay.[/quote]Bothers me most?

People who always play RPG thinks of themselves as 'the better gamer' and thinking those playing FPSs (especially Call of Duty) douches.

People have different tastes and you cannot deny you've called Call of Duty shit before just because it's generic but guess what? Most RPGs are generic.


The fact that gaming literally eats hours away from my life!!!
The lack of games where you go into a first person perspective and shoot people in a war-like situation. Preferably over an internet connection where you play against total strangers.
[quote name='emigre' post='3884453' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:56 PM']The lack of games where you go into a first person perspective and shoot people in a war-like situation. Preferably over an internet connection where you play against total strangers.[/quote]
What bothers me the most is motion controls, any style just annoys me.
It wouldn't be so bad if it worked, but a most of the time it shits the bed and fails on you. Like with Silent Hill Shattered Memories when you are running from the creatures in the nightmare and one of them grab you, so you try to push them off, but all your charactor does is twitch. The annoying part is, the controls just worked earlier!
[quote name='DarkStriker' post='3884455' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:00 PM'][quote name='emigre' post='3884453' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:56 PM']The lack of games where you go into a first person perspective and shoot people in a war-like situation. Preferably over an internet connection where you play against total strangers.[/quote]

Hopefully, the casual dominance of RPGs and platformers really marginalises FPS which in turn marginalises the hardcore mature gamer such as myself. I'm a hardcore mature gamer so give me my damn hardcore mature games.
Bothers me most?

Probably the fact that most people are not nostalgic for older games. I love playing with SNES games, and even older games. I collect and play them, but most people see the newer systems as a good way to spend time. There is nothing like Earthbound, Smash TV, Super Punch-Out and Samurai Shodown on newer consoles. (Well, maybe Punch-Out and Shodown, but...I digress.)

Oh, and the bitching that people do over graphics! Graphics are not the fucking be all, end all thing. All of my friends complain about how Skyward Sword is cell-shaded, not the hyper realistic versions. I, for one, can't imagine a hyper realistic Link. Do we want a "live-action" type Link? I don't. It would just be creepy!

I also design dungeons for old school tabletop games. (I'm looking for a simple way to do it, but most systems are entirely too complicated.) I've been thinking of designing a simple RPG in which STRENGTH, MIND, and SOCIAL are the main characteristics, and the character only uses those abiities to figure out if they win a battle or a social thing or not. My complaint about tabletop games is that I love them, and not too many people do play in my area. It's also mostly a boys club, and if I join a game, my character is usually the "token" female.

Also, from the same vein, designing dungeons or encounters that are unique is nigh impossible! The most unique game I've played is a survival horror thing that my friend ran. It involved vampires and we started play as humans, and ended up chasing other's human characters. It was interesting, and a very nice gameplay mechanic. (He kept the surprise literally randomizing it by a shuffle of cards. The person with a marked card got a bonus in terms of physical strength and a X number of turns to chase down another human character. The "caught" character would then be given a marked card as well, while the others got bonus cards in terms of weapons/items to use.) It was actually interesting, and once the vampires ended up banding with the free humans to kill the head vampire.
[quote name='prowler_' post='3884436' date='Sep 13 2011, 04:49 PM'][quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:29 PM']Bothers me most?[/quote]
People have different tastes and you cannot deny you've called Call of Duty shit before just because it's generic but guess what? Most RPGs are generic.
Call Of Duty sucks balls, the real FPS games that are great are Battlefield and Half-life + Portal series.
Yes, 'nostalgic games' also bother.

@Prowler: Ya i was wrong on that, perhaps it's because all my friends are CoD, halo and other FPS freaks who always disturb others who don't play em. :sleep:
The fact that the big the console makers refuse to adapt to open source development. This is a big reason innovation is stifled on these platforms compared to iOS/Android market. As someone who is interested in game programming and is a fan of console gaming, this is especially frustrating.

Unfortunately, the average gamer is oblivious of this and doesn't care. :sad:
Ontopic lol,

The type of games that bother me are musicals, wut's with just mashing buttons on time -.-, singing etc
What bothers me about gaming? A lot of things. Here's a short list.

1) Halo/CoD freaks. Fanboyism is always annoying but these people are generally those who just bought into the hype train and honestly believe that they're the best games ever. Halo 3 was billed as the biggest game launch of all time. It was the biggest disappointment I've encountered since losing my virginity. I can forgive people who are rabid fanboys defending games they've played to death and love to bits. Their rabid fanboyism is at least based on opinion. Halo and CoD freaks piss me off because they're the mindless sheep that give the whole industry a bad name.

2) Jack Thompson-ism. The idea that games cause violent behavious is bollocks. If anything they stop more than they cause. Take me for a prime example. If not for the stress relief granted to me by firing up my 3DS and taking my Arwing out for a spin on Starfox 64, blasting hundreds of ships into powder, I'd have certainly flipped and punched out a friend of mine the other day.

3) World of Warcraft addiction. The reason I nearly punched said friend. When I speak of news, it's something newsworthy, like having a great interview for a new job, or having paperwork processed so I'm one step closer to getting my big tax rebate. I don't brag about getting to level 40 on WoW. It's not worth talking about. What he's basically saying to my ears is 'look how much of my life I wasted'. He ignores his own child to play WoW. That's just pathetic. There's nothing wrong with escapism, but you're meant to come back to reality eventually to deal with your problems. Not ignore the entire world in favour of upping your mining stat, like it actually means anything. Unless your computer makes you orgasm so hard you can't see for an hour never mind walk every time you get a level up, I fail to see the appeal.

4) Xbox Live abuse. I'm sick of being called a [censored] or other such ridiculous abuse because I know how to play CoD. I'm tired of douchebag 12 year olds telling me I may as well quit now because when it comes to CoD, they are the new Jesus, then totally sucking balls at the game, standing out in the open letting me tomahawk them in the nuts then bitching because they died. I'm tired of the necessity of the mute button. If you can't act like a civil human being, stay away from those that can.

5) DLC that's already on the disk. Tantamount to theft in my opinion. When I buy a game, I own that disk and therefore everything contained on it. Why the FUCK should I then have to pay extra to unlock content which I've already paid for? DLC that's a genuine after-thought and adds to the game like the Mass Effect 2 DLC's or the Oblivion Shivering Isles expansion is fair game. Charging me for the right to use what's already mine is just disgusting and should be outlawed.
Probably how they're still not globally accepted as a form of culture.

Also, people who can't stop playing their MMOs. I mean, it's okay if you play the game but once you are almost 24/7 playing you need some help.
Elitism and Entitlement

"CoD sucks! It's so repetitive and unrealistic!"

"RPGs are long, tedious, boring, recycled, and gay!"

Guess what everybody? ALL games are repetitive and/or recycled. ALL games are unrealistic (if they were real they wouldn't be called games...they'd be called LIFE). I'd like for someone to name 1 completely original idea from a game within the last 15 years.

It's just not enough to enjoy a game anymore. You have to enjoy playing the games everyone else does or you get to hear how wrong you are and how much your games suck.

And then on top of it...gamers feel that developers owe them something more than what is being provided. I remember paying $50 for Super Mario 3 and that game takes like 30 minutes to complete. Now devs are chastised for 6-10 hour campaigns (ignoring the unlimited gameplay available in multiplayer), DLC content and prices, etc...

"Games are so expensive...they need to make it worth the purchase." Well, think about the gamers 20 years ago who had to save a lot longer (inflation) to buy a game that would last them 1/4 the time of the games today.

Nothing is ever enough anymore.
[quote name='SamAsh07' post='3884469' date='Sep 13 2011, 02:13 PM'][quote name='prowler_' post='3884436' date='Sep 13 2011, 04:49 PM'][quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:29 PM']Bothers me most?[/quote]
People have different tastes and you cannot deny you've called Call of Duty shit before just because it's generic but guess what? Most RPGs are generic.
[/quote]Call Of Duty sucks balls, the real FPS games that are great are Battlefield and Half-life + Portal series.[/quote]>Half Life
Puzzle game, over rated and shit.

I wasn't defending Call of Duty, I was defending people who have different tastes. Just because you like FPS doesn't mean RPGs suck and vice versa.
[quote name='prowler_' post='3884568' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:53 AM'][quote name='SamAsh07' post='3884469' date='Sep 13 2011, 02:13 PM'][quote name='prowler_' post='3884436' date='Sep 13 2011, 04:49 PM'][quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:29 PM']Bothers me most?[/quote]
People have different tastes and you cannot deny you've called Call of Duty shit before just because it's generic but guess what? Most RPGs are generic.
[/quote]Call Of Duty sucks balls, the real FPS games that are great are Battlefield and Half-life + Portal series.[/quote]>Half Life
Puzzle game, over rated and shit.

I wasn't defending Call of Duty, I was defending people who have different tastes. Just because you like FPS doesn't mean RPGs suck and vice versa.

Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. A man among children.

People have different tastes. So very tired of these kids bashing each other for having different taste in games.
i hate people who cuss genres because they dont like them also hate the fact nowadays single player gets no love in games and i hate when games try and copy cod

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