What single aspect of gaming bothers you the most

I am a complete gamer, by that I mean, I own an Nintendo DSiXL, I have a PS3 (even if I only own one game for it), I play PC games, and I own role gaming books, as well as board games like the board game version of Civilization.

I also own numerous wargames, but I think everyone already is aware of this.

I have seen a lot of gaming since the 70s eh.

Sometimes gaming simply makes you scratch you head though and wonder, WTF? Really I mean seriously, WTF?

I am hardly a commonplace gamer all the same. I have never played Zelda on anything, and MMOs look boring to me. But then again, I don't actually expect to meet any ASLers here, I don't even expect you to recognize the term :) Still there are always commonalities even with greatly differing interests. Some stuff is universal.

Advertising. It seems that so much of many of the games I like, exist off of almost NO advertising. It is no wonder my niche of a niche called wargaming suffers almost no new blood. None of you guys will have ever heard of the companies and the games that make them.

The recent release of Panzer Corps maybe, because it has ties to Panzer General, and that came out on console as well as PC back on the PS1 era.
But I don't really expect you guys to know the games I play mostly.

I am not a big fan of Steam, but I am also aware of how a lot of the negativity directed at Steam is often over hyped over stated and likely in some cases possibly even more biased BS than reality. It's not perfect, but it is also a lot of things you don't often hear about that are good (no one ever talks about the good stuff eh).
Steam has rescued some indie companies just by splashing their game front and center and pushed them with free advertising and essentially bailed out the company.

I have also heard a lot of justifications for avoiding Steam, that just sound like the person has not seriously done the math.
But everyone gets to determine how to sell their own property eh.
The thing is, a game sold via a non advertised web site, known only to a small as hell slice of humanity, simply can't expect to generate sales equal to a service that can generate massive sums of sales.
Yes I must confess, in the past, I likely was one of the detractors too.
But the mark of a smart person is they change when they get shown they might have been wrong on a viewpoint.

1 million sales at 5 bucks is simply going to massively out pace 10k sales at 40 bucks. It's simply math.
Saying it is your right to stick to your guns, and refuse to market through Steam is just silly.
If Steam took 4 of every 5 bucks (they wouldn't), that's still 1 million bucks from 1 million sales which is still a LOT more than 40k eh.
If you cut the numbers in half, 500k still represents a great deal more than 40k. And if you make the 40k into 400k it is still 100k short of a successful argument.

I am 50 shortly, and it irks me, that my wargaming hobby while not dying currently, also seems to have no realistic reason to presume it will outlive me.
I played early era board game wargames in the 70s and 80s. I was a late teen when I began and I have been with wargaming all along till now.
Today's greats of wargames on PC are made by people my age, played by people my age, and largely invisible to anyone NOT my age.
Sure I know where to find these games online, but do you?
Do you even know to look?
People rarely go investigating things they have no reason to believe exist.

When I turn 70, in 20 years, I will be completely fucking amazed to see the wargame hobby still breathing.
The companies that make the games, the publishers that publish the games, I don't see them still in business unless they turn to making something more mainstream instead.

We don't require fancy computers to run our dull looking only needs 90s era graphics looking wargames.
People often say when are you going to improve those archaic games? They fail to understand they look like they do, as that is how we want them to look. It's not accidental, it's deliberate.
They play fine the way they are.
They are just fine the way they are.
They could entertain anyone new to the hobby just fine, the way they are. Just the way they entertained me when I was 15.
When I was 15, I would likely have welcomed a PC option over a need to only be able to play it as a board game.
An alright option.
But there is NO effort to make any of YOU guys interested in any of it at all.

You COULD put any of my games on any of your machines easily.
It's already been done a few isolated times.
Remember I mentioned Panzer General. Panzer Corps would do just fine.
Just about all of my games could do just fine.
Commander Europe at War, on the Nintendo DS is really just a more complex game play version of Panzer Tactics.

But the hobby is just so utterly stuck in a rut sure that the old way is all that is required.

It drives me fucking craaaaaaaazy I tell you.


ive been playing since 89 beginning on the nes.... and i have never ever never ever liked any story line in any game... i just want to play not sit and hear the gay story behind why i cant push buttons yet.... impatient maybe but i play games to interact with the graphics on screen not read... if i want to read i will read witch i do.. i just dont want to do it in vid games...
Agreed. Single player is almost a dead genre. What happened to games that have a focus on single player instead of causing the player to need to find other people for one aspect of the game. Also - user-generated content. Most people cannot design a level to save their lives, and making sure that your game can do that is not the best way to sell it!

However, I do love games that encourage player cooperation - eg. Turtles in Time, Contra and the like.
The fact that, since most titles these days are multiplatform, most games are designed for consoles and then lazily ported to the PC.

And in a similar vein, games that can't be played on consoles are usually skipped in favor of multiplatform titles.
[quote name='Demonstryde' post='3884605' date='Sep 13 2011, 12:22 PM']ive been playing since 89 beginning on the nes.... and i have never ever never ever liked any story line in any game... i just want to play not sit and hear the gay story behind why i cant push buttons yet.... impatient maybe but i play games to interact with the graphics on screen not read... if i want to read i will read witch i do.. i just dont want to do it in vid games...[/quote]
heh, that totally reminds me of my father, whenever there is a cutscene or long dialog he either skips it or takes a nap, he grew up on the coleco

for me it's the lack of cross-platform play and the fact that if my friend has an xbox and i have a ps3, we can't play together
That I can't play a popular game on the 360 or PS3 without meeting a Brogamer or 12 year old.

Not really knocking the games themselves, just the crowd they attract.
You know what, fuck y'all and your "OH MAN SINGLE PLAYER IS THE BEST". Get some friends and play a game for once.

I'm sick of games not having enough lasting appeal. I buy a game for what, $50, $60, and I get like 10 hours out of it? I want a game to last what it's worth. Yes, a good multiplayer is part of it.

The gaming world is evolving where everyone can be connected to each other and with that connection comes playing with each other. I think whining that games are having multiplayer is just being ignorant to the natural evolution of gaming. People complain about CoD coming out with a short single player but what some consider an endlessly fun multiplayer but honestly, I'd rather have that over a couple hour hopper and bopper that just sits on my shelf after my first playthrough.

[quote name='Demonstryde' post='3884605' date='Sep 13 2011, 06:22 PM']ive been playing since 89 beginning on the nes.... and i have never ever never ever liked any story line in any game... i just want to play not sit and hear the gay story behind why i cant push buttons yet.... impatient maybe but i play games to interact with the graphics on screen not read... if i want to read i will read witch i do.. i just dont want to do it in vid games...[/quote]

Play Mass Effect, problem solved.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3884949' date='Sep 13 2011, 04:50 PM']The gaming world is evolving where everyone can be connected to each other and with that connection comes playing with each other. I think whining that games are having multiplayer is just being ignorant to the natural evolution of gaming. People complain about CoD coming out with a short single player but what some consider an endlessly fun multiplayer but honestly, I'd rather have that a couple hour hopper and bopper that just sits on my shelf after my first playthrough.[/quote]
I don't see how that's ignorant. Multiplayer has always been around, and because of that the only way it's really "evolved" is by going online, nothing to turn someone away (well, except for the reason I said, but there are games where those guys almost don't exist).

Besides, I've always found SP to be more fun and MP to be a side thing to add to its longevity. The only time when I really care about Online Multiplayer is when its for games where the Singleplayer is the Multiplayer or when there's a game where the gameplay is mostly geared toward MP like Monster Hunter or Left 4 Dead, these are basically Multiplayer games, anyway. In those cases it's basically as fun or more fun than SP.

However, games that have a Singleplayer with a story that's completely separate from their MP but put most of their focus on Multiplayer don't interest me, that's where CoD comes in. That's a major reason why I don't like it. Well, that and I don't really care for multiplayer in shooters, they just bore me. However I remember CoD 1-3, those were some good games. 4, too.
[quote name='machomuu' post='3884968' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:00 PM']However, games that have a Singleplayer with a story that's completely separate from their MP but put most of their focus on Multiplayer don't interest me, that's where CoD comes in. That's a major reason why I don't like it. Well, that and I don't really care for multiplayer in shooters, they just bore me. However I remember CoD 1-3, those were some good games. 4, too.[/quote]

So games that have a single player and a multiplayer are worse than games that have them being one and the same? That just seems kinda silly. You're getting a single and multiplayer experience instead of them just going "Eh, just let them have an extra player in singleplayer".
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3884979' date='Sep 13 2011, 05:08 PM'][quote name='machomuu' post='3884968' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:00 PM']However, games that have a Singleplayer with a story that's completely separate from their MP but put most of their focus on Multiplayer don't interest me, that's where CoD comes in. That's a major reason why I don't like it. Well, that and I don't really care for multiplayer in shooters, they just bore me. However I remember CoD 1-3, those were some good games. 4, too.[/quote]

So games that have a single player and a multiplayer are worse than games that have them being one and the same? That just seems kinda silly. You're getting a single and multiplayer experience instead of them just going "Eh, just let them have an extra player in singleplayer".
I never said that, they can be just as good, but I never considered multiplayer part of the main experience, and unless the game is completely multiplayer based, or the game is basically a multiplayer game with Singleplayer tacked in for those who don't feel like dealing with other people, don't have wifi, etc. then there's almost no way I'd buy a game simply for its multiplayer.

Though one could make the argument that CoD is the latter, but I was almost literally talking about Monster Hunter and Left 4 Dead for the latter.
[quote name='machomuu' post='3884986' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:12 PM']I never said that, they can be just as good, but I never considered multiplayer part of the main experience, and unless the game is completely multiplayer based, or the game is basically a multiplayer game with Singleplayer tacked in for those who don't feel like dealing with other people, don't have wifi, etc. then there's almost no way I'd buy a game simply for its multiplayer.

Though one could make the argument that CoD is the latter, but I was almost literally talking about Monster Hunter and Left 4 Dead for the latter.[/quote]

I just think that's dated thinking now that multiplayer is able to be explored in such depth. Back in the day it was kinda an "add-on" because it wasn't reliable. It's not like gamers have friends, let alone friends who would go over to their house or visa versa and cramp next to each other on a couch to play a game. Nowadays it's able to be played online without a single hindrance, with voice chat, worldwide leaderboards, stat tracking, all the trimmings. It's just as much (if not more) of an important aspect as single player.
I'd rather play co-op than any sort of deathmatch or competitive multiplayer. I have a job, a family, and a home to take care of. I don't have 4 hours a day to devote to a game in order to become "good" enough to survive online for more than 2 minutes. All I played CoD:BlOps for was the combat training with my wife. Once I realized that I would essentially be paying $120 to get all of the content for a game I barely played, it was time to move on.

Borderlands, Dead Island, Street Fighter II, III, and IV are my favorite games at the moment because of the ability to drop in and out while still feeling like something is being accomplished in the small amount of time I get to play them.

As far as "multiplayer is the present and future of gaming", that is very sad for a grown man to hear. Believe it or not kids, once you and your friends have grown-up problems and grown-up responsibilities you'll find there's no time or need to participate in "the present and future of gaming"...
The fact that it's the fucking scapegoat for everything.

Violence? Over-eroticism? Addiction? People becoming retards?

They blame it on video games. The same bastards who take away part of the money you work for, proceed to fuck the world ten times over and live like they gods of all creation. Video games are just one of their many scapegoats.

Seriously, a gamer-gamer disagreement may never end [I still think Sony's just a tech-whore], but at the end of the day, gamers are gamers. These guys don't deserve an opinion.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3884988' date='Sep 13 2011, 05:15 PM'][quote name='machomuu' post='3884986' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:12 PM']I never said that, they can be just as good, but I never considered multiplayer part of the main experience, and unless the game is completely multiplayer based, or the game is basically a multiplayer game with Singleplayer tacked in for those who don't feel like dealing with other people, don't have wifi, etc. then there's almost no way I'd buy a game simply for its multiplayer.

Though one could make the argument that CoD is the latter, but I was almost literally talking about Monster Hunter and Left 4 Dead for the latter.[/quote]

I just think that's dated thinking now that multiplayer is able to be explored in such depth. Back in the day it was kinda an "add-on" because it wasn't reliable. It's not like gamers have friends, let alone friends who would go over to their house or visa versa and cramp next to each other on a couch to play a game. Nowadays it's able to be played online without a single hindrance, with voice chat, worldwide leaderboards, stat tracking, all the trimmings. It's just as much (if not more) of an important aspect as single player.
I guess it can be, it's just not personally something I make a big deal about in most games. Partially because of the people, but that's a small part, as in the games I play I can get around them. If there is no Online Multiplayer in most cases it won't bother me (such as Star Fox 64 3D), but if its there I might use it (How much varies).

I guess it all boils down to opinion (which wasn't really the debate) and hopefully in time my opinion will change.
[quote name='riposte' post='3884992' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:22 PM']I'd rather play co-op than any sort of deathmatch or competitive multiplayer. I have a job, a family, and a home to take care of. I don't have 4 hours a day to devote to a game in order to become "good" enough to survive online for more than 2 minutes. All I played CoD:BlOps for was the combat training with my wife. Once I realized that I would essentially be paying $120 to get all of the content for a game I barely played, it was time to move on.

Borderlands, Dead Island, Street Fighter II, III, and IV are my favorite games at the moment because of the ability to drop in and out while still feeling like something is being accomplished in the small amount of time I get to play them.

As far as "multiplayer is the present and future of gaming", that is very sad for a grown man to hear. Believe it or not kids, once you and your friends have grown-up problems and grown-up responsibilities you'll find there's no time or need to participate in "the present and future of gaming"...[/quote]

Honestly, not all online multiplayer games are like that. There's nothing wrong with being bad at a game but having fun with it. Unless you're completely terrible at games in the first person, you don't need to be some guru to have fun with it.

And if you play more, no matter how much you play a day, you'll probably get better at it. It doesn't have to be 4 hours a day.
[quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:29 PM']Bothers me most?

People who always play FPS thinks of themselves as 'hardcore' and thinking those playing RPGs (especially pokemon) gay.[/quote]
i play almost all the game genres(ecept soccer games)
and i absolutely love rpgs and arpgs
i adore the good Jrpgs (square enix games, xenoblade, phantasy stars and kingdom hearts :wub: , pokemon and say whatever you want about me)
i play fps/tps like (ff7 DoC, metroid primes, the 3rd birthday, some call of duties)
i play action adventues(zelda etc)
does that mean i'm hardcore?
somebody is defined hardcore, casual etc. not by the genre of the game he plays, but exactly what games he plays, how much he does game, how skilled he is and not because he plays a call of duty and suck at many other things(i know people who always play on the easiest mode or never finish a fucking game)
i undestand when you say something who plays shovelware is a casual gamers but it's not all about genre, it's about the gamer himself

[quote name='DarkStriker' post='3884412' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:35 PM']Noobs with attitude. Polish & Russian that cant speak english and think their good despite sucking to the point that we want to puke on them. Cocky people thinking they have skills, but ends up knowing it was just luck and gets completely screwed the next game. French people who speaks/write french thinking everyone one speaks their language and then starts QQing becasue we dont understand him/her.

The gaming world is harsh.

@Chris. Im hardcore(Or atleast plays alot for both fun and competitive) pokemon gamer and i dont think myself as gay :P Oh right... AlanJohn :wub:
(no offense to any french non trolls here)[/quote]
i know how you feel
and about french people, i can speak french pretty well and they tick me off when they troll other, some of them have a bad attitude even between themselves and can be really feeding up

[quote name='prowler_' post='3884436' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:49 PM'][quote name='chris888222' post='3884405' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:29 PM']Bothers me most?

People who always play FPS thinks of themselves as 'hardcore' and thinking those playing RPGs (especially pokemon) gay.[/quote]Bothers me most?

People who always play RPG thinks of themselves as 'the better gamer' and thinking those playing FPSs (especially Call of Duty) douches.

People have different tastes and you cannot deny you've called Call of Duty shit before just because it's generic but guess what? Most RPGs are generic.
you are a sage, it's true that fps whores (many of them only play fps and sport games only, and mostly fps) think they are hardcore but when rpg fans hear that they think they are better and all
but there are many innovative out there, the super generic one tick me off more than a cod
[quote name='aminemaster' post='3885003' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:29 PM']you are a sage, it's true that fps whores (many of them only play fps and sport games only, and mostly fps) think they are hardcore but when rpg fans hear that they think they are better and all
but there are many innovative out there, the super generic one tick me off more than a cod[/quote]

And this brings me to another thing that annoys me: The CoD Hatetrain.

I don't really like CoD myself. It's just not my type of game. But so many people call it "generic" or "bad" because that's what everyone else says. The gamer base for CoD isn't just "bros" who play sports games and CoD. It's pretty vast. It can be from those people (who are just dumb people in general, not because they play CoD) to seasoned gaming vets who enjoy a good FPS game when there is one.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3885000' date='Sep 13 2011, 05:28 PM'][quote name='riposte' post='3884992' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:22 PM']I'd rather play co-op than any sort of deathmatch or competitive multiplayer. I have a job, a family, and a home to take care of. I don't have 4 hours a day to devote to a game in order to become "good" enough to survive online for more than 2 minutes. All I played CoD:BlOps for was the combat training with my wife. Once I realized that I would essentially be paying $120 to get all of the content for a game I barely played, it was time to move on.

Borderlands, Dead Island, Street Fighter II, III, and IV are my favorite games at the moment because of the ability to drop in and out while still feeling like something is being accomplished in the small amount of time I get to play them.

As far as "multiplayer is the present and future of gaming", that is very sad for a grown man to hear. Believe it or not kids, once you and your friends have grown-up problems and grown-up responsibilities you'll find there's no time or need to participate in "the present and future of gaming"...[/quote]

Honestly, not all online multiplayer games are like that. There's nothing wrong with being bad at a game but having fun with it. Unless you're completely terrible at games in the first person, you don't need to be some guru to have fun with it.

And if you play more, no matter how much you play a day, you'll probably get better at it. It doesn't have to be 4 hours a day.
I agree, while the games I'm about to refer to aren't exactly Online multiplayer, but I was really bad at Osu when I first started, now it's my favorite PC game and I'm pretty good at it. Same thing with the Touhou series, it's really, REALLY tough, but the more I play it, the better I get, and the more fun it gets.

Personally, I like games that are difficult and that I suck at at first, they tend to be more fun when you get better at them.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3885007' date='Sep 13 2011, 05:32 PM'][quote name='aminemaster' post='3885003' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:29 PM']you are a sage, it's true that fps whores (many of them only play fps and sport games only, and mostly fps) think they are hardcore but when rpg fans hear that they think they are better and all
but there are many innovative out there, the super generic one tick me off more than a cod[/quote]

And this brings me to another thing that annoys me: The CoD Hatetrain.

I don't really like CoD myself. It's just not my type of game. But so many people call it "generic" or "bad" because that's what everyone else says. The gamer base for CoD isn't just "bros" who play sports games and CoD. It's pretty vast. It can be from those people (who are just dumb people in general, not because they play CoD) to seasoned gaming vets who enjoy a good FPS game when there is one.
I like to call those people either Bandwagoners, they are my least favorite type of gamers. God I hate them. They like things because other people love them and vice versa, and basically throw around words that they hear everyone saying. Seriously, that makes up almost all of Final Fantasy VII/Call of Duty/Naruto (not a game, but it counts) fanbases.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3885007' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:32 PM'][quote name='aminemaster' post='3885003' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:29 PM']you are a sage, it's true that fps whores (many of them only play fps and sport games only, and mostly fps) think they are hardcore but when rpg fans hear that they think they are better and all
but there are many innovative out there, the super generic one tick me off more than a cod[/quote]

And this brings me to another thing that annoys me: The CoD Hatetrain.

I don't really like CoD myself. It's just not my type of game. But so many people call it "generic" or "bad" because that's what everyone else says. The gamer base for CoD isn't just "bros" who play sports games and CoD. It's pretty vast. It can be from those people (who are just dumb people in general, not because they play CoD) to seasoned gaming vets who enjoy a good FPS game when there is one.
i never said i hate call of duty, and for the fps and sport games only garmers i was aiming to alot of people i know (around 50-70 persons)
and like you call of duty was never my type of game and i don't really like it i just play it sometimes with my friends
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3885000' date='Sep 13 2011, 05:28 PM'][quote name='riposte' post='3884992' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:22 PM']I'd rather play co-op than any sort of deathmatch or competitive multiplayer. I have a job, a family, and a home to take care of. I don't have 4 hours a day to devote to a game in order to become "good" enough to survive online for more than 2 minutes. All I played CoD:BlOps for was the combat training with my wife. Once I realized that I would essentially be paying $120 to get all of the content for a game I barely played, it was time to move on.

Borderlands, Dead Island, Street Fighter II, III, and IV are my favorite games at the moment because of the ability to drop in and out while still feeling like something is being accomplished in the small amount of time I get to play them.

As far as "multiplayer is the present and future of gaming", that is very sad for a grown man to hear. Believe it or not kids, once you and your friends have grown-up problems and grown-up responsibilities you'll find there's no time or need to participate in "the present and future of gaming"...[/quote]

Honestly, not all online multiplayer games are like that. There's nothing wrong with being bad at a game but having fun with it. Unless you're completely terrible at games in the first person, you don't need to be some guru to have fun with it.

And if you play more, no matter how much you play a day, you'll probably get better at it. It doesn't have to be 4 hours a day.

I guess I should have been more specific. I don't have 1 hour a day. Maybe 4 hours a week...max. Games are an afterthought. Once bills are paid, groceries are bought, then I can start thinking about whether or not to get a game. I got CoD in December... By that time everyone online already had all of their guns/perks purchased and had spent tens to hundreds of hours honing their reflexes. It was my first CoD since 4 and those reflexes just aren't there anymore. Does that make me a shitty gamer? I don't think so. I think it just makes me a little more picky about where I invest my money and what I expect to get out of it.
[quote name='riposte' post='3885028' date='Sep 13 2011, 11:45 PM']I guess I should have been more specific. I don't have 1 hour a day. Maybe 4 hours a week...max. Games are an afterthought. Once bills are paid, groceries are bought, then I can start thinking about whether or not to get a game. I got CoD in December... By that time everyone online already had all of their guns/perks purchased and had spent tens to hundreds of hours honing their reflexes. It was my first CoD since 4 and those reflexes just aren't there anymore. Does that make me a shitty gamer? I don't think so. I think it just makes me a little more picky about where I invest my money and what I expect to get out of it.[/quote]

I don't think you should be marking a game as "bad" or anything like that simply because you can't devote enough time to it. On the flip side of the coin, fighting games take a lot of practice to become a master in. What fun is it to play a fighter like Street Fighter II, III, or IV if you can't devote enough time to it to stand a chance to others online. Yes, you can local play, but you can in CoD as well.

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  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Lol Ken will never eat an omelette again lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Actually ihops omlettes still hit haven't had one in forever
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    The steak one is amazing
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Damn near $20 so fuck them
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I second that, they are good. I always get the steak and add mushrooms to it also. But yea been awhile since had myself. I used to go there every morn for coffee and breakfast, meet with my work crew, but we all stop going, too expensive.
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    I'm scarred for life.
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    See you guys, I'll get lost for another month. Maybe the rest of the year.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    See you tomorrow
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Peace. Take care, no more searching tonight. You gonna have nightmares.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    See you tomorrow.
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    did she just vomit on the chat before leaving
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    why are girls doing this nowadays? is this some weird way of showing dominance?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea, I put her outside though, then cleaned it up.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ah yes the unique power of girls vomiting on you
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    im gonna puke
  • Sonic Angel Knight @ Sonic Angel Knight:
    Laughing face + 2
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    finally, a zelda game where you play as zelda
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    it only took 40 years
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @The Real Jdbye, They finally got the naming convention right.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Now lets rename all of the old Zelda games to The Legend of Link. Lol.
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    they kinda did that with zelda 2 at least it had link in the title
    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ssDGBTssUI