Fat boy on a diet, don't try it.

Hello, my name is Daniel and I'm addicted to food.

Day #1 went relatively well. Oh, shit...I forgot you have no clue what I'm talking about.

Well, I have decided that I am going on a pretty extreme diet until I get to my goal weight. Bottom line of it is no refined sugars, and little if no carbohydrates.

Meal plan for the typical day?

2 servings of protein
1 cup of fruit
1 sugar free juice substitute(Read: Crystal Light), or as much water as I can drink.

2 servings of protein
1 cup of vegetables (potatoes and corn are not an option)
1 sugar free non-soda drink, or as much water as I can drink.

2 servings of protein
1 cup of salad
1 cup of vegetables
1 sugar free non soda drink, or as much water as I can drink.

No, This won't be the diet I'm on forever...just until I get to my goal weight, and then it's a little less strict.

The first day is done, and I feel like shit. I'm cold, I have a headache and I'm in a horrible mood. My body is detoxing, and it's not taking it lightly. Everyone else I talk to tells me that the first week is the worst, and right now I'm not up to argue with that. It's worth it though. I have a son now and I want to make sure that I live long enough to see him get married and have kids of his own. If I kept on with the road I was taking, it would have been highly unlikely.

18 months ago, before I even knew my wife was preggo, I had the "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Ride life hard, do whatever the fuck I want, and die with a smile on my face. Well, it's not all about me now, and I'm not going to leave my wife to raise my son alone. I don't want my son to grow up without his father, or even worse, having him call me the fat bastard that ate himself to death.

I don't have an exercise plan, but I don't feel that exercising while I'm detoxing would be the best idea...besides...my son gives me enough exercise. I figure that in a few weeks, I'll start with the cardio and shit.

It's going to be hard, but no one said life is easy. I'm on the road to recovery.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, it's part of my plan to keep a daily journal of my daily diet, and any thoughts I have that day.

For breakfast I had a blueberry and banana smoothie with lowfat yogurt, and 2% milk, for lunch I had 2 eggs, fried with EVOO cooking spray, lots of pepper and a dash of salt, and a cup of cauliflower, steamed also with a small dash of salt, and a large glass of water flavored with MiO. For dinner I had two boiled eggs with 2 cups of mixed salad, a very conservative serving of low fat cucumber ranch dressing, and a large glass of water flavored with MiO.

So much for Day one. let's hope the next is better.


[quote name='TwinRetro' post='3601004' date='Apr 20 2011, 12:20 AM']Thanks for the support, guys. I was really expecting some trolololol posts, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The point of no carbs at this point is to work off my body's natural "reserve" at a fast clip. Carbs will be introduced once I hit my goal weight. Atleast that's according to the OA handbook.

[quote name='Vulpes Abnocto' post='3600999' date='Apr 19 2011, 09:18 PM']Oh Danny Boy,
The pies the pies are calling, calling!

(Sorry, couldn't resist)

I've never had a lot of luck with diets. Would always wake up on the diet, and go to bed having gone off of it.
Hope you have better willpower than me, buddy.[/quote]

I hate that song with a passion, but you still got a chuckle out of me hehe.

Willpower IS something that I lack, but I have other motivations driving me other than my own will...my own mortality for instance.
i hate that song as well especially since my name is daniel,

any who i already said this but good luck. stress is your primary enemy, and don't compare your self to others.
You know what, tip consolidation time:

- Get some carbs

Carbohydrates are important. I won't bore you with the technicals of how our body works, but you have many enzymes present in your digestive tract just waiting to breakdown all kinds of carbohydrates. They are broken down and stored in a way that leaves them as your body's primary source of energy. Refined sugars are bad, but so far fake sugars like what are present in diet sodas. Our body's lack the enzymes to break down fake sugars causing them to be stored as fat, which is the final line before your body starts eating protein to keep moving. (Carbs first, fat second, proteins third)

- Avoid Temptations

Oh balls are things going to look tempting, but self control is key. Don't think like "if I just have this, and then do this over the next couple of days, it will be okay!" Remain vigilant, otherwise the diet will be useless. Obey serving size too. You may regret that double serving later, especially if it was of something that you know you shouldn't have.

Try to keep tempting foods out of view too. Out of sight, out of mind. As much as it might suck for your family, your diet is a group effort, and all people will need to help you through it. Support is crucial, or you will never make it (although I imagine your wife is most likely pretty willing to keep you going with this).

- Watch fat content

All because it doesn't have a lot of calories doesn't mean it is necessarily healthy. All those calories it doesn't display in one place may be hidden in the fat content. Fat count is far more important than calorie count in the long run. Drinking 1% or fat free milk (preferably the latter) is fine. 2% is pushing it though, and whole milk is a big no.

- Too much of a good thing is a bad thing

Avoid overloading on protein. As I said earlier, many things such as eggs and meats that contain protein may not be as healthy as you might think. They contain a lot of cholesterol, and eating too much can lead to plaquing of the arteries and veins (ie: you end up on heart attack watch).

Diets are tricky, which is why a good, well balanced diet with exercise is ideal. Don't start big when you start exercising. Start with a light, but effective workout (ie: you feel it). From there, slowly increase what you do until you hit a comfortable point where you can exercise daily and see a difference. Even with exercising, too much can be a bad thing. Your muscles need a chance to repair from the ripping process that happens when you exercise.

Also remember to find the right exercises when working out. You want to make sure that you select exercises that burn fat in all of the areas that you really need to burn it in. Doing a lot of crunches isn't gonna help your legs and arms, as push ups aren't going to help your abdomen or legs. The proper exercise routine for you is key to losing weight.

I need to take my own advice this summer. I plan on shedding 20lbs of fat or so, putting it back on in muscle, and dropping some bad habits such as soda. Gonna be a long road over those three months, but once I get going, I should be able to keep it up and keep in good shape.

Hope this all goes well for you. Best wishes.
Best of luck !

Although i still highly recommend some sort of exercise

the key to loosing weight is just controlling what you eat (no chocolate, no sweats, no bread, no soda AT ALL), and of course some exercise here and there

I know you can do it :yay:
Best of luck on the diet, the worst part is always at the start so just hang in there and dont get tempted by naughty food. :P

For the exercise aspect of your diet you can work on that now a bit, with no need to go nuts about it. Walking does wonders, its low impact, will increase your stamina for when you plan to tackle exercise more heavily and wont take too much out of you at this stage when your calorific intake has been substantially reduced.

Around 30-45 minutes of aerobic walking five times a week will aid weight loss considerably if you are watching what you eat. Aerobic walking counts as more than 60 steps a minute, so that's a fairly easy pace to keep up even if you are particularly heavy. If you cant maintain that pace right off the bat you will find that after a couple of weeks you will be able to quite easily. It would be a good idea to pick up a step counter to help you keep track of your daily steps. Omron make quite nice ones that are fairly cheap, look for the Omron walking style 2 step counter. It plugs into your computer and gives you a very detailed breakdown of your daily activity. Including aerobic steps taken, fat and calories burnt, distance, time and so on.

To keep you motivated and give your walks more purpose its always nice to make a ritual out of it. Try and go out at the same time every day, listen to an ebook or podcast as you walk so your mind isn't just on walking, not focusing too much on walking while you are doing it always helps you get more distance and makes the walks more enjoyable. If you don't have time to dedicate just on walks you can always take shortcuts to aid you. If you commute a lot get off a few stops early and walk the rest of the way, if you drive park your car further away then where you normally would, it all adds up in the long term.
Heres some more tips:

Great way to lose weight is to accelerate your metabolism. You can do that from increased activity and eating more often.

So take the same normal amount of food you eat in 3 meals but make it into 5 meals instead. Your body getting constant food intake doesnt feel the need to store it as much. So eat as soon as possible when you get up(withtin 20 min of waking up). And eat light in the evenening and 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed.

Once you reach your desired weight you need to maintain it for about 2 years for your body to sorta reset himself to that weight, otherwise it will always tend to go back to what its used to.

And as for the protein too much aint good, the body can only absorb a little bit of protein in one intake, so its better to space it out.

So 5 or 6 meal and try to get your protein from fat free source. Fish is a good example.

Breakfast you can eat some oat. If your lazy and dont wanna cook just get 2 cups of frozen veggies with half a can of tuna to complete those few extra meals :P

And try to walk or bike, roller blade whatever instead of taking the car when possible as well.

Good luck and dont give up, its not just a diet (I dont like this word). You are starting a new life style. And once in a while I say its ok to reward yourself a little (cheating a little ^^), but not like everyday or week :P
I like this. Not many people realize the things that they do could put their life in danger, and even hurt their loved ones in doing so. I wish some people I know were like this. I think it's good that you're doing this and I want you to push through to the end.

And remember, you've got the whole Temp behind ya. :)

I know this is a little out there, but if you don't already have a dog, then get one. You can play with it and walk it everywhere. Exercise comes naturally with owning a dog.
I eat junk food quite often but over the past few months I somehow LOST WEIGHT instead of gaining any, and now I'm underweight. From 50 kilograms to 48.5 kilograms. D:

Good luck though, just stick to it and you'll be fine. :3
You should check out the book "the 4 hour body". It has a section for the "slow carb diet" which is kinda similar to the Atkins. I lost 15lbs in 4 weeks with no exercise.
That's because you're a young-in and have a fast metabolism. Just wait 'til you get up there in age. It'll slow down.
Good luck man! I really hope you can pull through with it.

Much as I have been telling myself I need to diet and lose weight lately I haven't been able too. Im not hugely overweight, I suppose (6'2" male, about 215lbs), but I definitely do have a bit of a gut and I got moobs D: Strangely enough, I think you have inspired me a bit to start dieting and exercising on my own as well. After Easter, I begin! Step one, which I started a while ago, was giving up candy for Lent. I have only gone off I think 3 times, once at work having a big craving for peanut M&M's, once at home studying wanting some chocolate my girlfriend gave me, and once without even paying attention to "oh this is candy! DUH". So far, has worked pretty well for me. I have also switched from drowning myself in Mountain Dew to drinking (non diet) iced tea. Usually AriZona "Arnold Palmer half and half" (not a great choice, I know...) but I am gonna start switchin to green tea or diet iced tea (any suggestion for either one, which is better?)

Also, on exercise, I work at Target on the sales floor so I walk a few miles briskly each working day (usually 4 or 5 8 hour shifts a week). But for serious exercise, gonna be difficult, I dislocated m right kneecap last year and is still messed up a bit (most likely always will be). But, thus is life, and I will manage somehow!

Daniel, best of luck to you, I really hope that for both you and your family, you can follow through with your plans and become a much healthier person! And, here is to me hoping the same for myself.

[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3601029' date='Apr 20 2011, 02:34 PM']Also remember to find the right exercises when working out. You want to make sure that you select exercises that burn fat in all of the areas that you really need to burn it in. Doing a lot of crunches isn't gonna help your legs and arms, as push ups aren't going to help your abdomen or legs. The proper exercise routine for you is key to losing weight.[/quote]

Just no. Spot reduction doesn't exist. Your body doesn't go, oh wait up, I'm doing some leg work, I'm only going to use fat from my legs. People have a genetic disposition when it comes to where the body decides to store fat. A good example is with women, who try as they might, will loose size around their chests, not there hips and thighs even though they do zero chest work and a ton of leg work. The reason you choose a balanced routine is to avoid muscle imbalances that can lead to rounded shoulders, hunched backs, knee problems etc.

Oh and another heads up, pushups definitely use your core. Your transverse abdominas (internal abs if you will) puts in a fair amount of work to keep you from hunching or falling.

PS. I'm a qualified trainer studying to be a strength and conditioning coach while awaiting my intake for the police.
Shock diets in general are pretty unhealthy, you should probably think about switching to something that incorporates exercising from the get-go.

Not getting any energy from carbs means you won't have much energy to actually exercise with.

You need to eat in this ratio protein>fat>carbs

You need less than 40g of carbs a day, you'll feel poopy for the first week but then your body is in a state of ketosis and you'll be burning fat constantly feelsgoodman.jpg

You need to exercise 3/4x a week for an hour, intense weight lifting and cardio.

With all this you'll be slim in about 4-6 months depending how FAT you are now.
Good luck man. It's great that your doing this for your family.
I wanted to lose weight, but when I told my family they were like ok and kept on eating junk, which made me ditch my diet.

Now I'm trying to eat only when I get hungry , instead of the regular breakfast,lunch, dinner schedule.

It's also a good idea to get an exercise buddy to do stuff with. My moms too busy to exercise and my siblings say they don't need it. I'd ask my friends but I'm kinda embarrassed.
Well so far i've seen some pretty intelligent comment from ppl that knows their stuff. I'm no nutritionist but i was a personal trainer before so I know enough about it lol. If you read through a few of those post youl be on your way to success.

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