Xbox 360 price cut. RANT-ish alert.


Remember when the Wii's pricing was announced? We were in awe at the $250 price tag. WOW! thas so zetta cheap, impluse buy time!!!

Now, two year later, rumors of the Xbox 360 Uber price cut are out in the wild, with scans from Radio Shack and now Kmart.

If the Xbox 360 gets as cheap as the Wii, the only selling points for the Wii now are Motion controls and casual games.... Wait what? FAIL, nintendo didn't even drop the price of the Wii yet, and in winnipeg it is actually getting HIGHER (Yes, Nintendo is getting tons of money, I guess, and demands for the Wii are very high.)

Now then, I cannot recommend a Wii to my relatives, friend, others due to the superiority of the Xbox 360. Xbxox 360 just has better games, better (but more expensive) online, and better controls for most games, about 80% of Wii games feel like a waggle fest, not requiring much precision. Some games require too much precision, and fail, because no one can hold the Wii mote completely stable (Okami, Trauma Center) Only few games are very good.


im pretty sure if they went any deeper in price cut , it be even longer before they make profit.
Uh, I assume your ranting about the the 360 being the same price as the Wii. The reason the Wii doesn't have a price cut is because its actually selling consoles. Why sell a console for low price if its selling like mad? 360 is selling but not as much as the Wii, especially since it gets the RRoD frequently. I admit though, the 360 does have better games (and better graphics at that, but then again, you can't play graphics).
[quote name='Rev2k7' post='1363096' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:44 PM']im pretty sure if they went any deeper in price cut , it be even longer before they make profit.[/quote]

u do realize that gaming companies barely make money from selling the consoles themselves? its all about the games, and recently, online services (such as xbox live).
Sorry for the long story!
Yes! Just what i have been looking for! I had a 360 about 1 1/2 months ago, it RRoD'ed on me, it had no warranty left and i didn't feel like sending it to Micro$oft.. i sold it to gamestop for 120 without any accesories only one controller.. i used that money to buy a wii and i deeply regret it! Im in fall vacations and i go back 2 school at the end of October giving me 2 months to save money to buy a 60 GB xbox! with the price cut i can get a few extra games .. im getting back into call of duty 4 as soon as i get the new 360! Online play is far better than the wii's laggy wifi connections and lack of communications with opponents. i was so close to 10th prestige on call of duty and i had just purchased my year of XBL! I still got my accessories and games, all i need is a new console!!!! WOOT! XBOX fan.. sorry wii
" I cannot recommend a Wii to my relatives" Wait wait that makes no sense at all. Why would you recommend them a hardcore conlsole when they are just starting i mean if they played other consoles already they wouldn't need your help. Also i dont know what games you are playing but most of the major games for the wii are not "waggle fests"

Brawl- i dont see any waggling (even though you do have a choice to)

LOZ TP- Guess you havent played it

MK Wii- No Waggling barely even any motion

NMH- no waggling only precise movements

Zack and Wiki- ehh can really blame you for that not that many people have played it

Mario Galaxy- no waggling just to shoot star bits

For Okami and Trauma Center- Mabye your hand is messed up but i saw no problems with it i mean yes they were hard but not impossible.

Hell even Wii Sports which comes free requires some skill other then boxing.

Also how can you compare the controls of the 360 to the Wii they are completely different

[quote name='da_head' post='1363109' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:48 PM'][quote name='Rev2k7' post='1363096' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:44 PM']im pretty sure if they went any deeper in price cut , it be even longer before they make profit.[/quote]

u do realize that gaming companies barely make money from selling the consoles themselves? its all about the games, and recently, online services (such as xbox live).

No i am pretty sure they make money of consoles i mean Sony was losing money for every PS3 made before then they took out the PS2 compatibility and they are instead making money off it.
[quote name='apb407' post='1363125' date='Aug 25 2008, 08:56 PM']" I cannot recommend a Wii to my relatives" Wait wait that makes no sense at all. Why would you recommend them a hardcore conlsole when they are just starting i mean if they played other consoles already they wouldn't need your help. Also i dont know what games you are playing but most of the major games for the wii are not "waggle fests"

Brawl- i dont see any waggling (even though you do have a choice to)

LOZ TP- Guess you havent played it I did, and I liked it, but it was too short for me. Good game

MK Wii- No Waggling barely even any motion <- THE AI CHEAT OMG

NMH- no waggling only precise movements <- Rly now?

Zack and Wiki- ehh can really blame you for that not that many people have played it <- great puzzler

Mario Galaxy- no waggling just to shoot star bits <- Good game.

For Okami and Trauma Center- Mabye your hand is messed up but i saw no problems with it i mean yes they were hard but not impossible. <- time too see the doc.

Hell even Wii Sports which comes free requires some skill other then boxing.

Also how can you compare the controls of the 360 to the Wii they are completely different[/quote]
I said there are few good games. Wii is getting more bad and VERY bad games lately. Only one game really has me interested, and that is Madworld.

But, the Xbox has more of the games I like.

Halo, Gear of War, Viva Pinata, PGR4, GTA4 etc.

Also, they are getting great new games like Fallout 3, Gears 2, Fable 2, FF13 etc.

So now for me Xbox360 > Wii. FACT
It all comes down to your preference in games.
To me I always saw the 3 consoles as the following (Roughly):
Wii -> Family oriented, casual games. Has a lot of shovelware, but also has a few amazing gems.
360 -> Mainly for sports and shooters. I never really had a thing for shooters, so I got my Wii first. Still like my 360 though.
PS3 -> RPG's, Fighters, and Racing. I don't actually own one myself yet, I just mooch my neighbor's. Now that hacks are coming out for it though, I just might pick one up.

I don't really see any system being "Superior" to the others, (Besides the actual specs) but I can see them appealing to different people's tastes very drastically.
I think you would be dumb to suggest the 360 over the Wii to a casual gamer. If your family had been playing with a xbox or ps2 last generation and are barely moving into the next generation then I would have to say I would agree with the 360 recommendation. For you to say the 360 has better games then the Wii is a fact is a lie. Dont forget quality is in the eye of the beholder. A gamer could find the experience of actually moving more then your finger better then just pressing buttons. For instance you mention you liked Halo. I hate Halo. I think its a piece of crap. Opinions differ. The price point isnt the only contributing factor to the Wii's success. The reassurance of knowing theres always going to be a high quality Nintendo title on the shelf at your local gamestop is enough for many gamers to buy a Wii over another console. Another factor is that the online is free and the games are cheaper. You say there are more good games on 360 then Wii; I would have to disagree. Have you forgotten all the masterpeices on the Virtual Console and Wiiware? If you have to recommend a console to someone they most likely never got to experience Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64. If the person you recommend a console to is a hardcore gamer by the off chance, the homebrew support is another factor to leaning towards a Wii. You can't match the homebrew scene with Wii for any other console. I respect you opinion but I do disagree with it.
[quote name='dinofan01' post='1363178' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:58 PM']I think you would be dumb to suggest the 360 over the Wii to a casual gamer. If your family had been playing with a xbox or ps2 last generation and are barely moving into the next generation then I would have to say I would agree with the 360 recommendation. For you to say the 360 has better games then the Wii is a fact is a lie. Dont forget quality is in the eye of the beholder. A gamer could find the experience of actually moving more then your finger better then just pressing buttons. For instance you mention you liked Halo. I hate Halo. I think its a piece of crap. Opinions differ. The price point isnt the only contributing factor to the Wii's success. The reassurance of knowing theres always going to be a high quality Nintendo title on the shelf at your local gamestop is enough for many gamers to buy a Wii over another console. Another factor is that the online is free and the games are cheaper. You say there are more good games on 360 then Wii; I would have to disagree. Have you forgotten all the masterpeices on the Virtual Console and Wiiware? If you have to recommend a console to someone they most likely never got to experience Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64. If the person you recommend a console to is a hardcore gamer by the off chance, the homebrew support is another factor to leaning towards a Wii. You can't match the homebrew scene with Wii for any other console. I respect you opinion but I do disagree with it.[/quote]
Ok, yes, casual gamer, the Wii is definatly a great console. Everyone else, get something else. Or both.

The last Nintendo game that I remember being release (In the states) is Mario Kart Wii. I could be wrond, feel free to object.
Also, Wiiware only has about 5 games worth getting, and XBLA has more. But yes, Microsoft is trying to pull off a Old games section, even if they are just Xbox games. So, if you are a retro gamer...
[quote name='thejellydude' post='1363175' date='Aug 26 2008, 04:55 AM']It all comes down to your preference in games.
To me I always saw the 3 consoles as the following (Roughly):
Wii -> Family oriented, casual games. Has a lot of shovelware, but also has a few amazing gems.
360 -> Mainly for sports and shooters. I never really had a thing for shooters, so I got my Wii first. Still like my 360 though.
PS3 -> RPG's, Fighters, and Racing. I don't actually own one myself yet, I just mooch my neighbor's. Now that hacks are coming out for it though, I just might pick one up.

I don't really see any system being "Superior" to the others, (Besides the actual specs) but I can see them appealing to different people's tastes very drastically.[/quote]

It's funny seeing that the 360 has more RPGs than PS3s at the moment.

Along with the fact that I really hate how Nintendo doesn't do ANYTHING about the Wifi services in DSs and Wiis. It lacks services, and they don't fix any of the problems. Its very annoying.

For me, the Wii has barely any future potiencial. True, Nintendo fights with creativity and innovation. However, their E3 was a massive let down, and I don't see many good games for the future. Still, for some Casual gamers, it's probably worth it.

And the list of games I want to play on the Wii is lacking compared to others.

Wii - Brawl, Zelda, Metriod, Mad world. I can just rent Mario Galaxy, seeing how friends of mine all complained it was too easy. I lost interest in puzzle games, but I may playCount: 4
360 - DOA 4 ( I actually like it for the gameplay, so if you think I like it for the girls, you're wrong.), Dead Rising, Alan Wake, Fable 2, Halo 3 (It's a decent game. Very overrated), Lost odessey, PGR, Viva Pinata, Gears 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo Kazooie, Left for dead. Count: 12
PS3 - BlazBlue, MGS4, Drake's fortune, Rachet and Clank, GoW3, Littlebigplanet, Warhawk, New ICO project. 8 games.
For 360 and PS3 - FF13, RE5

By no means, am I calling Wii a bad console. Just saying that for a lot of the gamers, it'll lack in various genres.
True, but I've seen more quality on the PS3. Yet again, it comes down to tastes. Also, take my opinions of the PS3 with a grain of salt, since as I said, I don't actually have own, and as such, don't pay much attention to it.
[quote name='ferrariman' post='1363185' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:03 PM'][quote name='dinofan01' post='1363178' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:58 PM']I think you would be dumb to suggest the 360 over the Wii to a casual gamer. If your family had been playing with a xbox or ps2 last generation and are barely moving into the next generation then I would have to say I would agree with the 360 recommendation. For you to say the 360 has better games then the Wii is a fact is a lie. Dont forget quality is in the eye of the beholder. A gamer could find the experience of actually moving more then your finger better then just pressing buttons. For instance you mention you liked Halo. I hate Halo. I think its a piece of crap. Opinions differ. The price point isnt the only contributing factor to the Wii's success. The reassurance of knowing theres always going to be a high quality Nintendo title on the shelf at your local gamestop is enough for many gamers to buy a Wii over another console. Another factor is that the online is free and the games are cheaper. You say there are more good games on 360 then Wii; I would have to disagree. Have you forgotten all the masterpeices on the Virtual Console and Wiiware? If you have to recommend a console to someone they most likely never got to experience Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64. If the person you recommend a console to is a hardcore gamer by the off chance, the homebrew support is another factor to leaning towards a Wii. You can't match the homebrew scene with Wii for any other console. I respect you opinion but I do disagree with it.[/quote]
Ok, yes, casual gamer, the Wii is definatly a great console. Everyone else, get something else. Or both.

The last Nintendo game that I remember being release (In the states) is Mario Kart Wii. I could be wrond, feel free to object.
I believe Super Mario Baseball launched today or tomorrow. Definitely not the best game but its extremely fun. A lot of AAA titles are extremely polished but can have some flaw whether that be difficulty or whatever that can detrcat from the level of fun. Nothing matches sitting on a couch with your friend playing a game like this.
[quote name='ojsinnerz' post='1363188' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:03 PM'][quote name='thejellydude' post='1363175' date='Aug 26 2008, 04:55 AM']It all comes down to your preference in games.
To me I always saw the 3 consoles as the following (Roughly):
Wii -> Family oriented, casual games. Has a lot of shovelware, but also has a few amazing gems.
360 -> Mainly for sports and shooters. I never really had a thing for shooters, so I got my Wii first. Still like my 360 though.
PS3 -> RPG's, Fighters, and Racing. I don't actually own one myself yet, I just mooch my neighbor's. Now that hacks are coming out for it though, I just might pick one up.

I don't really see any system being "Superior" to the others, (Besides the actual specs) but I can see them appealing to different people's tastes very drastically.[/quote]

It's funny seeing that the 360 has more RPGs than PS3s at the moment.
lol, I never noticed that. ...Now I can't think of a PS3 RPG.

EDIT: Oh wait, I am excited for Pikmen 3. (With 3 extra polygons!!!)
[quote name='ferrariman' post='1363201' date='Aug 26 2008, 01:37 AM'][quote name='ojsinnerz' post='1363188' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:03 PM'][quote name='thejellydude' post='1363175' date='Aug 26 2008, 04:55 AM']It all comes down to your preference in games.
To me I always saw the 3 consoles as the following (Roughly):
Wii -> Family oriented, casual games. Has a lot of shovelware, but also has a few amazing gems.
360 -> Mainly for sports and shooters. I never really had a thing for shooters, so I got my Wii first. Still like my 360 though.
PS3 -> RPG's, Fighters, and Racing. I don't actually own one myself yet, I just mooch my neighbor's. Now that hacks are coming out for it though, I just might pick one up.

I don't really see any system being "Superior" to the others, (Besides the actual specs) but I can see them appealing to different people's tastes very drastically.[/quote]

It's funny seeing that the 360 has more RPGs than PS3s at the moment.
lol, I never noticed that. ...Now I can't think of a PS3 RPG.

I know one off of the top of my head...Enchanted Arms?
[quote name='JKR Firefox' post='1363204' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:08 PM'][quote name='ferrariman' post='1363201' date='Aug 26 2008, 01:37 AM'][quote name='ojsinnerz' post='1363188' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:03 PM'][quote name='thejellydude' post='1363175' date='Aug 26 2008, 04:55 AM']It all comes down to your preference in games.
To me I always saw the 3 consoles as the following (Roughly):
Wii -> Family oriented, casual games. Has a lot of shovelware, but also has a few amazing gems.
360 -> Mainly for sports and shooters. I never really had a thing for shooters, so I got my Wii first. Still like my 360 though.
PS3 -> RPG's, Fighters, and Racing. I don't actually own one myself yet, I just mooch my neighbor's. Now that hacks are coming out for it though, I just might pick one up.

I don't really see any system being "Superior" to the others, (Besides the actual specs) but I can see them appealing to different people's tastes very drastically.[/quote]

It's funny seeing that the 360 has more RPGs than PS3s at the moment.
lol, I never noticed that. ...Now I can't think of a PS3 RPG.

I know one off of the top of my head...Enchanted Arms?
[/quote]Is oblivion on PS3?
[quote name='ferrariman' post='1363210' date='Aug 26 2008, 01:41 AM'][quote name='JKR Firefox' post='1363204' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:08 PM'][quote name='ferrariman' post='1363201' date='Aug 26 2008, 01:37 AM'][quote name='ojsinnerz' post='1363188' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:03 PM'][quote name='thejellydude' post='1363175' date='Aug 26 2008, 04:55 AM']It all comes down to your preference in games.
To me I always saw the 3 consoles as the following (Roughly):
Wii -> Family oriented, casual games. Has a lot of shovelware, but also has a few amazing gems.
360 -> Mainly for sports and shooters. I never really had a thing for shooters, so I got my Wii first. Still like my 360 though.
PS3 -> RPG's, Fighters, and Racing. I don't actually own one myself yet, I just mooch my neighbor's. Now that hacks are coming out for it though, I just might pick one up.

I don't really see any system being "Superior" to the others, (Besides the actual specs) but I can see them appealing to different people's tastes very drastically.[/quote]

It's funny seeing that the 360 has more RPGs than PS3s at the moment.
lol, I never noticed that. ...Now I can't think of a PS3 RPG.

I know one off of the top of my head...Enchanted Arms?
[/quote]Is oblivion on PS3?

Yeah it is. So that's two.

Why can't I think of anymore?
[quote name='martin88' post='1363164' date='Aug 25 2008, 08:49 PM']With 360 at the same price as the Wii, I don't see any reason to choose the Wii.[/quote]
For the Nintendo exclusive games? It's a good thing I don't have a major preference in genre and starting tomorrow, I'll have access to all three systems. There are still plenty of games for the Wii I'm looking forward to. AC: City Folk, Tales of Symphonia 2, Fragile, Madworld, the chance of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Harvest Moon, Fatal Frame, a few other games confirmed/announced I've forgot about, and all the future unconfirmed games that should be good(and that use Wii motion+).

Of course ferrariman doesn't have the same tastes in games than me so I can agree that 360 > Wii for him. But, as of right now, my stack of Wii games I think are good is still a bit bigger than my stack of 360 games I think are good. Then again, there are quite a few 360 games I'm looking forward to coming out soon.

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    On the Switch forums I've seen people claim they were banned for using saves from emulator, on Ofw. But I don't play that ****
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I sold all my Pokémon to Arabic princes
    @BigOnYa, Interesting! Can you show me some of those posts plz?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    No you go find them, use the search, or ask in the Switch noob forums.
  • Larsenv @ Larsenv:
    @Xdqwerty I'm not sure if there was a 13 or over rule back in 2013
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @ATEMVEGETA here's a few comments, but know ive seen more in the threads. Post in thread 'Pokemon Scarlet save file'
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, im still afraid of coming out irl tho
    Well, I had read that thread already, it does not mention moving saves from Emulator to OFW. Also I am not planning to edit/modify a save file. Just play a save file on an emulator, and then move it to OFW and play it on my switch.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I wouldn't risk it, but do what you want. A console ban is loss of all online play, of any games.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Not my online Mario kart races!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, I try to do a gdevelop event to make an enemy fire bullets if it is on screen and its in colision with a platform, but it doesnt work (and yes i downloaded the "is on screen" condition extension)
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and the enemy has the fire bullet behavior
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You can try in code, if player distance <1000
    then enemy fire bullets at player.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, lemme try
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or use the ray casting behavior for the enemies
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i cant find that behavior
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, and nope the player distance condition didnt work
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Bigonya uses couch casting abilities to scare people away lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Sorry that behaviour is just called raycast
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i still cant find it even by searching it
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    oh wait
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Watch that video, it explains it, maybe its an extension, can't remember tbh
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, its a condition
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, its a condition +1