Ritsuki's Blog

So, just noticed that season 1 of Castlevania got released on the Netflix, and I watched it yesterday. Honestly, it's not what I expected. It's really mature, with a really old school vibe. Storywise, nothing really happens, it's only 4 episodes, and they feel like an introduction. But a very...
So, in 3 days I'm starting my military service... I'm not very excited by that (it's obligatory in Switzerland), but I hope it will be at least an interesting experience. I managed to get recruited in the 'IT corps'. The only problem is that my formation will be in the German part of...
Like says the title, I'm going to Las Vegas this summer ! I'm so excited. I'm going with two friends. I wanted to know if some of you know good places there (restaurants, shopping, casinos, places to visit, etc...) Thanks :)
Just started to plan what I'm going to do for my birthday. Usually I have a BBQ at home with friends and family, but this year, no family and a lot of my close friends won't be there... Anyway, I decided to go with the usual BBQ party, but it seems that most of my friends (close and not so...
So, the Pokémon Global Link website is now up. I decided to create an account to have access to the Dream World, but it seems that "Ritsuki" is an offensive name... I received this email : Am I dreaming ? (Dreaming in dream world, huh) I can't understand why my usual nickname is not...
Hi tempers, So my dear laptop broke, and I want to replace him with another computer. Here is the thin : I'm hesitating between a desktop computer and a new laptop. I rarely move my computer from my room (only when I'm on vacation) and I still have my school laptop (HP Pavillon dv6) who's still...
Today is not a good day for me. Lot of homework (some maths and programming, I've a BitTorrent client to do for my programming project), still got to cook some food, cause everyone at home is too lazy to prepare some food and I need to be in bed in 2hrs for school. And the big surprise, no more...
I wanted to buy another PS3 to jailbreak it, but I just found some "surprise bills"... I'm sure you know thoses. Bills that you forgot to pay, or were lost in a drawer/mailbox/paperbin. Anyway, I need to pay $82 for manga and $70 for phone. Which means no more money for PS3. So instead of buying...
Ahh... 2011. A new year, with new resolutions. This time, I didn't take any resolutions, becase like every year, I don't respect them. But for some reasons, I changed a lot these day. Only slight changes, but they mean a lot for me. Now I go to bed at 11PM, wake up at 9AM, even if I'm on holiday...
In 3hrs. and 30mins. I've an "information sciences" exam. It's a very large subject, and I don't like it. In fact, I hate most of the things I'm doing at school. Difficulty is insane, and we're doing only maths (basically). My goal was to get a master in computer sciences, but now I really don't...
I'm planning to buy an iTouch since I got those iGhost speakers, but the thing is, I normally use my phone to listen to music and watch videos. But on my phone, the battery drains out REALLY fast, and if I can lose like 10-15% of battery by watching an HD video file of 40 min. Same thing for...
I was discussing with a friend, and we just noticed that every year we do the same thing : we go to a party organized by the same person. It's not bad, but after 4 years we're kind of bored. The problem is that we don't know what to do on new year's eve. So anybody has ideas ? And what are you...
This post belongs to the series of "Useless blog post about me, I & myself". So, I caught a cold wednesday because I had to wait the train for 45 minutes outside. Because of that, I was not able to go to school these two days. So instead of doing my homework and try to read the courses I've...
This morning, I left my house at 7AM, like every morning, to go to school. My timetable is very precise, so every little unxpected event can screw my day up (I have to take a train at 7:14AM, and I take something like 8-9 minutes to go to the train station). So I was going to the train station...
... Actually, not mine, but my sister's. She just bought an iPohne 4 and surprise, it's not compatible with OS X 10.4 (Tiger). Okay, this version of OS X is not very recent but still. I told her to upgrade her system (I'm also pretty shocked that these updates are not free, for me the updates...
I'm so excited. I'm going to buy a new cellphone tomorrow. It will be my first smartphone. I just wish I could sleep and wake up tomorrow :P For now, I don't know which phone to buy. I really want to have an Android smartphone, but still, I'm hesitating. My first choice is the HTC Desire, a...
So, I was trying to repair that annoying crackling speaker and my battery issue by the same time, and at the end of the process, the touchscreen of my DS flashed when I tried to turn on my DS. I tried to unplug the ribbon, but I broke the little black thing that fixes the ribbon to the...
After 5 hours of labor, 3 lost screws, one screen problem, here it is, my DSL with an awesome gold Zelda cover from ShopTemp : Front: Back: Opened: Sorry for the quality, I took the pictures with my cellphone :( It's my first case replacement, and seriously, I wont do it anymore :D...
These times, I just can't stand my family. I really don't know why. I think it's because my parents came to visit us (my mother's staying for 2 months and my father only a few days). Since they're here, I see my sisters everyday (I live with two of my brothers. My two sisters left the house a...
Today, I was reading the news on the Yahhoo! website, and I saw that a guy discovered a baby in her friend's freezer in France (he was cleaning her flat while she wasn't there). In another city, a baby was found dead in a river. His umbilical cord was uncut. And in Grece, 2 teenagers killed a 80...

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