You Think You Can Do Better? February Mini Contest! *CLOSED*


groovy dude lmao
Nov 14, 2010
I think I have a good one, but I'm not going to share it here, because I already have a DS2, and I'm going to actually make my idea into a game and sell it, well, after I get better at spriting.

Also, there are some pretty great ideas here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
We can all probably do without the "My game idea is such a freakin' awesome money-printing-machine idea that, uhhhhhh I just can't bring myself to let any of you peons thieve it from me because you really cannot resist totally doing that"... Not posting anything at all will have precisely the same effect on us.


Sep 14, 2009
An idea I always thought would be good for a game would center around a character who had eyes at the end of his fingers instead of in his head. He would spend a lot of the game using his "eye fingers" to peep around shower curtains, over changing room cubicles etc at ladies (all rendered in realistic graphics).

That is pretty much the basis for the game.....

He would also have to make a choice as to whether to have 4 arms (instead of 2 arms and 2 legs) OR 4 legs (instead of 2 legs and 2 arms), with his choice having an effect on game play (I haven't thought how that would be exactly). If he chooses to have 4 legs, then obviously his eyes would be on the end of his toes (which I call "eye toes").

There could be some killing too, with the bodies of those killed being turned into sausages in the main character's sausage factory - you could change the sausages to "hot dogs" or "frankfurters" etc. dependent on where the game is released. The sausages then come back to life and try kill you - a bit like tastier versions of the crimson heads in Resident Evil 1 on the Gamecube.


Mar 27, 2012
My entry:

My game would be an adventure/RPG game with two main phases to the story with slightly different gameplay each.

In this game, the character would first end up in a vast world of darkness, with no light source of its own and where lights are almost nonexistent and perishable, all of them brought by the people stranded on this land. It would be an extremely cold and barren place because of the absence of consequent heat or meal sources, and as such the only way of survival for the inhabitants (not necessarily humans, all kinds of creatures would end up there) would be to hunt each other or feed on the remnants of others’ meals.

In this context, the MC first tries to stay close to lights, but will progressively be forced to survive in the darkness for increasingly long periods. He would start practically blind and over the time his other senses (sound, smell, and touch) would start to develop at the expense of his eyesight, allowing him to acquire an extremely good “vision” in the darkness. The gameplay would focus on the development of this “vision” and the ways to use it.
I would represent the sounds as waves that propagate while revealing the surroundings and fade progressively. For example, steps would create like a waterdrop wave.
As you get better, you could “see” sounds from farther away and they would reverberate longer.
As for the smell, it could allow you to track people. After a long period staying in the dark, he would also become extremely capable in the darkness, but weak and easily blinded whenever approaching lights.

Through the plot he would try to find ways to exit this world and would have to defeat some of the creatures dwelling in these lands.
Eventually he manages to escape, leading to the second phase of the game. There he ends up in a futuristic world inhabited by humans with highly developed technology.
They use multipurpose nano-components that flow naturally through the body (Not very original I agree, but that’s not really my focus). My idea for this part is that each individual owns a personal A.I. that handles these particles for you and also acts as a protection against hackers and such.
Those A.I. could come in different forms but would mainly take on animal forms.

They would serve as computers, could help you in fights, and store the data of your body to regenerate it in case of an injury. They would each have a personality and have the ability to evolve.
Of course the MC would quickly get one and the gameplay would revolve around it during that part of the game.

Some illustrations:
I was thinking of a crow of a wolf for the MC.( I took several images I found for each picture and did some big patchwork+editing.)



I am a millipede, I am amazing.
Jul 24, 2010
United States
For the first time ever I present one of my original homebrew creations directly to the 'Temp! Today, I bring to you Moth.

Moth is a game that I started quite some time ago and I nearly finished it but then lost the motivation to do so. With the possibility of winning one of those fancy GBAtemp DSTwos that motivation was restored and the finishing touches were added to the game.

This unique game was inspired by the song Moth by Audioslave. As I sat in class on a boring school day with this song stuck in my head the idea came to me. "That'd be a really good idea for a game", I thought.

So I began to doodle the basic mechanics of the game in my notebook. The game would be a DS game and would have a top-down view. The view would span across both screens. At the top of the top screen would be a flickering light. The player would control the movements of a moth. The player would be able to steer the moth as well as make the moth flap its wings. Every time the moth flaps his wings he would speed up. The moth will feel bliss every time it flaps its wings while moving in the direction of the light. However, as the moth goes faster and faster it would be more and more drawn to the light.

The moth becomes harder for the player to control as its desire to reach the light grows. Eventually, the player will not have enough skill to control the moth and the moth would touch the light. At that point, the moth would reach the light, only to find that the light was a fire. Game over.

The more I thought about the idea, the more I liked it. I realized, however, that it would be too easy if the light was the only danger to the moth. Moths face more dangers than just being attracted to light. They have to survive against the attacks of predators.

The first predator that came to mind was a bat. Bats, using echolocation and moving swiftly through the night, are a very serious threat to a moth's survival. In the game, the player would hear the screeching of a bat just before it flies into screen to eat up the moth. If the player can think quick enough, the location of the bat can be predicted and the bat can be avoided.
The second predator that came to mind was a frog. The quick, stretchy tongues of frogs are difficult for moths to avoid. Get too close, and the moth is a goner. The player must not move in front of the frog. If the player moves in front of the frog, he'd better hope that he is moving quicker than that tongue.
Facing all of these challenges, is there really any way that the little moth can win? Well, maybe. I'll leave that up to the player to figure out ;)

I thought about how the idea could be adapted to other consoles. The console that came to mind first was the PS3 due to its SIXAXIS controller. The view would be third person from behind the moth. You would see a light off in the distance. Up close, you would see approaching obstacles such as branches, spider webs, and predators. The player could still speed up by flapping his wings while the movement of the moth about the screen would be controlled by the tilting of the controller. The game could be as fast paced as the player chooses to go by flapping his wings. The faster the player goes, the quicker the score goes up.
Now, on to the homebrew adaptation of my idea. I would like to note that all of the artwork in the game and in this post was done by yours truly. The entire concept as well as all of the programming was also done by me. The sound effects are from although some of them were edited to better meet the needs of the game. The music you hear in the background while playing the game is a piano cover of Moth by Audioslave done by vkgoeswild.


A - flap wings (tap repeatedly)
L/R or D-Pad Left/Right - steer moth
Start - return to home

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2003
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United States
Game type: RPG and/or platformer
Plot (before the gameplay starts, the short version):
You are a kid who found a magical book, which when read teleported you to another magical realm. Once you arrived an evil wizard caught you and used your human spirit to try and unlock a powerful book (which was sealed long ago by the last human who wanted to protect his knowledge). You were rescued by a good wizard who planned to get you back to your world (which would stop the spell to unlock the book). To prevent harm to you, the wizard placed a magical barrier around you that would protect you from harmful magic. The evil wizard in desperation, cast a transformation spell on you, which would make you more powerful, but prevent you from leaving since your new form could not exist in the real world. Now with your new form, you have the power (after some training) to stop the wizard before he can complete his spell to unlock the book.

Advancement mechanics:
As you explore the world you undertake quests from various NPCs which offer various rewards. These rewards grant some power to your character, be it passive or active. Every time you complete a quest a certain number of days passes (time only passes in this way). Some quests can only be completed at certain times of the year. As you get towards the end of the year you will be forced to undertake quests which will result in the wizard's downfall. As time passes, areas become easier (despite your new powers) and various paths that were blocked will become unblocked. Some of your new powers will enable you to bypass these barriers early allowing you to enter more dangrous areas and accept harder quests with greater rewards. Pushing though harder areas will result in a better ending, while keeping back in the easy zones will be a less rewarding ending. When the 1 year ends, you can do post game where time no longer matters. You can pick up all the powerups that you missed earlier and go to the bonus dungeon to see an additional ending. Also there may be some ending hidden before the 1 year ends.

Your transformation:
Your transformation is there to enforce the contract between good and evil. This contract has been void for a long while, but that doesn't stop your new desire to kick serious demon butt (and any angles you meet as well). Your body has some influence over your actions, although you can resist it.

Runes (example of platforming ones):
You can equip minor/medium/major runes (3 total).
Minor runes grant you a minor bonus: Health increase, more energy to use specials, ect...
Medium runes grant you a good bonus with a minor penalty: Higher jump, more knockback when hit; more damage done, more received; Larger projectile attacks but they move slower.
Major runes grant you an incredible bonus with a drastic penalty. These usually make the game harder: Lots more save points, but all damage is fatal (like IWBTG); faster attacks and movement, but you have a limited time to live between save points. Shops are free (those that sell ammo), but you can't save.
Once you unlock a rune you can use it in a future play though.

The game makes a hard save every time you advance a day. You can go back to any previous time point on this time line to try something new.

Example of quest rewards:
A potion you can use to restore 50 hp. You can buy refills from a shop.
A wand you can use to cast a powerful fireball 5 times. (refillable at a shop)
A training routine that gives you 20 more hp.
Jump shoes that allow you to make a high jump at 30 energy cost.


I am a millipede, I am amazing.
Jul 24, 2010
United States
Welp, I guess we know who won this contest.
haha no don't say that. I'm reading through the competition now and there some really good ideas. The story ideas here are really interesting.

Edit: unless you're being sarcastic. Then I would feel dumb.


Mwa ha ha ha!
Sep 1, 2008
GBAtemp ↑↑↓↓← → ← →BA
I have an idea for an entire series of games. The name of the franchise will be Point of View (PoV for short). Each game in the franchise will focus on a single living creature. The entire game will be played from that creature's point of view. The games will have very realistic 3D* graphics and physics.

*not 3DS 3D graphics, but normal 3D graphics. Of course the 3DS version of the game will be in real 3D.

Take for example, a fly. You will see the entire game world from the perspective of a fly. Imagine taking off at the slightest hint of danger and crazily changing directions in mid-air. You'll have a great sense of speed while flying. Since you're so tiny almost every worldly object will be huge. Since flies have compound eyes your vision will be pixellated. But this is really hard to play with so this will be an optional view for enthusiasts. The default view will be normal human vision.

Another example is a snake. You will be a viper crawling across the ground through grass and leaves. You will hunt for mice at night using your infrared vision. Your eyesight won't be too good so your tongue will provide snapshots of your environment every few seconds. You'll see a still image of the world around you when you flick your tongue and it will slowly fade away over the course of a few seconds before it gets refreshed with another flick of the tongue. This is at night. You'll have better vision during the day when you have to be vigilant to avoid detection by predators like birds of prey, mongoose, etc. And at all times you will feel vibrations in the ground to help detect enemies/prey.

The objective in each game is to gain life experience points by playing through various missions. You will start the game with the birth of the creature and end the game by dying a natural death. Of course you can die a premature death under various circumstances (getting eaten, getting swatted, etc.). Each mission will give you experience points and you'll have to complete all the objectives in a mission to earn full points. You'll learn new abilities as you gain more experience points. To 100% the game you'll have to finish all objectives in all the missions.

Getting 100% will not be easy since there will be no hand-holding, super-guiding, telling-what-to-do-nexting, etc. You'll have to explore the environment and learn by yourself.

Now, for more details about each game:

Point of View: Fly
You will have a variety of missions in this game. You first choose if you want to be male or female. This determines the course of some missions. The game starts with a cutscene of you hatching out of an egg as a maggot and feeding on some garbage/dead animal before turning into a pupa. Gross but necessary. Sorry. The game starts when you come out of the pupa as an adult fly.

Mission I: I Believe I Can Fly
You'll learn the basic mechanics of fly-flight in this mission. First wait for a little bit for your wings to dry out. You'll receive on-screen instructions on the various moves you can do during flight. The objectives will be to take off, land, fly backward, sharp turns, etc. After the tutorial ends you can fly as long as you want to get the hang of it before moving on to the next mission.

Mission II: Feed the Fly
You've used up a lot of energy with all that flying in the first mission so now it's time to eat! Find some food quick before you run out of energy. From now on, you'll have to keep an eye (eyes?) on your energy levels and keep feeding periodically. Flying uses a lot of energy but finding food won't be too hard since flies eat all sorts of shit (literally). Be careful not to get too close to humans since you might get swatted. In fact, you'll have to get close to a person intentionally and then take-off before getting swatted to complete one of the objectives and gain experience points. Listening to the person swearing in frustration when they miss you is highly rewarding! Avoiding getting swatted is a skill and will become useful since eating fresh food near people gives more energy than eating garbage from a dump.

Mission III: Fly Stealth
The objective of this mission is to learn a new skill: stealth. You have to eat some fresh food near a person without them noticing you and triggering them to swat you. Even if you escape the swatter, you fail the objective since they shouldn't notice you in any way (seeing, hearing, etc.) at all. Land some distance away and quickly take cover. Crawl to the food (ex. apple) and use the apple to block you from their view. Get away (stealthily!) once you're full.

Mission IV: Revenge of the Fly
Pissed off at someone who tried to swat you? Well it's time to get back at them! The objective is to pick up some bacteria on your body and transmit it to the person using the stealth skill you learnt in the previous mission. Where do you pick up the bacteria? Well, it's up to you. Go land in a garbage dump, roll in some dog poo, find a sewer, whatever. Be creative.

Mission V: Bang a Fly (mission unlocked with a cheat code)
No, you do not collide with another fly in mid-air in this mission (or maybe you can if you want to do it that way). If you chose to be a male, find a female to mate with. If you chose to be a female, find a male. Sorry, no same-sex couplings. We might add that in a future update. Maybe.

Mission VI: Make More Flies (female only)
Find a safe spot to lay your eggs. The location must be conducive for the young maggots. It shouldn't be too hot, food has to be right next to them, etc. The objective is to make sure at least 80% of your eggs hatch successfully.

More missions will become available as future DLC packs.

Point of View: Snake
Just like the previous game, this game will contain varied missions. The game begins with a cutscene of mother snake laying eggs. The camera zooms in onto one of the eggs and you hatch as a pit viper.

Mission I: Slither away
Quickly move away from the nest and find a good hiding spot. As a cold-blooded animal you'll have to keep regulating your body temperature. Keep an eye on the temperature indicator on the screen. If you're getting too cold, find a sunny spot to warm up. If you're getting too hot, crawl into some shade. If you stay out in the open too long you can get eaten by a bird so be careful! This is a tutorial mission of sorts and you can end it at any time to go to the next mission.

Mission II: Swallow prey
As a baby snake you have to eat small things to stay alive. Find some crickets, baby mice, etc. Use your tongue to taste the air and get clues to which direction you can find some prey. Use your pit viper senses to detect heat signatures. Find enough food to help you grow until it's time to shed your skin.

Mission III: Skin peel
In this mission, you'll have to shed your skin. You can't eat during this process so you'll have to watch your energy and temperature levels throughout the mission. Slide over rough surfaces and between rocks to rub the old skin off. Your movements will be sluggish and you will be very vulnerable to predators so try to finish the mission quickly. The longer you take, the more chances of being discovered.

And so on.

In Point of View: Spider imagine spinning your own web to catch prey. Point of View: Eagle and so on.

The life of any animal can be turned into a game with interesting missions. You will put yourself in its shoes (so to speak) and experience first hand what it's like to live the life of another being.

The Milkman

GBATemp's Official Asshat Milkman
Jan 12, 2011
Throwing milk at the bitches!
United States
Yeah, but the contest is focused on the story ideas, not if you have a working game of it.

Story ideas? Did you read the rules, guy? He wants game ideas.

I will be judging these entries based on my definitions of Originality, Fun, Feasibility, and Creativity.

Im pretty sure at the very least he has Feasibility down.

But I do suppose he might be more critical seeing how he actually has a game to play and try out...


Open the Benzenes;Gate
Jan 7, 2013
Lavender Town
It kinda remember me of Mister Mosquito.
That game was so...atypic.Even from a japanese game.
You can suck blood on a certain part of a woman in his bath,making a strange sucking sound...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
Is there still a way to buy one of these special edition super cards? Contests are not my forte. I can even travel to USA if they only can be obtained from retailers in that country.


Connoisseur of the Fistic Arts
Feb 13, 2013
United States
Is there still a way to buy one of these special edition super cards? Contests are not my forte. I can even travel to USA if they only can be obtained from retailers in that country.
From what has been said this is the last one available, unless someone were to be so kind as to sell you one of theirs the special edition is no more


Apr 10, 2004
Oh my, I have three ideas. Two that I'd actually want to see in real life, and one more as a joke. Which one to choose?

I'll go with my Book + Music idea:
An adventure game, third person. You're a writer, but you haven't published anything yet. You have a book that you've been writing on while having black outs. You have no memory of writing it, and every time you want to look in the book, something is keeping you from doing so. Somehow you need to get inspiration, and other's books are always inspiring. However, when reading, you black out and the books come to life.
You'll wind up in H.P. Lovecraft's stories (scaaary), Alice in Wonderland (quirky), some labyrinth scene from the Phantom of the Opera (no not the musical), psychological mindfuck from House of Leaves and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. etc.
In these works, you'll find clues to your own book. Some parts that doesn't fit in. A broken katana in Alice in Wonderland for example.
The player has to follow these clues, to know where to go next, in which book is the next clue?
Now, music is always a good source of inspiration as well. And depending on the choice of music the player makes, the stories will change. Sometimes radical, sometimes slightly. Hardcore death metal while reading Lovecraft = darker, more intense. Classical music + a drama book = a mellow and sweet experience. Playing very mismatching music will hide the clues. Happy J/K-pop + Lovecraft = no clue for you!
For example.
There will be different things to do in each book as well. Some books will have swordfighting (old adventure books), some will have guns (war books), some will be survival horror like (horror novels), some will be puzzle based (psychological books, drama, math textbooks).

The player will notice that his own book will be written while he's in the other books, by some bookmark inside his book. But he won't be able to open it. The cover is stuck, can't bend it open. Until he finds the last clue, a key.

That (metaphore) key will allow him to open the book. Which he'll transport into. And that's the final stage.... The choice of music here will make huge changes, and allow for multiple endings.

The end.

As a bonus, I can write my joke idea as well (BUT NOTICE; I ENTER WITH THE ONE ABOVE!!! THIS BELOW IS NOT MY ENTRY!): admin tycoon! (aka costello: the game)
You're the admin of a gaming forum called, and you have to take care of spam, evil newcomers, warn people and make sure rules are being followed. You also get to make up rules, but too strict and you lose members, too loose and you'll get trouble with the law. You'll also get to hire mods and staffers, and manage all that jazz (make sure no one is being a power abuser), and advertisement... yeah.
BUT THAT WAS JUST A JOKE ENTRY, but it'd be a fun game ^^


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
So no more new batches? Aw man, that´s not fair. It seems they are focused on a new N3DS card...

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