Video shows OLED Nintendo Switch using HWFLY SX clone modchip, can boot Hekate

Now that the OLED Nintendo Switch has launched, eager fans are playing games on the new revision of the popular game console, and others are opening the system up to see what possible exploits can be performed. A new YouTube video has been uploaded, showing someone who has gotten their hands on an OLED Switch, done a teardown, and installed the HWFLY modchip onto it. The HWFLY is a newer chip that is a clone of Team Xecuter's SX Core modchip. In this video, we can see the OLED Switch, after a little bit of fiddling, turn on and go right into the Hekate bootloader. Once he does that, however, the touch screen no longer functions. While it's not totally flawless, it looks like it is very possible for homebrew to potentially run on the OLED Switch model in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
Good is the enemy of Great. Now on Switch it is Great so hard to expect more until a Switch with no exploit comes out. So this news is very bad news for the people who hope for untethered CFW without HW mod.


May 26, 2008
Here in Germany it would need to go through customs and they've gotten more aggressive with this kind of stuff. At least that's how it was with the SX Core.
one unnamed, no documentation chip addressed to a regular person will probably get through fine.
if there were 1000 of them in a box, maybe customs would start to do some research.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
No surprised that mod chip still works, it cost money to disable the exploit and there is risk of creating other problem too. Going after the mod chip seller is much easier and safer. There is no risk of collateral damage to customers.

No one want to make unnecessary engineering changes. Not the one responsible for engineering.
They even left the direct download from Nintendo server open for a very long time to protect customers form collateral damage. Freeshop.


Mar 5, 2017
Southern VA, USA
United States
why would i want to pay out for a switch oled to play games i already own and can play on the go.

love the fans, they make any excuse to defend the fact, new console, old games.

so you say playing old games on the switch shitty tiny oled (brings nothing worthy at all) compared to playing on a superior 65" 8k oled screen is dumb...... ok karen.

sure, you can try polish a turd, it still remains a turd, but id rather play on my big screen than on a shitty tiny one and fyi if i was so desperate to have the need to play games on the go, i can already do this without having a switch.
Gg nice repost. You didn't even bring my points up at all lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2021
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what the solder points would be for the SX lite chip. If yes is their like a diagram/picture with the annotated points. The thing is theirs a great deal for a lite chip from a local person and I kinda want to use that as I have said before. It's just everyone has done installs with sx cores.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Lmao this is just pathetic, Nintendo is just SO lazy with hardware these days and now it shows.
Theyre all about gimmicks and they only provide new tech/hardware when it becomes cheap enough so they can still print money.

Fuck me, look at it, the fans will hate this.

Gaming moved to cd, nintendo was ignorant and stuck with expensive carts.

But it had better graphics, it became too expensive for devs to move forward with games and have dialogue and fmvs.

nintendo didnt care, mario, zelda and its other recycled games would fit, if devs wanted to makes its new titles on a cart, it would become expensive, hence why the n64 lacked the games the ps1 got.

Then came the dvd, nintendo was again ignorant and refused to pay the license fee, so opted for the limited mini dvd.

Again, had better hardware, but nintendo had tied devs hands to work with 1.4gb discs vs 4.7gb disc, so do devs support nintendo and have multiple disc based games vs having it fit on 1 dvd.

Nintendo didnt care as they could easily fit its games on the mini dvd, if third parties wanted its new titles on the cube, it would cost them more to press more discs, hence why the cube lacked the games the other systems got.

Then came bluray, nintendo was already suffering with its lacking support on the cube, had to sell its best stuido (rare) and had poor sales.

They recycle the cube and add bs gimmicks and again, not only restrict devs with old hardware, they also restrict again using dvd vs blueray.

Again, nintendo dont care, limits the market to ensure its console isnt getting these great AAA third party titles and leaves the market open to yet again their usual recycled titles.

Then bluray continues on to the next gen (ps4/xbx1, which are only now been replaced with a next gen), nintendo do the same thing again, pushes its luck by releasing old hardware, this time with bluray like disc, and a bs gimmick trying to steal thst slice of pie from the tablet market.

Again, inferior hardware, storage, devs didnt bother with its AAA titles and ported its old stuff, the wii u was a flop becausw of this, not the bs claim nintendo said, gamers didnt know the wii u was a new console, that they thought it was a wii addon....... f3ck off.

But again, they dont care, leaves the market open for their recycled titles.

So nintendo have to come up with a new plan, what do they do...........

Copy off the tablet market again, nvidia, this time, lets add another gimmick, make cheap nasty joy cons with inferior hardware and technology to provide motion controls.

But lets again restrict devs again with hardware thats limited so they cant release its new AAA titles (unless it is heavily dumbed down) and lets also provide again measly internal storage, lets pass that cost off to the customer, but lets also go backwards and use the good old expensive cart base format.

So not only do we have devs thinking hmmm no, the hardware wont run our current AAA titles, even if we dumbed it down, it would cost us for an expensive cart to press it, do we opt for this and force our customers to buy expensive sd cards to download the game data, or do we just port our old titles that will fit.

Id say, again, leaves the market open to nintendo, but even the switch nintendo couldnt be arsed but hey, at least it still limited the market for nintendo to litrally port its recycled old games from the wii u.

And what can we expect once the ps4/xbx1 are phased out (maybe 2-3 years of we are lucky), nintendo are already hit by nvidia no longer producing the chips anymore.

They have allocated nintendo enough to resume production untill they either upgrade to their new chip or find an alternative.

Now nintendo claimed the switch is not a replacement of the 3ds, that it is its home console "hybrid", but notice how theyve phased the 3ds out and no mention of its new handheld console, which hello......

Would he stupid of nintendo to not release a new handheld console considering they have litrally dominated this market even going back to the game gear.

Now if the switch is failing again to uphold nintendos repeated promise of "better third party support" and we have the next gen consoles that the switch cant even compete with the last gen, they need a new console to remain in the market.

Say hello to the switch becoming nintendos handheld replacement and welcome their next console that will no doubt have some old cheap tech to give bs gimmicks to mask the fact again they'll release cheap inferior hardware, subpar to the ps4/xbx1.

Agaij we will get the promise of better third party support, but this again will be in the form of all the old ports they lacked first time round.

While the hardware again will be limited, as devs push forward again towards the superior hardware, they will eventually ditch nintendos new console, this again leaving the market open to nintendo with its same old recycled titles.

The fanboys hate to see and admit this, and will defend until their last hear beat, but as a gamer, you can see the facts, how in game stores nintendo section gets smaller and smaller.

Now they use the excuse of it been portible, wow, who gives a f3ck, my phone runs better games at higher resolution than the switch.

But of we go back in time
Nes v master system = nes had better graphics
Snes v mega drive = again snes better graphics
N64 v ps1 = yup, better graphics
Cube v ps2 = omg again, better graphics.
Wii v ps3/360 = its not about graphics, its gameplay
Wii u v ps3/360 = yup, again not about graphics, its gameplay (ps3/360 old ports)
Switch v ps4/xbx1 = wow again not about graphics, its gameplay and f3ck me its portible (while you finally get to play all the games they lacked dating back to the ps2, and aparently nintendo fans now have a new excuse that if you didnt get chance to play the lazy nintendo wii u ports, now you can....... sure lets buy a new console to play its failed console games).

I mean, who pays over £200 for a new console and pay full price for a last gen port, when you likely already own that console (if you dont, maybe a reason, or could pick up real cheap) and if you didnt own the game (maybe a reason why), but you could even pick that up for less.

I just remember all the fanboys rushing to defend on this forum, complete denial and forcing the phrase opinion, when in dneial of your facts to why you dont like nintebdo, and force their opinion.

I mean surely if its based on "opnion" nintendo fans cant sit their upset and rush to defend and deny your "opnion" then force theirs and when proven wrong, backtrack and demand you respect their opinion, which using same logic would beg the question to why they couldnt accept yours and scroll on.

But no, they dont like to read the truth, and many times try quote crap you haven't said to sway the point off topic to avoid the point beeb made.

All i will say is that i am an old gamer and over the years my nintendo collection of games gets smaller and smaller, while ms and sony gets bigger and bigger.

I don't buy a new console to rebuy games i already own.

I don't give a crap if a console sells millions of units, if it lacks the games i want to play, then the console sales figure means fuck all.

Id rather see a console report its games breaks sales records, which is rare to see nintendo report in its first week, unless its its loyal fan base like pokemon (which i lost interest after they kept recycling the same game over an over and milking the cash cow by making multiple versions, but locking pokemon out in each version when it has them, thank god for cheat codes).

Ohh and as for console sales, nintendo are worse for milking the cash cow by re releasing the same console over and over but with a different skin or colour, knowing its devoted fans will rebuy each one as a collector.

Because we also know for a fact, once nintendo abandon a console, it becomes hard to find them in retail stores and its the scalpers that profit off putting nintendo games/consoles at stupid prices.

but you could also see it as, nintendo games get less copies pressed as third party titles dont sell as good as they do on other systems that have mire copies pressed, thus less rare to find compared to nintendo.

But before the fanboys rush in defence, just sit back and actually care to look back at past consoles/games and the excuses the fanboys used to spit out and to now.

And wait for nintendo to publicly announce its plans for its new next gen home console, which will be subpar to the ps4/xbx1, will have measly storage and will promise again better third party support.

But its cheap inferior hardware will restrict devs porting its new AAA titles it'll again end up been a port wh0re of all the promised better third party AAA titles the switch lacked and you again end up buying a new console to play all the games you already own or could buy said console and gamez for less (aka ps3/360/ps4/xbx1), again leaving the market open for nintendo to recycle its same old games, giving them better sales when it has no new current AAA titles to compete with.

And the switch will be phased into the 3ds replacement.

If nintendo fanboys cant stand the truth, rather than reject my "opnion" then try force yours, just sit back and watch it unfold.

We all know nintendo don't innovate, they never did, they did a cheap nasty attempt and others came along and did better (analogue for example), but everything nintendo have done since the cube as been cheap with gimmicks to try make it seem better than it is.

Sit back and watch folks.
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