Hacking Homebrew Using Pro Controller for DS Virtual Console?


Aug 31, 2022
my house
United States
Hello friends. Hope you are having a good holiday season. I was thinking earlier about the possibility of using a controller other than the GamePad to play DS games, specifically ones that don’t take advantage of the touchscreen or microphone. I did a quick search on both this site and Google and found nothing much on the matter. I had a few ideas on how more advanced modders present here may be able to pull this off, and I figured that I might discuss my ideas here to see if they would even be possible.

My first idea would be to edit the Virtual Console application (possibly in the .rpx file?) to replace the required controller from the GamePad to the Pro Controller/Classic Controller. This would most likely have to be done for each of the official titles since from my understanding a lot of them have slightly different versions of the DS VC emulator. Then someone could create an injection application for PC (similar to Injectiine or Phacox’s Injector) so users could inject their own DS games into GamePad-free Virtual Console apps.

My other idea would be to create a plugin for WUPS that would be ran before starting a DS Virtual Console title that would switch the controller to the Pro Controller, similar to how WUPS can load mods for MK8, BOTW, and Minecraft with the right plugins. Not sure if this idea would work because as I mentioned before all DS Virtual Console apps are slightly different, so making a universal plugin might not be ideal depending on how different they are.

Of course I am no expert, so I will not be the one who will be releasing any tools or apps to accomplish anything like this unfortunately. Using a standard controller for DS games might not ever be possible, but I thought it was worth throwing out there again and hopefully in the long run somebody will figure out how to do such a thing. (Also please feel free to tell me if these ideas are totally impossible and dumb to possibly prevent me from starting any more similar pointless threads thx.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
Somewhere close to my NES
With HIDtoVPAD its possible but unfortunately the only way out right now is by using a usb dongle (I use the mayflash MAGIC-NS) to use the Wii U pro controller as gamepad for Virtual console DS games. A plugin to "emulate" a gamepad via pro controller its a great idea and who knows, the Wii U homebrew scene still lives thanks to the great and talented devs.

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