[UPDATE] Epic Games buys out Rocket League studio, retracts previous statement on Steam availability


Epic Games has spent the past few months attempting to create a storefront, ensuring exclusives for it, and buying out developers to create games under their label. The latest acquisition Epic has made is the just-announced purchase of Psyonix, the studio behind the massively popular Rocket League. As a result of the buyout, Psyonix will be bringing Rocket League to the Epic Games store in late 2019. Once that has occurred, it will be entirely removed from sale on Steam, though if you already own the game on Valve's platform, nothing will change. According to Psyonix, the core game will not change, and they hope to find a new audience through Epic's launcher. The cost of the sale was not disclosed.

:arrow: Source


After the initial fallout of review bombing and anger from the game's fanbase on Steam, Psionix has edited in a statement on their news post. They've clarified that Rocket League "is and remains available on Steam", and that those on both platforms will be able to look forward to continued support and updates. However, the wording remains unclear if the game will definitively be pulled from Steam one day in the future, only that, for the time being, it will remain on the storefront.

Editor’s Note: We wanted to clarify something for you after today’s news: Rocket League is and remains available on Steam. Anyone who owns Rocket League through Steam can still play it and can look forward to continued support. Thanks!


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Funny how epic games is successful after fortnite and then decide to make a launcher. There's already so much launchers out there anyways. Why bring it over to Epic Games anyways? You are losing the workshop, trading card system, reviews, cloud saves, achievements, and many other good steam features. How can you trust a launcher that collects data from steam? Epic is just stealing games from valve and making them epic exclusive. It is not fair to steam users. This is like the console war but for pc. pc master race my ass.

Epic have been successful for many years at this point (them bringing or dismissing the unreal engine on your platform being a major component of whether they lived or died), though depending upon the person you are speaking too Fortnite was an unexpected golden goose. Most people probably resent paying a tithe to Valve and as the tech is nothing special then even more so, but trying to advertise or compete your way into viable competition is hard and the random passer by effect for Steam is probably something to note. If you have money to burn, investor backing and the payoff is potentially as big as it is then I can see pushing it hard, as opposed to making another store and hoping some of your users use that and thus you avoid paying Valve a cut of your income for the corporate equivalent of sitting there twiddling their thumbs.

Anyway workshop? Is it a game that benefits much from it? Also we had mods before Steam. They did just as well as they do with Steam, if not slightly better in some cases.
Cards? Meh. I supposed it is a monetisation strategy they might have to take in house as it were.
Reviews. Do the devs care about this? Also reviews are still available from the internet as a whole. I would agree that epic purposely missing reviews could be said to be a target for the low hanging fruit of the consumers... but since when do we care about those can't even be bothered to search for the thing they are set to drop a reasonable amount of money (for most people at least) on?
Online save backup (cloud saves if we must use a marketing term)? Rocket League in this case was something of an online game anyway as far as progression goes so no great shake there, not to mention is pointing a dropbox account at a saves folder that difficult?

Stealing games from Valve? Did Valve do more than allow them access to the shop? If Valve had funded part of the development or handled advertising/publishing duties something might be said but here Valve do little other than sit back and collect their cut, which is fine as things go but if someone offers more...
Fair to Steam users? Hahahahahaha. Classic. A) Is Steam "fair" or otherwise such a shining beacon for the PC at large? Between the censorship and the lack of second hand I am going with not so much and B) why is Steam worth defending to such an extent? Are they not an utterly replaceable service?

As for console war on PC then given the same hardware will run it then I am not seeing it. Functionally it seems to be the equivalent of one of those given shop exclusives, the extent of one's effort there being having to navigate to a different URL to buy it.

You may or may not be developing a case of the raging Steam fanboy, or maybe Steam Stockholm syndrome. Might want to keep an eye on that.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
At this point I am considering moving from unreal engine to unity just so I dont have to pay epic if I sell. I would protest at their HQ but I live far away...
Have Epic really rubbed you the wrong way enough that you would consider an engine swap for "moral" reasons?

Can I ask why such strong feelings on the matter?
May 3, 2019
Have Epic really rubbed you the wrong way enough that you would consider an engine swap for "moral" reasons?

Can I ask why such strong feelings on the matter?
I might be overreacting a little. But they took some of the games I was actually looking forward to and make them exclusives (outer worlds, borderlands). I am upset. Also they seem to think about the game devs second to their gamers. When they first merged the launcher with the games, the fortnite players crashed the login servers and I could not access my unreal engine library or assets for a few hours. They prioritize game updates over engine launching (cant launch engine while game is updating). I understand the whole business side of everything, but when their unreal engine store has all the features they 'promised' for the epic store and it is 2 clicks away and they still haven't changed anything, it pisses me off. Now they have the balls to straight up buy games off steam. PC gaming is supposed to be a place where you chose where you want to buy something, other companies sell their games on their own launcher and still put them on steam. They claim this is all 'pro consumer' and 'helping developers', its not. Its a way for them to just dominate the market.
but again I might be overreacting.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I might be overreacting a little. But they took some of the games I was actually looking forward to and make them exclusives (outer worlds, borderlands). I am upset. Also they seem to think about the game devs second to their gamers. When they first merged the launcher with the games, the fortnite players crashed the login servers and I could not access my unreal engine library or assets for a few hours. They prioritize game updates over engine launching (cant launch engine while game is updating). I understand the whole business side of everything, but when their unreal engine store has all the features they 'promised' for the epic store and it is 2 clicks away and they still haven't changed anything, it pisses me off. Now they have the balls to straight up buy games off steam. PC gaming is supposed to be a place where you chose where you want to buy something, other companies sell their games on their own launcher and still put them on steam. They claim this is all 'pro consumer' and 'helping developers', its not. Its a way for them to just dominate the market.
but again I might be overreacting.

The former stuff does sound like something that could irk a person looking to make something.

I am still not sure what "buying things off steam" (by the way that sounds more like they are simply buying games for their own use) has to do with anything though. Steam has plenty of things you can't get elsewhere -- it is one of my major issues with the platform. If am to tolerate Steam I fail to see why Epic kicking in a bit of money for the devs in return for making their store more popular, or enticing them with better rates, is something to be so lambasted. Basically why is Steam special enough to deserve a pass here? It is a paid for private platform after all. Similarly is having another account (just an account, not like it is an extra hardware or software purchase you have to do, or a monster install that gobbles half your hdd and RAM just for itself) that troubling a concept?
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I Won year sub Edge mag 1996 hot topic digitiser
Mar 10, 2019
United Kingdom
Thought all you epic fans may want to see the boss of epic posing in the latest edge magazine:lol:


Pun Master/Loser
Feb 11, 2016
Warp Zone
United States
People raging over EGS imo, have some justifications. If you're gonna make the argument that they aren't the only ones hoarding games, think about it for a second. Nintendo are the ones who created Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. ; Sony and Square Enix have worked together for years and Final Fantasy (One of few examples I know) has been an exclusive on Playstation for years until we got it on PC and Mobile. What EGS has done is buy a studio that already had a popular game running on multiple platforms and storefronts, and keep it to themselves. Yes, Rocket League was made using their tech, but really, everyone does so why should EGS be able to keep it to themselves. We may not know why RL devs agreed to be sold, but it brought bad rep to the public along.

If you don't like my reasoning, that's perfectly fine.

(All Tims made bad decisions)


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
People raging over EGS imo, have some justifications. If you're gonna make the argument that they aren't the only ones hoarding games, think about it for a second. Nintendo are the ones who created Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. ; Sony and Square Enix have worked together for years and Final Fantasy (One of few examples I know) has been an exclusive on Playstation for years until we got it on PC and Mobile. What EGS has done is buy a studio that already had a popular game running on multiple platforms and storefronts, and keep it to themselves. Yes, Rocket League was made using their tech, but really, everyone does so why should EGS be able to keep it to themselves. We may not know why RL devs agreed to be sold, but it brought bad rep to the public along.

If you don't like my reasoning, that's perfectly fine.

(All Tims made bad decisions)

" Sony and Square Enix have worked together for years and Final Fantasy"

It was on Nintendo before that (the NES and SNES being what initially made the series pop), not to mention being ported to a few other Japanese consoles (MSX and Wonderswan) and also some stuff on Nintendo handhelds throughout it all. It did also appear on the 360 for 13 (no qualms if you want to forget that) and Final Fantasy XI if you want to count that (it was an online effort so most don't do it in the numbered systems) then it was a generation exclusive to the 360 (ps2 version was out there but not a PS3 one). When you say PC do you mean 1 year? Final Fantasy 7 and 8 at least appeared one year after their PS1 debut (or debut in the west in some cases). 9 did also make it to PC but as that was some 16 years I will skip that, with some of the others also being similar timeframes.

Beyond all that though.

Square and then Square Enix are standalone companies. Nothing to do with Sony. If Sony chucked them some money and thus it does not count as much then what does buying a company or chucking them a considerable chunk of change count as?

I would like online store fronts to be the equivalent of disc based vendors in that I can usually go to whatever one I like (supermarket, game shop, guy down the local market... does not matter), however I am somewhat at a loss why people are bitching, pissing and moaning so hard here, especially if the bonus is it frustrates Steam a bit (if we are complaining about monopolies and arsehole tactics it is not like Steam is anywhere near clean here). As best as I can tell it is not like it even affects multiplayer.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
however I am somewhat at a loss why people are bitching, pissing and moaning so hard here,

A lot of people like the features steam has built in and don't like before forced to use a client that is far poorer in that regard.

Just because you either don't use them or want to handwave them away with "can do it myself with X program/another way" doesn't change that a lot of people like the overall package & convenience that steam provides.

I'm not really sure what's so confusing there. You might not care or like Steam's features or overall package, others do, hence the complaining.

On top of lack of features we also have linux users being shut out in the cold (Rocket league supports linux, EGS does not).


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
A lot of people like the features steam has built in and don't like before forced to use a client that is far poorer in that regard.

Just because you either don't use them or want to handwave them away with "can do it myself with X program/another way" doesn't change that a lot of people like the overall package & convenience that steam provides.

I'm not really sure what's so confusing there. You might not care or like Steam's features or overall package, others do, hence the complaining.

On top of lack of features we also have linux users being shut out in the cold (Rocket league supports linux, EGS does not).

So it is whining I can largely ignore by people at best seeking some minor conveniences, possibly even mistaking something for them (start - [folder] - game of choice or load program, find game, launch game).or settling for lesser versions because they are inbuilt. Sweet.

The Linux stuff is not ideal but a fairly minor thing in the long run.

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