Soul Reaper - a homebrew 3ds title (that I'm making)


May 31, 2023
United States
Hello there, I'm PronoesPro (this isn't my presentation post, I already did that a while back) and I'm working on a game for the 3ds (more specifically the 3ds XL since it's the one that I currently own) on the Unity engine, using the version 5.6.5f1.
The game is called "Soul Reaper" and is in early production, with the only things that I currently have been shown in the video bellow.
Important things I made so far:
-A custom tilemap system since Unity doesn't have one in this version
-A custom text renderer since it seems that the 3ds hates canvas stuff
-A 3d player model since 2d sprites are a big hassle to use
-Particle systems that look completely white on the 3ds

The video bellow is run on unity since there are a couple kinks and quirks that I have to fix on the 3ds version, and it's just to show the idea of it: a fast paced combat driven platformer where the main mechanic is that you turn into a ball of fire (a soul) to go faster and avoid damage.
I know that combat isn't there at all in this video, but I just want to share this, since I spent several weeks trying to get this basic stuff working because of the 3ds' limitations, but I will start working on it now that it works (and it works great).

If you're interested, I will post every once in a while, and there will be some gaps in time in which I won't post, but that doesn't mean I'm not working on this, just that there are other things more important taking priority (this is a side project, after all).
Anyways, sorry to waste so much of your time and have a nice one,
Last edited by PronoesPro,

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