Pokémon GO Summer Tour 2018 Announced


Remember that AR mobile phone game that everyone was playing a few years ago? It still exists and is having another tour this year. In a news update post today, The Pokémon GO team announced the comeback of the Pokémon GO Summer Tour.

Unlike last year's U.S.-only event, this year's includes more places:
  • July 14 to July 15: Pokémon GO Fest 2018: A Walk in the Park in Lincoln Park, Chicago (single-day passes go on sale on May 11 for $20 on the event website)
  • June 30 to July 1: Safari Zone event in Dortmund's Westfalenpark, Germany (open event)
  • Later this Summer: Safari Zone event in Yokosuka, Japan
The events are open to anyone to join but if you can't make it to any of the event this summer, the post mentions that you can join in the fun by engaging "in a variety of activities and challenges, so you’ll be able to take part no matter where you are. Announcements on these features will be forthcoming."

Are you still playing Pokémon GO? And if so, are you looking forward to join one of the events mentioned above? Or maybe you stopped playing altogether and forgot about the app on your phone? If that's the case, what made you drop the game altogether?

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gbatemp's shadiest warez dealer
Aug 9, 2016
United States
decided to visit gbatemp after like 3 months.

come back to find out this game still has enough players to sustain itself. STILL waiting for trading or pvp like its original teaser :glare:

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