Homebrew Please Stop Following YouTube Tutorials For A9LH

  • Thread starter Joom
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Other Nickname Legarad
May 28, 2008
I can recommend to Hirobyte for people who speak Spanish, he has website and very well done. Its text guides are also visual and use a web designer similar to pailect.
It has twitter also, and had youtube channel but had warnings of nintendo

As I was saying the website made by Hirobyte, you may notice that its design is similar to Pailect. The difference is that website also has images in its guides, I wish they could take that website as an example


Retro Collector
Jun 4, 2015
Minus World
THIS. There have been many times when I post a video demonstrating homebrew features and explicitly provided the link to Plailect's guide (or any other official guide on GBAtemp/GitHub for their respective tools) only to be greeted with such comments as:
Screen Shot 2017-01-08 at 17.31.57.png
This was on a video where a link to a guide was included in the very first line of the description and the video title explicitly pointed to said description. Users complaining and asking for a video tutorial had failed to even pay attention to the video they were complaining on.

In the past I've made video tutorials on various topics and recognise that often when an update comes out sometimes information in that video becomes obsolete or even unsafe to follow. With a written guide, it can be something as simple as changing one line of text to reflect the changes while retaining all other parts of the guide, but for a video it would mean having to re-record all parts of the video, re-edit, re-check, and re-upload just for one change. And even after posting an updated video, there's no guarantee that people will stop following the old one and move onto the new one. Case in point: many years ago I made a tutorial on how to perform a system restore on a mobile device. Since then, there have been some updates and the exact method is now different, so I posted a new video with updated instructions while changing the previous video's description and title as well as adding annotations to state that the video is obsolete and to direct viewers to the updated tutorial. Despite this, people were still following the old tutorial and ignoring the notes that it was outdated and an updated guide was available. As a result, both videos were scrapped.

There's nothing inherently wrong with trying to explain things in a video or for a viewer to prefer watching something being done rather than reading about it. Video tutorials are great for tasks that follow similar/fixed patterns and stay relatively the same over time, like makeup tutorials or game walkthroughs. But for something that is constantly being updated such as software and technology, a fixed and non-updatable video guide can be ineffective in the best case, and harmful in the worst case. Just thought I'd provide some commentary from the perspective of someone who once made video tutorials.
Last edited by NekoMichi,


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2016
United States
THIS. There have been many times when I post a video demonstrating homebrew features and explicitly provided the link to Plailect's guide (or any other official guide on GBAtemp/GitHub for any particular tools) only to be greeted with such comments as:
This was on a video where a link to a guide was included in the very first line of the description and the video title explicitly pointed to said description.

GBAtemp has a like button, but where is the option to say that you love posts?

We need more of this. Not those litle video guides which uses outdated tools. What we should do is just make updates when new exploits come out and etc...

TCPixel already did this and you're also. Congrats. I wish there was a way to put this into those search results.
Last edited by NightScript,


GBAtemp Stoner
Oct 22, 2008
I'm so high, I don't even know!
United States
Well after over 48 hours(more on than off), I'm finally done. I went over it for errors three times, there shouldn't be any. Let me know what you guys think. I did this for people who have trouble following the written guide. There is literally a picture for every step minus key presses. I also have the pictures labelled in a way so that someone would be able to plug them in step by step, if they wanted(rar'ing up now and then I just have to upload somewhere and post). ***ALL CREDIT GOES TO PLAILECT FOR THE GUIDE*** I'm not looking for anything, I just wanted to try and help the less tech savvy, visual learners and the people who might not speak English well.

Plailect's "The Guide" to AL9H 9.0.0-11.2.0
(With Pictures)

Homebrew Launcher (SoundHax)

The Homebrew Launcher has many different entrypoints, or methods of launching.

SoundHax is compatible with versions 9.0.0 through 11.2.0 in the EUR, JPN, KOR, and USA regions.

What you need
  1. Copy the contents of the starter.zip to the root of your SD card
  2. Copy the SoundHax .m4a to the root of your SD card
  3. Copy the otherapp payload to the root of your SD card and rename it to otherapp.bin
  4. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
  5. Launch Nintendo 3DS Sound
  6. Go through all of the bird tips, then close the app normally and reopen it
    • Launching SoundHax immediately would cause these tips to appear on every launch of the Nintendo 3DS Sound until this is done
  7. Play the SoundHax .m4a
  8. Your console should load the homebrew menu
Continue to Decrypt9 (Homebrew Launcher)

Decrypt9 (Homebrew Launcher)

Due to a bug, safehax currently requires a functioning cartridge of some kind (3ds, nds, flashcart, etc) to be inserted in order to complete successfully. As a temporary workaround, users less than or equal to 9.2.0 who do not own any cartridges can copy Decrypt9WIP.3dsx to /3ds/ and run it directly without any hax.

What you need
  1. Create a folder named files9 on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist
  2. Copy and merge the contents of the safehax+fasthax .zip to root of your SD card, overwrite existing files
  3. Copy Decrypt9WIP.bin from the Decrypt9WIP .zip to the root of your SD card and rename Decrypt9WIP.bin to arm9.bin
  4. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
  5. Enter the homebrew launcher
  6. Launch safehax
  7. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into Decrypt9
Continue to 2.1.0 ctrtransfer

2.1.0 ctrtransfer

If you downgrade to 2.1.0 on a 2DS or New 3DS and left Wireless Communication off, you can re-enable the wireless by removing the battery for several seconds then booting back up.

If you’ve been using the New 3DS’s microSD Management to transfer files to your SD card, this will no longer work on 2.1.0, make sure to have a microSD card reader on hand before proceeding.

Your device may not show your installed games after the ctrtransfer. This is due to the tickets being removed by the transfer, which is why you back them up. They will be restored at the end of the guide.

For now, connecting your device to the internet is REQUIRED to continue after the 2.1.0 ctrtransfer.
Disable the parental controls of your device before doing the 2.1.0 ctrtransfer. If you do not know the password, see this site.

Performing a ctrtransfer will remove all user-installed tickets from the device until a backup is restored. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you skip creating the backup, or you will LOSE access to all installed games and saves!

Never format a 2DS while on a version <6.0.0 or you will be unable to complete initial setup and will BRICK!

Never update a New 3DS running 2.1.0 (an Old 3DS firmware) or you will BRICK! You MUST restore a NAND backup or ctrtransfer back to standard New 3DS firmware first!

Overview of steps
In this section, we will be flashing your console’s CTRNAND partition to 2.1.0 in order to take advantage of an oversight in 2.1.0 for the purpose of extracting the OTP unique to your console. This OTP file is required to install arm9loaderhax, and cannot be shared with other consoles.

This is accomplished by installing a premade ctrtransfer image containing 2.1.0, copying your console specific files (such as moveable.sed and SecureInfo_A) to it, then fixing the title databases.
The OTP is a requirement to use arm9loaderhax.

What you need
Section I - Prep work
You should be in Decrypt9 for these steps.

  1. Press (Select) on the main menu to eject your SD card, then put it in your computer
  2. Copy the 2.1.0 .bin and .bin.sha from the ctrtransfer .zip to the /files9/ folder on your SD card
  3. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
  4. Press (B) to get to the Decrypt9 main menu
Section II - ctrtransfer
Having a backup of your device’s NAND is REQUIRED. You will be prompted to create one as part of the steps if you do not already have one.

Skipping this backup will result in the LOSS of all installed games and saves!

If you do not know whether or not you already have a NAND backup, create one when prompted by pressing (A) just to be sure.

If you do not have enough space to create the backup, you can either backup to a different SD card or clear space on your current SD card by pressing (Select) on the Decrypt9WIP main menu to eject your SD card and allow it to be swapped with a different SD card or to clear space on your current SD card

  1. Go to “SysNAND Options”, then “CTRNAND Transfer”, then “Auto CTRNAND Transfer”
  2. Select the 2.1.0 ctrtransfer image when prompted by pressing (A)
  3. If you do not already have a NAND backup, backup SysNAND to NANDmin.bin when prompted by pressing (A)
    • Having a backup of your device’s NAND is REQUIRED.
    • Skipping this backup will result in the LOSS of all installed games and saves!
  4. Allow the transfer process to proceed automatically, this may take some time
  5. Once the transfer is complete, press (B) to go back
  6. Press (Select) to eject your SD card
  7. Delete the 2.1.0 ctrtransfer image .bin and .bin.sha from the /files9/ folder on your SD card
  8. Press (Start) to reboot without reinserting your SD card
    • While on 2.1.0, the device will black screen on boot if your SD card is inserted before the home menu loads
  9. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS after the home menu loads
    • Every time the device is rebooted on 2.1.0, you will need to take out your SD card before boot and put it back in after the home menu loads
    • This will be fixed once you restore your device in the next page
The initial boot of 2.1.0 can take slightly longer than a standard boot on some devices.

(Screen distortions or discolorations are normal for some devices while on 2.1.0, they will go away once you restore your backup)

Putting a New 3DS on 2.1.0 in sleep mode is known to cause an UNRECOVERABLE brick! This only happens when shutting the lid while the device is on; this does not apply to turning the device off. The device only enters sleep mode when the lid is closed. It is not on a timer or anything like that. You should continue without delay to avoid any possibility of this happening!

Continue to Installing arm9loaderhax

Installing arm9loaderhax

The final Step of this guide is to install arm9loaderhax and setup Luma3DS to run just milliseconds into the boot. This is accomplished by using SafeA9LHInstaller by AuroraWright.

This will install AuroraWright’s Fork of arm9loaderhax.

We will also setup the ability to launch payloads from arm9loaderhax, giving us the ability to unbrick our SysNAND from situations that would normally brick us by restoring from backup.

You cannot use another console’s OTP or you will brick GUARANTEED.

Overview of steps
In this section, we will go through the process that all the other steps have led up to: actually installing arm9loaderhax.

This is nearly the best possible kind of device exploit because it is permanently installable into the NAND firm partitions, and runs before most of the OS loads, allowing it to not only work on all versions once installed, but also protect itself and recover from most situations that would brick a non-A9LH 3DS such as a nonfunctional home menu or bad title install.

The file arm9loaderhax.bin is what is launched by arm9loaderhax itself after it finishes loading off of NAND, and can be any valid arm9 payload. This file can be replaced at any time, although Luma3DS allows for the launch of other arm9 payloads by holding buttons on boot.

In this case, we use Luma3DS by AuroraWright to boot a patched SysNAND directly, allowing us to completely bypass the need for any kind of EmuNAND, vastly simplifying the usage of a hacked 3DS in addition to saving SD card space.

Once arm9loaderhax is installed and Luma3DS is setup with the correct options, we then restore our previous backup.

During this process, we also setup programs such as the following:

  • FBI (installs CIA formatted games and applications)
  • Luma3DS Updater (updates our CFW installation easily)
  • Hourglass9 (multipurpose tool which can do NAND and cartridge functions)
What you need
  • aeskeydb.bin (link removed download from the guide)
  • fbi-2.4.2-injectable.zip (link removed download from the guide)
  • data_input_v3.zip (link removed download from the guide)
  • The latest fork of SafeA9LHInstaller (the .7z file)
  • The latest release of arm9loaderhax (the .7z file)
  • The latest release of Luma3DS (the .7z file)
  • The latest release of hblauncher_loader
  • The latest release of Hourglass9
  • The latest release of Luma3DS Updater
  • The latest release of DspDump
  • The latest release of FBI
  • The latest release of GodMode9
  • The Homebrew Starter Kit
Section I - Prep work

Ensure you are using an SD card that is not corrupted!

If you use a corrupted SD card without fixing it, you may BRICK!

If you think your SD card may be corrupted, check your SD card for errors using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3X (Mac)!

  1. If it exists, copy the /files9/ folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer and back it up to multiple locations (such as online file storage); the files inside could save you from total data loss if you break your system
  2. Create a folder named cias on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist
  3. Delete the a9lh folder from the root of your SD card if it exists
    • If you accidentally install arm9loaderhax using another device’s OTP.bin, you will BRICK!
  4. Delete the 3ds folder from the root of your SD card if it exists
  5. Copy the contents of the starter.zip to the root of your SD card
    • This will include a brand new 3ds folder to replace the one you just deleted
  6. Copy the contents of the SafeA9LHInstaller .7z to the root of your SD card
  7. Copy the a9lh folder from the data_input .zip to the root of your SD Card
  8. Copy the contents of the arm9loaderhax release .7z to a9lh folder on your SD card
  9. Copy hblauncher_loader.cia from the hblauncher_loader .zip to the /cias/ folder on your SD card
  10. Copy lumaupdater.cia from the Luma3DS Updater .zip to the /cias/ folder on your SD card
  11. Copy FBI.cia from the FBI .zip to the /cias/ folder on your SD card
  12. Copy arm9loaderhax.bin from the Luma3DS .7z to the root of your SD card, overwrite existing files
  13. Create a folder named luma on the root of your SD card
  14. Create a folder named payloads in the luma folder on your SD card
  15. Copy Hourglass9.bin from the Hourglass9 .zip to the /luma/payloads/ folder on your SD card and rename Hourglass9.bin to start_Hourglass9.bin
  16. Copy GodMode9.bin from the GodMode9 .zip to the /luma/payloads/ folder on your SD card and rename GodMode9.bin to up_GodMode9.bin
  17. Copy aeskeydb.bin to the /files9/ folder on your SD card
  18. Copy DspDump.3dsx to the /3ds/ folder on your SD card
  19. Copy the contents of fbi-2.4.2-injectable.zip to the /files9/ folder on your SD card
Section II - Installing arm9loaderhax
  1. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
  2. Do the steps for installing arm9loaderhax on your device:
    • You should be on 2.1.0
    • Go to http://dukesrg.github.io/2xrsa.html?arm11.bin on your 3DS
    • If you get the error “This service is not available in your region”, use the System Settings to set your device’s country to match the NAND region you installed with 2.1.0 ctrtransfer
    • If you get another error, follow this troubleshooting guide
    • If you get a glitched screen, follow this troubleshooting guide
    • Press (Select) to Full Install
    • The installer will now install arm9loaderhax on your device (this is very fast)
    • Shut down your console, hold the power button until it turns off if necessary
    • Copy your console specific OTP.bin from the /a9lh/ folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer and back it up to multiple locations (such as online file storage), then reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
Section III - Configuring Luma3DS
  1. Hold select on boot to enter the Luma3DS menu
  2. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following:
    • “Autoboot SysNAND”
    • “Use SysNAND FIRM if booting with R”
    • “Show NAND or user string in System Settings”
  3. If you are using a New 3DS, you should also enable the following:
    • “New 3DS CPU” to “Clock+L2(x)”
    • This will increase the framerate of many games, but may cause instability in others
    • If some games do not work properly, disable this option and try again
  4. Press Start to save and reboot
    • If you get a black screen, just continue to the next section
    • If you get a “Failed to mount CTRNAND” error, just continue to the next section
Section IV - Restoring the System
If, before following this guide, you already had an EmuNAND setup and would like to move the contents of your previous EmuNAND to your new SysNAND CFW, now is the time to follow Move EmuNAND instead of doing the first four steps in this section.

  1. Open Hourglass9 from arm9loaderhax by holding (Start) on boot
  2. Go to “SysNAND Backup/Restore”
  3. Restore from NANDmin.bin
  4. Press (Start) to reboot
  5. If your backup was of a version between 3.0.0 and 4.5.0, your console will not boot until you manually download the required firmware:
    • Download this file and rename it to firmware.bin
    • Download this file
    • Copy firmware.bin and cetk to the /luma/ folder on your SD card
    • Delete both of these files after updating your 3DS
  6. Update your 3DS by going to System Settings, then “Other Settings”, then going all the way to the right and using “System Update”
    • Updates while using A9LH + Luma (what you have) are safe, stop asking about it
    • The warning about never updating a New 3DS from 2.1.0 does not apply after restoring your NAND backup.
    • If this gives you an error, set your DNS settings to “auto”
    • If this still gives you an error and your NAND is below 9.2.0, follow 9.2.0 ctrtransfer
Section V - Injecting FBI
  1. Open Hourglass9 from arm9loaderhax by holding (Start) on boot
  2. Go to “SysNAND Backup/Restore”, then select the “Health&Safety Dump” option to dump Health & Safety to hs.app (you can use Up and Down / Left and Right to change the name)
  3. Press (B), then select the “Health&Safety Inject” option
  4. Select the FBI injectable .app for your region
  5. Press (A) and confirm to inject
  6. Press (Start) to reboot
  7. If you still launch to the stock Health & Safety app and have downgraded with Gateway in the past, follow this troubleshooting guide
Section VI - Finalizing setup
  1. Open Health and Safety (which is now FBI)
  2. Select “SD”
  3. Select “cias”
  4. Navigate to FBI.cia and press (A) to install
  5. Navigate to hblauncher_loader.cia and press (A) to install
  6. Navigate to lumaupdater.cia and press (A) to install
  7. Return to the SD directory with (B)
  8. Navigate to arm9loaderhax.bin, then press (A) on it and select the “Copy” option
  9. Return to the FBI main menu with (B)
  10. Select “CTR NAND”
  11. Select “<current directory>”
  12. Select the “Paste” option, then press (A) to confirm
  13. Exit with the home button
  14. Launch the Homebrew Launcher from the home menu
  15. Select “DSP Dump”
  16. Press (Start) when prompted to exit
  17. Reboot while holding Start to launch Hourglass9
  18. Go to “SysNAND Backup/Restore”, then select “Health&Safety Inject”
  19. Select hs.app (the original one that doesn’t contain FBI), then press (A) and confirm to inject
  20. Press (Select) on the main menu to eject your SD card
  21. Press (Start) to reboot with the SD card removed
    • Booting the device at least once with the SD card removed will allow you to configure the CTRNAND based luma installation
  22. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following:
    • “Show NAND or user string in System Settings”
  23. If you are using a New 3DS, you should also enable the following:
    • “New 3DS CPU” to “Clock+L2(x)”
    • This will increase the framerate of many games, but may cause instability in others
    • If some games do not work properly, disable this option and try again
  24. Reinsert your SD card, then press Start to save and reboot!
If DSi / DS functionality has broken (such as DS carts or DSiWare no longer working), follow this troubleshooting guide

You can now use Luma3DS Updater to update your Luma3DS to the latest version just by opening it and pressing (A).
This is not the same thing as a System Update; it just downloads and extracts the newest Luma3DS files. Luma3DS Updater only updates the files located on the SD card.
This will only update the Luma3DS files on the SD Card. If you boot the device without an SD card, it will use whatever version you placed in CTR NAND.

You will now boot a Custom Firmware based SysNAND by default.
You can now hold (Select) on boot to launch the Luma3DS configuration menu.
You can now hold (Start) on boot to launch Hourglass9, an arm9loaderhax safe multipurpose NAND and cartridge tool.

You can update your arm9loaderhax installation in the future by following the instructions on the Updating A9LH page.

To use NTR CFW, get ntr.bin from the appropriate .zip on this page and copy it to the root of your SD card, then install BootNTR.cia from this page.

Keep your NANDmin.bin file, it can be restored by Hourglass9 to save you from a brick in the future.

You can remove your NAND backups from /files9/ as long as you still have them backed up to a safe location.

You can remove any extra files and folders from the root of the SD card that are not in the following list:

+ 3ds
+ files9
+ hblauncherloader
+ luma
+ Nintendo 3DS
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
+ boot.3dsx

For information on changing your device to another region, check out the Region Changing page.

For information on keeping your A9LH installation up to date, check out the Updating A9LH page.

For information on using Luma3DS’s various features, check out its wiki.

I finished adding step by step pictures to Plailect's Guide if anyone is interested.
Last edited by BL4Z3D247,
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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
Crazy idea here, what if someone uploads a video on how to A9LH, but it just says to read 3ds.guide.Then we all watch it so it goes to the first one a person would see?

The video uploader will likely get lots of hate and scrutiny. YT community is very much one of the largest toxic cesspool that have ever existed since the internet was invented, not to mention the majority of YT audience tend to be kids who are barely legally qualified to open a bank account but have no issue flaming, stalking, bullying and trolling anyone they meet on the interweb.

People tend to forget that pretty much all of these so-called 3DS hacks/downgrade videos are made and uploaded by some random dude who only did one or two successful downgrade. These uploaders don't take their time or liberty to property explain the heads nor tails on what each and every steps or function does but rather cuts through lots of detail that may be vital to some potential users. Worst of all, there are numerous instances where these video clearly encourages people to follow their steps since they claim it's "fastest, easiest, 100% works" this in it's self is highly dangerous and misleading.


Jan 8, 2016
United States
The video uploader will likely get lots of hate and scrutiny. YT community is very much one of the largest toxic cesspool that have ever existed since the internet was invented, not to mention the majority of YT audience tend to be kids who are barely legally qualified to open a bank account but have no issue flaming, stalking, bullying and trolling anyone they meet on the interweb.

People tend to forget that pretty much all of these so-called 3DS hacks/downgrade videos are made and uploaded by some random dude who only did one or two successful downgrade. These uploaders don't take their time or liberty to property explain the heads nor tails on what each and every steps or function does but rather cuts through lots of detail that may be vital to some potential users. Worst of all, there are numerous instances where these video clearly encourages people to follow their steps since they claim it's "fastest, easiest, 100% works" this in it's self is highly dangerous and misleading.
Fortunately, the YouTube community isn't the one we try to cater to. Not to mention that if it came to that comments and all that can be disabled (but this also implies that the uploader easily succumbs to abuse). I just wish that these uploaders wouldn't get overly ambitious after doing something once, and feel the need to gain e-fame for something they truly don't deserve credit for; especially since these videos definitely aren't few and far between. A lot of these people have never been a part of any other scene, and their ignorance of how things work becomes personified.
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The Red Woman
Mar 28, 2016
United States
That right there is the biggest problem ^. Video tutorials aren't always taboo if the uploader/end user are educated about what they're doing. Like you said, too many people do something ONE time and all of a sudden they are masters. Then you have tons of people asking, "Ok well what if this happens?" and the answer is always "I don't know, it worked for me!" Then an influx of those threads start coming up. Honestly, I try to to watch those videos as often as I can and correct some misinformation on them but it rarely goes well since everyone is "1000% sure they know what they're doing" then ask questions like "Can I use NTR instead of Luma?". IMHO I have no sympathy for anyone that doesn't take the time to think for themselves and just blindly follow what some random person on YouTube tells you. the guide at least has tons of credibility. Perhaps I'm old school but I like to understand what I'm doing before actually doing it. Noobs should do that first. Not to say they should learn HOW A9LH works but at the very least what it can do/does before going for it. It always reminds me of those people that share heated arguments from artciles on The Onion and get mad when you tell them it was a farce. Lol
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