LGBTQIA+ Tempers!



Doctor Spaceballs
Feb 28, 2024
United States

Society at large is so petty. infantile and stupid that I am effectively alienated from it by way of reason intellectually. I'm Epicurean and apolitical, if forced to describe my political stance it's libertine rationialism. People will pursue fulfillment of their desires and biological necessities no matter what the politics are, all men created equal including women and gay men in the pursuit of happiness and liberty with every right to do so if it's not an impediment to other's rights. I'm not expressly liberal nor conservative, not politically polarized or interested in politics; independent and bipartisan judging other's debated issue for its merit as a logical and effective policy that promotes freedom or that is the most effective solution to a problem which doesn't violate anyone's rights. The reason that I consider society alien to me is that it fetishes, accentuates and obsesses over differences when we all have much more in common as members of the same species. In the sense that we are a Type Zero civilization on the Kardashev scale and don't even rate on a scale of cosmic advancement for another 200 years long past our lifetimes. The comparable difference between us and any aliens advanced enough to visit Earth is the comparable difference between us and fish. All aliens see is different colored goldfish with varying mating habits, nothing but the same species of fish as an analogy. Racism, sexism, discrimination including homophobia sets us back in advancement compared to a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization. In closing, government has no place telling two consenting adults what they can do with their genitals in the privacy of their own home. Neither does any institution or anyone else.

As such, I promote absolute sexual freedom within age of consent. I'm an ally to everyone who has a right to pursue happiness and nemesis to all enemies of freedom oppressing others or violating their rights. I myself prefer intellectual pursuits to sexual pursuits and identify as heteroabnormative because I am also 'other' as in yes I'm attracted to women the same gender as my mother but otherwise I've little to no interest in sex.
Last edited by Tuhr,


The Dark Truth-Bringer
Jan 26, 2024
Czech Republic

Society at large is so petty. infantile and stupid that I am effectively alienated from it by way of reason intellectually. I'm Epicurean and apolitical, if forced to describe my political stance it's libertine rationialism. People will pursue fulfillment of their desires and biological necessities no matter what the politics are, all men created equal including women and gay men in the pursuit of happiness and liberty with every right to do so if it's not an impediment to other's rights. I'm not expressly liberal nor conservative, not politically polarized or interested in politics; independent and bipartisan judging other's debated issue for its merit as a logical and effective policy that promotes freedom or that is the most effective solution to a problem which doesn't violate anyone's rights. The reason that I consider society alien to me is that it fetishes, accentuates and obsesses over differences when we all have much more in common as members of the same species. In the sense that we are a Type Zero civilization on the Kardashev scale and don't even rate on a scale of cosmic advancement for another 200 years long past our lifetimes. The comparable difference between us and any aliens advanced enough to visit Earth is the comparable difference between us and fish. All aliens see is different colored goldfish with varying mating habits, nothing but the same species of fish as an analogy. Racism, sexism, discrimination including homophobia sets us back in advancement compared to a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization. In closing, government has no place telling two consenting adults what they can do with their genitals in the privacy of their own home. Neither does any institution or anyone else.

As such, I promote absolute sexual freedom within age of consent. I'm an ally to everyone who has a right to pursue happiness and nemesis to all enemies of freedom oppressing others or violating their rights. I myself prefer intellectual pursuits to sexual pursuits and identify as heteroabnormative because I am also 'other' as in yes I'm attracted to women the same gender as my mother but otherwise I've little to no interest in sex.
I talked to him in my dreams few times, to Kurt. He was interesting to talk to. He was next to garages in my old place, talking to me about stuff. I do not remember what the conversation was anymore though because I had a memory loss in between and its harder to remember dreams clearly.

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The Catboy

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